REVISED: 1/15/09
Beech, Beechcraft
1925: Travel Air Corp formed by Walter H Beech, Clyde Cessna, and Lloyd Stearman. Apr 1932: Beech Aircraft Co, Wichita KS. 1936: Beech Aircraft Corp. Olive Ann Beech as president after the death of Walter Beech on 11/29/50. 1979: Acquired by Raytheon Corp as Raytheon-Beech Aircraft Co. 1993: Raytheon Aircraft Co. 1998: Raytheon Aerospace. 3/26/07: Hawker Beechcraft Corp.

Factory, mid-'30s (Dan Shumaker coll)

NOTE: Beech dash suffixes signified general engine groups: A = Wright R-760-E2; B = Jacobs L-5; C = Continental R-9A; D = Jacobs L-6; E = Wright R-760-E1; F = Wright R-1820; L = Jacobs L-4; R = Wright R-975-E3; S = P&W R-985; W = P&W R-985-SCG.
Staggerwing with OX-5?

17 - 4-5pCB. Start of the distinctive "Staggerwing" production that would continue until 1949. Why the "17" designation? Since "16" was the design number of the last Travel Air, Walter Beech thought it logical to continue this sequence in his new endeavors. POP total all 17s: 781, including 105 to USAF and 320 to USN, excluding 20 built in Japan as C17E. SEE Staggerwings in the USAAF.
Beech 17R Assembly line (USAF Museum)
Beech 17R [NC499N] (Beech)

17R (aka 17A) 1932 (ATC 496) = 420hp Wright R-760; span: 34'4" length: 24'2" load: 1800# v: 201/180/60 range: 960. Ted Wells, Walter Beech; ff: 11/4/32 (p: W H "Pete" Hill). $19,000; POP: 2 prototypes [NC58Y, NC499N]; the former was returned to Beech Co as a trade in mid-1935 and reportedly dismantled, the latter was destroyed in a crash on 12/10/36.
Beech A17F [NC12583] (Dan Shumaker coll)

A17F, A17J 1934 (ATC 548) = 4pCB; 650hp Wright R-1820-F11 Cyclone; span: 34'6" length: 24'2" load: 1915# v: 240/212/65 range: 780 ceiling: 18,500'. $24,500; POP: 1, purchased by Howard Hughes for 1937-38 Bendix races [NX/NC/NR12583] (p: Bob Perlick)it did not compete and soon disappeared into his collection, but persistent rumors have it as still stored somewhere.
Beech A17FS [NS68] (Dan Shumaker coll)

A17FS 1935 (ATC 577) = Same as A17F with 710hp supercharged Wright SR-1820-F3; length: 24'3" v: 235/215/65 range: 750 ceiling: 20,000'. $30,000; POP: 1 for planned competition, registered by Beech as [NR12569], but relicensed when transferred to the Bureau of Commerce [NS68]. Dismantled c.1937.
A17J SEE C17E.
B17B, SB17B 1934 (ATC 560) = 4-5pCB rg; 285hp Jacobs R-830-1 (L-5); span: 32'0" length: 24'6" load: 1300# v: 185/173/45 range: 500 ceiling: 18,000'. $9,000; POP: 2 [NC14408, CZ116], the latter converted to B17L. First of the folding-gear Staggerwings. SB17B was the twin-float designation.
B17E 1935 (ATC 566) = 4-5pCB rg; 285hp Wright R-760-E1; span: 32'0" length: 24'5" load: 1263# v: 185/165/50 range: 680 ceiling: 18,000'. $12,980; POP: 4 [NC12593, NC14413, NC14458, NC15412], the second of which was converted to B17R.
Beech B17L [N12592] (Larry DiRicco)
Beech SB17L [NC15402]

B17L, SB17L 1934 (ATC 560) = Low-end version of B17 series with 225hp Jacobs L-4; load: 1350# v: 166/152/45 range: 560 ceiling: 15,500'. $8,000-8,550; POP: 45. SB17L was the first Staggerwing on floats.
Beech B17R [NC15815] (Dan Shumaker coll)

B17R 1935 (ATC 579) = Similar to B17E with 420hp Wright R-975-E3; load: 1362# v: 211/202/55 range: 760 ceiling: 22,000'. $14,500; POP: 16, of which 3 to USAAF as C-43H; 1 converted from B17E [NC14413].
Beech C17B [NC47024] (Dan Shumaker coll)
Beech SC17B [NC17078] (Ralph Nortell)

C17B, SC17B 1936 (ATC 602) = 4pCB rg; 285hp Jacobs L-5; span: 32'0" length: 24'5" v: 185/165/45 range: 480-680. $9,250; POP: 39, including conversions to C17L, of which 10 to USAAF as UC-43G. SC17B was twin-float version, with 1 built as experimental amphibian [NC16440].
Beech C17E Japanese assembly (R M Bueschel via R T Smith)

C17E 1936 (ATC 615) = 4pCB rg; 285hp Wright R-760-E1; load: 1550# v: 185/165/48 range: 865. POP: 1 [NC15487], plus 2 exported to Japan [NC15836=JBAOI, x] in 1937, resulting in Japanese construction under license of 20 C17Es from 1938-40. Preliminary design work was done in Japan on a proposed gull-wing biplane fighter as A17J, based on A17F, but nothing ever came of it.
Beech C17L [NC15846] (Dan Shumaker coll)

C17L 1936 (ATC 602) = 4pCB rg; 225hp Jacobs L-4; load: 1340# v: 175/166/45 range: range: 560. $8,550; POP: 5, of which 3 to USAAF as UC-43J, 1 converted to C17B [NC16441].
Beech C17R [N15835] (K O Eckland coll)

C17R, SC17R 1936 (ATC 604) = 4pCB rg; 420hp Wright R-975-E2; span: 32'0" length: 24'5" load: 1650# v: 211/185/59 800. $14,500; POP: 17, of which 1 to USN as JB-1, and five to USAAF as UC-43E. Winner of 1936 Bendix Trophy [NC15835] (p: Louise Thaden & Blanche Noyes). SC17R with Edo ponyoons.
Beech D17A [NC582] (K O Eckland)

D17A 1939 (ATC 713) = 4pCB rg; 350hp Wright R-975-3; span: 32'0" length: 26'11" load: 1733# v: 180/170/50 range: 850. First of the lengthened fuselage models (D-17 through E-17). $16,350; POP: 8, of which 1 to USAAF as UC-43F.
D17R 1937 (ATC 638) = 4pCB rg; 420hp Wright; span: 32'0" length: 26'11" load: 1680# v: 211/202/60 range: 825. $18,870; POP: 28, of which 13 to USAAF as UC-43A, plus 2 conversions from D17W [NC17081, NR18562].
Beech D17S Ross Hadley entertains crowd at Tex Rankin Air Show, Alameda 1939 [NC18776] (William T Larkins)
Beech SD17S [NC18562] (Gene Palmer coll)

D17S, SD17S 1937 (ATC 649) = 4pCB rg; 450hp P&W R-985 Wasp; span: 32'0" length: 25'11" load: 1680# v: 212/202/55 range: 800. $18,870; POP: about 50, of which 13 to USAAF as UC-43/UC-43B, 11 to USN as GB-1. SD17S was floatplane. The last D17S [NC34R] became prototype for G17S.
Beech D17W [NC18562] (Dan Shumaker coll)

D17W 1937 = Experimental with 525-600hp supercharged P&W R-985-SC-G Wasp. POP: 2; 1 for Jacqueline Cochran to set speed and altitude records in 1937-38 [NX/NR18562], and 1 for Frank Hawks [NC17081], later repowered with 420hp Wright R-975. Both converted to D17R, with the former serving in USAAF as UC-43K, and the latter in USN as GB-1.
Beech E17L [N41663] (K O Eckland coll)

E17B, SE17B 1937 (ATC 641) = 4-5pCB rg; 285hp Jacobs L-5; span: 32'0" length: 25'11" load: 1270# v: 188/177/50 range: 700. $10,490, $12,380 in 1939; POP: about 52, of which 31 to USAAF as UC-43D.
E17L 1937 (ATC 641) = Similar to E17B but 225hp Jacobs L-4; load: 1335# v: 175/166/50. POP: about 3 [CFBHA, NC17071, NC18785].
Beech F17D [NC50256] (Ralph Nankey via R T Smith)

F17D 1938 (ATC 689) = 4-5pCB rg; 330hp Jacobs L-6; span: 32'0" length: 25'11" load: 1335# v: 185/182/50 range: 750. Upper-wing ailerons, lower-wing flaps. $13,980; POP: about 60, of which 38 to USAAF as UC-43C.
Beech G17 [NC21934] (Ed Coates coll)
Beech G17 instrument panel

G17S 1946 (ATC 779) = 4pCB rg; 450hp P&W R-985-AN-4 Wasp; span: 32'0" length: 26'9" load: 1650# v: 212/202/60 range: 1300. $29,000; POP: 17 to 20. Post-war model, and last of the "Staggerwings," the final one built in 1949 [NC80321].
18 - 4-11pClwM rg; two 320hp Wright; span: 47'8" length: 31'11".
18A 1937 (ATC 630) = 8pClwM; load: 2400# v: 202/167/55 range: 800. Ted Wells, D E Burleigh; ff: 1/15/37. $37,500; POP: estimated 5; the first one to Ethyl Corp, and later converted to 18B [NC15810], the rest to Canada. Production of the 18 series continued until 1969.
18B 1937 (ATC 656) = 8p with 285hp Jacobs; load: 2580# v: 190/180/56 range: 900. $33,500; POP: 4 [NC15810, NC18567, NC18569, NC18583], with one converted from Ethyl Corp's 18A.
18D 1937 (ATC 684) = 8-11p with 200hp Jacobs; load: 2864# v: 205/195/59 range: 800. $37,000; POP: 7. A18D also amended under this ATC issued in 1940.
18R 1940 = Two 420hp Wright R-975. POP: 6 delivered to the Nationalist Chinese government as M18R (aka AT18R) with bomb racks, machineguns and a bombardier position in the nose, 1 delivered to Sweden equipped as a flying hospital. Six M-18R appeared on the US civil register [NX25474/25479], possibly the Chinese airplanes.
Beech 18-S [NC19452] (John Myers)

18S 1939 (ATC 710) = 8p with 450hp P&W Wasp; length: 34'3" load: 2450# v: 240/220/60 range: 1000. POP: total 5,200. To AAC/AAF as AT-7, AT-11, C-45, and F-2; to USN as JRB-1 and SNB-1. In total, the Beech 18 line had 32 variants, and more than 9,000 civil and military planes had been built when the last one (a Super 18H) rolled off the assembly line on 11/26/69, accounting for the longest production run in aviation history!
A18D, SA18D 1938 (ATC 684) = 8-10p with 330hp Jacobs; length: 31'11" load: 2864# v: 205/195/59 range: 800. $37,000; POP: 66, including SA18D float version under an ATC amendment in 1940.
B18S 1942 = Upgrade interior and electric system. POP: 11 to USAAF as C-45.
C18S Expediter 1944 (ATC 757) = 7-10p with 450hp P&W Wasp; span: 47'8" length: 34'6" load: 2900# v: 230/210/65 range: 1000. From $63,000. To USAAF as C-45/AT-7; to USN as JRB/SNB.
D18C Feeder Twin 1947 (ATC 770) = 9p with 525hp Continental; length: 34'2" load: 3450# v: 240/224/68 range: 900. Designed as a short-route air carrier. $64,250; POP: 4.
D18CT Feeder Twin = Added equipment, and increased baggage area: $64,890; POP: 16.
Beech D18S [NC80048] (Pac Airmotive)
Beech D18S Rausch "headroom" conversion [N8186H]

D18S Executive 1946 (ATC 765) = 9p with 450hp P&W Wasp; length: 34'0" load: 2891# v: 230/200/78 range: 1200. From $63,550; POP: around 1,000 by 1953. USAF version was C-45G.
Beech E18S (Eric Paslick)

E18S Executive Super Twin aka Super 18 1953 (ATC 765) = 9p with 450hp P&W R-985 Wasp Jr; span: 49'8" length: 35'3" load: 3330# v: 234/215/70 range: 1500; ff: 12/10/53. $61,500; POP: 464. Replaced in 1962 by H18.
G18S 1959 = Improved E18S with two-piece windshield and a large center cabin window. POP: 156.
Beech H18 Panel

H18 1962 = 10p with two 450hp P&W R-985 Wasp Jr. $179.500; POP: 149. The last of the "Twin 18s." Tricycle gear version by Pacific Airmotive Corp in 1963 as Tradewind; other conversions were Hamilton Westwind and Volpar Turboliner.
M18R SEE 18R.
19 Sport III 19?? (TC A1CE, A30CE) = 150hp Lycoming; load: 875# v: 140/131/55 range: 920 ceiling: 14,900'.
23 Musketeer, Sundowner, Sport, Super (TC A1CE) - 4pClwM with fixed gear.
Beech Musketeer [N2301Z] (Beech)
23 Musketeer 1963 = 160hp Lycoming O-320-D2B; span: 32'9" length: 25'8" load: 1000# v: 144/135/62 range: 790 ceiling: 13,500'. $13,300 with nav/com; POP: 553.
A23 Musketeer II 1964 = 165hp Lycoming. $14,250. POP: 346.
A23A, B23 Custom III 1965 = 165hp Continental IO-346. A 6p version with a 180hp Lycoming O-360 was introduced in 1967. $14,950. POP: 384.
A23-19, A19A Sport III, B-19 Sport 150 1965 = 2-4p; 150hp Lycoming O-320; load: 720# v: 127/125/x range: 645. $11,500. POP: 884.
A23-24 Super III 1965 = 200hp Lycoming IO-360A. $16,350. POP: 363.
Beech C23 [N23986]
C23 Sundowner 180 1970 = v: 138/136/x range: 585. POP: 1,107.
24 Super, Sierra (TC A1CE) - 4-6pClwM rg; 200hp Lycoming IO-360A; span: 32'9" length: 25'9" load: 1040# v: 161/141/63 range: 650 ceiling: 14,340.
A24R Super R 1970 = $24,950. POP: 149.
Beech B24R [N6992R] (Ed Coates)

B24R Sierra 200 1972 = $26,550 (1974). POP: 299.
Beech C24 Sierra (Beechcraft)

C24R Sierra 200 1977 = POP: 345.
33 Debonair, Bonanza 1959 (TC 3A15, 3A16) - 4pClwM rg; single-tail version of 35.
Beech 33 [N674V] (Ed Coates)

33 aka 35-33 1959 = 225hp Continental IO-470J; span: 32'10" length: 25'6" load: 1170# v: 195/185/60 range: 1170 ceiling: 19,800' POP: 233.
A33 Debonair aka 35-A33 1961 = Minor improvements. POP: 154.
Beech B33 [N8936M] (William T Larkins)

B33 Debonair 1961 = New instrument panel; load: 1250# v: 195/185/60
range: 1135. POP: 426.
C33 Debonair 1965 = Dorsal fin, larger rear cabin window. POP:
Beech C33A [N5460U] (Beech)
C33A Debonair 1966 = 285hp Continental IO-520B; load: 1520# v: 208/200/x range: 1740. POP: 179.
D33 Debonair 1965 = Evaluated by USAF as a ground-attack aircraft in PAVE COIN test program as YAU-22A [N5847K=70-7859]. Improved test version was PD-249.
E33 Bonanza 1968 = POP: 116.
Beech E33A [N20CA] (William T Larkins)

E33A Bonanza 1968 = 285 hp IO-520B. POP: 85.
E33B 1968 = Planned aerobatic version; not built.
E33C Bonanza 1968 = 285hp IO-520B aerobatic version. POP: 25.
F33 Bonanza 1970 = POP: 20.
Beech F33A [N222EN] (William T Larkins)

F33A Bonanza 1970 = 285hp IO-520BA; span: 33'6" length: 26'8" load: 1330# v: 208/200/x range: 976. POP: 1,487 by 1994.
F33C Bonanza 19??. = 285hp IO-520BB aerobatic version. POP: 127 by 1994.
Beech G33 [N1676W] (William T Larkins)

G33 Bonanza 1972 = 260hp Continental IO-470N. POP: 50.
Beech 34 Twin Quad [NX90521] (Beech)

34 Twin Quad 1947 = 20pChwM; four 375hp Lycoming S-580 in pairs geared to two props; span: 70'0" length: 53'0" v: 230/180/70 range: 1450. Motors were completely enclosed in the wings. Short-field performance; slow-turning, geared props; V-tail. POP: 1 [NX90521]; ff: 10/x/47, destroyed in a take-off crash on 1/17/49.
Beech 35 Prototype (Beech)
Beech 35 [N2751V] (Beech)

35 Bonanza 1945 (A777, TC 3A15, 3A16, 5A4) = 4pClwM rg; 165hp Continental E-185; span: 32'10" length: 25'2" load: 992# v: 184/160/55 range: 650; ff: 11/22/45 (p: Vern Carstens). Ralph Harmon, Alex Odesseff, et al. $7,345, $8,945 in 1948; POP: 2 V-tail 35 prototypes built, one with laminar-flow wing, another with Beech-NACA modification, which was selected for the series. Delivery of first production, as A-35, in Feb 1947, led to total of about 1,500 by 1948.
Beech A35 [NC3100V] and [N788B] (Norman Larson Co)

A35 1947 = Improved 35 with heavier wing, steerable nose wheel; load: 1070# v: 184/170/57 range: 670. $10,000; POP: 701. Although the basic V-tail design remained pretty much constant, many improvements and modifications were made during the series run to warrant specific model designations. Letter series continued, with more than 10,000 built by the end of 1977. Evolved into A36 series in 1968.
Beech B35 (William T Larkins)

B35 1950 = Improved A35 with similar data. $12,400; POP: 480.
Beech C35 [N5942C] (Beech)

C35 1951 = Improved B35 with 205hp Continental E-185; $12,990; POP: 719.
Beech D35 [N2960F] (William T Larkins)

D35 1953 = Improved D35; $18,990; POP: 298.
E35 1954 = POP: 301.
F35 1955 = $19,990; POP: 392.
G35 1956 = 225hp E-225, $25,300; POP: 476.
Beech H35 [N5583D] (William T Larkins)

H35 1957 = Start of the second-generation Bonanzas. Evolved into single-tail 33 Debonair series in 1959.
Beech J35 [N8318D] (Beech)

J35 1958 = load: 2718# v: 210/200/57 range: 1060.
Beech K35 [N629T] (Eric Paslick)

K35 1959 = POP: 436.
M35 1960 = 250hp LO-470C; load: 1118# v: 210/200/59 range: 1245 ceiling: 20.000'. POP: 400.
Beech N35 [N9977R] (Flying)

N35 1961 = 260hp IO-470N. POP: 280.
O35 1961 = Laminar-flow wing. POP: 1.
Beech P35 [N45SM] (William T Larkins)

P35 1962 = 260hp IO-470N. POP: 467.
Beech S35 [N8633M]

S35 1964 = 6p; 285hp IO-520B; length: 26'9". POP: 667.
Beech V35 [N5420U] (William T Larkins)
Beech V35A [N8633M] (Beech)
Beech V35B [N850T] (Beech)

V35 1966 = 6p; 285hp IO-520B. POP: 622.
V35A = POP: 470. The only known armed V-tail, a V35A [VP-WHM] sported two .30 Brownings in underwing pods to provide cover for transport vehicles in the Rhodesian Bush War c.1980, also served as a first-strike aircraft.
V35B = POP: 1,335.
V35TC Turbo Bonanza 1966 = 6p; TSIO-520D; span: 33'0" length: 27'0" load: 1350# v: 240/224/x range: 1060 ceiling: 29,500'. POP: 79.
V35A-TC = POP: 46.
V35B-TC = POP: 7.
36 Bonanza (TC 3A15) - 6pClwM rg. Utility version of Model 35 with single tail.
Beech 36 [N32MB] (Mike Ruthven)
36 1968 = 285hp Continental IO-520B; span: 32'1" length: 26'4" load: 1620# v: 204/195/x range: 875 ceiling: 16,000'. POP: 184.
Beech A36 [N6312X] (William T Larkins)

A36 1970 = span: 33'6" length: 27'6" load: 1400# (?>1155#) v: 212/202/60 range: 800. POP: 2,705 by 1994.
Beech A36TC [N38094] (Ed Coates)

A36TC 1979 = 300hp TSIO-520UB. POP: 272.
Beech B36TC (Beech)

B36TC 1981 = 300hp TSIO-520UB; span: 37'10" length: 27'6" load: 1520# (?>1215#) v: 245/224/x range: 1130 ceiling: 25,000'. POP: 287 by 1994.
T36TC 1979 = Experimental version with T-tail. POP: 1 [N2065T].
38P Lightning 1982 = 6pClwM rg; 550hp Garret AiResearch TPE-331 turboprop, also 630hp PT6A-40; span 37'10" length: 29'10" v: x/279/x range: 1075. Proof-of-concept aircraft to investigate the feasibility of a pressurized single-engine carrier. Project abandoned because of poor market response. POP: 1.
45, B45 1948 (TC 5A3) = 2pClwM rg; 225hp Continental O-470; span: 32'10" length: 25'11" load: 845# v: 188/173/60 range: 975; ff: 12/2/48. POP: 1 prototype [N8591A] derived from Bonanza for USAF evaluation. The USAF after WW2 decided to discontinue the primary trainer and put student pilots directly into advanced trainers but, after mulling it over, changed their military minds. After an $8-million contract had been awarded to Fairchild in 1949 for USN XNQ-1, they again changed their minds, canceled the contract, and held more evaluation trials. From these the 45 was accepted in 1953 as the straight-tail T-34 Mentor for a production run of more than 1,200.
B45 19?? = Export version of 45. POP: 318, plus 173 license-built by Fuji in Japan and 75 built in Argentina.
50 Twin Bonanza (TC 5A4) - 6pClwM; two 260hp Lycoming GO-435; span: 45'3" length: 31'6" load: 1700# v: 202/190/64 range: 1155; ff: 11/15/49. Straight tail; ATC in 1952. Other standard motors in A- through J-50 were 275hp, 295hp, and 340hp Lycomings; some D models fitted with 400hp O-720. To USAF as L-23.
A50 1949 = Pre-production batch. POP: 11.
Beech B50 [N35738] (Flying)

B50 1953 = Increased payload and speed. POP: 99.
C50 1955 = 275hp GO-480F; v: 210. POP: 250.
Beech D50 [N295DE] (William T Larkins)

D50 1956 = 6p with two 295hp GO-480-G206; span: 45'4" length: 31'7" load: 2200# v: 214/203/71 range: 1650 ceiling: 20,000'. POP: 154. Subclasses through 1961 were D50A with 285hp GO-480-Gs (POP: 44), D50B (POP: 38), D50C (POP: 64), and D50E (POP: 47).
E50 1957 = 340hp GSO-480A. POP: 70.
F50 1958 = Increased fuel capacity (230 gal); 320hp GSO-480B; length: 31'7" load: 2540# v: 240/228/80 range: 1650. POP: 25.
G50 1959 = Minor refinements; 340hp GSO-480A. POP: 24.
H50 1960 = Airstair door, redesigned wingtips. 7p with two 340hp GSO-480A; span: 45'4" length: 31'7" load: 2280# v: 235/223/83 range" 1650 ceiling: 28,000'. Junior JATO rocket system available. POP: 30.
Beech J50 [N1711G] (Ed Coates)

J50 1961 = Longer, more pointed nose; 320hp IGSO-480A. POP: 27.
55 Baron (TC 3A16) - 4-6pClwM rg; span: 37'10". SEE ALSO T-42.
Beech 55 [N711CM] (Eric Paslick)

95-55 1960 = Two 260hp Continental IO-470L. $58,250; POP: 190.
Beech 95-A55 [N8567M] (Ed Coates)

95-A55 1962 = Two 260hp IO-470L; length: 26'9" load: 1920# v: 236/225/x range: 1225. POP: 309.
Beech B55
95-B55 1964 = Two 260hp Continental; length: 27'3" load: 2025# v: 236/225/x range: 1225. POP: 1886.
95-C55 1965 = Two 285hp Continental IO-520C: length: 28'3" load: 2275# v: 242/230/x range: 1145. POP: 451.
D55 1968 = Two 285hp IO-520C. POP: 316.
E55 1970 = Two 285hp IO-520C. POP: 434.
56 Turbo Baron (TC 3A16) - 4-5pClwM rg; two 380hp Lycoming TIO-541E1B4; span: 37'10" length: 29'0" load: 2365# v: x/290/x.
56TC 1966 = POP: 82.
A56TC 1970 = POP: 1.
58 Baron - 6pClwM rg; span: 37'10" length: 29'11". SEE ALSO C-12 and RU-21J.
Beech 58 [N590BC]
58 (TC 3A16) 1969 = Two 285hp Continental IO-520C; load: 2115# v: 242/230/x range: 1210. $389,650 (1987). POP: 1,680 by 1994.
Beech 58P [N152DF] (William T Larkins)
58P (TC 3A16, A23CE) 1972 = Pressurized version; two 310hp Continental TSIO-520L; load: 2150# v: 254/238/x range: 1021 ceiling: 13,220'. $188,500 (1975); POP: 495.
Beech 58TC [N1824F] (William T Larkins)

58TC (TC 3A16, A23CE) 1974 = Two 310hp TSIO-520; load: 2320# v: 287/267/x range: 1025. POP: 151.
60 Duke (TC A12CE, 3A20) - 6pClwM rg; two 380hp Lycoming turbocharged TIO-541-E1A4; span: 39'4" length: 34'0" load: 2132# v: 281/275/87 range: 1168 ceiling: 30,800'.
Beech 60 Duke [N1050x] (Beechcraft)

60 1966 = load: 2625# v: 286/271/x range: 1660. POP: 122.
Beech A60 Duke [N2060V] (Raytheon-Beech)

A60 1970 = $179,500-236,000; POP: 121.
Beech B60 Duke [N6205K] (Tim McCandless)

B60 1974 = Pressurized; load: 2400# range: 1415 ceiling: 30,000'. POP: 350.
65 Queen Air (TC 3A20, A14CE, A24CE, A31CE) - 6-9pClwM rg. SEE ALSO L-23 and U-21. 13 to Army with uncertain military designations: [81-23658/23659, 82-23659, 83-24128, -24370, 84-24320], plus [82-24029, -24054, 83-24188, 85-24370, -24373/24374, -25349] drug-runners confiscated by US Treasury Dept (SEE ALSO L-23F).
Beech 65 [N191MK] (Ed Coates)

65 1959 = Two 340hp Lycoming IGSO-480-A1A6; span: 45'10" length: 33'4"
load: 3060# v: 239/214/94 range: 1200 ceiling: 27,000'. POP: 316.
65-80 1962 = Two 380hp Lycoming IGSO-540; span: 45'11" length:
35'3" load: 3200# v: 252/230/x range: 1330. POP: 148.
65-A80 aka Queen Air 80 1964 = Two 380hp IGSO-540; span: 50'3". POP: 121.
Beech 65-A90 [N256TA] (William T Larkins)

65-A90 1965 = No data.
65-B80, -80A 1966 = Two 380hp IGSO-540 (-80A 360hp); span: 50'3" length: 33'4" load: 3620# v: 248/229/x range: 1530. POP: 242.
65-88 aka Model 85 1965 = Pressurized, otherwise like 65-B80. POP: 45.
65-A88 1966 = Two 400hp Lycoming. POP: 1.
Beech A65 [N323L] (Ed Coates)

A65 1967 = Similar to basic 65 except range: 1660. POP: 96.
70 Queen Airliner (TC 3A20, A14CE) 1968 = 9pClwM rg; two 340hp Lycoming IGSO-480. POP: 35.
Beech 73 [N134B] (Beech via Dan Shumaker coll)
Beech 73 [N134B] (Ian MacFarlane)

73 Jet Mentor 1955 = Jet trainer. 2pClwM rg; 920# Continental J69-T-9 turbojet; span: 32'9" length: 30'1" (?>31'10") load: 1596# v: 288/250/70 range: 485. Evaluated by USN but none ordered. POP: 1 [N134B]. Last seen in deteriorating condition at underfunded Wichita Aviation Museum.
Beech 76 (Beechcraft)

76 Duchess (TC A29CE) 1977 = 4pClwM rg; two 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 38'0" length: 29'1" load: 1435# v: 197/174/x range: 717. A prototype, as PD-289, was first flown in 1974. A single Duchess with turbocharged TO-360 engines was unofficially known as Model 76TC. POP: 437.
Beech 77 [N3705X]

77 Skipper 1978 = Basic trainer. 2pClwM; 110hp Lycoming O-235; span: 30'0" length: 23'11" load: 570# v: 121 range: 475. One prototype, as PD-285, was flown in 1975. POP: 312.
80 Queen Air 19?? = 380hp.
A80 19?? = .
B80 1973 = .
88 Queen Air 19?? = Pressurized 80; 380hp; load: 2765# v: 246/221/82 range: 1190 ceiling: 26,800'.
90 King Air, Jaguar (TC 3A20, A14CE, A24CE, A31CE) - 6-8pClwM rg; two 550hp P&W PT6A. SEE ALSO T-44, U-21. 3 confiscated drug-runners turned over to Army [86-092, -1683, 87-142].
65-90 1964 = POP: 112.
65-A90 1966 = span: 45'11" length: 35'6" load: 3620# v: 252 range: 1375. POP: 206.
B90 1967 = span: 50'3", load: 3960# v: 270/253/x range: 1465. POP: 184.
Beech C90 [N4447W] (William T Larkins)

C90, C90-1 1970 = load: 4010# v: x/256/x range: 1475. POP: 561.
C90 Jaguar 19?? = 8p Special Edition luxury package co-developed by Raytheon-Beech with Jaguar Motors (Coventry, Great Britain). Two 1100hp P&W PT6A-21 reverse-flow free turbines; v: 286 range: 1530. $2,654,000; POP: ??.
Beech C90A [3035P] (William T Larkins)

C90A 1983 = Redesigned powerplant package; load: 3880# v: x/278/x range: 1514. POP: 313 by 1994.
Beech King Air C90B (Raytheon-Beech)

C90B 1991 = 6-12p with two 550hp P&W-Canada PT6A-21; span: 50'3" length: 35'6" load: 3290# v: 283 range: 1512. Four-blade props, reduced cabin noise level. POP: unk. In March 1992, Beechcraft's 50,000th aircraft delivery was a C-90B.
C90SE 1994 = Three-blade props and numerous cabin mods in order to lower the purchase price. Specs and data similar to C-90B.
Beech E90 [N14NM] (William T Larkins)

E90 1972 = load: 4110# v: x/287/x range: 1295. POP: 347.
F90, F90-1 1979 = T-tail; two 750hp P&W PT6A-135; span: 45'11" length: 39'10" load: 4300# v: x/321/x. POP: 236.
G90 19?? = Experimental conversion of F-90 prototype. POP: 1.
H90 SEE T-44A.
95 Travel Air (TC 3A16) - 4-5pClwM rg.
Beech Badger [N395B] (Flying)

95 (originally Badger) 1958 = Two 180hp Lycoming O-360-A1A; span: 37'10" length: 25'4" load: 1420# v: 210/200/70 range: 1170-1410 ceiling: 18,100'. $22,500; POP: 301.
B95 1960 = load: 1465# ceiling: 18,700'. $51,500; POP: 150.
B95A 1961 = Cabin lengthened by 19". $49,500. POP: 81.
D95A 1963 = Larger forward luggage compartment in a more tapered
nose; load: 1650# range: 1035. POP: 174.
E95 1968 = Minor refinements. POP: 14.
99 Airliner (TC A14CE) - 17pClwM rg.
Beech 99 [N593AT] (Beech)
Beech 99A [N396HA] (Beech)

99, 99A 1968 = Two 550hp P&W PT6A; span: 45'11" length: 44'7" load: 4525# v: x/252/x range: 375. POP: 144.
A99A 1970 = Reduced fuel capacity. POP: 1.
B99 Airliner, Executive 1972 = 8-17p; two 680hp PT6A-28; load: 5120# v: x/280/x range: 832. POP: 18, plus an unknown number of converted 99s and 99As.
Beech C99 [N987RA]

C99 1979 = Two 715hp PT6A-36; load: 4800# v: 308/287/x range: 1048. POP: 76.
100 King Air (TC A14CE) - 15pClwM rg commuter; two 680hp P&W PT6A-28; span: 45'11" length: 39'11". SEE ALSO U-21F.
Beech 100 [N3668P] (Ed Coates)

100 1969 = load: 4200# v: x/287/x range: 1090. POP: 89.
A100 1970 = load: 4740# v: x/285/x range: 1385. POP: 162, of which 5 to Army as U-21F Ute [70-15908/15912].
B100 1975 = Two 715hp AiResearch TPE-331; load 4670# v: 309/302/x range: 1500. POP: 137.
200 Super King Air (TC A24CE) - 10pClwM rg T-tail; two 850hp P&W PT6A-41; span: 54'6" length: 43'10". SEE ALSO C-12.
Beech 200

200 1973 = load: 5185# v: 333/320/x range: 1710. POP: 815.
Beech 200T USN but civil [N4277N] (William T Larkins)

200T 1976 = Maritime Patrol (pollution surveillance, search & rescue, etc. POP: 23.
Beech King Air B200 [N8153H] (Raytheon-Beech)

B200 1981 = Two 850hp PT6A-42; span: 50'4" length: 35'6" load: 4960# (?>3285#) v: 338/249/x range: 2075 ceiling: 30,000'. POP: 625 by 1994.
B200C 1981 = Same as B200 except a cargo door installed. POP: 101 by 1994.
B200T, B200CT 1982 = Maritime patrol. POP: 33.
300, 350 Super King Air (TC A24CE) - 8-15pClwM rg T-tail; two 1050hp P&W PT6A-60A. POP: 380 by 1994.
Beech 300 [N528AM] (William T Larkins)

300 1984 = span: 54'6" length: 43'9" load: 5525# v: 365/353/x
range: 1430.
300AT 19?? = Airline training variant.
300LW 1988 = Lightweight version.
Beech B300 [N769BJ] (William T Larkins)

B300, B350 1989 = Winglets introduced.
B300C, B350C 1990 = Freight door; span: 57'11" length: 46'8" load: 5810# v: x/363/x range: 2180 ceiling: 35,000'.
Beech King Air 350 [N350KA] (Raytheon-Beech)

RC350 1991 = ELINT version for Raytheon.
Beech 390 [N3725L] (William T Larkins)

390 (Raytheon) 19?? = No data.
Beechjet (Raytheon-Beech)

400 Beechjet (TC A16SW) - 9pClwM rg; two 2,965# P&W JT15D-5; span: 43'6" length: 48'5". License-produced version of Mitsubishi Diamond bizjet. SEE ALSO T-1A.
400 1986 = load: 5660# v: 531/515/x range: 2220. POP: 54 by 1994.
Beech 400A [N8097V] (Ed Coates)

400A 1989 = load: 5920# (?>5790#) v: x/538(?>520)/x range: 2190 ceiling: 41,000'. POP: 94 by 1994.
Beech 400T Prototype T-1A [N3145F] (Raytheon-Beech)

400T 1992 = Trainer version, to USAF as T-1A.
1900 Airliner, Exec-Liner (TC A24CE) - 12-19pClwM rg; two 1100hp P&W PT6A-65B. SEE ALSO UC-12J.
Beech 1900 [N331CJ] (Larry DiRicco)

1900 1985 = Commuter version. POP: 3.
1900C 1984 = Corporate version; span: 54'6" length: 57'10" load:
7900# v: x//295/x range: 913. POP: 72 by 1993.
1900C-1 1987 = POP: 179 by 1994.
Beech 1900D (Raytheon)

1900D 1989 = 19p with two 1279hp P&W-Canada PT6A-65D; span: 57'11" length: 57'11" load: 6665# v: 319 range: 1841. Increased cabin volume; winglets added. POP: 116 by 1994.
2000 Starship 1986 (TC A38CE) = 6-11pClwM canard rg; two 1200hp P&W PT6A-67 pushers; span: 54'5" length: 46'1" load: 5090# v: 405/365/x range: 2295. POP: 1 85-percent scale proof-of-concept prototype [N2000S], built by Burt Rutan's Scale Composites Co (SCALED), was flown in 1983; 53 production models completed before production was halted in 1995; the remainng inventory of 40 were scheduled for scrapping in 2003. Too radical, or just too visionary?
3000 MkII (Hawker) 19?? = To USAF/USN as T-6.
Beech XA-38 [43-14406, 43-14407] (Edwards FTC)
Beech XA-38 [43-14407] (Edwards FTC)

A-38 Destroyer, Grizzly 1944 = Fighter-bomber. 2pClwM rg; two 2300hp Wright R-3350-42; span: 67'4" length: 51'9" load: 7420# v: 376/167/103 range: 1420; ff: 5/7/44. 75mm nose cannon. POP: 2 as XA-38 [43-14406/14407]. Last of the two USAAF A-class designations, along with Consolidated-Vultee XA-41. Production was cancelled by the Armistice.
AT-7, T-7 Navigator - C-45 as navigation trainer. Redesignated as T-7. USN version SNB.
AT-7 1941 = POP: 577 [41-1143/1209, -21042/21155, 42-2415/2513, -43461/43477, -43488/43510, -56703/56784, -56786/56851, 43-33265/33280, -33286/33378 ].
AT-7A 1941 = Twin floats, ventral fin. POP: 8 [41-21156/21161, 42-2414, -53522].
AT-7B 1942 = Winterized version. POP: 8 [42-43478/43483, -43485, -43487].
AT-7C 1943 = Engine upgrade. POP: 549 [43-33379/33664, -49963/50223, -52226/52227].
Beech AT-10 [41-1853] (USAAF)
Beech AT-10 (USAF Museum)
Beech XAT-10A (Aerofiles coll)

AT-10 Wichita (Beech (Model 26), Globe) 1942 = 2pClwM rg; two 295hp Lycoming R-680; span: 44'0" length: 34'4" load: 1710# v: 200/168/x range: 770. Non-strategic airframe, all-wood construction except for nacelles. POP: Beech 1,771 [41-1711/1860, -9246/9436, -26252/27331, 42-2064/2413], Globe: 600 (c/ns mixed in with Beech). One experimentally fitted with a V-tail in 1945 as XAT-10A.
Beech AT-11 [41-9484] (William T Larkins)
Beech AT-11 (USAAF via AETC)
Beech AT-11A (William T Larkins)

AT-11 Kansan 1941 (ATC 2-582) = AT-7 with P&W R-985-AN-1s as bombing and gunnery trainer. POP: 1,582 [41-9437/9586, -27332/27681, 42-36826/37713, 43-10318/10489, 44-72005/72026], of which 24 were modified as AT-11A navigator trainers. USN version was SNB.
B-45 SEE 45.
Beech B1900 [N135YV] (Flickr)

B1900 1982 = Commuter transport, as replacement for C99. 21pClwM rg; two P&W-Canada PT6A-67D; span: 57'8" length: 57'8" v: 293 range: 969 ceiling: 25,000' (data for B1900D). Prototype ff: 9/3/82.
B1900C 198? = Pressurized fuselage; c.$3,780,000.
B1900D 1989 = Improved performance; c.$3,950,000.
Beech VC-6A [66-7943] (Larry DiRicco)

C-6 (TC 3A20) = Initial USAF designation for 90 King Air. POP: 2 as VC-6A [66-7943, -15361]; became U-21.
C-12, RC-12, UC-12 - Military versions of 200 King Air.
Beech C-12A [76-0161] (Larry DiRicco)

C-12A Huron aka A-200 1973 = King Air A200 as USAF and Army liaison and transport. Two 750hp P&W PT6A-38. POP: 105, later converted to C-12C [73-1205/1218, 74-22250/22269, 76-0158/0173, -3239, -22545/22564, 77-22931/22950].
Beech UC-12B [161185] (Larry DiRicco)

UC-12B aka A-200C 197? = USN King Air A200C. Two 850hp P&W PT6A-41. Cargo door. POP: 66.
NC-12B 19?? = Sonobuoy launcher. POP: 1 [161311].
TC-12B 19?? = Trainer conversion.
C-12C 1978 = USAF and Army. Similar to C-12A, but with 850hp PT6A-41. POP: 14 [78-23126/23139] plus converted C-12As.
C-12D 1978 = As C-12C but with cargo doors and provision for wingtip tanks. POP: 45 [78-23140/23145, 80-23371/23380, 81-23543/23546, 83-0500/0502, 83-0494/0493]; most modified as RD-12D/-12G.
Beech RC-12D C-12D conversion [80-23377] (U S Army)

RC-12D 1981 = Army special-missions version. POP: 19 [81-23541/23542, -23638/23642, 82-23638/23642, -23780/23785, 83-24313/24318], plus c.35 conversions from C-12D.
RC-12D 1984 = Army signals intelligence (SIGINT) and electronic surveillance missions with the Guardrail V sensor system.
UC-12D 1984 = King Air A200CT. POP: 12.
C-12E 198? = C-12A, but with P&W PT6A-42. POP: 29.
Beech C-12F C-[84-0143] (USAF)

C-12F Huron 1984 = USAF transport similar to A200CT and B200C. POP: 46 for USAF [84-0143/0182, -0484/0489, 85-1261/1272, 86-0084/0089] and 6 for Army [84-24375/24380, 87-0160/0161]; also 9 conversions as C-12U.
UC-12F Huron 1986 = USN version of C-12F. POP: 12 [163553/153564].
RC-12F Guardrail 1986 = UC-12F modified as Army's Range Surveillance Aircraft. POP: 2. The Guardrail Common Sensor was an Airborne Signal Intelligence collection/location system that integrated the Improved GUARDRAIL V Comm High-Accuracy Airborne Location System and the Advanced QUICKLOOK into the same SIGINT platform on RC-12K, -12N, -12P, and -12Q aircraft. Features included integrated COMINT and ELINT reporting, enhanced signal classification and recognition, fast Direction Finding, precision emitter location, and an advanced integrated aircraft cockpit. Preplanned product improvements included frequency extension, computer assisted on-line sensor management, upgraded data links, and capability to exploit a wider range of signals.
RC-12G "Crazy Horse" 1984 = Special-missions Army variant, converted from C-12D. POP: 9 [80-23371, -23373/23380].
RC-12H 1985 = Similar to RC-12D but with improved Guardrail V system. POP: 6 to Army Intelligence [83-24313/24318].
C-12J 1986 = B1900C as Natl Guard transport. POP: 6 [86-0078/0083] (unexplained, these are also reported as C-12F), and 1 civil [N10931=96-0112].
RC-12K Guardrail 1986 = Electronics special-missions aircraft with upgraded engines. POP: 27 [85-0147/0155, 89-0267/0269] (also appear as Army [85-50147/50155] for unknown reasons), of which 9 were converted from C-12D.
C-12L 198? = Modified briefly as RU-21J, fitted with VIP interiors and returned as -12L. POP: 3.
RC-12M 1988 = Converted UC-12M, upgraded cockpits and instrumentation. POP: 2.
UC-12M 1987 = USN equivalent of C-12F. POP: 12.
RC-12N Guardrail 1994 = Electronic intelligence version. POP: 19 [88-325/327, 89-270/276, 91-0516/0518, 92-13120/13125].
RC-12P Guardrail 1995 = POP: 5 production [93-0697/0701], 7 converted from RC-12N [91-0518, 92-13120/13125].
Beech RC-12Q [93-0699] (Thomas L Hughes)

RC-12Q Guardrail 1995 = Direct Air Satellite Relay, top radome. POP: 3 converted from RC-12P [93-0697, -0699, -0701]. Reportedly all RC-12Ps became -12Qs eventually.
C-12R 1992 = BE200 modified with EFIS 'glass cockpit'. POP: 29 [92-3327/3329, 94-0315/0326, 95-0088/0101].
C-12S 19?? = King Air 350 as Army transport or cargo.
C-12T 199? = Army. Cockpit reconfiguration and instruments update; two PT-6A-42. POP: 23.
C-12U 199? = C-12F with cockpit upgrade. POP: 9 conversions [84-0156/0158, -0160/0163, -0165, -0180]
C-43 Traveler - 4pCB; 450hp P&W R-985; data similar to their respective civil "Staggerwing" models. USN version GB and JB. SEE Staggerwings in the USAAF.
Beech UC-43 [43-10828] (USAF Museum)
Beech UC-43 [43-10818] (USAF Museum)

UC-43 (D-17S) 1939 = POP: 270 [42-38665/38691, 43-10818/10892, 44-67700/67804, -76029/76091], plus 63 to USN as GB-1 and 30 to RAF in 1944.
YC-43 1941 = Impressed D-17S. POP: 3 (s/ns likely included in UC-43 batch), of which 1 to Great Britain for US Embassy use.
UC-43A 1941 (ATC A643) = Impressed D-17R. POP: 13 [42-38226/38231, -38245, -38282, -38357/38358, -47383, -52999, -68339].
UC-43B 1941 (ATC A649) = Impressed D-17S. POP: 13 [42-38232/38236, -38281, -38359, -46905, -47384, -53002, -56085, -61097, -68340].
UC-43C 1942 = Impressed F-17B, -17D. POP: 37 [42-22246, -36825, -38237/38241, -38243/38244, -38246/38248, -38283/38284, -38361/38363, -43517, -46635, -46906/46908, -46914, -47385/47388, -47449/47450, -68337, -88636, -97048/97050, -97411, -107411, -107411].
UC-43D 1942 = Impressed E-17B. POP: 32 [42-22246, -43845, -46636, -46909/46910, -46915, -47442/47448, -49070, -53000/53001, -53005, -53007/53008, -53013, -53021, -53508/53509, -53511, -53516/53517, -56087, -61092/61093, -68359/68360, -94124].
UC-43E 1942 = Impressed C-17R. POP: 4 [42-47389, -97417, -97424, -97431].
UC-43F 1942 = Impressed D-17A. POP: 1 [42-49071].
UC-43G 1942 = Impressed C-17B. POP: 10 [42-53006, -68855, -88620, -88628/88629, -88634, -97415, -97426/97428].
UC-43H 1942 = Impressed B-17R. POP: 3 [42-68856, -78019, -94137].
UC-43J 1942 = Impressed C-17L. POP: 3 [42-94133, -97413, -97420].
UC-43K 1942 = Impressed D-17W. POP: 1 [42-107277].
C-45, -47 Expeditor (ATC 765) - 6-11p military version of civil B-18S with similar data. USN designation JRB. SEE ALSO AT-7, F-2.
C-45 1940 = 6p staff transport; two 450hp P&W R-985-AN-1; span: 47'8" length: 34'3" load: 1960# v: 215/195/61 range: 700-1200 ceiling: 20,000'. POP: 11 [40-180/190].
Beech C-45A (USAF Museum)

C-45A 1940 = 8p utility transport. POP: 20 [41-1861/1880], plus 411 under Lend-Lease to RAF as Expediter Mk I with a modified interior.
C-45B 1942 = C-45A with 450hp R-985-25, revised interior, 400# weight increase; ceiling: 18,500'. POP: 222 [43-35446/35667] and 1 convereion of AT-7.
UC-45C 1942 = POP: 2, plus 2 impressed B-18S [42-22247, -53510 ].
UC-45D 1942 = POP: 2 impressed [42-56785, 43-33281].
UC-45E 1942 = POP: 6 impressed [42-43484, -43486, 43-33282/33285], plus 6 converted from AT-7B.
Beech C-45F [44-47371] (USAF Museum)
Beech C-45F (enhanced) [44-87186] (Aerofiles coll)

C-45F 1943 = 7p transport with revised, longer nose. POP: 1,522 [43-35668/35945, 44-47049/47748, -86898/87441], included 41 F-2B, plus some to RAF as Expediter Mk II.
Beech C-45G [51-11897] (USAF Museum)
Beech C-45G Volpar post-war mod [N8823Z] (Ed Coates)

C-45G 1951 = 6p with autopilot, remanufactured and upgraded from existing stock of RC-45A, C-45F, AT-7, and AT-11, and assigned new serial numbers. POP: 468.
TC-45G 1952 = Navigation trainers modified from C-45G. POP: 96.
Beech C-45H l52-10893]

C-45H 1952 = 6p without autopilot, remanufactured AT-7/-11. POP: 432 [52-10539/10970].
RC-45J 1962 = SNB-5P redesignated.
Beech UC-45J [N45N] (Eric Paslick)

TC-45J, UC-45J 1942 = SNB-5 redesignated. Those changed from training to utility transport were redesignated UC-45Js.
CQ-3 1944 = UC-45F converted as a target controller. POP: only a few, if any; no s/ns found. One of only three "CQ" designations, with Fletcher CQ-1 and Stinson CQ-2.
F-2 - Photo-survey version of C-45. USN version was JRB.
F-2 1940 = POP: 14 [40-682/695].
F-2A 194? = Modified from C-45A and -45B. POP: 13.
F-2B 194? = Modified from C-45F and -45G. POP: 42.
GB - Civil D-17 for USN as command transport.
Beech GB-1 (USN)

GB-1 1939 = POP: 10, plus 63 from USAAF inventory [1589/1595, 1897].
Beech GB-2 (Natl Museum of Naval Avn)

GB-2 1941 = POP: 271.
JB 1937 = USN version of C-17R as command transport. POP: 1 as JB-1 [0801].
Jet Mentor SEE 73.
JRB - USN version of C-45 and F-2, civil B18. Extended cockpit enclosure for better observation.
Beech JRB-1 [2544] (W T Larkins coll)

JRB-1 1941 = 2-3 photo-recon and drone-controller. Two 450hp P&W R-985-50. POP: 11 [2543/2547, 4709/4710, 4726/4729].
JRB-2 1941 = 5p staff transport.POP: 15 [4711/4725], included 2 transfers from USAAF and 1 impressed B18.
JRB-3 1942 = 8p USAAF UC-45B transferred to USN; two 450hp R-985-AN-1. Some refitted with photo-survey equipment. POP: 20.
Beech JRB-4 [2544] (USCG)

JRB-4 1942 = 7p USAAF UC-45F transferred to USN. Powered by two R-985-AN-1 engines, this seven passenger transport had a lengthened nose. POP: 328.
JRB-5 - Proposed transport version of SNB-5 was not built.
JRB-6 19?? = A number of JRB-3 and -4s were modernized, but not to full SNB-5 configurationa major omission was the new landing gear.
L-23, U-8 Seminole (TC 5A4) - Military version of 50 Twin Bonanza, with similar specs and data. Redesignated as U-8 in 1962.
Beech YL-23 [62-1801] (Army Aviation Museum)

YL-23 1952 = POP: 4 [52-1800/1803].
Beech L-23A [62-6170] (Army Aviation Museum)

L-23A 1952 = 260hp O-435. POP: 55 [52-6162/6216]. Most rebuilt as L-23D.
L23-B 195? = Military B50. POP: 40 [53-6153/6192].
XL-23C 1955 = POP: 1 [55-3465], converted to U-8G.
Beech U-8D [58-1349] (Larry DiRicco)

L-23D (E/F-50), U-8D, RU-8D 1958 = 6p with 340hp O-480; load: 2026# v: 233/203/x range: 1355. POP: 85 [56-3695/3718, 57-6029/6094, 57-3084/3101, 58-1329/1353, -1357/1364, -3048/3092, 59-2535/2543, -4990/4992], included remanufactured L-23As.
RL-23D 19?? = Radar photo-observation, from civil E50. POP: 9.
L-23E, U-8E (D-50) 19?? = 295hp GO-480. POP: 6 [56-4039/4044], plus 1 with notable a journey from civil to military to civil [N1779G=66-15360=N5375G=N888JE=N74GV].
L-23F, U-8F (Queen Air) (TC 3A20) 1962 = Military 65/70. POP: -- [58-1354/1356, 60-3453/3463, -5386/5390, 61-2426/2430, 62-3832/3875, 63-12902 (also as YU-21), -13636/13637, 66-15365], 1 for Pakistan [63-7975], and 3 impounded drug-runners [81-13658/13659, 83-24370], the latter returned to service as QA-65.
U-8G 1962 = Conversion of L-23D/23E. POP: 23 [55-3465, 56-3710, -4039, -4041, -4043, -4044, 57-6085 -6089, 58-1329, -1336, -1348, -1357, -1359/1360, -1363, -1364, -3055, -3057, -3062, 59-2536/2538, -4990].
Beech Mark 2 [N209BA] (Raytheon-Beech)

Mark 2 199? = JPATS trainer, modified from Swiss Pilatus PC-9. 2pClwM rg; 1100hp turboprop. Prototype [N209BA].
PD-249 c.1965 = Improved D-33 with a 350hp Continental GIO-520 and a three-blade prop; evaluated by USAF. Designation was factory acronym for "Preliminary Design." POP: ??.
Premier I (Raytheon) 2001 = Business jet. 6pClwM rg. $5.3 million.
QA-65 1983 = Army Queen Air reenlisted from confiscated drug-runners, with a curious designation. POP: 1 [83-24370].
SNB Expeditor, Kansan, Navigator - USN versions of AT-7 and -11 as SNB. ATC for SNB-5's basic airworthiness certification kit. Became C-45 in 1962.
Beech SNB-1 (USN)

SNB-1 Kansan 1942 = USAAF AT-11B bomber/gunnery trainers transferred to USN. Two 450hp P&W R-985-AN-1; plexiglass nose, dorsal turret, and a bomb bay. POP: 320.
Beech SNB-2 (USN)

SNB-2 Navigator 1942 = USAAF 6p AT-7B navigational trainers transferred to USN. Same specs as SNB-1. POP: 509.
Beech SNB-2C (USN)

SNB-2C 1943 = 376 USAAF AT-7C, similar to SNB-2, but with R-985-AN-3s and more complex avionics.
SNB-2H 1943 = SNB-2 converted as ambulance.
SNB-2P 1943 = SNB-2 converted as photo-recon.
SNB-3Q 1946 = SNB-2 converted as electronic countermeasures training aircraft. POP: At least 1.
SNB-4 1947 = SNB-1 returned to Beech factory for rebuilding and modernization. POP: 117.
Beech SNB-5 [09771] (Natl Museum of Naval Aviation)

SNB-5 Expeditor, TC-45J 1951 (ATC 765) = SNB-2 modified to USAF C-45G standards with two R-985-AN-3s and constant-speed, full-feathering props; new gear struts, wheels and brakes; heavier wing center section; autopilot, new instrument panel. Redesignated TC-45J in 1962.
SNB-5P 1951 = SNB-2P modified as photo recon. Redesignated as RC-45J 1962
Starship SEE 2000.
Beech T-1A [93-0644] (USAF)

T-1 Jayhawk 1992 = Medium-range USAF advanced jet trainer. 3pClwM rg; two 2900# P&W JT15D-5B turbofans; span: 43'6" length: 48'5" v: 538 (Mach 0.71) range: 2222 ceiling: 41,000'. Swept-wing version of 400T Beechjet as advanced trainer for airlift and tanker pilots. $4.1 million; POP as T-1A: 1 civil prototype [N2886B=89-0284], 217 production [90-0398/0413 (uncertain if -0398/0399 were applied), 91-0075/0102, 92-0330/0363, 93-0621/0656, 94-0114/0148, -0621/0656, 95-0040/0071].
Beech T-6 Instrument panel (Raytheon)

T-6 Texan II (JPATS Mk II) 1995 = Joint service basic jet trainer. 2pClwM rg; 1100# P&W-Canada PT6A-68 turboprop; span: 33'5" length: 33'4" v: 311 ceiling: 31,000'. The name was chosen to commemorate the North American AT-6 Texan. POP (contract est) as T-6A: 374 to USAF, 339 to USN. Contract let in Jan 2002 for 230 more planes over four years, with attendant ground and tech support equipment, for about $1.2 billion, the largest military contract in history at the time.
Beech T-6A (Raytheon)

T-6A 2000 = Improved cockpits included "female friendly" ejection seats. POP (partial): [95-3000/3009, 96-3010/3024, 97-3014/3026, 98-3025/3046, 99-3547/3568, 00-3570/3608, 01-3609/3667].
T-34 Mentor (TC A26CE) - Tandem-cockpit military trainer. Developed from 45, with straight tail. Into US service 1952, used as primary trainer also in South American countries, Japan, Spain, and Turkey. Jet Mentor SEE 73.
Beech YT-34 [50-735] (USAF)

YT-34 1950 (TC 5A3) = 2pClwM rg; 225hp Continental O-470-13A; span: 32'10" length: 25'11" load: 704# v: 189/173/54 range: 975 ceiling: 20,000'; ff: 5/x/50. POP: 3 [50-735/737].
Beech T-34A [53-3310] (USAAF via AETC)

T-34A 1953 (TC 5A3) = Production model for USAF. POP: 450, includes 100 built for RCAF as Mentor by Canadian Car & Foundry (qv).
T-34B 1954 (TC 5A3) = USN version with O-470-4; load: 754# v: 225/170/55 range: 727. POP: 423 [140667/140956, 143984/144116].
Beech T-34C NASA civil registration [N619NA] (NASA Dryden)

T-34C 1973 = 715hp P&W PT6A-25 propeller-turbine, torque limited
to 400hp (550hp for T-34C-1); span: 33'4" length: 28'8" load: 1640# v:
257/247/x range: 750. POP: 441.
T-36 1953 = 4-12pClwM rg; two 2300hp P&W R-2800; span: 70'0" length: 52'2" v: 300+. Gross wt: 25,000#. Intended to replace C-45s in Air Training Command, a batch of 195 aircraft was ordered, but canceled June 1953 when the first flight of the prototype was a matter of only hours away. POP: 2 built as T-36A, but neither was flown.
Beech T-42A [65-12684] (Larry DiRicco)

T-42A Cochise 1965 = Similar to B-55. POP: 70 [65-12679/12733, 66-4300/4309], of which 5 to Turkey [71-21053/21057].
Beech T-44A [160979] (Larry DiRicco)

T-44A Pegasus aka H-90 1977 = USN advanced turboprop training; carrier radar operations. Similar to King Air B-90 and USAF U-21, but with 550hp P&W-Canada PT6A-34B engines. POP: 61.
U-8 SEE L-23.
U-21, RU-21 (TC 3A20) - ClwM rg. Military version of 65 Queen Air, redesignated from C-6.
Beech U-21A (Army Aviation Museum)

U-21A Ute 1967 = Staff transport. 10p; two 550hp P&W PT6A-20; span: 45'112 length: 35'6" load: 4220# v: 265 range: 1675. POP: 140 [66-18000/18047, 67-18048/18076, -18078/18084, -18086, -18088, -18090/18092, -18094/18103, -18116/18118], 4 for electronic warfare as RU-21A [67-18112/18115]; 4 modified for electronic reconnaissance as EU-21A [66-18000, -10803, -18007, 67-18058], 2 for ground instruction as GU-21A [66-18006, -18012], 4 for special development tasks as JU-21A [66-18008, 67-18063, -18065, -18069].
RU-21B 1967 = Special military applications. POP: 3 [67-18077, -18087, -18093].
RU-21C 1967 = Staff transport. POP: 2 [67-18085, -18089].
RU-21D 1967 = Modified cockpit. POP: 18 [67-18104/18111, -18119/18128] plus 18 U-21A conversions.
JRU-21D 19?? = POP: 1 unknown modification [67-18125].
RU-21E 1971 = Staff transport. POP: 15 [70-15875/15890]; with 3 modified RU-21D.
U-21F SEE King Air A-100; [70-15908/15912].
U-21G 1971 = Electronic countermeasures. POP: 17 [70-15891/15907].
RU-21H 1971 = Staff transport. POP: 32.
RU-21J 1972 = Battlefield surveillance version of Super King Air. POP: 20 [71-21058/21060]; 3 modified for a short time from C-12L, then reverted.
Beech QU-22B 69-7699] (USAF Museum)
U-22 c.1967 = Militarized, supercharged Debonair with increased wingspan and wingtip tanks adapted to surveillance duties in Vietnam, relaying information to tactical fighters and gunships. Unmanned, radio-controlled drone version as QU-22A [68-10531/10536] and -22B [69-7699, 70-1535/1548].
U-22A 1970 = Civil D33 [N5847K] used by USAF testing in the PAVE COIN program as ground-attack YAU-22A [70-7859].