Google EarthFlying Things

Among the many wonders of Google Earth is the coincidence of some satellite capturing images of something unusual, unexpected, or unexplainable. There is also an audience of viewers who dedicate a good portion of their life searching for flying objects that got in the way of the camera—how they spotted some of them is beyond our understanding. Most images are so minuscule as to barely be identifiable as airplanes, but some can be startlingly clear when caught in a high-definition scan. What follows is a mere sampling of airborne things worthy of head scratching—click 'em larger:
Although it's really at a legal altitude, this airliner on landing approach is, at the least, thought provoking.
As above, a third dimension is missing. A passing airliner could be at 35,000 feet and still look this close to the ground.
Even the military can't escape the prying eye of the satellite far above it.
Looking for a spot in the parking lot? No, just passing through, thank you.
A plane and its shadow gives some indication of altitude.
A banner tow offshore somewhere in Florida. Another few pixels of definition and we could read what the banner is selling.
Another roof-scraper on final approach somewhere.
Not only vapor trails, but a "ghost" image. Aliens from outer space? CIA surveillance? See explanation at the last picture.
Hold the calls, we have a winner! Some guy just by chance discovered the "wreckage" of a passenger plane and is now busy trying to get the NTSB crash team out there to investigate. We include his posted comments on the find. Actually, his wreckage was floating over at 30,000', and we suspect a little left-field humor here.
Here's an AgCat just turning out from a spray run.
A real find is a sailplane on tow. Smile, guys; you're on Candid Camera!
Nobody, but nobody, escapes the lens! Not even a fat little blimp over a lake.
Look at those vapor trails! That means the airliner isn't exactly hedge-hopping over those desert muntains. It also gives some indication of how high that camera satellite must be.
Talk about being at the right place at the right time ... what are the odds of catching a Citabria going into the top of a loop over a bridge?
And what are the chances of spotting a TBM and and SNJ formed up and heading somewhere? About the same as finding a shopping cart with four good wheels is what.
"Hey, paw! A B-1B jes' went over our back forty! Scared hell outta the goat."
A real rarity is finding a KC-135R and C-5 Galxay locked together by a refueling hose. Those ghostly blue images are common scanning artifacts and are responsible for a lot of needless excitement among the UFO aficianodos.