Fokker, Atlantic, Fokker-Hall, General Aviation
1923: Atlantic Aircraft Corp, Teterboro and Wheeling WV, on obtaining a government contract to modify De Havilland DH-4s as mail planes, then as an importing agency for Fokker's Dutch designs (as Netherlands Aircraft Mfg Co of America in 1924). 1924: Absorbed Witteman-Lewis Co plant. 1926: (Anthony) Fokker Aircraft Co, Teterboro NJ. 1927: Fokker Aircraft Corp of America, Passaic NJ & Glendale WV, and Atlantic Aircraft Div, Hasbrouck Heights NJ. 1929: Became a subsidiary of General Motors as General Aviation Corp (GAC). 1930: Recapitalization by General Aviation Mfg Corp (GAMC). 1931: Ended operations because of the Depression and a much-publicized crash of an F-10 on 3/31/31 in which famed football coach, Knute Rockne, and seven others were killed. 1933: GAC assets turned over to GAMC, who also acquired Berliner-Joyce Co, then in a stock exchange became a subsidiary of North American Aviation and, subsequently, Rockwell.
Although Dutch born, Anthony Fokker got his break in Germany during WW1. Many US Fokker products were for a time referred to as Atlantic or Atlantic-Fokker, and model designations were AF, as well as F. In 1918 he shifted his operations to the Netherlands. Type letters for Fokker aircraft originated in the German system for designating military aircraft, but further letters were added as required (*). Letters were used in combination with a sequential design number (initially in Roman numerals) in each type letter series. Several designs were exclusively used by the Fokker subsidiary in the USA. Fokker type letters were:
B = Amphibian(*)
C = General purpose
D = Doppeldecker (Biplane Fighter), later Fighter
Dr = Dreidecker (Triplane Fighter)
E = Eindecker (Monoplane Fighter)
F = Transport aircraft(*)
G = Twin-engine fighter/bomber(*)
K = Kampfflugzeug (Fighter)
S = Trainer (*)
T = Bomber(*)
V = Versuchflugzeug (Experimental)
W = Wasserflugzeug (Flying Boat)

Fokker C-2 America [NX206]

7 (C-2) 1927 = 10pChwM; three 200hp Wright J-4; span: 71'3" length: 48'6" v: 116. Repowered with 220hp J-5. POP: about 25, of which 19 to AAC as C-2, three to USN/USMC as TA-1 [A7561/7563]. One gained fame as Adm Richard Byrd's transatlantic [NX206] America, others in Jan 1929 in transcontinental endurance flight as Question Mark (p: Ira Eaker, Carl Spaatz), and transpacific flight as Bird of Paradise (p: Lester Maitland, Albert Hegenberger).

Fokker 11 [X449E]

11 aka Fokker-Hall H-51 1928 = 3pChwM; 115hp Siemens-Halske. Motor options were 100hp Kinner K-5, 120hp Walter, and 90hp Cirrus. All-metal, folding-wing personal plane design about which very little was recorded; it was neither designed nor built by Fokker and might have been a contracted work as it just "showed up" one day at Teterboro for flight testing. Hall might be Charles Hall, who founded Hall-Aluminum Aircraft. POP: 1 [X449E] c/n 1100. Dismantled in 1935 by North American Corp.

12 - Redesignated as F-32.

13 1928 = 2pOhwM; 80hp Anzani, later replaced by 90hp LeBlond. Somewhat similar to model 11 and Skeeter, with side-by-side cockpit, strut-braced parasol wing, fabric- covered fuselage, and also a mystery plane with no factory confirmation of its existence except the assigned c/n 1300. POP: 1 [X7283]. SEE Miller (Montclair NJ, 1928) for recent information.

14 - Redesignated as F-14.

Fokker A-2 [AS64234]

A-2 1923 = Aerial ambulance conversion from T-2; POP: 1 [AS64234]. Designation "A" was transferred in 1924 from "Ambulance" to "Attack" class.

Fokker XA-7 [30-226]

A-7 (General Aviation) 1930 = 2pOlwM; 600hp Curtiss V-1570 Conqueror; span: 43'11" (>46'9") length: 31'11" (>31'0") load: 1784# v: 190/184/61. All-metal attack bomber, a sharp-looking creation like right out of a "Tailspin Tommy" comic strip, with streamlined panted gear, four wing guns. It was the first monoplane designed for attack purposes. POP: 1 as XA-7 [30-226], rebuilt in 1931 with a new nose, but chronic cooling problems brought abandonment of the project.

Fokker AO-1 [AS68557]

AO-1 (Model 3) aka Atlantic Observation 1924 (Fokker-Holland) = 2pOB; 420hp Liberty; span: 39'6" length: 30'4" v: 135. The wartime Fokker D.7 heritage was obvious in this Dutch-built design, included here because of its unique role in US military designations. POP: 1 for Army as a sole entry for evaluation in the original "AO"("Artillery Observation") classification [AS68557]. After rejection in favor of the Douglas XO-2, it was modified as CO-4A, and 5 additional planes were purchased.

Fokker XB-8 [29-328]

B-8 1930 = 3pOhwM; two 600hp Curtiss V-1570; span: 64'0" length: 47'0" load: 3684# v: 160. POP: 1 as XB-8, modified from prototype XO-27A [29-328]; 6 contracted as YB-8, were redesignated as Y1O-27 [31-598/603].

B-11 1928 = No data, likely was an F-11, but no explanation was found for the non-military "B" designation. POP: 1, custom-built for Harold S Vanderbilt of New York City [149], who was known to favor amphibians.

BA-1 SEE F-7-A-3M.

Fokker C-2 Maitland in Hawaii [26-202]

C-2 (Atlantic) 1926 = Army version of Dutch-built F-VIIA/3m, repowered with three 220hp Wright R-790; span: 63'6" length: 47'6" load: 2565# v: 129/116/63 range: 355 ceiling: 15,500'. POP: 3 [26-202/204], the first of which was modified with 71'2" wing as Bird of Paradise to the first transpacific flight, Oakland-Honolulu, on 6/28/27 (p: Lts Lester Maitland, Albert Hegenberger).

Fokker C-2A Question Mark [28-120]

C-2A 1928 = Long-wing version; span: 74'2" length: 48'4". POP: 8 [28-118/126], of which 1 became Question Mark [28-120], setting the endurance record of 150 hours in Jan 1929 over Los Angeles (p: Maj Carl Spaatz, Ira Eaker).

C-5 1929 = AAC version of civil F-10A. 12pChwM with three 330hp Wright R-975. POP: 1 [29-405].

Fokker C-7A [29-411]

C-7 1929 = C-2A refitted with three 330hp Wright R-975; span: 72'11" length: 48'9" load: 3993# v: 136/110/x ceiling: 18,500'. POP: 1 conversion as XC-7 [28-126] and 6 production C-7As [29-407/412].

Fokker C-14

C-14 1931 = Army F-14; 525hp Wright R-1750-3 Cyclone. POP: 20 as Y1C-14 [31-381/400], of which 1 each converted to Y1C-14A, -14B, and Y1C-15.

Y1C-14A 1931 = Repowered with 575hp Wright R-1820-7. POP: 1 [31-400].

Y1C-14B 1931 = Repowered with 525hp P&W R-1690-5 Hornet. POP: 1 [31-381].

Fokker Y1C-15A [31-398]

C-15 1931 = Y1C-14 and civil F-14 converted as all-white aerial ambulances; 525hp Wright R-1750-3; span: 59'0" length: 43'3" load: 2671# v: 150/133/x range: 675 ceiling: 14,300'. Capacity: 3 litter patients and 2 attendants plus medical equipment. Originally planned as a custom design, but budgetary limitations impressed conversions instead. POP: 1 Y1C-14 as Y1C-15 [31-389] and 1 F-14 [NC10775] in 1932 repowered with 575hp Wright R-1820-5 and 3-blade prop as Y1C-15A [31-398].

C-16 1931 = AAC version of F-11-A, used for testing only. POP: 1.

CO-4 (Atlantic/Fokker Holland) - Army observation. Dutch construction, essentially an evolution of the German wartime D.7 fighter via AO-1. One of the first USAAC planes to feature a metal propeller.

Fokker XCO-4 [AS68557]

XCO-4 1922 = 2pOB; 420hp Liberty 12A; span: 39'6" (>41'10") length: 29'8" load: 1480# v: 128/120/67 range: 440 ceiling: 15,300' (>17,900'). Gas tank between the wheels on the first two units was discontinued as a fire hazard in forced landings. POP: 3 [AS68557, AS68565/68566], the first modified from AO-1, then sold in 1925 to a civilian buyer [X3526].

CO-4A 1923 = Improved 435hp Liberty 12A, redesigned nose and side radiators; length: 30'4" load: 1554# v: 134/121/58 range: 367 ceiling: 17,060'. POP: 5 [23-1205/1209].

CO-4 Mailplane (Atlantic) 1924 = The AO-1 design tried again for USPO evaluation, but also beaten out by Douglas M-2 (O-2 variant). POP: 1.

CO-8 (Atlantic) 1924 = Rebuilt DH-4M-2 with Loening wings. POP: 1 as XCO-8 [AS23163].

DH-4M (Atlantic) - Conversions of wartime de Havilland DH-4 with new metal-frame fuselage (SEE ALSO Boeing DH-4M).

DH-4M-2 1924 = POP: 135, included M-2A and -2K target tugs, M-2P photo-recons, M-2S with supercharger, and M-2S dual-control trainers. One with Loening wings became XCO-8.

Fokker F-7 (F.VIIa) Standard Airlines [NC7888]

F-7 1925 (ATC 2-34) = 10pChwM; 525hp P&W Hornet A. Dutch origin, F.VIIa assembled and modified in US; ff: 9/4/25. POP: only 1, (The Texan) for Standard Air Lines [NC7888] c/n 617, although 7 were ordered. The Fokker name was not openly used until about 1926 because of concern about the public's possible association with the notorious German fighters of WW1.

F-7-A, -7-B (Model 6) 1925 = 10pChwM; 450hp Bristol Jupiter (or 420hp Liberty); span: 63'4" length: 47'10" load: 4000# v: 112/100/55 range: 500-700. Modified in 1928 as tri-motor F-7-B-3M with three 220hp Wright J-5; span: 71'2" length: 49'2"; v: 115/x/x. Army version C-2.

Fokker BA-1 for Byrd polar flight [NX4204

F-7-A-3M, BA-1 Tri-motor 1926 = F-7-A converted into Fokker's first tri-motor with three 200hp Wright J-4; load: 3260#. POP total single-engine and tri-motors: about 18, built and tested in Holland, reassembled in US, with some to USAAC as C-2, and USN as TA-1. Used by Adm Richard Byrd, as BA-1 [NX4204], in his first North Pole flight of 5/9/26interestingly, bought for him by Edsel Ford and christened in his daughter's name, Josephine Fordand by George Hubert Wilkins for polar exploration flights of 1926 (Wilkins' Liberty-powered plane was rebuilt into Kingsford-Smith's Southern Cross, aka Spirit of California in 1928 [1985=GAUSU=VHUSU]), and for many other record flights.

According to a book published by the Fokker company in 1994, [NX4204] belongs to a F.VIIB-3m (Fokker c/n 5028) ordered by Byrd for his Antarctic Expedition in 1928. Because Edsel Ford donated a Tri-motor for this expedition, Byrd sold the Fokker to the Mechanical Science Corp. The plane was named the Friendship, fitted with floats and used for a transatlantic flight that made Amelia Earhart the first woman to fly (as a passenger) across the Atlantic. About a year later this plane was sold to Argentina and eventually ended up in Chile where it disappeared in the 1930s. Josephine Ford was the first F.VIIA-3m (Fokker c/n 4900), the former Fokker entry for the 1925 Ford Reliability Tour [C267].

The planes Wilkins used were an F.VIIA (c/n 4899 or 4909 with a Liberty engine, named Alaskan) and the first F.VIIB-3m (c/n 4954 with three Wright Whirlwind J-4Bs, named Detroiter).

Kingsford-Smith claimed that his plane was put together from the fuselage of Alaskan and the wing of Detroiter (Alaskan's wing was broken in a crash and never used again, the fuselage of Detroiter was badly damaged in a crash and probably ended up in North Dakota where it is still in storage somewere!) His claim can't be verified because the c/ns of the planes can't be checked, but there are several reasons to believe he spoke the truthalthough the Fokker Co book states that Southern Cross is the former Detroiter and that Alaskan ended up in North Dakota!

Fokker F-10 at SF Bay Airdrome

F-10 Super Tri-motor 1927 (ATC 56, 2-2) = 14pChwM; three 400hp P&W Wasp; span: 71'2" length: 49'11" load: 5110# v: 135/110/65 range: 700. Anthony Fokker, Robert Noorduyn, A Francis Arcier. Upgraded version of F-7 was Fokker's first US production tri-motor. POP: 65; prototype [X5170]; 2 converted to F-10-A. (2-2) was for 5 conversions to 450hp Wasp.

F-10-A 1928 (ATC 96, 2-288) = 12-14p luxury version with three 425hp P&W Wasp C; span: 79'3" length: 49'11" load: 5320# v: 154/126/60 range: 755. $67,500; POP: 61, of which one to USN as RA-4, and two to AAC as C-5 and twin-engine XLB-2 bomber (as Model 5) for evaluation. (2-228) for 450hp Wasp in 1930.

F-11 Flying Yacht 1929 = 6pCmwMAm/Fb; 425hp P&W Wasp pusher; span: 50'8" length: 42'11". POP: 1 [7887] with retractable landing gear sponsons. Converted to a flying boat with wingtip floats and refitted with 525hp Wright Cyclone as F-11-A.

Fokker F-11-A as flying boat [7887]

F-11-A 1929 (ATC 222, 2-163) = 8pChwMAm; pylon-mounted 525hp Wright R-1750 Cyclone or P&W Hornet pusher; span: 59'0" length: 45'0" load: 2430# v: 112/95/50 range: 400. Alfred Gassner. $42,000, $32,500 in 1930; POP: 4; 3 with Cyclone [NX148H, NC151H, NC7887], 1 with Hornet [NC843W]. [NX148H] modified with two Hornets, and later to a single-engine tractor configuration for testing; [NC7887] converted to a flying boat with an F-14 wing. One to AAC in 1931 as C-16.

Fokker F-11-AHB [NC127M]

F-11-AHB 1929 (ATC 2-172, 2-200) = 575hp P&W Hornet B; v: 116/98/55. POP: 2 [NC127M, NC339N], plus possibly 2 more with no data. One modified to tractor-pusher with two 525hp Cyclones as a personal transport for Anthony Fokker. (2-200) was for 10p conversion.

F-14 1929 (ATC 234) = 8-10pO/ChwM; 525hp P&W Hornet A; span: 59'5" length: 43'4" load: 2854# (2955# as cargo carrier) v: 133/116/55 range: 690. Parasol wing; pilot in open cockpit behind the cabin. $26,500, cut to $22,500 in 1932; POP: 13 civil, plus 20 with 525hp Wright R-1750 Cyclone to AAC as Y1C-14 and -15, the latter as an ambulance.

F-14A 1932 (ATC 2-395) = F-14 with major revisions. Rather than a modification, plane was totally redone with a cantilever top wing, enclosed pilot's cockpit moved forward of the wing, new tail design, etc. POP: 1 to Canada [X/NC844W=CFAUD].

F-14B 1933 (ATC 2-435) = 8-10pO/ChwM; 575hp P&W Hornet B. POP: 1 [NC332N] to Costa Rica.

Fokker F-32 [NC334N]

Fokker F-32 Fanchon & Marco dancers help Western Air Lines inaugurate the first four-engined transport at Burbank's United Air Terminal, 1930. [NC333N]

F-32 (Model 12) 1929 (ATC 281) = 32pChwM; four 575hp P&W Hornet B tractor-pushers in tandem pairs; span: 99'0" length: 69'10" (>70'2") load: 9340# v: 146/122/47 range: 550 (>700). The first four-engine Fokker design in the US, and the last Fokker design to be built; ff: 8/?/29 (p: Marshall Boggs). Triple tails; the prototype had two tails. The largest transport of its day sported underwing-mounted motor nacelles, offered passengers their first reclining seats, two refrigerated galleys with running water, even two lavatories (sleeper version accomodated 16 passengers and a crew of 5). $110,000; POP: 7; 1 prototype [X124M]* c/n 1201, 1 for unrewarding testing by the Army as YC-20 [NC130M]*, 2 to Western Air Express [NC333N/334N] and 3 retained by the company [NC335/336N, NC342N], the final one customized as a sumptuous "air yacht" for Tony Fokker, ending its career ignobly by being converted into a house trailer in 1934 at Wheeling WV. It was destroyed in a 1937 flood. *Seen with Western and Universal markings in some photos, but was never in actual airline service.

FA (Atlantic, General Aviation) 1932 = 1pOB; 450hp P&W R-1340C; span: 25'6" length: 22'2" (>20'3") load: 671# v: 170/x/64 range: 375. Experimental shipboard fighter with gull top wing, faired gear struts. POP: 1 as XFA-1 [A8732].

FLB (General Aviation) 1931 = USCG rescue. 4pChwMAm; two 420hp P&W Wasp pushers; span: 74'2" length: 55'9". "Flying Life Boat" was based on civil F-11A design, greatly enlarged, and was the last of the American-built Fokkers. USCG-designated in 1932 as FLB-51 (briefly FLB-8) to FLB-55 after their original s/ns [51/55]. POP: 5 [251/255]. Redesignated as PJ-1/-2 (qv).

FT 1921 = Built in the Netherlands, assembled in US. POP: 3 as FT-1 [A6008/6010], modified as FT-2.

JA (Atlantic) 1928 = ChwM; 450hp P&W R-1340; span: 50'7" length: 36'7" v: x/133/x. Basic Fokker Super Universal was delivered to USN, but judged unacceptable for service. POP: 1 XJA-1 [A8012].

Fokker XLB-2 [26-210]

LB-2 (Atlantic) 1928 = 5pChwM; two 525hp P&W R-1690, later R-1340*; span: 72'10" length: 51'5" v: x/123/x. Unsuccessful bomber project, an experimental twin version of C-2. POP: 1 as XLB-2 [26-210]. *Info as found; however, it seems more logical that the R-1340 was installed first.

O-27 (General Aviation) = 3pOmwM; two 600hp Curtiss V-1570 Conquerors; span: 64'0" length: 47'4" load: 3684# v: 160.

Fokker XO-27A (TknL coll)

XO-27 1930 = POP: 2 prototypes [29-327/328], the first of which became XO-27A with geared motors, cockpit canopy, and redesigned tail group. The second was redesignated as XB-8 before completion.

Fokker YO-27
YO-27 1931 = POP: 12 production models [31-587/592]. Additionally, 6 contracted as YB-8, at the time were redesignated as Y1O-27 [31-598/603].

PJ (General Aviation/NAA) - Redesignation from FLB.

Fokker PJ-1 [255] (USCG archives)

PJ-1 1933 = FLB-52 to -55. POP: 4 [252/255], then [V112/115] in 1936; used in coastal watch, SAR, and law enforcement roles.

Fokker PJ-2 [V-116]

PJ-2 1933 = Was FLB-51 Antares, with modified engines and cockpit. Sent to Naval Aircraft Factory in 1933 where the engines changed direction to tractors, perhaps for testing. When it was returned to USCG, the redesign was officially designated PJ-2, and the new s/n applied in 1936. POP: 1 [251=V116].

Fokker PW-5 [AS68554]

PW-5 1922 = Dutch-built fighter from F.VI and V.37 designs. 1pOhwM; 320hp Hisso H; span: 39'4" length: 26'1" (>27'2") load: 751# v: 144/138/x. POP: 10 [AS68547/68556].

Fokker PW-6 [AS-68575]

PW-6 1922 = Dutch-built D.IX fighter design, an evolution of the wartime D.VII. 1pOB; 335hp Wright-Hisso H; span: 29'6" length: 23'4" load: 839# v: 138 range: 295 ceiling: 18,200'. POP: 1 [AS68575].

Fokker PW-7 [AS68580]

PW-7 1923 = Dutch-built D.XI fighter design, modified from D.IX. 1pOB; 440hp Curtiss D-12; span: 38'4" length: 23'11" load: 848# v: 151/140/x range: 350 ceiling: 22,000'. POP: 3 [AS68580/68582].


Fokker S-3

S-3 (Atlantic S-3) 1927 = 2pOB; 180hp Wright-Hisso E; span: 35'0" length: 26'4" v: x/135/x. POP: 1 built in Holland from subassemblies, thought to have originally had 90hp Curtiss OX-5 and 150hp Hisso A; as a Wright Corp test bed, it was refitted with 200hp J-4 and 220hp J-5 [1085=3395]. Scrapped in July 1929.

Skeeter (Model 8) 1926 = 2pOhwM; 55hp Anzani. Fokker's tandem-cockpit mystery ship; only one photo extant, and no factory data. To add even more to the mystery, the Model 8 factory designation was later used for Super Universal, as well. POP: 1 [83], a failed venture into the lightplane market.

Standard Universal 1929 (ATC 164) = 6-7pChwM; 300hp Wright J-6; span: 47'9" length: 33'6" load: 1818# v: 130/110/52 range: 500. $15,000; $17,500 floatplane; POP: 60. Later AAC version Y1C-14 and -15.

Fokker Super Univeral

Fokker Super Univeral Coastal Air Freight [NC99K]

Super Universal (Model 8)1928 (ATC 52, 2-3, 2-184) = 6pChwM; 425hp P&W Wasp; span: 50'8" (>52'9") length: 36'6" (>36'0") load: 2300# (>2150) v: 143/120/56 range: 720 (>675). A Francis Arcier. $19,500; $22,450 on floats; POP: 80, plus 29 built under license by Nakajima in Japan, and 14 by Vickers in Canada. Prototype [3318] under (2-3) as Universal Special. (2-184) for 8p with 450hp P&W Wasp C.

TA, RA (Atlantic) - USN version of civil F-7. Designation changed when T-for-Transport conflicted with T-for-Torpedo.

TA-1, RA-1 1927 = Three 220hp Wright J-5; span: 63'4" length: 49'1" load: 3600# v: 116 range: 460. POP: 3 [A7561/7563]. Converted to RA-3.

TA-2, RA-2 1928 = Same as TA-1, but span: 72'10". Converted to RA-3. POP: 3 [A8007/8008, A8018].

Fokker RA-3 (USMC)

TA-3, RA-3 c.1929 = Three 300hp Wright J6-9. POP: 6 convesions of TA-1 and -2, plus 1 built as TA-3 [A8157], redesignated RA-3.

RA-4 c.1929 = One civil F-10-A procured for evaluation, but was not accepted [A8841]. Sold as [NX38N].

T-2 (Atlantic) 1921 = 8-11pO/ChwM; 408hp Liberty 12; span: 81'4" (>74'10") length: 49'1" v: 101/94/x ceiling: 10,700'. Dutch F.IV design did not get any interest from American air line companies, but the Army bought two for evaluation [AS64233/64234]. The first was used for 5/2-3/23, nonstop coast-to-coast flight (p: Lts Oakley G Kelly and John A Macready); the second was converted to a flying ambulance as A-2.

TW-4 1922 = 2pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 41'8" length: 28'0" load: 605# v: 87. German-built S.I (V.43) parasol-wing trainer design. POP: 1.

Fokker F-32 Aero Corp of California [696]

Universal (Model 4) 1925 (ATC 9) = 5pO/ChwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 47'9" length: 33'3" load: 1900# v: 118/98/48 range: 650. Robert B C Noorduyn. First Fokker designed in US, later refitted with 330hp J-6 and closed cockpit. $14,200, $16,650 on floats; POP: 44, plus licensed production in Japan by Nakajima.

Fokker-Hall H-51 SEE Model 11.

Fokker-Republic D-24 SEE Republic-Fokker.
