REVISED: 5/22/08
Army and Air Force Flying Fields in the USA

AB = Air Base; AAB = Army Air Base; AAF = Army Air Field; AAFB = Army Air Force Base; AD = Air Depot; AF = Air Field; AFB = Air Force Base; AFRB = Air Force Reserves Base; AFS = Air Force Station; AFX = Air Force Auxiliary; ALF: Army Landing Field; ANGB = Air Natl Guard Base; ARB = Air Reserves Base; AS = Air Station; ATC = Air Transport Cmd; Aux = Auxiliary; CCTS = Combat Crew Training Site; CPT = Civil Pilot Training; ELF = Emergency Landing Field; FF = Flying Field; FS = Flight Strip (Aux); ILF = Intermediate Landing Field; OTU = Operational Training Unit; TCC = Troop Carrier Cmd.

NOTE: To simplify researches, coordinates [in brackets] are classic spherical degrees, minutes, and seconds (dd-mm-ss). For Google Earth use, dashes need to be replaced by a space, with a space and N before the comma and a space and W at the endeg: 37 46 N, 121 91 W.
Aberdeen AAF aka Phillips Field, Aberdeen Proving Gound MD (19??). 49 Bomb Sqn (1931).

Abernathy Aux #A-1, TX. Satellite for Lubbock AAF.

Abilene AB, TX (4/15/56). Renamed Dyess AFB (12/6/56).

Acquilla Aux #4, TX. Satellite for Waco AAF.

Adak AF, AK (1942-??).

Adams Field, Little Rock AR.

Ajo AAF, AZ [32-27-10, 112-51-41]. Satellite for Luke AAF. Landing fields #1 [32-31-41, 112-55-58], #2 [32-36-09, 112-52-41], #3 [32-39-38, 112-52-14].

Alamogordo AB/AAF (1942-48), NM. 1948: Became Holloman AFB.

Albany AFB, GA. Transferred to USN as Albany NAS.

Albuquerque AAB see Kirtland Field.

Alessandro Flying Field, Riverside CA (3/15/18). Became March AFB (1918).

Alexandria AAF, Pitkin LA (1939-46). Reactivated as England AFB (1950). CCTS. Bombing ranges at Angelina TX, Boykin Springs TX, McGee Bend TX.

Allen AAF, Fort Greely, Delta Junction AK; aka Big Delta AAF (19??-48). Joint military and civil use.

Alliance AAF, NE. TCC.

Alliance Aux #4, FL. Satellite for Marianna AAF.

Altus AFB, OK (1953->). SAC base; C-5 and C-141 tng.

Aloe Field, Victoria TX (1/?/43). Fighter advanced tng. Satellites: Cologne #7, Goliad #8, Mission Valley #9, Fannin #10. 10/31/45: To AAF. 1948: Declared surplus, became civil Victoria Co Airport.

Amarillo AAF, TX (1942-47). Basic troop tng; Mechanic School #12. (1951-69) Reactivated as AFB.

Amchitka AAB, AK (19??). To AFB (1948-??).

Amedee AAF, Sierra Army Depot, Herlong CA (19??). To Nevada ANG (1996->).

Americus Air Intermediate Depot, GA (c.1920-??). Supply Depot.

Andrews Field, Camp Springs MD (3/31/45-1948). Was Camp Springs AAF (5/2/43-3/31/45). HQ Command base. (1948->) To AFB. Home base of presidential Air Force One (1961->). LtGen Frank M Andrews, USAAF

Annette Island ILF, Metlaktia AK.

Anniston AFB, Eastaboga AL (19??-52). Satellite for Courtland AAF.

Apalachicola AAF, FL. Satellite for Tyndall Field.

A P Hill AAF (A P Hill Military Reservation), Bowling Green VA. Satellites: Mica AAF, Moss Neck AAF, Port Royal AAF

Aragon Aux #A-5, TX. Satellite for Marfa AAF.

Ardmore AAF, OK (8/3/42). CCTC; combat glider sqdn, gunnery ranges. Bombing ranges at Pontotoc Co #1 and #2, Coal Co #3 and #4, Johnson Co #5. (10/31/45) Deactivated and remanded to the city as Ardmore Industrial Airpark. (9/1/53) Reactivated as AFB; TCC. (3/31/59) Deactivated, reverted to civil Airpark.

Arlington Aux #4, CO. Satellite for La Junta AAF.

Arnold AFS, Tullahoma TN (1/1/50). To AS (8/17/94). To AFB (9/28/95-->); Arnold Engineering Development Center. Gen Henry H Arnold, USAAC/USAAF/USAF

Artesia Aux #6, NM. Satellite for Roswell AAF.

Ashburn Field, Chicago IL (c.7/x/16). Aviation Section Flying School, the Army's third training facility.

Athlone Aux #4, CA. Satellite for Merced AAF.

Atlanta AAB, GA. Is Atlanta AAF aka Morris AAF, Forest Park GA?

Atlantic City Airport, NJ (1960s). SAC/USAF dispersal site.

Atterbury AAF, Columbus IN (12/31/42). CCTS and satellite for George Field. Renamed Bakalar AFB (1954). Became Columbus Muni (1972).

Aurora Aux, CO. Satellite for Portland AAB.

Autaugaville Aux #5, AL. Satellite for Craig Field.

Avalon Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Avenger Field, Sweetwater TX. Satellite for Abiline AB.

Avra Aux #4, Tucson AZ. Satellite for Marana AAF.

Avon Park AAF/AFS/AFX, FL. CCTS; bombing range

Baer Field, Fort Wayne IA (19??). TCC. To AAB (19??)..

Bainbridge AAF, GA (8/?/42-61). Primary and basic flight tng; also camp for German POWs. Became an industrial complex.

Bakalar AFB, Columbus IN (1954-71). Was Atterbury AAF. Lt John E Bakalar (--9/1/44), USAAF

Bakersfield Muni Airport, CA [35-25, 119-03]. Satellite for Hammer Field.

Baldsteifen AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #8.

Ballico Aux #2, Merced CA. Satellite for Merced AAF.

Baltimore AAB, MD.

Bangor ANGB, Bangor Intl Airport ME (19??->). Air refueling and airlift station. Dow Field?

Barking Sands AAF/AFB, Kauai HI (1953). Originally built by US Army as Mana Airport (1940), then Mana Airfield Military Reservation (194?), Barking Sands Military Reservation (19??), Kekaha Military Reservation (19??-53). Renamed Bonham AFB (1964); transferred to USN (1964).

Barksdale Field, Bossier City LA (2/2/33). SAC base; CCTS. Bombing ranges at Kisatachie and Minden LA. (19??->) To AFB. Lt Eugene H Barksdale (--1926), USAAC test pilot

Barnwell Muni Airport, SC. Satellite for Columbia AAB.

Bartow AB, FL (19??-61). Primary and basic flight tng; CCTS. Bombing ranges at Lacoochee and Lake Hancock FL.

Bascom Aux #3, FL. Satellite for Marianna AAF.

Bates Field, Mobile AL (1/1/40-19??). Air materiel depot. Satellite: St Elmo AL. Became Brookley Field.

Battle Mountain FS, NV. Satellite for Reno AAF.

Bay Aux #3, Courtland AL. Satellite for Courtland AAF.

Beale AFB, CA (1948->); was Camp Beale (1942-48). Gen Edward Fitzgerald Beale (1822-1993), landowner, Indian agent, and founder of Army Camel Corps.

Beardsley Aux #2, AZ [32-42-14, 112-25-04]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Bedford AAF, MA.

Bellows Field/AFS, Oahu HI (1933-58). Built on Waimanalo Military Reservation, established in 1917. Lt Franklin Barney Bellows, WW1 pilot

Bemis(?) Aux #3, GA. Satellite for Moody Field.

Benjamin Harrison AFB, Indianapolis IN (19??-50).

Bergstrom AAF, Austin TX (3/3/43) (>9/19/42 >11/11/43). TCC units, SAC, fighter wings, 12th AF TAC. Satellites: Austin Muni, Gonzales Muni. Was Del Valle AAB, became AFB (12/?/48-1991), then, after redevelopment, Austin-Bergstrom Intl Airport (1997).Capt John A Bergstrom, USAAF (1907-12/8/41)

Berlin Aux, GA. Satellite for Spence Field.

Bicycle Lake AAF, CA [35-17, 116-37] (19??). Satellite for Natl Tng Ctr and Camp Erwin. 8400' paved rwy.

Big Delta AAF see Allen AAF.

Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso TX (1/25/25). Was Fort Bliss ILF. CCTS; hvy bombing ranges at Deming NM, Fabens TX, McNary TX, Otero CO NM. Became Biggs AAF (1942), transferred to Army (1966->). Lt James Berthes Biggs (--10/20/18), USAS

Biancur AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #6, FL.

Big Spring AFB/AAF, TX (9/28/42). 15 bombing ranges. Renamed Webb AFB (1952).

Bilbo Aux #3, Calera OK. Satellite for Perrin AAF.

Billings Muni Airport, MT (1960s). USAF dispersal site.

Birmingham AAB (Muni Airport), AL [33-34, 86-43].

Bishop AAF, CA (194?-4?).

Black Hill AAF, Black Hill Ord Depot, Igloo SD.

Blackland Field, Waco TX, aka Blackland Army Flying School. CCTS for Waco AAB. Satellites: Crawford #3, McGregor #1, Riesel #2, Temple, West #4.

Blackstone AAF, VA (1942-??). Camp/Fort Pickett satellite. Shared civil as A C Perkinson Airport (19??).

Bliss Field see Fort Bliss.

Bluethenthal Field, Wilmington NC. CCTS; fighter gunnery tng.

Blythe AAF, CA [33-37, 114-43]. Satellite for March AFB. CCTS.

Blytheville AAB/AFB, AR (1942-45). TCC. Satellites: Steele #1, Manila #2, Hornersville #3, Cooter #4. Reactivated (1955-??). Became Eaker AFB, SAC base.

Boca Raton AAB, FL. AAF Tech School, Radar Operator tng.

Bogalusa Field, LA. Satellite.

Bolling Field, Washington DC (4/1/18-1947). HQ Staff. Gunnery and bombing range at Sharps Island MD. To AFB (1947), moved fixed-wing opeations to Andrews AFB (1962). Col Raynal C Bolling (1877-1918), USAS

Bonham AFB, Kauai HI (1964-??). Was Barking Sands AAF.

Boston ARB, MA (c.1930-??).

Bowman Field, Lexington Muni Airport KY (19??-?). To ILF (1931).

Bradley Field, Windsor Locks CT. Fighter combat tng.

Bradshaw AAF, HI.

Brainard Field, Hartford CT.

Breckenridge AAF, Camp Breckenridge, Morganfield KY.

Breckenridge Aux, OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Brocksville Aux, FL. Satellite for MacDill Field.

Brookley Field, Mobile AL (19??-69). Was Bates Field. To AFB (19??). Capt Wendell H Brookley (--2/?/34), USAAF

Brooks Field, San Antonio TX (12/5/17). Was Gosport Field (1917) and Kelly Field #5 (1917-18). Primary tng; school of avn medicine; Border Patrol station (1931). To AFB (19??->). Cadet Sidney J Brooks Jr (--1917), USAS

Brooms Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Brownwood Aux, TX. Satellite for Muskogee AAF (OK)

Brownsville AAB, TX. Tow target gunnery tng.

Bryan AAF/AFB, TX (19??-58). Advanced flight tng; instrument tng. Satellites: Somerville #1, Hearne #2, Easterwood #4.

Bryant AAF, Fort Richardson, Anchorage AK.

Buchanan Field, Concord CA [37-59, 122-03].

Buckeye Aux #5, Palo Verde AZ. Satellite for Luke Field.

Buckingham AAF, Fort Meyers FL. Flexible gunnery tng.

Buckley Field, Denver CO [39-42, 104-45] (19??). Tech Tng Ctr. To ANGB (10/1/00->). Lt John H Buckley, (--9/27/18), USAS/NG

Buffalo AAF Factory Tng School, NY. 14th AF Curtiss tech tng.

Buffalo Springs Airport, Santa Catalina CA. Satellite for March Field.

Bunker Hill AFB, Peru IN (6/2/54). Was Bunker Hill NAS (1942-46). Renamed Grissom AFB (5/12/68).

Burbank (United) see Lockheed Air Terminal.

Burgess Field, Uniontown PA (c.1930), ILF.

Burlington Airport, VT (19??). To ANG (1946->).

Burnt Gin Aux, Sumter SC. Satellite for Shaw Field. Surplused (9/12/45).

Burton Aux #4, Ambrose TX. Satellite for Perrin AAF.

Bushnell AAF, FL. Satellite for Orlando AB.

Butte Aux #A-7, TX. Satellite for Pecos AAF.

Butts AAF, CO [38-41, 104-46] (1963->). Fort Carson satellite.

Byrd Field, Richmond VA (1960s). USAF dispersal site.

Cade Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

Caddo Mills Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Majors Field.

Cairns AAF, Fort Rucker, Ozark AL. MajGen Bogardus S Cairns (--9/1/58), US Army

Cal Aero Academy, Ontario CA. Contract CPT pilot tng. Became Ontario Muni.

Caledonia Aux #3, Aberdeen MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Caliente FS, NV [37-60, 114-86] (1943-??). Emergency use only, with 6400' paved rwy. (Identified on some civil topo maps as Delamar Landing Field, perhaps mistaken for Edwards FTC's Delamar Lake landing strip (qv).)

Camp Ashland see H J Paul AAF.

Camp Barkeley see Tye AAF.

Campbell AAF, Clarksville TN (1942-46). Specialist tng. Sub-base for Smyrna AF.

Campbell AFB, Fort Campbell KY (19??). To AAF (c.1959->).

Campbell Aux #4, CA. Satellite for Chico AAF.

Campbell Aux #6, MO. Satellite for Malden AAF.

Camp Blanding AAF, Starke FL (1976->). LtGen Albert H Blanding (11/9/1876-12/26/70), US Army

Camp Davis AAF, Holly Ridge NC (4/?/1941-1944). Barrage balloon school, OCS, and anti-aircraft tng base had two aux runways. WASP pilots arrived 7/24/43 to tow targets with A-24s and A-25s. (6/1/46-1948) Camp transferred to USN/USMC.

Camp Drum see Wheeler-Sack AAF.

Camp Edwards see Otis Field.

Camp Essex AAF, Essex CA (2/5/42-3/16/44), support field for Army's Desert Training Center, commanded by Gen George S Patton at the onset. Land returned to Dept of Interior, presently reported to be a developing historical site and museum.

Camp Grayling see Grayling AAF.

Camp Hood AAF, Killeen TX (19??). Renamed Gray AFB (1949).

Camp McCoy see McCoy AAF.

Camp Pickett see Blackstone AAF.

Camp Ripley AF, Little Falls MN (19??). Became Miller AAF.

Camp Robinson AAF, Little Rock AR.

Camp Roberts, Roberts AAF, Paso Robles CA [35-48, 120-45] (1943-7/1/46). Originally named Camp Nacimiento Replacement Training Center. One discrete runway as McMillan AF [35-72, 120-77] (1950-c.60), and the central parade grounds [35-79, 120-74] were often used for light aircraft. Satellite: Roberts East Aux across the highway. Reactivated for Korean War (6/?/50). To CA Natl Guard as major CNG tng base for tanks and artillery (4/2/71->). Cpl Harold W Roberts, USA In addition to training centers, the camp served as an WW2 internment compound for Italian and German POWs. After the surrender of Italy in 1943, many of the Italian POWs remained at the camp and joined the US Army Service Units as service troops.

Camp San Luis Obispo, CA (c.1950-55). Dirt aux strip for L-19 and helo operations; paved parade ground also used occasionally.

Camp Shelby see Shelby AAF.

Camp Springs AAF, MD (5/2/43-3/31/45). Became Andrews Field.

Camp Stewart AFB, Hinesville GA. Was Stewart AFB.

Cannon AFB, Clovis NM (1957->). Was Clovis AFB. TAC base; maintenance ground tng. Gen John K Cannon, USAAF/USAF

Cape Canaveral AFS, FL.

Cape Cod AFS, MA.

Cape AFB, Umnak Island AK (19??-50).

Carlisle Aux, AR. Satellite for Stuttgart AAF.

Carlsbad AAFB, NM. Advanced bombardier tng and flight tng. 26 bombing ranges. Became AAF (1946-??).

Carlstrom Field, Arcadia FL (c.1920-??). Contract primary pilot tng.

Carrier Aux, OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Carswell AFB, Fort Worth TX (6/28/42-1993). Was Griffiss AB. To USN (1994). Maj Horace S Carswell Jr (--10/26/44), USAAF

Cartwright Aux #3, Itasca TX. Satellite for Waco AAF.

Casa Grande Aux #4, AZ. Satellite for Williams Field.

Cash Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Majors Field.

Casper AFB, WY (19??-52).

Castle AFB, Merced CA (19??-95). Was Merced AAF. SAC base. BrigGen Frederick W Castle (--12/24/44), USAAF

Castroville Aux #1, TX. Satellite for San Marcos AAF.

Cavalier AFS, ND.

Center Aux #2, Parma NM. Satellite for Deming AAF.

Chanute Field, Rantoul IL (5/21/17-1993). Technical Schools. Octave Chanute (--1910), aviation pioneer

Chapman Field, Miami FL (c.1920). Temporary storage depot for WW1 surplus.

Chaffee AAF, Fort Chaffee, Fort Smith AR.

Charleston AAB/AAF, SC. Traning schools. Satellite: Johns Island Airport. Bombing ranges at Botany Bay, Georgetown, Poorman. To AFB (3/1/55->).

Chatham Field, Savannah GA (19??-50). Was Savannah AFB. CCTS and bombardment tng. Bombing and gunnery range at Townsend. The City of Savannah traded Hunter Field, then a municipal airport, for the smaller Chatham AFB to keep SAC and the USAF in Savannah.

Chattanooga Aux #4, OK. Satellite for Frederick AAF.

Chennault AFB, Lake Charles GA (19??-63). Was Lake Charles AFB. BrigGen Claire L Chennault, USAAC/USAAF

Cheyenne Mountain AFB, Colorado Springs CO (19??). 1994->: To AS.

Chicago Muni Airport, IL.

Chico AAF, CA [39-47-46, 121-51-31]. Satellites: Orland #1, Kirkwood #2, Vina #3, Campbell #4, Oroville #5.

Chino AAF, CA [33-58-30, 117-38-12] (19??). CCTS. Cal-Aero Academy (CPTP). To civil muni airport (19??).

Childress AAF, TX. AFS bombardier tng. 17 bombing ranges.

Churchill FS, NV. Satellite for Reno AAF.

Circle Hot Springs AFB, AK. No data.

Clear AFS, AK.

Clear Springs AAF, New Braunfels TX (19??). To AFB (19??-67).

Clear Springs Aux, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

Clinton County AAF (civil), Wilmington OH (1942-46). To AAFB (1946-47), to AFB (1947-49), closed in an economy drive. Reopened by Continental Air Cmd (1951), taken over by SAC (1960-6/30/70). Reverted to civil use 9/?/71. The base was used from early 1942 through Nov 1945 as the Materiel Command, Glider Engineering Test and Experiment Base, reporting directly to the commander at Wright Field. ( Charles L Day 4/16/01)

Clinton-Sherman AFB, Clinton OK (194?-6/x70). Was Burns Flat NAS (6/1/43-194?). SAC base; tanker ops.

Clovis AAB, NM (1942-43). Was civil Portair Field (c.1927) and Clovis Muni Airport (c.1935). CCTS - very hvy bomber; ground gunnery range. Bombing ranges at Melrose and Nara Visa. Reactivated as AFB (1951-57). To AAF (1943-47). Renamed Cannon AFB.

Coalinga ALF, CA [36-16, 120-36] (c.1943-46). Was original Coalinga Muni Airport (1936-c.95). Used during WW2 as an emergency field by Lemoore AFB.

Cochran Field, Macon GA.

Coffeyville AFB, KS. CCTS. 4 local Aux Fields.

Cold Bay, Fort Randall AK.

College Park FF, MD (1911-??).

Cologne Aux #7, TX. Satellite for Aloe AAF.

Colorado Springs AAB, CO [38-49, 104-43] (1942). Was Colorado Springs Muni Airport (19??). Became Peterson AAF (1942).

Columbia AAB, SC. CCTS; precision bombing tng. Satellites: Barnwell Muni, North Muni; bombing ranges at Lake Murray, Pontiac, Poorman. Became Owens Field.

Columbus AAF, MS (19??). Primary and basic flight tng. Satellites: River #2, Caledonia #3, Water Works #4, Columbus #5, Vaughn #6, Stinson #7, Starkville #8 Gunshy Field (qv). To AFB (19??->). Flight ops moved to Moore Field (1955).

Columbus Aux #5, Aberdeen MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Concord AAF, CA [37-59-22, 122-03-25]. (1946) = Became civil Buchanan Field.

Condron AAF see Stallion AAF.

Congaree AFB, SC (1955). Transferred from USN. 1960: To ANGB. 19??: Renamed McEntire ANGB.

Connally AFB, Waco TX (19??-68). Was Waco AFB. Advanced observer tng; TAC base. James Connally

Conners Aux, FL. Satellite for Hendricks Field.

Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft Corp, San Diego CA. AAF Tech Training School.

Cooke AFB, Lompoc CA (1957-58). Was Camp Cooke. Renamed Vandenberg AFB (1958->).

Coolidge AAF, AZ.

Cooter Aux #2, MO. Satellite for Blytheville AAF.

Cordele Muni Airport aka Aux #7, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Corning Aux, CA [39 56 31 N, 122 10 16 W].

Coronaca AAF, Greenwood SC. Sub-base for Greenwood AAB.

Coronado Aux #3, Tucson AZ. Satellite for Marana AAF.

Corvallis AAF, OR [44-30, 123-17]. Ground support base. Joint USN?

Courtland AAF, AL. Basic and advanced flight tng. Satellites: Anniston, Danville #1, Trinity #2, Bay #3.

Coyote Flats Aux, CA [37 12 15 N, 118 28 34 W] (1968-c.95). Satellite for Edwards FTC. Developed as a high-altitude test site for helicopters, being as it was at 10,000' the highest airport in the US. 642 acres, one 3000' paved runway, which degraded into a dirt strip. Taken over by USFS and closed for air operations because of its remoteness.

Crawford Aux #3, TX. Satellite for Blackland AAF.

Creech AAF, Lexington Army Depot KY.

Craig AFB (also Field), Selma AL (8/?/40-1977). Flight instructor tng; pilot advanced flight tng; ATC base. Satellites: Selma Muni #1, Furniss #2, Henderson #3, Molette #4, Autaugaville #5. Bruce K Craig (--1941), Consolidated flight engineer

L-17B at Crissy Field
Crissy Field, Presidio of San Francisco CA [37-48, 122-28]. (192?-??) 91 Obsv Sqn, 15 Photo Sect (1931). 2610' paved rwy.

Cruger Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Crystal Aux #A-5, TX. Satellite for Pecos AAF.

Culver City Airport aka AAF, CA [33-59, 118-24]. FMPU flight ops

Cumberland ALF, MD (c.1930). ILF.

Curtiss-Wright Corp, Caldwell NJ. AAF Tech Training School, propellers.

Cut Bank AAF, MT. Sub-base for Great Falls AAB.

Cyclopic Aux #1, AZ. Satellite for Kingman AAF.

Daggett Muni Airport, CA [34-51, 116-47] (19??). CCTS.

Dale Mabry Field, Tallahassee FL. CCTS. Bombing ranges at Cross City, St Teresa, Sopchoppy.

Dalhart AAF, TX (9/?/1942). B-17 and B-29 tng. Aux fields at Hitt and Wagner. 4 bombing and gunnery ranges. Became muni airport (4/?/46).

Daniel Field, Augusta GA.

Danville Aux #1, AL. Satellite for Courtland AAF.

Darlington Co Airport Aux, SC. Satellite for Florence AAF.

Datelan AAF/AFB, AZ. Flexible gunnery tng. Sub-base for Yuma AAF. To AFX (19??).

Davenport Aux #8, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

Davidson Aux #2, OK. Satellite for Frederick AAF.

Davis AAF, Adak AK (19??). Transferred to USN (1950).

Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson AZ (1927->). Was Tucson Muni (1924-27). 8 bombing and gunnery ranges during WW2. Became TAC base, repair and storage (disposal) facility. Lt Samuel H Davis (--12/28/21) USAS, 2Lt Oscar Monthan (19??-3/27/24), USAS

Davison AAF, Fort Belvoir VA (9/2/52->). BrigGen Donald A Davison, Army

Dawson AAF, Camp Dawson WV.

Dekker Aux, Ft Benning AL. Satellite for Lawson Field.

Delamar Lake FS (aka Drop Zone), Alamo NV [37-32, 114-94] (c.1962-??). Satellite for Edwards FTC as an emergency landing area for X-15 testsno structures, dry lakebed usable length: 15,000'. Used once, in 1966 when X-15 suffered engine failure at 115,000' altitude.

Delano AAF aka Delano-Kern Co #8, CA [35-45, 119-14 (>35-44, 119-07)].

Deming AAF, NM. Bombing and gunnery tng; tow target flight tng. Satellites: South #1, Center #2. 19 precision bombing ranges.

Demopolis Aux, AL. Satellite for Key Field.

DeRidder AAB, LA (1941-1945). 1946-->: Became civil Beauregard Parish Airport.

Desert Center AAF, CA (194?-4?) [33-45, 115-20].

Desert Rock AAF, Desert Rock NV.

Destaville(?) Aux #7, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

Detrick Field, Frederick MD.

Detroit-Wayne Co Airport, MI (1960s). SAC dispersal site.

De Valle AAB, Austin TX (9/18/42). Became Bergstrom AFB (3/3/43).

Dexter Aux #1, MO. Satellite for Malden AAF.

Dillingham Field, Oahu HI (19??). Was Kawaihapai Military Reservation (1927) and Mokuleia Airfield (deactivated 1948). To AAF (1975), to joint-use civil (1975->).

Dillon AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #10.

Dobbins AFB, Marietta GA (1968). Was Marietta AAF/AFB (1950-1968). To AFR (1968), to AR (19??-??). Capt Charles Dobbins, USAAF

Dodge City AAF, KS. Flight tng. Satellite: Jetmore.

Dodd Field, Ft Sam Houston TX (c.1930). See also Fort Sam Houston.

Donaldson AFB, Greenville SC (19??-64). Was Greenville AFB.

Dorr Field, Arcadia FL. Reserve Air Service tng.

Dothan Airport Aux #2, AL. Satellite for Napier Field.

Douglas AAF, AZ [31-27-49, 109-36-05]. Was Douglas Airdrome (1931). Pilot tng. Satellites: Forrest [31-22-15, 109-40-29], Hereford [31-25-00, 110-08-23], McNeal [31-36-20, 109-39-08], Webb. 1945: To Forrest Aux.

Douglas Aircraft Corp, Santa Monica CA [34-01, 118-28]. AAF Tech Training School.

Douglas Aircraft Corp, Long Beach CA. AAF Tech Training School.

Douglas Field (ANG), Charlotte NC (19??->). Was Morris Field. CCTS. To civil Charlotte/Douglas Intl Airport (19??).

Dover AFB, DE (2/?/51->). CCTS. ATC and MAC.

Dow Field, Greenfield ME, to AFB (194?-68). Bombing range.

Dow AAF, Camp Parks, Livermore CA, became Parks AFB?.

Drew Field, Indian Rocks FL. AA gunnery range. Satellite: Hillsborough. Jeep gunnery target range at Poorman (Pinellas Co FL).

Drummond Aux, OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Dryden Airdrome, TX (c.1931). Border Patrol station and Army ILF.

Duke Field AS/AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #3.

Duncan Field, San Antonio TX (1930-??). HQ annex to Brooks and Kelly Fields. tng facility and repair depot.

Dunlap Aux #A-4, Richgrove CA [35-75, 119-12] (1941-46). Satellite for Minter AAF.

Duluth Intl Airport MN (1952->). Colocation, was Williams-Johnson civil airport.

Dutch Harbor, Unalaska AK.

Dyersburg AAF, Memphis TN. CCTS. Gunnery range at Chisolm Lake; 3 bombing ranges.

Dyess AFB, TX (9/1/55->) (>12/6/56). Was Abilene AB. SAC and TAC base; TCC ops, tanker ops. LtCol William E Dyess (1912-12/?/43), USAAF

Eagle Field, Dos Palos CA (5/15/42-46). CPTP primary flight tng.

Eagle Mountain AAF, Fort Worth Army Depot TX.

Eaker AFB, Blytheville AR (19??-92). Was Blytheville AFB. Gen Ira Eaker, USAAF/USAF

Eareckson AFS, Shemya Island AK (1993). Was Shemya AFB (19??-93). To AS (1994-??).

Easterwood Aux #4, College Station TX. Satellite for Bryan AAF.

Edinburgh Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Moore Field.

Edward Gary AFB see Gary AFB.

Edwards AFB, aka USAF Flight Test Center, Muroc CA (1950->). Was Muroc AAB and AFB. Satellites: Coyote Flats Aux, Delamar Landing Strip. Capt Glen Edwards (--6/5/48), USAF test pilot

Eglin Field, Ft Walton Beach FL (1937). Was Valparaiso Bombing & Gunnery Base (1935-37). To AFB (19??->). Research and development testing; TAC base; Special Forces ops tng. Included numbered Aux bases Baldsteifen, Biancur, Dillon, Duke, Epler, Peel, Piccolo, Pierce, Wagner. LtCol Frederick I Eglin (--1/1/37), USAAC

Eielson AFB, AK (1946->). Was Ladd Field satellite "Mile 26" (1942-46). Carl Ben Eielson (18??-11/x/29), Arctic explorer

Electra Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Sheppard Field..

Elfridge Field, Mt Clemens MI.

Elizabeth AAF, NJ [41-14, 72-01] (19??-19??), W end of Fishers Island, 5 miles off CT shore in Long Island Sound, 8 miles SE of New London. Elev: 7.5'. Irregular 2000' x 1000' sandy field with three rwys: two 1800' and one 1000', all 300' wide.

Ellensburg Aux Field/AAF, WA.

Ellington Field, Houston TX (194?-78). Observer tng, AFRes and ANG tng; navigator tng (Genoa TX). Satellites: Preston #2, League-Davis #3. Gunnery range at Galveston Island TX. Supplemental NASA Spacecraft Center site. Lt Eric L Ellington (--11/14/13) US Army, ex-USN Academy

Ellis Aux #1, FL. Satellite for Marianna AAF.

Ellsworth AAF, Rapid City SD, to AFB (1953->). Was Rapid City AFB. BrigGen Richard E Ellsworth (--3/18/53), USAF

Ellyson ALF, Pensacola NAS FL.

Elmendorf Field, Fort Richardson, Anchorage AK (19??). To AFB (19??->). Capt Hugh Elmendorf (--1/13/33), test pilot USAAC

El Mirage AFX, Palmdale CA [34-37, 117-36] (1942-46). Satellite for Victorville AAF. Presently used for civil glider operations.

Elmore Aux #2, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

Emison Aux, IN. Satellite for George Field.

England AFB, Alexandria LA (1950-92). Was Alexandria AAF (1939-46). TAC base; Air Commando tng. LtCol John B England (--11/17/54), USAAF

English Field, Amarillo TX.

Enid AAF/AFB, OK (194?). Pilot advanced flight tng. Satellites: Breckenridge, Carrier, Drummond, Enid Muni Airport #1, Perry Muni Airport, Waukomis. Renamed Vance AFB (19??).

Enid Muni Airport Aux #1, Woodring OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Ent AFB, Colorado Springs CO (1949-76). Was Army tent camp (1943-49). No flight ops, but HQ for Army Air Defense Cmd, North American Air Defense Cmd, and Aerospace Defense Cmd; NORAD support base (Cheyenne Mtn). MajGen Uzal G Ent (--3/5/48), USAAF

Ephrata AAB, WA (19??). CCTS. 5 bombing and gunnery ranges. To AAF (1950-??), to AFB (19??).

Epler AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #7.

Erwin Aux, Newport AR. Satellite for Newport AAF.

Esler Field, Camp Beauregard, Alexandria LA. Tactical Command Base. Satellite: Lafayette Muni Airport.

Essington Field, PA (2/x/17). Army Aviation Section's fifth facility, this one specific to seaplane flight training.

Estrella AAF, Paso Robles CA [35-40, 120-38] (1943). Coastal defense. Deactivated (10/15/44), became Paso Robles Muni Airport aka Archie Dean Field (11/27/44->). Originally scheduled as a USMC base, but USN handed it over to AAF on 9/2/42 in deference to using nearby Lemoore NAS.

Ethan Allen AFB, Burlington VT (19??-60). Was Fort Ethan Allen.

Eugene Muni Airport, OR (194?-4?).

Fairchild AFB, Spokane WA (1950->). Was Spokane AFB. CCTS - ATC. Gen Muir S Fairchild (--1950), USAAF/USAF

Fairfax Field, KS.

Fairfield Air Intermediate Depot, Dayton OH. Repair facility.

Fairfield-Suisun AAF, Fairfield CA (19??). Renamed Travis AFB (19??).

Fairmont AAF, NE [40-35-25, 97-34-32]. OTU very heavy bomber.

Falcon AFS, Colorado Springs CO (1983-88). To AFB (1988-98). Renamed Schriever AFB (1998).

Famoso Aux #A-3, CA [35-36, 119-08]. Satellite for Minter Field.

Fannin Aux #10. Satellite for Aloe AAF.

Felker AAF, Fort Eustis, Lee Hall VA (1954->). World's first military heliport.

Felts Field, Spokane (Parkwater) WA. AAF Aux and utility.

Fentress ALF, VA.

F E Warren AFB, WY (1949->). Was Fort Francis E Warren (1930-49) and Fort D A Russell (1884-1930). Under Army jurisdiction until reassignment to USAF in 1947. ISBM; MAC geodetic survey ops. First missile wing (1960-65). Francis Emory Warren, Wyoming territorial governor and US senator

Fighter Aux #3, Agua Frio AZ [33-37-52, 112-21-56]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Florence AAB/AAF, SC. CCTS. Bombing and gunnery range at Sand Hills (McBee SC). Satellite: Darlington Co Airport.

Forbes AFB, Topeka KS (1948-73). Was Topeka AFB. TAC base; MAC photo-mapping ops. Maj Daniel S Forbes (--6/5/48), USAF

Forney AAF, Fort Leonard Wood MO.

Forrest Aux, AZ [31-22-15, 109-40-29]. Satellite for Douglas AAF.

Fort Armstrong Air Depot, Honolulu HI (c.1930-??).

Fort Belvoir see Davison AAF.

Fort Benjamin Harrison see Schoen Field.

Fort Benning see Lawson AAF.

Fort Bliss Field aka Bliss Field, TX (6/12/1919). 1st Aero Sqn action in Mexican Border War. US Border Patrol air unit established (1919). Became Biggs Field (1/25/1925).

Fort Bragg see Pope Field.

Fort Campbell see Campbell AAF and Mackall/Simmons AAF.

Fort Carson see Butts AAF.

Fort Chaffee see Chaffee AAF.

Fort Crook ARB/ILF (c.1930-19??). Army fort established 1896. 19??: Became Offutt AFB.

Fort Devens AAF see Moore AAF.

Fort Dix AAF, Wrightstown NJ.

Fort Eustis see Felker AAF.

Fort George Wright AAF, Spokane WA (19??). 19??: Renamed George Wright AFB.

Fort Greely see Allen AAF.

Fort Harrison AAF, Helena MT.

Fort Hood see Gray AAF and Hood AAF.

Fort Jackson see Owens Field.

Fort Kamehameha Field, Honolulu HI (c.1917). Balloon and airship operations.

Fort Knox see Godman AAF.

Fort Lawton AAF, Seattle WA.

Fort Leavenworth see Sherman Field.

Fort Lee AAF aka Lee AAF, Petersburg VA.

Fort Leonard Wood see Forney AAF.

Fort McClellan see Reilly AAF.

Fort Meade see Tipton AAF.

Fort Monroe see Walker AAF.

Fort Ord AAF, Seaside CA (19??-98); was Camp Clayton. Became Fritzsche AAF.

Fort Polk AAF aka Polk AAF, Leesville LA.

Fort Richardson see Bryant AAF.

Fort Riley see Marshall Field.

Fort Russell Field, Marfa TX. ILF (1931).

Fort Rucker see Cairns AAF and Lowe AAF.

Fort Sam Houston Aviation Cantonment (aka Air Center, San Antonio TX (1917-??). See also Dodd Field.

Fort Sheridan see Sheridan Field.

Fort Sill see Post Field.

Fort Stewart see Liberty AAF.

Fort Sumner AAB/AAF, NM. CCTS - fighter. Satellite: Taiban.

Fort Wadsworth see Miller Field.

Fort Worth AAF, TX (19??-48). Was Tarrant Field. AFS Assembly Plant #4. Renamed Griffiss AB (1948), Carswell AFB (19??).

Foster Field, Victoria TX (19??-58). Fighter fixed gunnery tng. 6 numbered local Aux fields.

Francis Warren AFB see F E Warren AFB.

Franklin Aux, CA [38-18-16, 121-25-45].

Frederick AAF, OK. Advanced flight tng. Satellites: Tipton #1, Davidson #2, Grandfield #3, Chattanooga #4, Olnay #6.

Freeman Field, Seymour IN. Flight training. Satellites: Grammer #3, Zenas #5.

Fresno ANGB, Fresno Air Terminal CA [36-46-09, 119-43-05] (19??->). See also Hammer Field.

Fritzsche AAF, Fort Ord CA [36-41, 121-46] (c.1962). (7/1/91) Became civil Marina Muni.

Furniss Aux #2, Cahaba AL. Satellite for Craig Field.

Gainesville AAF, TX. Satellite for Perrin AAF.

Galena AF, AK (19??-48). To AFB (1948-93).

Galeville Aux, NY.

Galveston AAF, TX. Tow target gunnery tng. Gunnery range at Oyster Bay.

Garden City AAF, KS.

Gardner Field, Taft CA [35-06-20, 119-18-21]. Advanced flight tng. Maj John H Gardner, USAAF. Returned to farm crops c.1965.

Gary AFB, Camp Gary, San Marcos TX (19??-55). Was San Marcos AAF. Renamed Edward Gary AFB (1955). Flight instructor tng.

Gaskin Aux #1, Dorchester TX. Satellite for Perrin AAF.

Geiger Field, Spokane WA (19??-60). AF Avn Engr tng. Became Spokane Airport (1960->).

General Motors Corp, Indianapolis IN. AAF Tech Training School, engines.

George AFB, Victorville CA [34-35, 117-23] (19??-92). Was Victorville AFB. Also absorbed Hawes Field. BrigGen Harold H George (--4/29/42), USAAF. H H George is principally credited for the adoption of the official AAF anthem ("Off we go...")

George Field, Lawrenceville IL (19??-19??). Army Air Training School; TCC. Satellites: Emison, Palestine, St Thomas.

George Wright AFB, Spokane WA (19??-54). Was Fort George Wright AAF.

Georgia AD SEE Warner Robins AFB.

Gerstner Field, LA (1918-??). Renamed Lake Charles Avation Camp (19??).

Gibbous Aux #1, Southmayd TX. Satellite for Perrin AAF.

Gideon Aux #4, MO. Satellite for Malden AAF.

Gila Bend Aux AAF, AZ [32-53-12, 112-43-11] (194?). Sub-base for Luke Field. Pilot tng. 3 numbered satellites shared with Luke and Williams AAF. To AFX (19??).

Gilbert Aux #1, AZ [33-23-12, 111-40-19]. Satellite for Williams Field.

Glasgow AFB, MT (194?) (1957-68). Bombardment tng. Reactivated (1972-76).

Glendale AAF, Grand Central Air Terminal (muni), Glendale CA [34-09-50, 118-17-20] (194?-4?).

Godman Field, Fort Knox, Louisville KY (19??). Medium bomber tng. To AAF (1954)

Goffs AAF, Goffs CA [34-56-12, 115-04-04] (1943-c.1975?). Service field for Camp Goffs, began with a 1500' gravel strip and evolved into two 4700' paved rwys. Sited about two miles E of the main camp.

Goldman Aux, Stuttgart AR. Satellite for Stuttgart AAF.

Goliad Aux #8. Satellite for Aloe AAF.

Goodfellow Field, San Angelo TX (1941). Basic multi-engine tng. Satellites: Oates #1, Brooms #2, Robbins #3, Lane #4, Pulliam #5, Vancourt #6, Wall #7. To AFB (19??->). Lt John J Goodfellow Jr (--9/17(>14)/18), USAS

Goodyear Aux #5, AZ [33-25-21, 112-22-33]. Satellite for Williams Field.

Goodyear Aux #6, Liberty AZ [33-26-26, 112-30-42]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Gore Field, Great Falls MT (1942). ATC Ferry Group; high-altitude bombardment tng (Big Sandy). To Great Falls AAB/AAF (1948), renamed Malmstrom AFB (1956)

Gosport Field see Brooks Field.

Gowen AAB/AAFB aka Gowen Field, Boise ID. CCTS hvy bomber. 5 bombing ranges.

Graham AB, AZ (19??-61).

Graham AFB, Marianna FL (1951). Was Marianna AAF reactivated. Contract primary flight tng for Moody AFB. Became muni airport (1960). William J Graham, civilian founder of flight school

Grammer Aux #3, IN. Satellite for Freeman Field.

Grandfield Aux #3, OK. Satellite for Frederick AAF.

Grand Forks AFB, ND (9/?/56->). SAC base; tanker ops.

Grand Island AAF, NE. OTU - very hvy bomber. Precision bombing range at Central City, gunnery range at Broken Bow.

Grandview AAF, Kansas City MO (11/4/55). Was civil Grandview Airport. Became Richards Field (19??), later Richards-Gebaur AFB.

Grandview Aux, MO. Satellite for Vichy AAF.

Gray AFB, Fort Hood, Killeen TX (19??). To AAF (1963->). Robert Gray

Gray Butte Aux #4, CA [34-33-55, 117-40-30] . Satellite for Victorville AAF.

Gray Field, Fort Lewis, Tacoma WA (19??). To AAF (19??).

Grayling AAF, Camp Grayling MI (19??->). Helicopters. Multiservice use.

Great Bend AAF, KS (3/5/43). Operation tng units, very hvy bomber. 4 bombing ranges. Deactivated (1/1/46).

Great Falls AAB see Gore Field.

Greenville AFB, MS (19??-65). Advanced flight tng.

Greenville AAB, SC (19??). CCTS. Renamed Donaldson AFB (19??).

Greenwood AAF, MS. OTUs; flight tng. Satellites: Avalon, Cruger, Greenwood Muni Airport, Oxberry, Paynes, Tchula.

Greenwood Muni Airport Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Grenier AFB, Manchester NH (19??). 19??-??: To Grenier Field.

Griel Aux #1, Tallassee AL. Satellite for Tuskegee AAF.

Griffiss AB, Fort Worth TX (1948-??). Was Ft Worth AAF. Became Carswell AFB (19??).

Griffiss AFB, Rome NY (1948-95). Was Rome AFB. LtCol Townsend E Griffiss (--2/15/42), USAAF, first US airman to lose his life in ETO

Griffith Park Airport ANGB, Los Angeles CA [34-09-00, 118-16-55] (1931). Was Griffith Park Aerodrome (1912-31), honoring Van Griffith for his donation of 100 acres of land with a request it be used to "do something to further aviation." Ceded to CANG to house its 40th Division, 115th Aero Obsv Sqn, commanded by Maj C C Moseley (who later was a founder of Western Airlines and Cal-Aero Tech Institute). One 1965' oiled rwy. Operations moved to Van Nuys AAF in 1942 and the field closed, becoming a veteran's hosing project briefly after WW2, then redeveloped as the present Griffith Park zoo and golf course.

Grissom AFB, Peru IN (5/12/68). Became AFRB (10/?/44->). Was Bunker Hill AFB. LtCol Virgil "Gus" Grissom (--1/27/67), USAF, pioneer astronaut

Gulfport AAF, MS. CCTS - very hvy bomber. Bombing ranges at Cat Island and Bay St Louis.

Gunshy Field, Meridian MS (c.1990). Was Meridian NAS OLF Alpha Field, transferred to USAF's Columbus AFB as aux and renamed.

Gunter Field, Montgomery AL (19??). Basic flight tng. Satellites: McLemore #1, Elmore #2, Mt Meigs #4, Taylor #5, Montgomery Airport #6, Destaville(?) #7. To Maxwell AFB Gunter Annex (1992->). William A Gunter (--1940), Montgomery mayor and airpower exponent

Hackberry Aux #3, AZ. Satellite for Kingman AAF.

Hagler AAF, Camp Shelby MS.

Half Moon Bay AAF Aux, CA [37-30, 122-30] (194?-4?).

Hamilton Field, Novato CA [38-03-38, 122-30-41] (1932-74). Originally known as Marin County Air Field, Marin Airfield, Marin Meadows Air Field, and San Rafael Air Corps Station (1929-32). Air Defense Cmd. Satellites: Montague Airport, Napa Aux, Willows Airport. To Army as Hamilton AAF (1/11/76), USN/USCG housing (1988-96). Lt Lloyd Andrew Hamilton (--8/24/18), USAS

Hammer Field aka Fresno AAB, Fresno CA [36-46-33, 119-43-05] (19??). CCTS - night fighter. Sub-bases: Hayward AAF, Palmdale AAF, Visalia AAF. Became Fresno ANGB (1/15/47) and Fresno Air Terminal (19??).

Hammond AAF, LA (6/?/43-??). Satellite for Key Field. Aux bombing and gunnery tng, as well as internment camp for POWs.

Hancock Field, Syracuse NY (19??-82). Was Syracuse AFS.

Hanscom (civil) Field, Bedford MA (1941-??), colocation with civil ops. To AFB (19??->). Laurence G Hanscom (--1941), journalist and aviation advocate

Harding Field, Baton Rouge LA.

Harlingen AAF, TX (19??-62). Observer tng; flexible gunnery tng.

Harrisburg Muni Airport, PA.

Harvard AAF, NE. OTU very hvy bomber. 5 bombing ranges.

Hassayampa Aux #7, Arlington AZ [33-22-00, 112-45-30]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Hatbox Field, Muskogee OK [35-44-47, 95-24-48] (19??); ILF (1931). Satellite for Muskogee AAF. Became civil airport (194?).

Hawes Aux #1, Barstow CA [34-55-22, 117-22-46] (1942-4?). Satellite for Victorville AAF. 5600' rwy. Became part of George AFB (19??).

Hawkins Field, Jackson MS (19??). To AAB (1941), to civil Hawkins Field Airport (1949).

Hayward AAF, CA [37-40, 122-07]. Sub-base for Hammer Field. Night fighter tng. Became muni airport (1947).

Hazen Aux, AR. Satellite for Stuttgart AAF.

Headland Aux #3, AL. Satellite for Napier Field.

Hearne Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Bryan AAF.

Helendale Aux #2, CA (1942-c.46). Satellite for Victorville AAF.

Helm Aux #7, Lemoore CA. Satellite for Lemoore AAF.

Henderson Aux #3, Millers Ferry AL. Satellite for Craig Field.

Hendricks Field, Sebring FL. Flight tng. Satellites: Connors, Immokalee.

Hereford Aux, AZ [31-25-00, 110-08-23]. Satellite for Douglas AAF.

Hermosa Aux #A-2, TX. Satellite for Pecos AAF.

Hickam Field, Honolulu HI (5/31/35). To AFB (1957->). LtCol Horace M Hickam (--11/5/34), USAS/USAAC pioneer

High Aux #A-1, TX. Satellite for Pecos AAF.

Higley Field see Williams AFB.

Hill Field, Ogden UT (12/1/39). Was Air Corps air mail depot (1931). To AFB (1948->). Maj Ployer P Hill (--10/30/35), USAAC test pilot

Hillsborough Aux, Tampa FL. Satellite for Drew Field.

H J Paul AAF, Camp Ashland, NE.

Hobbs AFB, NM (19??-c.51). Flight tng.

Holloman AFB, Alamogordo NM (1948) (>1942). Was Alamogordo AAF. Became German Air Force Flying Training Center (1996->), subsidized by the German government, but controlled by USAF. Col George V Holloman (--3/19/46), pioneer in guided missile research

Homestead AFB, FL (1/?/55-1992). OTUs; port of embarkation. Badly damaged in hurricane, recommissioned AFRB (1994->)

Hondo AB, TX (19??-58). Primary and basic flight tng; flight engr tng. Satellite: Kelly Aux #5.

Hood AAF, Fort Hood, Killeen TX (19??->). See also Gray AAF. Gen John Bell Hood, Confederate Army

Hope AAF, AR

Hornersville Aux #3, MO. Satellite for Blytheville AAF.

Hot Springs ANGB, AR.

Houlton AAF, ME.

Howard Aux #3, Livingston CA. Satellite for Merced AAF.

Hughes Field, Almansor NM. Bombardier tng.

Hurlburt Field, FL (3/?/42). To AFB (19??->). Was Eglin AFX #9. Lt Donald W Hurlburt (--10/2/43), USAAF

Huron Aux #2, CA. Satellite for Lemoore AAF.

Hunter Field, Savannah GA (19??). To AAFB (19??), to AAF (1967-72, 1974->). Current home of Columbia College of Missouri.

Hunter-Liggett AAF, Jolon CA [35-59, 121-14].

Immokalee Aux, FL. Satellite for Hendricks Field.

Indian Aux #3, CA. Satellite for Lemoore AAF.

Indian Springs AF/AFX, NV (19??). Was muni airport. Flexible gunnery tng in WW2. Las Vegas Bombing & Gunnery Range; nuclear testing. To AFX (1964-??), presently the USAF's largest intallation in area (3 million acres).

Inyokern Aux, CA [36-44-13, 118-08-41]. Satellite for Muroc AAF.

Jackson AAB, MI. Troop induction, basic tng.

Jacksonville AAB, FL.

Jennings LA. Satellite.

Jetmore Aux, KS. Satellite for Dodge City AAF.

Johns Island Airport Aux, SC. Satellite for Charleston AAF.

Jones Field (AAF), Bonham TX. Primary tng with PT-19As.

Kearney AAF, NE (194?-48).

Keesler Field, Biloxi MI (6/12/41->). Basic tng; tech schools. 2Lt Samuel R Keesler Jr (--10/9(>8)/18), USAS observer

Kellogg AAB, Battle Creek MI. TCC.

Kelly Aux #5, TX. Satellite for Hondo AAF.

Kelly Field, San Antonio TX (5/7/17-1948). Was Camp Kelly (1917). Pilot tng, MAC ops; TX ANG. To AFB (1948-2001). Lt George E M Kelly (--5/10/11), USAS, first service pilot fatality

Kenner LA. Satellite.

Key Field, Meridian MI. CCTS. Satellites: Demopolis, Hammond, Topton.

Kincheloe AFB, Kinross MI (1952-77). Was Kinross AFB. Capt Iven C Kincheloe Jr (--7/26/58), Korean War jet ace, USAF test pilot

Kingman AAF, AZ [35.44, 114.06] (1942). Aerial gunnery tng (36,000 trainees in WW2). Sub-base: Yucca AAF [34-52-28, 114-07-27]. Satellites: Cyclopic #1 [---], Hackberry #3 [---], Topock #5 [34-43-46, 114-26-20], Powell #6 [34-27-33, 114-21-39] (Lake Havasu City), Signal #7 [34-43-46, 114-26-20]. Became Storage Depot #41 (2/25/46-7/?/48) for scrapping of surplus aircraft, then a civil airport.

King Salmon Airport, AK (1948-??). Was Nanek AAB. Army air ops.

Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls OR (4/?/56-19??). Was Klamath Falls muni and USN field. 2Lt David R Kingsley (--6/23/44), USAAF bombardier

Kinross AFB, Kinross MI (1941-45). Reactivated as Kincheloe AFB (1952).

Kinston AF, NC (19??). Renamed Stallings AB (1953). Primary and basic tng.

Kirkwood Aux #2, CA [39-47-16, 122-07-33]. Satellite for Chico AAF.

Kirtland Field, Albuquerque NM (1/?/41). CCTS - very hvy bomber. To AFB (1971->). Col Roy C Kirtland (1874-5/2/41), USAS/USAAC

Kirtland ELF, NM. Satellite for Kirtland Field.

K I Sawyer see Sawyer.

Kissimmee AAF, FL. Sub-base for Pincecastle AAF.

Knollwood Aux, Southern Pines NC. Satellite for Pope Field.

Kougarok AFB, AK. No data.

Lackland AFB, TX (4/12/47->). Was also San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center (1941-47); MOS assignments and classifications pool. Acquired Kelly AFB property (2001). BrigGen Frank D Lackland (1874-1943), USAS/USAAC

Ladd Field, Fairbanks AK (1940). To AFB (19??). Became Wainwright AAF (1962->). Gen Jonathan M Wainwright, US Army

Lafayette Muni Airport Aux, LA. Satellite for Esler Field.

Laguna AAF, Yuma Proving Ground AZ (c.1943->).

La Junta AAF, CO [38-03, 103-31]. Pilot advanced flight tng. Satellites: Rocky Ford #1, Las Animas #2, Arlington #4.

Lake Charles AAB/AFB, LA (19??). CCTS - lt bomber; ground aerial gunnery range (Calcasieu LA). 5 bombing and gunnery ranges. Renamed Chennault AFB (19??).

Lakeland AAF, FL. OTU - fighters.

Lake Park Aux #2, GA. Satellite for Moody Field.

Lambert Field, St Louis MO (1960s). SAC dispersal site.

Lane Aux #4, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Langin Field, Moundsville WV. ILF.

Langley Field, Hampton VA [37-06, 76-22]. (12/30/16) Proving ground for aviation experiments, then as tng field for WW1. )1931) Tactical School. (1938) 3 mi N of town on the peninsula between York R and James R; elev: 10; irregular 4500' x 2600' all-way sod field; seaplane base adjacent on SW branch of Back R, 10500' x 1800' sealane. (1942-->)To AFB. 1942 = Radar observer tng. The oldest continuously active military air base in the USA. Dr Samuel P Langley (--1906), aviation pioneer

Laredo AAF/AFB, TX (5/1/42-1973). Advanced flight tng.

Larson AFB, Moses Lake WA, was Moses Lake AAF.

Las Animas Aux #2, CO. Satellite for La Junta AAF.

Las Vegas AAF, NV (19??). Renamed Nellis AFB (19??). Was Las Vegas AAC Gunnery School (1/25/41-19??).

Laughlin AAF, Del Rio TX (1942). Pilot flight tng. Satellite: Val Verde. To AFB (1948->). Lt Jack T Laughlin (--1/29/42), USAAF

Laurence G Hanscom Field see Hanscom Field.

Laurinburg-Maxton AAB, Maxton NC (194?). Gilder pilot and crew tng. Satellite: Lumberton Airport #2. To civil airport (19??).

Lawson Field, Fort Benning, Columbus GA (19??). Troop Carrier Cmd operation tng units. Satellite: Dekker. To AAF (1954->). 2Lt Ted W Lawson, USAAF. Lawson was portrayed by Van Johnson in the film 30 Seconds Over Tokyo.

Lawton AAF see Fort Lawton AAF.

Leadville AAF, CO. Sub-base for Will Rogers Field (OK).

League-Davis Aux #3, League City TX. Satellite for Ellington Field.

Lee AAF see Fort Lee AAF.

Leesburg Aux #1, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Lemoore AAF, CA [36-25, 119-95] (1942-c.45). Primary and intermediate flight tng. Triangular landing mat. 6 satellites: Huron #2, Indian #3, Murray #4, West #5, Summit Lake #6, Helm #7, plus Coalinga ALF. (19??) Used for a short time as civil Lemoore Airport, maps indicated a 6100' paved rwy. Property sold to USN in 1957 as proposed site for Lemoore NAS.

Lewiston AAF, MT. Bombardment tng.

Libby AAF, Fort Huachuca AZ. Joint civil and military. Renovated 1995.

Liberal AAF, KS. Flight tng.

Liberty AAF, Fort Stewart, Hinesville GA.

Limestone AFB, Caribou ME (2/25/53-19??). Renamed Loring AFB (19??). SAC base.

Lincoln AAF, NE (19??). Combat crew processing. To AFB (19??-66).

Lincoln Aux, CA [38-54-33, 121-21-05]. Satellite for Mather Field.

Little Rock AFB, AR (9/1/55->). SAC base.

Lockbourne AAB, Columbus OH (6/?/42-19??). Renamed Rickenbacker AFB.

Lockheed Airport, Burbank CA [34-11, 118-20] (194?-4?). Factory and AAF flight test and repair facility; Tech Training School.

Lockheed Air Terminal, Burbank CA [34-12, 118-21] (194?-4?). Was civil Union/United Air Terminal (5/10/30). Became Hollywood-Burbank Airport (19??->).

Logan Airport, Boston MA (1960s). SAC dispersal site.

Logan Field, Dundalk MD. ANG base, Army ILF.

Lomita Flight Strip, CA. Satellite for Long Beach AAF.

Long Beach Muni Airport and AAF, CA [33-49, 118-09] (19??-??). Was Daugherty Field (c1920-??) [33-47, 118-11]. Satellite: Lomita Flight Strip.

Lordsburg Airdrome, AZ (c.1930). ILF.

Loring AFB, Caribou ME (19??-94). Was Limestone AFB. Maj Charles J Loring (--11/22/52), USAF

Los Alamitos AAF, CA (19??->). CANG and multiservice use.

Los Angeles AFS, El Segundo CA (19??). To AFB (19??->); included Fort MacArthur Annex.

Lost Hills Aux #A-8, CA [35-37-24, 119-41-10]. Satellite for Minter Field. Became civil Kern County #9.

Lowry Field, Denver CO (2/?/38-1994). Flying tng - very hvy bomber; Tech Training Ctr; airmen processing. Lt Francis B Lowry (--9/26/18), USAS

Love Field, Dallas TX [32-51, 96-51]. ILF.

Love Field, Hawes TX (c.1920). Temporary storage depot for WW1 surplus; no flight ops.

Lowe AAF, Fort Rucker, Ozark AL.

Lubbock AAF, TX (1941). Multi-engine and instrument pilot tng. Satellites: Abernathy #A-1, West #1, South #2, North #3, Opdyke #4. Renamed Reese AFB (1949).

Luke Field, Glendale AZ (19??). Advanced flying tng. Satellites: Wittman #1 [33-43-04, 112-31-43], Beardsley #2 [32-42-14, 112-25-04], Fighter #3 [33-37-52, 112-21-56], Wickenburg #4 [33-58-01, 112-48-11] , Buckeye #5 [33-25-14, 122-41-05] (now Buckeye Muni), Goodyear #6 [33-26-26, 112-30-42], Hassayampa #7 (Ajo-Williams #1) [32-31-41, 112-55-58], Luke #8 (Ajo-Williams #2) [32-36-09, 112-52-41], Luke #9 (Ajo-Williams #3) [32-39-38, 112-52-14]. Satellites were reassigned to WIlliams AFB in Nov 1946. To AFB (19??->). Lt Frank Luke Jr (--9/29/18)

Luke Aux #8, Phoenix AZ. Satellite for Luke Field.

Luke Field, Pearl Harbor HI (c.1919). Aerial coastal defense.

Lumberton Airport Aux #2, NC. Satellite for Lauringburg-Maxtin AAB.

Lunken Airport, Cincinnati OH [39.06, 84.25]. ARB and ILF (1931).

MacDill Field, Tampa FL (1938). CCTS fighter. Satellite: Brocksville. To AAB (4/15/41). To AFB (19??->). Col Leslie MacDill (--11/8/38), USAAC

Mackall AAF aka Simmons AAF, Camp Mackall NC (1943-45). WW2 airborne and glider pilot tng. Reverted to Army ground tng (1949->).

Madera Aux #2, CA [36-59-16, 120-06-41] (1942-??). Satellite for Merced AAF.

Madras AAF, OR (194?-4?).

Majors Field, Greenville TX. CCTS - fighter. Satellites: Caddo Mills #1, Cash #2, South Sulphur #3.

Malden AB, MO (19??-60). Primary and basic flight tng; TCC tng. Satellites: Dexter #1, Maulsby #2, Risco #3, Gideon #4, Campbell #6.

Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls MT (1956->). Was Great Falls AAB/AFB. SAC base; missile support ops.Col Einar A Malmstrom (1907-9/21/54), USAAF

Malone Aux #2, FL. Satellite for Marianna AAF.

Mana Airport see Barking Sands.

Manila Aux #2, AR. Satellite for Blytheville AAF.

Mansfield Aux, LA. Satellite for Baksdale Field.

Marana AB and AAF, AZ [32-30-36, 111-19-28] (19??-57). Primary and basic flight tng. Satellites: Picacho #1, Rillito #2, Coronado #3, Avra #4, Sahuaro #5. Became post-war civil Pinal Airpark.

March AFB, Riverside CA [33-54, 117-15] (1918). Was Alessandro Flying Field. CCTS. Sub-base: Shavers Summit AAF. Satellites: Buffalo Springs Airport, Needles. To AFRB (1996->). Lt Peyton C March Jr (--2/18/18), USAS

Marfa AAF, TX. Advance flight tng. Satellites: South #A-1, Ryan #A-3, Marfa #4, Aragon #A-5.

Marfa Aux #4, TX. Satellite for Marfa AAF.

Marianna AAF, FL (1942-46). Was civil airport (19??-42). CCTS - lt bomber. Satellites: Ellis #1, Malone #2, Bascom #3, Alliance #4. Reverted to civil use (1946-51), reactivated as Graham AFB (1951).

Marietta AFB, GA (19??). Renamed Dobbins AFB (1968).

Marks AFB, Nome Airport AK (19??-50).

Marin Meadows AF, San Rafael CA (12/1/34-19??). Was San Rafael Air Corps Station. Became Hamilton AFB (19??).

Mariposa Aux, CA [37-31, 120-02]. Satellite for Merced AAF.

Marshall Field, Fort Riley, Junction City KS (c.1925), ILF (1931). 3rd Tactical Air Cmd. To AFB (19??), to AAF (19??-??).

Martindale AAF, San Antonio TX (c.1942). Originally a satellite (Aux #4) for Randolph AAF, deactivated (c.1946), reactivated (19??). To ANGB for helo tng (c.1990->)

Marysville AAF Aux, CA [39-05-51, 121-34-10] (194?-4?).

Mather Field, Sacramento CA (19??). Advanced observer tng. Satellite: Lincoln. To AFB (19??-93), to civil Mather Airport (1995). 2Lt Carl S Mather (--1/30/18), USAS

Maulsby Aux #2, MO. Satellite for Malden AAF.

Maxwell AFB, Montgomery AL (1918->). Was Wright Brothers Flying Field and Taylor Field (Signal Corps). Flight tng. Air University, Air War College, other educational departments. HQ AFROTC and CAP.2Lt William C Maxwell (--8/12/20), USAS

McChord Field, Tacoma WA (5/5/38). Coastal defense. To AFB (1948->). Col William C McChord (--8/18/37), USAAC

McClellan Field, Sacramento CA (4/29/39). To AFB (19??-2001). Maj Hezekiah McClellan (--5/25/36), USAAF

McConnell AFB, Wichita KS (19??->). Was Wichita AAF. TAC base, fighter tng. Capt Fred J (--10/25/45) and brother 2Lt Thomas L McConnell (--7/10/43), USAAF. One reference has the latter as LtCol Edwin M McConnell (--1997).

McCook AAF, Alliance NE. OTU very hvy bomber. 4 bombing and gunnery ranges.

McCook Field, Dayton OH (1917-??).

McCoy AAF, Camp McCoy WI.

McCoy AFB, Orlando FL (1952-74). Satellite for Orlando AAF. SAC base; tanker ops. Col Michael N W McCoy (--10/9/57), USAF

McDona ALF, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

McEntire ANGB, Congaree SC (1961-??). Was Congaree ANGB.

McGuire AFB, Trenton NJ (1949->). Was Army's Rudd Field. Maj Thomas B McGuire Jr (--1/7/45), USAAF

McGregor Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Blackland AAF.

McLemore Aux #4, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

McMillan AF see Camp Roberts.

McNeal Aux, AZ [31.36.20 109.39.08]. Satellite for Douglas AAF.

Medford AAF, OR (194?-4?).

Medina Aux #5, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

Memphis Signal Corps Flying Field, TN (12/x/16). The Army's fourth training facility, based at a former race track.

Merced AAF, CA [37-17, 120-31] (194?-4?). Satellites: Mariposa; Merced #1, Ballico #2 (Madera #2), Howard #3, Athlone #4, Potter #5, Merced #6. Became Castle AFB.

Merced Aux #1 and #6, CA. Satellites for Merced AAF.

Mesa Miitary Airport aka Higley Field, AZ (9/?/41-??). Became Williams AFB.

Miami AAB, Muni Airport, FL. Small arms tng.

Mica AAF, VA. Satellite for A P Hill AAF.

Michael AAF, UT. Dugway Proving Ground aux. X-33 testing. Sometimes referred to as USAF's "other Area 51."

Middletown AD, PA. Repair facility and ILF (1931).

Midland AAF, TX (c.1941-1946). Bombardier tng base. 23 bombing ranges. 1946 = Became municipal airport with many buildings converted to civic and commercal use.

Miller AAF (Ray S Miller AAF), Camp Ripley MN (19??->). Was Camp Ripley AF.

Miller Field, Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island NY; to AAF (1921-19??). 1923 = @ 102 Obsv Sqn NYNG, from Mitchel Field; unit moved to Ft McClellan AL on 10/15/40.

Mills Field, San Francisco CA.

Millville AAF, NJ (1941). P-47 CCTS. Was Millville Flying Club Airport, became civil airfield (c.1947).

Minden Muni Airport (Aux), NV. Satellite for Reno AAF.

Mineola Signal Corps Flying School, NY (7/x/16). The Army's second flight training facility, used primarily for aviation experiments and testing.

Mines Field, Los Angeles CA.

Minneapolis-St Paul Muni Airport, MI.

Minot AFB, ND (9/1/58->). SAC base; tanker and missile support ops.

Minter Field, Lost Hills CA [35-30-16, 119-11-17] (1942). Basic flight tng. Satellites: Wasco #A-1, Famoso #A-3, Dunlap #A-4, Semitropic #A-5, Poso #A-6, Lost Hills #A-8. Surplused (12/21/46) and became a civil airport (1947). Lt Hugh C Minter (--1932), USAAF

Mirage Aux #3, CA. Satellite for Victorville AAF.

Mira Loma SEE War Eagle Field.

Mission Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Moore Field.

Mission Valley Aux #9 TX. Satellite for Aloe AAF.

Mitchel Field, Hempstead, Long Island NY (19??-61). Lt John P Mitchel

Mitchel Field Sub-post #2, Hempstead NY. WW2 Fighter Control.

Mitchel Field Sub-post #3, Harbor Hill NY. WW2 Fighter Control.

Moffett Field, Mountain View CA [37-24-55, 122-02-55].

Molette Aux #4, Orrville AL. Satellite for Craig Field.

Monoghan Aux, SC. Satellite for Shaw Field. Surplused (9/12/45).

Montague Muni Airport, CA (194?-4?). Satellite for Hamilton Field.

Montgomery Air Intermediate Depot (MAID), AL. Repair facility.

Montgomery (muni) Airport Aux #6, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

Montgomery Aux #1, NY. Satellite for Stewart Field.

Montauk AFS, Camp Hero, Long Island NY (Dec 1953-19??).

Moody Field, Valdosta GA (1941). Primary flight tng; bombing and gunnery ranges. Satellites: Lake Park #2, Bemis(?) #3, Valdosta Airport #5. To AFB (19??->). Maj George Putnam Moody (--5/5/41), USAAF test pilot

Moore Field, Mission TX (19??). Advanced single-engine pilot tng. Satellites: Edinburgh #1, Mission #2, Rio Grande #3. To AB (1955-61) Primary and basic flight tng.

Moore AAF aka Devens AAF, Fort Devens, Ayer MA (1940-c.1997).

Morris Field see Douglas Field.

Morrison Field, West Palm Beach FL. Small arms tng.

Morrison Air Depot, VA (c.1920). Temporary storage depot for WW1 surplus; no flight ops.

Moses Lake AAF, Ephrata WA (19??). Renamed Larson AFB (19??).

Moss Neck AAF, VA. Satellite for A P Hill AAF.

Moultrie Muni Airport (Aux), GA. Satellite for Spence Field.

Mountain Home AAB [43 07 52 N, 115-43 46 W], ID (1942). CCTS very hvy bomber. Gunnery range at Twin Falls ID. To AFB (19??->).

Mount Clemens AAB, MI (c.1926-1969). Became Selfridge AFB.

Mount Meigs Aux #4, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

Muir AAF, Indiantown Gap Military Reservation, Annvile PA (1941->). Army Natl Guard tng site. MajGen Charles H Muir, AEF (WW1)

Muroc AAB/AAF, CA (1942). Was Muroc Lake Bombing Range, used as a remote March Field tng field (1933-43) by LtCol H H Arnold. Satellite: Inyokern. To AFB (19??). Renamed Edwards AFB (1950). I was stationed at Muroc 10/12/42 thru 5/6/43 with 329th Fighter Group, a P-38 squadron training combat pilots. Our barracks area was out in the boonies, completely separate from the main base with our own mess hall, squadron supply, orderly room, etc. Northrop had a hangar where they experimented with the flying wings it was an interesting place to be stationed at that time as many aircraft manufacturers used Muroc for their test flights. Bitter cold, dry nights, over 100 during the day, so hot we could not fly in the afternoon. From Muroc our squadron (337th) went to Glendale Air Terminal. ( Edward "Doc" Savage 10/27/01)

Muroc Lake Bombing Range, CA (1933-41?).

Murphy Dome AFS, AK (1951->). Air Defense ops. Often claimed as named for a Lt Alex Murphy, whose helicopter crashed nearby in 1949, but its actual source was a legendary sourdough miner, John Murphy, who worked the area long before the site was built.

Muskogee AAF, OK. Photo-recon CCTS. Satellites: Brownwood, Hatbox Field.

Mustin ALF, PA.

Myrtle Beach AAF/AFB, SC (12/?/56-1993). Aerial gunnery tng; ranges at Brookgreen and Kiawah Island. Operational base. TAC base (19??).

Naknek AAF, AK (1951-48). 1948: Became King Salmon Airport.

Napa Aux, CA [38 12 53 N, 122 16 41 W] (194?-??). Satellite for Hamilton Field.

Napier Field, Dothan AL. Pilot advanced flight tng. Satellites: Wicksburg #1, Dothan Airport #2, Headland #3, Ozark #6.

Naples AAF, Ft Myers FL.

Nashville Muni Airport, TN.

Needles Aux, CA [34-45-46, 114-37-26]. Satellite for March Field.

Nellis AFB, Las Vegas NV (19??->). Was Las Vegas AAF. TAC base, CCTS. Home base for USAF Thunderbirds. Lt William H Nellis (--12/27/44), USAAF

Nenana AF, AK (19??). To AFB (1948, reconstruction stopped at WW2's end).

New Boston AFX, NH.

Newark AFB, Heath OH (19??-96). Was Newark AFS and AAF.

Newark Muni Airport, NJ.

New Castle AFB, DE (1951-??). Was Newcastle County Airport.

New Hackensack Aux #3, NY. Satellite for Stewart Field.

New Hanover Co Airport, NC (1960s). USAF dispersal site.

New Haven AAF, CT. Tech Tranining School.

New Orleans AAB, New Orleans LA [30-03, 90-02] (19??). Transferred to USN as Camp Leroy Johnson NAS (19??).

New Orleans Lakefront Airport, LA. Joint civil, used to train both AAF and USN pilots in WW2.

Newport AAF, AR. Satellites: Erwin, Weldon.

New River Aux #4, Nashville GA. Satellite for Spence Field.

Niagara Falls Intl Airport, NY (1952-??). Colocation with civil ops. USAF dispersal site.

Norfolk AAF, VA (194?). CCTS. Inactived (1945).

Norman Park Aux, GA. Satellite for Spence Field.

North American Aviation Co, Inglewood CA. Tech Training School. (10/26/45) Deactivated.

North Aux #3, TX. Satellite for Lubbock AAF.

Northern Field, Tullahoma TN. No data found.

North Muni Airport (also AAF), SC (19??-??). Auxiliary for Columbia AAB.

Northrop Aviation Co, Hawthorne CA. Tech Training School. (10/26/45) Deactivated.

North Smithville Aux #6, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Norton AFB, Riverside CA [34 05 43 N, 117 14 05 W] (19??-94). Was San Bernardino AFB. MAC base. Capt Leland F Norton (--5/27/44), USAAF

Norton Field ARB, Columbus OH. ILF (1931).

Oakland Airport, CA [37-43, 122-13]. Colocation for USAAF and USN.

Offutt Field, Fort Crook, Bellevue NE (1924). Established as Army's Fort Crook (1896-1924). SAC HQ ARB. To AFB (1948->). Lt Jarvis J Offutt (--8/13/18), USAS

O'Hare Muni Airport, Chicago IL. SAC/USAF dispersal site.

Oklahoma City AD, OK (1941-??). 1500 acres.

Olmstead Field, Middletown PA (19??-68). Air Materiel Cmd.

Olnay Aux #6, TX. Satellite for Frederick AAF.

Olympia AAF, WA.

Onizuka AS, Sunnyvale CA (1994). To AFS as Sunnyvale AFS (2000->).

Ontario AAF, CA [34-03-21, 117-36-04] (194?). CCTS. Declared surplus (11/29/45).

Opdyke Aux #4, TX. Satellite for Lubbock AAF.

Orange County AAF, CA.

Orland Aux #1 [39-43-16, 122-08-40], CA. Satellite for Chico AAF. Post-war as Haigh Field civil use.

Orlando AAB/AAF/AFB (Muni Airport), FL (1942-46). Satellites: AAFSAT tng site at Ballandale and Ocala bombing range. Included POW camp. Reactivated as McCoy AFB (1952). To USN (1967).

Oroville Aux #5/AAF, CA [39-29-21, 121-37-10]. Satellite for Chico AAF.

Oscoda AFB, MI. Sub-base for Selfridge Field. CCTS - fighter. (19??) Became Wurtsmith AFB.

Otis Field, Falmouth MA (1938). To AFB (1949), properties to Cape Cod AFS and USCG station (1973->). Was Otis Field, Camp Edwards (1938-49). Lt Frank J Otis Moody (--1/11/37), USAAC

Owens Field, Columbia SC. Originally Fort Jackson Aux, then Columbia AAB (qv).

Oxberry Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Oxnard AFB, Camarillo CA [34-12-49, 119-05-39] (7/?/42). Was Ventura Co Airport. Sub-base for Van Nuys. CCTS - fighter. (1969->) Became civil Camarillo Airport.

Ozark Aux #6, AL. Satellite for Napier Field.

Page Field, Fort Myers FL. CCTS.

Paine AFB, Everett WA (19??). Coast Defense base. Renamed Paine Field (1959-68) (>1945, listed in 11/15/45 T.O.08-15-1 as Everett Paine Field). (11/15/45) Declared surplus. (1972) Properties to ANGB.

Palestine Aux, IL. Satellite for George Field.

Palm Beach AFB, FL (19??-62).

Palmdale AAF, CA [34-37, 118-05] (19??). Sub-base for Hammer Field.

Palm Springs AAF, CA [33-49-51, 116-30-25]. ATC Ferry Cmd tng.

Pampa AAF, TX. Pilot advanced flight tng. 4 numbered local satellites.

Papago AAF, Phoenix AZ (19??). To ANGB (19??).

Park Field, Memphis TN (11/?/17) . Army Signal Corps Aviation tng camp. Military operations ended (11/13/18) and the field was used for air mail operations and WW1 surplus storage, but soon fell into disrepair, then became an farming camp for transient field workers in the '30s. Redeveloped for USN as an air field to become Memphis NRAB (11/15/41) (qv).

Parks AFB, Pleasanton CA [37-73, 121-09] (1953). Was Camp Parks (1943-46), and USN Seabees traning base (--1953). Acquired by USAF as AFB for induction and basic tng. Transferred to Army and operated in a standby status under the jurisdiction of 6th Army, Presidio of San Francisco (1959). Partially surplused (1973). Redesignated Camp Parks as Army Reserve Forces Training Area with two 2400' runways (1980->).

Paso Robles AB see Estrella AAF.

Patrick AFB, Cocoa Beach FL (10/1/49->). Reactivated, was originally Banana River NAS (c.1940), also Long-Range Proving Ground AFB (1950-??). MajGen Mason M Patrick (--1/29/42), USAAF

Patterson Field, Fairfield OH (1931-48). Was Wright Field, became Wright-Patterson AFB

Patton AAF, Chiriaco Summit CA. Was Shavers Summit Airfield (1942-??). Desert tng area for mechanized troops during WW2. Gen George S Patton (--1945), USAAF.

Paul AAF see H J Paul AAF.

Paynes Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Pearson Field, Vancouver Barracks WA (19??). 1931: ILF.

Pease AFB, Portsmouth NH (19??). SAC base. To ANGB (1991-??). Capt Harl Pease Jr (--8/7/42), USAAF

Pecos AAF, TX. Pilot advanced flight tng. Satellites: High #A-1, Hermosa #A-2, Toyah #A-4, Crystal #A-5, Butte #A-7. 11/15/45: Declared surplus.

Peel AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #4.

Pendleton AAB, Muni Airport, OR.

Perrin Field, Sherman TX (8/9/41). Pilot basic flight tng. Satellites: Gainesville AAF, Gibbous #1, Gaskin #2, Bilbo #3, Burton #4. To AFP (19??-1971). LtCol Elmer D Perrin (--6/21/41), USAAC test pilot

Perry AAF, FL. Precision bombing range.

Perry Muni Airport Aux, OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Peterson AAF, Colorado Springs CO [38-49, 104-43] (1942). HQ Fighter Wing; NORAD support base; USAF Academy flight ops. To AFB (1976->). Lt Edward J Peterson (--8/8/42), USAAF

Petrolia Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Sheppard Field..

Phillips Field see Aberdeen AAF.

Picacho Aux #1, Tucson AZ. Satellite for Marana AAF.

Piccolo AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #5.

Pierce AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #2.

Pinecastle AAB and AAF, Orlando FL (19??). Target range. Sub-base: Kissimmee AAF. Renamed McCoy AFB (19??).

Pinellas AAF, St Petersburg FL. CCTS - fighter. Satellites at Belleair, Indian Rocks, Largo, Safety Harbor

Pittsburgh AAB, PA (19??). ARB and ILF (1931).

Plattsburgh AFB, NY (7/14/56-1994). SAC base; tanker ops. Was Plattsburg Barracks Army post (1812-1865), thereafter used intermittently by Army training units until acquired by USAF. 1994: Closed for budget cuts.

Pocahontas Aux, AR. Satellite for Walnut Ridge AAB.

Pocatello AFB, ID (1942-47).

Point Spencer AFB, AK (19??-48).

Polk AAF see Fort Polk AAF.

Pollock AAF, LA. Satellite.

Pope Field, Fort Bragg, Fayetteville NC (1919). TAC base and TCC tng. Satellite: Knollwood Aux. To AFB (19??->). Lt Harley H Pope (--1/17/19), USAS

Porterville AAF, CA. Sub-base for Lemoore AAF. CCTS.

Portland AAB, Portland-Columbia Airport, OR [45-35, 122-36]. Aircraft modification facility. Satellite: Aurora Aux.

Port Royal AAF, VA. Satellite for A P Hill AAF.

Portsmouth AFB, NH (19??) Renamed Pease AFB (19??).

Poso Aux #A-6, Bakersfield CA [35-35-48 119-07-41]. Satellite for Minter Field.

Post Field, Fort Sill, Lawton OK (19??). To AAF (19??).

Potter Aux #5, Merced CA. Satellite for Merced AAF.

Powell Aux #6, AZ. Satellite for Kingman AAF.

Prairie Hill Aux #5, TX. Satellite for Waco AAF.

Prairieville Aux, Almyra AR. Satellite for Stuttgart AAF.

Pratt AAB and AAF, KS (5/?/43-12/31/45). OTU very hvy bomber (B-29). Bombing and gunnery ranges at Bucklin, Greensburg, Hopewell, Iuka, Kinsley.

Presbyterian Aux, Denison IL. Satellite for Sturgis AAF.

Presque Isle AAB (194?). To AFB, ME (19??), some properties to Loring AFB (1961).

Preston Aux #2, La Porte TX. Satellite for Ellington Field.

Providence Muni Airport, RI.

Pueblo AAB, CO [38-17, 104-30]. OTU very hvy bomber. Bombing and gunnery ranges at Timpas, Nepesta(?)

Pulliam Aux #5, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Punta Gorda AAF, FL. CCTS - fighter; Fighter Cmd base..

Pyote AFB, TX (19??-54). CCTS - very hvy bomber. 5 numbered bombing ranges. Air Materiel District storage site (19??).

Raco AAF and Aux, MI (1941-c.1955). Emergency use only; no personnel or buildings. Became a missle complex.

Randolph Field, Universal City TX (1930). Basic flight and AFS Specialist tng. Satellites: Dilts #1, Cade #2, Martindale #4, Medina #5, Zuehl #6, Seguin #7, Davenport #8, Clear Springs Aux, McDona ALF. 1948->:. To AFB Capt William M Randolph (--2/17/28), USAS/USAAC.

Rankin Field, Tulare CA. 6 mi E of town [36-09-30, 119-15-30]. Contract pilot tng @ Rankin Aero Academy Inc. John "Tex" Rankin. Closed after limited post-war civil use.

Rapid City AAB, SD (19??). Was Weaver AFB (1942). OTU - weather recon. Gunnery ranges at Newell, Rapid City, Sturgis, Washington Co. 19??: To AFB. 1953: Renamed Ellsworth AFB.

Reading AAF, PA.

Redding AAF, CA (194?-4?).

Redmond AAF, OR (194?-46). Aircraft modifications, sub-base for Portland AAF. Aerial gunnery tng. 3 local bombing and gunnery ranges.

Redstone AAF, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville AL.

Reed AAF, Sacramento Army Depot CA [38-31, 121-24]. Paved 3100' utility strip. Depot closed in 1995.

Reese AFB, Lubbock TX (1949-97). Was Lubbock AAF (1941-49). Basic multi-engine tng. Lt A F Reese Jr (--5/14/43), USAAC

Reilly Field, Fort McClellan, Anniston AL.

Rembert Aux, Sumter SC. Satellite for Shaw Field. Surplused (9/15/45).

Reno AAB, NV (19??) [39-30, 119-46]. OTU - ATC. Satellites: Battle Mountain FS, Churchill FS, Minden Airport. Became Stead AFB (1966).

Rentschler Field, Hartford CT. HQ - Eastern Tech Tng Cmd.

Rice AAF, CA [34-04-07, 114-48-50]. Aux field.

Richards Field, Kansas City KS (19??). Was Grandview AAF (11/4/55). To AFRB (1980), to Richards-Gebaur AFB (1994). Lt John H Richards (--9/26/18), USAS, and LtCol Arthur W Gebaur (--9/29/52), USAAF/USAF

Rich Field, Waco TX (c.1920). Temporary storage depot for WW1 surplus; no flight ops.

Richmond AAB, WV.

Richmond Air Intermediate Depot, VA (c.1920-??). Supply Depot.

Rickenbacker AFB, Columbus OH (19??-80). Was Lockbourne AFB. Capt Edward V Rickenbacker, USAS/USAAC.

Riesel Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Waco AAF.

Riesel Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Blackland AAF.

Rillito Aux #2, Tucson AZ. Satellite for Marana AAF.

Rio Grande Aux #3, TX. Satellite for Moore Field.

Risco Aux #3, MO. Satellite for Malden AAF.

Rittehouse Aux #2, AZ [33-15-22, 111-31-15]. Satellite for Williams Field.

River Aux #2, Aberdeen MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Robins Field, Jackson MS. 11.5 mi NE of town [32-26-45, 90-06]. Contract pilot tng @ MS Institute of Flying. 1944: Became Bruce Campbll Field civil use.

Robbins Aux #3, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Roberts East Aux (aka AAF) see Camp Roberts.

Robins AFB see Warner-Robins AFB.

Robinson AAF see Camp Robinson.

Rockwell Field (also Air Intermediate Depot), San Diego-Coronado CA. Early flight tng. Supply depot and repair facility, ILF (1931).

Rocky Ford Aux, GA. Satellite for Spence Field.

Rocky Ford Aux #1, CO. Satellite for La Junta AAF.

Roe Aux, AR. Satellite for Stuttgart AAF.

Rogers Field see Will Rogers Field.

Rome AD/AAF, NY (1/1/42).19??: To AFB . 1948: Renamed Griffiss AFB.

Romulus AAB, MI.

Rosecrans Field, Saint Joseph MO. OTU - ATC.

Ross Field, Arcadia CA [34-08, 118-02]. Origially pre-WW1 Army balloon base (c.1917); ILF (1931).

Roswell AAF and AFB, NM (19??). OTU very hvy bomber. Satellite: Artesia Aux #6 and 4 numbered local Aux. 30 bombing ranges. Renamed Walker AFB (1948).

Rudd Field, Trenton NJ (1937). Renamed McGuire AFB (1949).

Ryan Aux #A-3, TX. Satellite for Marfa AAF.

Sabre AAF, Location and info needed.

Sacramento AD see Reed AAF.

Sacramento Muni Airport, CA [38-30-48, 121-29-38]. CCTS. Sub-base: Chico.

Sahuaro Aux #5, Tucson AZ. Satellite for Marana AAF.

St Joseph AAF, MO.

St Thomas Church Aux, IN. Satellite for George Field.

Salem AAF, OR.

Salina AAB, KS. Aircraft prep and sqdn assignments; mainentance and mods

Salinas AAB, Hollister CA [36-40, 121-36]. Radar operator tng; small arms tng.

Salt Lake AAB, Salt Lake City UT (19??). Was civil Woodward Field. To ARB (1931).

Sampson AFB, Geneva NY (19??). Some properties to Seneca Army Depot (1958).

San Angelo AAF, TX. Bombardier Navigation tng. 1 local bombing range.

San Antonio Army Aviation Post, TX (c.1914). Supply depot and repair facility (1931-??). Became San Antonio Air Depot (19??).

San Antonio Aviation Cadet Ctr, TX (1941-47). Renamed Lackland AFB.

San Bernardino AAB/AFB, CA [34-05-43, 117-14-05] (3/2/42-19??). Became Norton AFB.

San Diego Signal Corps Flying School, North Island CA (c.1915). The Army's first pilot training facility.

Sand Point ARB, Seattle WA. ILF (1931).

San Marcos AFB, TX (19??). Navigator tng. Satellite: Castroville #1. Renamed Gary AFB (19??).

San Rafael Air Corps Station, CA (1929-34). Became Marin Meadows AF (12/1/34), then Hamilton AFB (19??).

Santa Ana AAB, CA. Small arms tng.

Santa Maria AAF, CA (2/2/42) [34-53-56, 120-27-27]. OTU - fighter. Became Santa Maria Muni (1946). Renamed Allan Hancock Field (19??->). It was not, as sometimes reported, Hancock College of Aeronautics Field, which was a discrete private school selected by Gen H H Arnold in mid-1939 as a primary tng base for Army pilots.

Santa Rosa AAF, Windsor CA [38-30, 122-48]. CCTS - fighter. Gunnery range at San Rafael, bombing range at Bodega Bay.

Sarasota AAF, FL. Satellite for Winter Haven AAF..

Savannah AB, GA (19??). Renamed Chatham AFB (19??).

Sawyer AFB, MI (19??-95). Was K I Sawyer Airport. Kenneth I Sawyer, founder of original airport

Schriever AFB, Colorado Springs CO (1998->). Was Falcon AFB. Gen Bernard A Schriever, USAF

Schilling AFB, Salina KS (19??-67). Was Smoky Hill AFB.

Schoen Field, Ft Benjamin Harrison IN. RRB and ILF (1931).

Scott Field, Belleville IL (6/14/17). Originally an Army balloon and airship tng base through the '20s. Temporary storage depot for WW1 surplus (c.1920). Radio Mechanics tng. To AFB (19??->). Cpl Frank S Scott (--9/28/12), USAS, first enlisted rank fatality

Scottsbluff AAF, NE. TCC station.

Sedalia AAF, Warrensburg MO (1942-47). CCTS - TCC. Sub-base: Vichy AAF. Reactivated as AFB (1951-55). Renamed Whiteman AFB (1955).

Seguin Aux #7/AFX, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.

Selah Airstrip see Vagabond AAF.

Selfridge Field, Mt Clemens MI (19??). Was Mt Clemens AAF and Joy Field. CCTS - fighter. Sub-base: Oscada AAF. 1 local bombing range. To ANGB (1971->). Lt Thomas E Selfridge (--9/17/08), USAS, first military avn fatality

Selma Muni Airport Aux #5, AL. Satellite for Craig Field.

Selman Field (aka Flight Strip), Monroe LA. Was Monroe muni. Bombardier and navigator pre-flight tng.

Semitropic Aux #A-5, Bakersfield CA. Satellite for Minter Field.

Seneca AAF, Seneca Ordnance Dept, Romulus NY.

Sequoia Airport, Visalia CA. 6 mi N of town [36-26, 119-19]. Contract pilot and ground tng @ Visalia-Dinuba School of Aeronautics. 1945: Became civil airport.

Sewart AFB, Smyrna TN (19??-70). Was Smyrna AFB. Maj Allan J Sewart Jr (--11/16/42), USAAF.

Seymour Johnson Field, Goldsboro NC (6/12/42-5/31/46). CCTS - fighter. Reactivated as AFB (4/1/56->). Lt Seymour A Johnson (--11/16/42) (>3/5/41), USN.

Shafter Aux AAF aka Shafter-Kern Co #14, CA (19??) [35-30, 119-11].

Sharpe AAF, Sharpe Army Depot, Lathrop CA (1941->) [37-84, 121-27]. Single 3500' utility rwy (c.1960-97).

Shavers Summit AAF, CA. Sub-base for March Field.

Shaw Field, Sumter MI (9/30/41). CCTS. Satellites: Burnt Gin, Monaghan, Rembert, Sumter Muni Airport, Sylvania. To AFB (19??->). 2Lt Ervin D Shaw (--7/9/18), USAS

Shelby AAF, Camp Shelby, Hattiesburg MS (19??).

Shemya AFB, Shemya Island AK (1948). 1954: Deactivated and became Shemya Airport. 1958: Reactivated as AFS, 1968: to AFB. 1993: renamed Eareckson AFS ().

Sheppard Field, Wichita Falls TX (6/14/41). Basic tng center. Satellites: Petrolia #1, Electra #2. To AFB (1948->). Morris E Sheppard (18??-1941), US senator, chairman Senate Military Affairs

Sheridan Field, Fort Sheridan IL. To AAF (19??), ILF (1931)

Sherman Field/ILF, Fort Leavenworth KS (1931). AAF Staff School. 1953-??: To AAF.

Sherman Field, Walnut Creek (Pleasant Hill) CA [37-56-47, 122-03-32] (c.1941). Sporadic joint USAAF/USN use as Coastal Defense satellite. 1946: Civil ops after the war until real eastate encroachment forced its closure c.1948.

Sherwood Field, Paso Robles CA (3/3/40) [35-36-52, 120-39-21]. Was civil airport (c.1932-40). CPT tng, joint USAAF/USN regional ops as satellite for Santa Maria AAF. 9/19/45: Remanded to city as civil airport (1945-c.1960).

Shorter Aux #2, AL. Satellite for Tuskegee AAF.

Sierra Army Depot see Amadee AAF.

Signal Aux #7, AZ. Satellite for Kingman AAF.

Sikeston MO. Unknown field name; primary tng in PT-19As.

Simmons AAF see Mackall AAF.

Sioux City AAB, Muni Airport, IA. OTU - very hvy bomber. Aerial gunnery ranges: Marshall Co (SD), Pierre (SD), Pierce Co (NE), Sergeant Bluff (IA). Bombing ranges: Buffalo Co (SD), Elk Point (SD), Knox Co (NE), Marshall Co (SD), Mitchell (SD), Stanton CO (NE), Yankton (SD).

Sloan Field, Midland TX.

Slocum AAF, New Rochelle NY (19??). Was Fort Slocum. 1949-50: To AFB.

Smoky Hill AFB, Salina KS (19??). CCTS - very hvy bomber. Bombing ranges: Osage City, Ottawa, Pottawatomie, Webaunsee. 19??: Renamed Schilling AFB.

Smyrna AAF/AFB, TN (19??). Instrument flying tng. Renamed Sewart AFB.

Somerville Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Bryan AAF.

South Aux #1, Deming NM. Satellite for Deming AAF.

South Aux #2, TX. Satellite for Lubbock AAF.

South Aux #A-1, TX. Satellite for Marfa AAF.

South Plains Field, Lubbock TX. Glider pilot tng.

South Sulphur Aux #3, TX. Satellite for Majors Field.

Spence Field, Moultrie GA (19??). Primary and basic tng. Satellites: Rocky Ford #1, New River #4, Berlin, Moultrie Muni Airport, Norman Park. 1951-61: To AB, 1961-??: to AFX.

Spokane AAF (civil Felts Field), WA (19??).

Spokane AFB, WA (1948). 1947-48 (>3/1/42-1948): Was Spokane Army Depot. 1950: Became Fairchild AFB.

Stallings AB see Kinston AF.

Stallion AAF, NM (19??->). Missile range included Condron Field/AFX for helicopers and fixed-wing aircraft; also NASA standby space shuttle crew tng. The largest military installation in the USA (3,200 sq mi).

Standiford AFB, KY (19??-51). 1951-??: Became Standiford Field.

Stead AFB, Reno NV (1966-??) [39-30, 119-46]. Was Reno AAB.

Steele Aux #1, MO. Satellite for Blytheville AAF.

Stewart AFB, Hinesville GA. Became Camp Stewart AFB.

Stewart Field, Newburgh NY (1991). Pilot advanced flight tng. Satellites: Montgomery #1, Wallkill #2, New Hackensack #3. To AFB (19??), parts to Army and ANGB (1970-??). Lachlan Stewart, landowner

Stinson Aux #7, Aberdeen MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Stinson Field, San Antonio TX. Air Technical Service Cmd Depot tng.

Starkville Aux #8, MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Stockton (muni) Field, CA (19??-4?) [37-54, 121-15]. Joint civil and military.

Stout Field, Indianapolis IN TCC base.

Strother Field, Winfield KS (1942). CCTS - fighter. Satellites: 3 numbered local Aux fields. To AAF (19??).

Sturgis AAF, KY. Sub-base for George Field. Satellites: Presbyterian, Walesboro.

Stuttgart AAF, AR. Tactical Maneuvering tng. Satellites: Carlisle, Goldman, Hazen, Prairieville, Roe.

Suffolk County AAF/AFB, Westhampton Beach NY (5/17/43-??). Air Defense Cmd interceptor base during WW2.

Sumter Muni Airport/Aux, SC. Satellite for Shaw Field.

Sunnyvale AFS (USN facility), CA (19??). 1994: Renamed Onizuka AS.

Syracuse AAB (Muni Field), NY (9/?/41). 19??: To AFS. 19??: Became Hancock Field.

Sylvania Aux, SC. Satellite for Shaw Field.

Taiban Aux #5, NM. Satellite for Fort Sumner AAF.

Taylor Aux #5, AL. Satellite for Gunter Field.

Tarrant Field, Ft Worth TX (6/28/42-19??). Became Ft Worth AAF, Griffiss AB, Carswell AFB.

Tchula Aux, MS. Satellite for Greenwood AAF.

Temple Aux, TX. Satellite for Blackland AAF.

Terry County AFX, TX.

Thomasville AAF, GA. CCTS - fighter.

Thornbrough AFB, Cold Bay AK (19??-53).

Tifton Airport Aux aka AAF, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Tipton AAF, Fort Meade, Odenton MD.

Tipton Aux #1, OK. Satellite for Frederick AAF.

Tinker Field, Oklahoma City OK (9/?/42). 19??->: To AFB. MajGen Clarence L Tinker (--6/7/42), USAAF

Tobyanna AAF, Tobyanna Army Depot PA.

Tonopah AAF, NV (19??-c.1948).

Tonopah Bombing Range (aka Test Range Airfield), NV (1942-??) [37-08, 116-08]. Bombing and gunnery tng. 6600' airstrip built c.1965, lengthened to 12000' c.1977. Nellis AFB control authority.

Topeka AAF/AFB, KS (8/22/42-1948). 1948: Renamed Forbes AFB.

Topock Aux #5, AZ [34-43, 114-26]. Satellite for Kingman AAF.

Topton Aux, Meridian MS (195?) [32-38, 88-37]. Satellite for Key Field. 1997: Became private residential airpark, Topton Air Estates.

Toyah Aux #A-4, TX. Satellite for Pecos AAF.

Tracy CA. ??

Travis AFB, Fairfield CA (19??->). Was Fairfield-Suisun AAF. MAC base. BrigGen Robert F Travis (--9/6/50), USAF

Trinity Aux #2, AL. Satellite for Courtland AAF.

Troy Muni Airport, AL. Satellite for Tuskegee AAF.

Truax Field, Madison WI. Radio Tech tng

Tucson AAB, AZ (1941-??). Completed in only 4.5 months by WPA. HQ 1 Bomb Wing, 41 Bomb Grp (Med).

Tucson Field AZ. ILF (1931).

Tulsa Muni Airport. 6 mi NE of town. Contract pilot tng @ Spartan School of Aeronautics. Post-was became part of Tulsa Intl.

Turner Field/AAF, Albany GA (7/21/41). Air Corps advanced twin-engine tng; basic flight tng for RAF cadets. Satellites: Leesburg #1, West Smithville #2, West Leesburg #3, North Smithville #6, Cordele Airport #7, Vidalia-Lyons #8, Tifton Airport. 1/?/48-8/15/46: Became Turner AFB. 9/1/47: Reactivated under Tactical Air Command's 9th AF and, later, SAC. 7/1/67: To NAS Albany. Lt Sullivan P Turner (--5/23/40), USAAC.

Tuskegee Airport, AL. Basic through advanced flight tng. Satellites: Griel #1, Shorter #2, Troy Muni Airport. To AAF (194?).

Tye AAF, Camp Barkeley, Abilene TX (4/28/42) (>6/3/43). P-47 flight tng. Decommissioned (12/13/45) and remanded to Texas ANG. Renamed Abilene AB (4/15/56), then Dyess AFB (12/6/56).

Tyler AAF, TX

Tyndall Field, Panama City FL (12/7/41->). Flexible Gunnery tng. Bombing range at St George Island. Lt Frank B Tyndall (--7/15/30), USAAC.

USAAF Technical School, Sioux Falls SD.

Union City Airport, TN. 4.5 mi SE of town. CPT pilot tng @ Riddle Aero Institute. Post-war to civil Everett-Stewart Airport.

Vagabond AAF, Yakima Training Center WA, incorporated 2000' paved Selah Airstrip (5300' with dirt overrun). 19??: Became a private airport.

Valdosta Airport Aux #5, GA. Satellite for Moody Field.

Valparaiso see Eglin Field.

Val Verde Aux, Del Rio TX. Satellite for Laughlin AAF.

Vance AFB, Enid OK (1949->). Was Enid AFB. Pilot basic multi-engine tng. LtCol Leon R Vance Jr (--7/26/44), USAAF

Vancourt Aux #6, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Vandenberg AFB, Lompoc CA (10/?/58->). Was Camp Cooke AB (c.1942). SAC base, Western Missile Test Range. MajGen Hoyt S Vandenberg (--4/2/54), USAF.

Van Nuys AAFB, CA [34-12-35, 118-29-24] (1942-46). CCTS. Sub-base: Oxnard AAF. Wartime activation of Los Angeles Metropolitan civil airport, which would become Van Nuys Airport.

Vaughn Aux #2, Columbus MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Venice AAF, FL. CCTS - fighter.

Vichy AAF, MO. TCC. Sub-base for Sedalia AAF. Satellite: Grandview.

Victorville AAF, CA [34-35, 117-23] (19??). Mirage Lake Glider tng; bombing ranges. Satellites: Hawes #1, Helendale #2, Mirage #3, Grey Butte #4. Renamed George AFB (19??).

Ventura Co Airport [34-12-02, 119-12-25], Oxnard CA. Mira Loma Flight Academy civil contract base for USAAF pilot tng. 1945: Remanded to County for civil use.

Vidalia-Lyons Aux #8, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Vina Aux #3, CA. Satellite for Chico AAF.

Vincent AFB, Yuma AZ (19??). Was Yuma AAF. Became MCAS Yuma (1960),.

Visalia AAF, CA. Sub-base for Hammer Field.

Volk Field ANGB, Camp Douglas WI (1957->). Was Natl Guard rifle range and camp (1888). 1927-57: Renamed Camp Williams tng base LtCol Charles R Williams, USA. 1935: Renamed, runways built. Lt Jerome A Volk, USAF

Waco AFB, TX. Was Connally AFB. Central Instructor tng, embodied Waco Army Flying School. Satellites: Riesel #1, Cartwright #2, Aquilla #4, Prairie Hill #5.

Wagner AFX aka Eglin AFB Aux #1.

Wainwright AAF see Ladd Field.

Walcott Aux, AR. Satellite for Walnut Ridge AAB.

Walker AAF, KS (1/?/43-1/31/46). Orginally slated as a satellite for Smoky Hill AAF, instead became a major B-29 tng base.

Walker AAF, Fort Monroe, Hampton VA.

Walker AFB, Roswell NM (1948-67). Was Roswell AFB.

Wall Aux #7, TX. Satellite for Goodfellow Field.

Walla Walla WA. CCTS - hvy bomber. Gunnery and bombing ranges at Boardman Flight Strip (OR), Harder (Benge WA), Lake Co (OR), Mill Creek (Walla Walla). Joint civil and military.

Wallkill Aux #2, NY. Satellite for Stewart Field.

Walnut Ridge AAB aka Army Flying School, AR. CCTS - fighter. Satellites: Pocahontas, Walcott.

Walseth AFB, Seward AK (1948-??).

Walterboro AAF, SC (7/?/42-??). CCTS - fighter. Satellite for Columbia AAB.

War Eagle Field, Lancaster CA [34-42-06, 118-14-00]. Mira Loma Flight Academy civil contract base for USAAF pilot tng. Satellites: Liberty Field, Victory Field. 19??: Became a county jail, then an INS detention center.

Warner-Robins AFB, Macon GA (3/?/42-->). Was Georgia Air Depot and Wellston Army AD. MAC and SAC base; tanker ops. BrigGen Augustine Warner-Robins (--6/16/40), USAAF

Warren AFB see F E Warren AFB.

Wasco Aux #A-1, CA [35-37, 119-21]. Satellite for Minter Field. Became civil Kern County #5.

Washington Muni Airport, DC.

Watertown Aux, NV.

Water Works Aux #4, Columbus MS. Satellite for Columbus AAF.

Waukomis Aux, OK. Satellite for Enid AAF.

Waycross AAF aka Homerville Bombing & Gunnery Range, ??.

Wayne County Airport, Romulus MI.

Weaver AFB, Rapid City SD (1942). Renamed Rapid City AFB (19??).

Webb AFB, TX (1952-77). Was Big Spring AFB. Advanced flight tng.

Webb Aux, AZ (1943-46). Satellite for Douglas AAF.

Weide AAF, Edgewood Arsenal MD.

Weldon Aux, Newport AR. Satellite for Newport AAF.

Wellston Army AD see Warner-Robins AFB.

Wendover Bombing Range, UT (c.1938), as part of Fort Douglas (8/12/41). Became AAB (3/28/42), P-47 fighter tng, B-17 and B-29 bomber tng during WW2. As Ogden Air Logistics Ctr (12/31/45), German rockets evaluation and testing facility. To AFB (1947-10/1/49). Airfield reactivated (1954) and transferred to Ogden UT as AFX (1958-1/?/69), declared surplus (6/16/76) and turned over to the city as muni airport, but range area was retained for TAC exercises.

West Aux #1, TX. Satellite for Lubbock AAF.

West Aux #5, CA. Satellite for Lemoore AAF.

West Aux #4, TX. Satellite for Blackland AAF.

West Leesburg Aux #3, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Westover Field, Chicopee Falls MA (4/?/40). CCTS. To AFRB (1974-??). MajGen Oscar Westover (--9/21/38), USAAC

West Smithville Aux #2, GA. Satellite for Turner Field.

Wheeler Field, Schofield Barracks, Oahu HI (6/20/23). To AAF (1993->). Maj Sheldon H Wheeler (--7/13/21), USAS

Wheeler-Sack Field, Pine Camp aka Camp Drum, Great Bend or Watertown? NY (19??). to AAF (19??).

Whiteman AFB, Sedalia MO (1955->). Was Sedalia AAF. SAC base. 2Lt George A Whiteman (--12/7/41), USAAF

Wichita AAF, KS (5/5/51). Became McConnell AFB (19??).

Wickenburg Aux #4, AZ [33-44-41, 112-38-00]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Wicksburg AAF, AL (c.1942-98). Was Wicksburg Aux #1. Satellite for Napier AAF (seen on some maps as Allen Field and Allen AAF).

Will Rogers Field, Oklahoma City OK [35-24, 97-36]. CCTS - photo-recon. Sub-base: Leadville AAF (CO); satellite: Woodward Aux.

Williams AAFB/Field, Chandler AZ (19??) [35-18, 112-12]. Was Mesa Military Airport and Higley Field. Advanced flight tng; Radar Observer tng. Satellites: Gilbert #1 [33-23-12, 111-40-19], Rittenhouse #2 [33-15-22, 111-31-15], #3 (Ajo #3) [32-39-38, 112-52-14], Casa Grande #4 (Gila Bend #4) [32-43-08, 112-51-12], Goodyear #5 (Luke/Gila Bend #5) [32-49-04, 112-54-52], #6 (Gila Bend #6) [32-53-04, 112-48-59]. 195?-93: To AFB. Lt Charles L Williams (--7/6/27), USAAC

Willow Grove APS, PA.

Willow Run Airport, Ypsilanti MI (19??). Avn Mechanic tng. To Willow Run AFS.

Willows-Glenn Co Aux, CA [39-31-20, 122-13-04] (1942-46). Satellite for Hamilton Field.

Winslow AAF, AZ [35-01, 110-43].

Winter Haven AAF, FL. Satellite: Sarasota AAF.

Winters-Davis AAF Aux, CA (194?-4?) [38-35, 121-51].

Withycombe AAF/ARNG, Oregon City OR [45-24, 122-32].

Wittman Aux #1, AZ [33-43-04, 112-31-43]. Satellite for Luke Field.

Wolters AFB, Mineral Wells TX (19??). To AAF (1956-??).

Woodward Airport, Camden MI.

Woodward Aux, OK. Satellite for Will Rogers Field.

Woodward Field, Camden SC. 3 mi E of town. RAF tng @ Southern Aviation School.

Woodward Field see Salt Lake City AAB.

Wright AAF, GA.

Wright Aeronautical Corp, Paterson NJ. 25th AAF Techical Tng Detachment.

Wright Field, Dayton OH as Wilbur Wright Field (1917-27), then Wright Field (1927-31). Became Patterson Field. Orville & Wilbur Wright

Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton OH (1/13/48->). Was Patterson Field. Wright Brothers and Lt Frank Patterson (--6/19/18), USAS test pilot.

Wurtsmith AFB, Oscoda MI (19??-93). Was Oscada AFB. MajGen Paul B Wurtsmith (--9/13/46), USAF

Yakutat AFB, AK.

York AAF, NE.

Youngstown Muni Airport, OH.

Yucca AAF, AZ [34-52-28, 114-07-27]. Sub-base for Kingman AAF. Satellite: Yucca #2.

Yuma AAF, Muni Airport AZ (19??). Radar Observer tng. Bombing and ground gunnery ranges. 4 numbered local Aux fields. Became Vincent AFB (19??-??).

Zenas Aux #5, IN. Satellite for Freeman Field.

Zuehl Aux #6/AFX, TX. Satellite for Randolph Field.