To see all the codes and abbreviations, click: Secret Codes... but here are
The Basic Nuts & Bolts
Entries in the aircraft data section are alphabetical, using American Library Standards form. With military aircraft in particular this can get a bit muddy, but the general rule is:
= 1 precedes A. Numbers take preference over letters.
= A precedes A-1, A1, and Ab. Single letter takes preference over multiples.
= A-1 precedes A1. The dash takes preference over letters or numbers, so Douglas A-20 is listed before Douglas A4D.
= A1 precedes Ab. A is treated as a single letter with a number.
= Ab precedes AD-1. The regular alphabet takes over.
A typical entry for an aircraft will look something like this:
Pluto P-55 1949 (123 2-123) = 2pChwM; 120hp Pupick P-2; span: 30'3" length: 28'9" load: 585# v: 120/98/45 range: 610 ceiling: 12,300'; ff: Jan 24, 1949 (p: Michael Mouse). Walter E Disney. Leading-edge ailerons, tricycle gear; twin tails. Was prototype for 1951 Lockheed Pluto. $3,599; POP: 3 [N12345/12346, N22222] c/ns 1 to 3.
= Pluto P-55 is the aircraft name and model shown in bold.
= 1949 is the year of introduction or first flight.
= Parenthetical numbers are the ATC or TC, and Group 2 Memo (a dash-number).
= 2pChwM is a basic description of the aircraft (SEE Secret Codes).
= 120hp Pupick P-2 is the horsepower and engine.
= span and length are shown in feet.
= load is "useful load" in pounds (#), gross minus empty weight.
= v: is maximum/cruising/landing speeds in mph unless otherwise noted. A single figure is max speed unless otherwise noted.
= range is in miles unless otherwise noted.
= ceiling is generally "service ceiling" in feet.
= ff: is date of first flight, with pilot (p:) shown in parentheses.
= Underlined name indicates principal designer(s).
= General information follows, with links in blue.
= Dollar figures are original advertised or selling price, generally at the factory.
= POP: is "population," the number actually constructed.
= Data in brackets are civil registrations (license numbers) or military s/ns.
Bear in mind that what you see is "found" information and might not always be complete. In some instances there are conflicting but credible data, which will be shown in parens as, for example, a wing span: (>28'10"). Unknown or questionable data are shown with an "x" or a "?", such as in speeds: 200/180/x or dates: 19??.
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