REVISED: 5/22/08
Naval Flying Fields in the USA

Aux = Auxiliary; CGAS = Coast Guard Air Station; MCAF/MCAS = Marine Corps Air Field/Air Station; MCH = Marine Corps Helicopter facility; NAAF = Naval Auxiliary Air Facility; NALF = Naval Auxiliary Landing Field; NAAS = Naval Auxiliary Air Station; NAB = Naval Air Base; NAF = Naval Air Facility; NAR = Naval Air Reserve; NAS = Naval Air Station; NRAB = Naval Reserve Air Base; NSA = Naval Support Activity; OLF = Outlying Landing Field.

NOTE: To simplify researches, coordinates [in brackets] are classic spherical degrees, minutes, and seconds (dd-mm-ss). For Google Earth use, dashes need to be replaced by a space, with a space and N before the comma and a space and W at the endeg: 37 46 N, 121 91 W.
Abel NOLF, Milpitas CA (1943-45) [37-46, 121-91]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3800' sod runway.

Alameda NAS, CA (11/1/40) [37-47, 122-19]. Was 1930 civil Benton Field (1931 Pan American Airways base). 2,720 acres included 5 runways, a seaplane lagoon & ramps, 2 aircraft carrier piers. 3 aux fields: Concord, Cotati, Hollister, and satellites at Crows Landing, Santa Rosa, South San Francisco, Vernalis. 1/26/67: Renamed to honor FAdm Chester W Nimitz. 9/30/97: Decommissioned for economic reasons. 1999: Land ceded to city, renamed Alameda Point for industrial development.

Albany NAS, GA (aka Turner Field) (7/1/67). Was Albany (Turner Field) AFB. 1979: Deactivated, property sold to Miller Brewing Co.

Alpha Field (19??), Meridian MS. Satellite OLF for Meridian NAS. (c.1990) Transferred to USAF's Columbus AFB as aux and renamed Gunshy Field.

Anacostia NAF, DC (1919), moved to Andrews AFB as Anacostia NAS (1963).

Anderson NAS.

Andrews MCAF, Andrews AFB, DC.

Annapolis Aviation Field MD (1911-19??).

Annette CGAS, Annette Island AK (3/14/44), relocated to Sitka (1977).

Aransas County Airport, TX (10/21/43-3/9/48). Leased to USN for $1 a year until it reverted to the County.

Arcata NAS, CA.

Arlington NAS, WA.

Arlington OLF aka #14, IL. Satellite for Glenview NAS.

Arlington CGAS, DC (2/20/52->)

Armitage Field, China Lake NAS, CA (6/1/45-). Replacement for Inyokern Ordnance Test Station. - Lt John M Armitage, USNR

Anacostia NAS.

Ash Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Astoria CGAS (see Tongue Point NAS), OR (8/14/64), moved to Warrenton Airport (2/25/66).

Astoria NAS, OR.

Atlanta NAS, GA.


Atlantic City NAS, NJ.

Austin NOLF, NV [39-47, 117-02] (c.1941). Satellite for Fallon NAAS. Carrier air group tng, no buildings. Two 6000' paved rwys. (c.1944->) Remanded to civil use as Austin Airport

Ault Field, Whidbey Island NAS, Oak Harbor WA (1943). See Oak Harbor. - Comm William B Ault, USN

Ayer NAAF, MA. Satellite for Squantum NAS.

Banana River NAS, FL

Barbers Point CGAS, Kaneohe NAS, HI (1945), moved to Barbers Point NAS (3/?/49).

Barin East Field NOLF, Foley AL (19??->), satellite for Pensacola NAS and Whiting Field NAS. JPATS flight training. - Lt Louis T Barin, USN

Barin West Field NAAS, Foley AL (4/2/42-1947), satellite for Pensacola NAS. Was Foley Municipal. Primary and torpedo flight training. Reopened for flight training during Korean War (1952-58), some simulated carrier landing activity continued. Decommissioned 1962 and returned to the City of Foley.

Baxter #7 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS.

Beaufort NAAF/MCAS, SC.

Beaumont TX.

(Floyd) Bennett Field (was NYC Muni Airport), New York NAS, Long Island NY (5/23/31-??) - Cdr Floyd Bennett, USN

Beverly NAAF, MA. Satellite for Squantum NAS.

Biloxi CGAS, MO (12/5/34-1966).

Blackmore Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Block Island NAS, RI (c.1917-18).

Bogue Field MCALF, NC. To OLF (19??).

Boiles Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Bordelon Field, Hilo NAS, HI (19??). - Sgt William J Bordelon, USMC

Borrego NAAF, CA [33-20, 116-17].

Bravo NOLF, TX.

Brewton NOLF, AL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Bridgeport NAS, CT.

Bridgeport MCH, CA (1951) [38-36, 119-52]. Established as a cold-weather and mountain warfare tng station. To caretaker status (1967), reactivated (1976->) with heliport and designated Expeditionary Airfield #3-10. Elevation: 6,780'. Satellite: Sweetwater MCAF.

Bronson Field NAAS, Pensacola NAS, FL (4/2/42). - Ltjg Clarence K Bronson, USN

Brooklyn CGAS, Floyd Bennett Field NY (4/23/38), combined with Cape May CGAS in move to Atlantic City Intl Airport (6/8/98).

Brown Field, Otay Mesa NAAS, Chula Vista CA (6/11/43-??) [32-34, 116-59]. - Cdr Melville S Brown, USN

Brown NOLF, Tracy CA (1943-45) [37-78, 121-56]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 4000' sod runway.

Brownstown OLF, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Brunswick NAS, ME.

Bunker Hill NAS, Peru IN (7/1/42-1946). Transferred to USAF and reactivated as Bunker Hill AFB (6/22/54).

Bunnell NAAF, FL.

Burns Flat NAS, Clinton OK (6/1/43-194?). Became Clinton-Sherman AFB (194?).

Cabaniss Field NAAS, Corpus Christi, TX (4/9/41-??). Corpus Christi NAS auxiliary field, became OLF and NALF. - Cdr Robert W Cabaniss, USN

Callender Field, New Orleans NAS, LA (4/26/58). - Capt Alvin A Callender, RFC (WW1)

Camp Davis (Camp LeJeune) MCOLF, Holly Ridge NC (6/1/46-1948). Was Army base until 1946.

Camp Kearney NAAS, CA

Camp Leroy Johnson NAS, New Orleans LA (19??-??), was New Orleans AAFB.

Camp Pendleton OLF, Oceanside CA [33-18, 117-22].

Cape Cod CGAS, MA (9/29/70), established upon merger of Salem CGAS and Quonset Point CGA Air Detachment

Cape Cod NRAS, MA (c.9/?/70), replaced decommissioned Salem CGAS. Planned first as a joint USN-USCG training facility, then an Army Reserve station, but plans were dropped and the land reverted to the city of Salem (7/20/72)

Cape May CGAS, NJ (1926), combined with Brooklyn CGAS to Atlantic City Intl Airport (6/8/98).

Cape May NAS, NJ.

Carls' Field OLF, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Cecil Field NAS/NAAS, Jacksonville FL (2/20/43). - Cdr Henry B Cecil, USN

Chambers Field, Norfolk NAS, VA (6/1/38). - Capt Washington I Chambers, USN

Charlestown NAS, RI.

Chase Field NAS, Beeville TX (4/27/43-??). - LtCdr Nathan B Chase, USN

Cherry Point MCAF/MCAS see Cunningham Field.

Chevalier Field, Pensacola NAS, FL (12/30/36). - LtCdr Godfrey Chevalier, USN

Chicago CGAS, IL (3/?/69->).

China Lake Naval Weapons Stn, CA [35-41, 117-41].

Chincoteague NAS, VA.

Choctaw NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Clearwater CGAS, FL (1934), decommissioned and moved to St Petersburg (1987).

Columbia #4 OLF, WA [45-46, 122-51]. Satellite for Pasco NAS.

Congaree MCAS ??.

Concord OLF, CA (19??-??). Concord Naval Weapons Station, with two paved rwys; used as an auxiliary tng field by Alameda NAS.

Cope NOLF, Pleasanton CA (1943-45) [37-68, 121-84]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3200' sod runway.

Corpus Christi CGAS, FL (11/20/50->).

Corpus Christi NAS, TX (3/12/41->). Flight training. Renamed Truax Field 8/6/86, honoring Lt Myron Milton Truax, USN.

Corry Field NAAS, Pensacola NAS, FL (11/1/22). - LtCdr William L Corry, USN

Cotati NALF, CA (1943-47) [38-35, 122-72]. Satellite for Alameda NAS, later as OLF for Santa Rosa NAAS. 217 acres; W 4000' and NW 4000' rwys. c.1948: Inactive but still noted on air charts as "Navy." 1956: Declared surplus and released for agricultural development in 1958, which later (c.1990) became housing tracts. Location: Rohnert Park Expwy & Labath Ave.

Coupeville NAAF, WA. To OLF (19??).

Creeds NAAF, ??.

Crows Landing ALF/NAAF, CA (1942-46) [37-24, 121-06]. Satellite for Alameda NAS and Moffett Field, decommissioned but used sporadically by NASA/Ames Research Center (1946-99).

Cuddihy Field NAAS, Corpus Christi NAS, TX (9/3/41-??). - Lt George T Cuddihy, USN

Cunningham Field MCAF, Cherry Point MCAF and MCAS, NC (9/4/41). - LtCol Alfred A Cunningham, USMC

Custer OLF, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Dahlgren NAS, Naval Proving Ground. On Potomac R 36 mi S of DC, 24 mi E of Fredericksburg VA [38-20 77-02]. (1938 data) Irregular all-ways clay field with three strips: N 1800', W 1800', NW 1800'; seaplane harbor and ramp 0.5 mi S of field.

Dauncy Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Davenport IA.

Daytona Beach NAS, FL.

Deland NAS, FL.

Del Mar NAAF, CA.

Detroit CGAS, Selfridge ANGB, Mt Clemens MI (6/?/66->).

Dinner Key NAS, FL.

Dow Field, Bangor ME.

Durant NAAF ??.

Eagle Mountain Lake MCAS, TX.

Edenton NAS ??.

El Centro MCAS/NAAS, CA [32-49-44, 115-40-17].

Elizabeth City CGAS, NC (9/15/40), to CG Air Base (1964), to CG Support Center (1979), comprised of Aircraft Repair & Supply Center and Aviation Technical Training Center.

Ellyson Field NAS, Pensacola FL (1/20/43-??). - Cdr Theodore G Ellyson, USN, first USN aviator

El Monte CA.

El Paso TX.

El Toro MCAF/MCAS, Santa Ana CA (1943-7/3/99) [33-40, 117-44].

Esquatzel #10 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS.

Estrella AAF, Paso Robles CA (1943) [35-40, 120-38]. Originally deeded to USN for a planned USMC base, but USN handed it over to AAF on 9/2/42 in deference to using nearby Lemoore NAS.

Eureka CA.

Evergreen NOLF, AL (19??). Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Ewa MCAS, HI (1939-52), was USN field originally for dirigible operations (c.1933-39).

Fabian NOLF, Tracy CA (1943-45) [37-73, 121-49]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 6300' sod runway.

Fallon NAAS, NV (6/10/44), renamed Van Voorhis Field (1958), became NAS (1/1/72->). Satellite: Austin, Sutcliffe. - LtCdr Bruce A Van Voorhis, USN

Fentress NOLF, VA.

Flatley Field, Olathe NAS, KS (5/20/62). - VAdm James H Flatley, USN

Flat Rock Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Ford Island NAAS, Pearl Harbor HI (1923-99). Built by US Army (1918), used jointly by USN and USAS (1919-23) at which time Army moved to Hickam Field.

Forman Field NAS, FL.

Fort Barrancas Airfield NAS, FL. 12/2/51 = Became (Forrest) Sherman Field.

Fort Lauderdale NAS, FL.

Fort Worth NAS, TX.

Franklin NAAF ??.

Franklin #6 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS..

Fox #1 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS..

Gainesville NAS, GA.

Gelderman NOLF, Dublin CA (1943-45) [37-75, 121-95]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 2200' sod runway.

Glade #5 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS..

Glenview NRAB/NAS, Curtiss-Wright Field, IL (1937-9/x/95) 1947 = elev: 65. 1995 = Decomissioned as a NAS, used briefly by USCG as a heliport, then closed. Bcame a housing development.

Gloucester CGAS, MA (19??), relocated and became Salem CGAS (2/?/35).

Glynco NAS, GA.

Goliad Field, TX (19??). Auxiliary field for Chase NAS.

Grosse Ile NAS/NRAB, MI (9/7/29-1943); flight training. NAS (1943-1969). In 1927 the Aircraft Development Corp (Detroit Aircraft Corp) owned Grosse Ile Airport, at the southern tip of the island, which attracted the attention of the reservists. They, with help from USN and State of Michigan, bought five acres nearby from the corporation to build a hangar, shops, living quarters, and seaplane base for the Michigan Naval Militia. Curtiss-Wright also located an aviation school north of the property and built a hangar that would become one of the main hangars at NASGI, and is still in use. ( Stanley Outlaw 7/20/02)

Groton NAS, CT.

Halsey Field, North Island NAS, San Diego CA (8/20/61) [32-42, 117-12]. - FAdm William F Halsey, USN

Hampton Roads NAS, Norfolk VA [36-57, 76-18] (19??-??). 1936 = 9 mi N of town at E end of Naval Operating Base, opposite Ft Monroe elev: 9. 2400' x 2500' all-ways sod field with two rwys.

Harold Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Harvey Field, Inyokern NAS CA [35-41, 117-41]. 19?? = Civil emergency field constructed by CAA and WPA (1935). Impressed by USAAF as auxiliary field (Sep 1942). Oct 1943 = Released to USN. 12/12/43 = Commissioned as a Naval Ordnance Test Station. 5/10/44 = Dedicated as Harvey Field. 5/30/45 = Closed as an operational NAF, which was moved to Armitage Field, but continued as a drone facility. Apr 1946 = Decommissioned and remanded to county in 1947. - LtCdr Warren W Harvey, USN

Hawthorne NV.

Heath NOLF, Fremont CA 1943-45 [37-05, 121-96]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; 3100' concrete runway. c.1950 = Became civil Skyways Airport. 1959 = Renamed Sky Sailing sailplane field.

Hemet NAAS, CA [33.44 117.01].

Hensley Field, Dallas NAS, TX (19??-??) - Col William P Hensley Jr, USMC

Hickam Field, Pearl Harbor HI.

Holley Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Holtville NAAS, CA [32-50, 115-09].

Horse Farm OLF, Westminster CA [33-48, 118-01].

Houston CGAS, Ellington AFB TX (12/23/63->).

Humboldt Bay CGAS, Arcata-Eureka Muni Airport, McKinleyville CA (6/?/77->).

Hutchinson KS.

Hyannis NAAF, MA.

Imperial Beach NAS see Ream Field.

Inyokern NAS see Harvey Field.

Iowa City Airport, IA (1939). Was muni aiport (1918-39). CPTP primary flight tng for Navy cadets, who then progressed to Ottumwa NAS. (9/?/44->) Decommissioned, reverted to civil use.

Jackass #9 OLF, Eltopia WA (1942-??). Satellite for Pasco NAS. 1800' oiled dirt rwy.

Jacksonville NAS, FL.

Jacksonville NAAS, FL.

Joe Williams NOLF, Meridien MS. Auxiliary for Meridian NAS; renamed from Bravo OLF. - Capt Joe W Williams Jr, USN

Johnsville NAAS ??.

Kaneohe Bay MCAF, HI.

Kennewick #2 OLF, WA. Satellite for Pasco NAS..

Key West NAS, FL.

Kingsville NAS, TX. Satellite for Corpus Christi NAS. Originally single-engine flight training, jet training in the '70s.

Kitsap OLF, Kitsap Co Airport, Bremerton WA [47-29-, 122-45-]. Satellite for Sand Point NAS.

Klamath Falls NAS, OR.

Kodiak CGAS, AK (4/17/47->).

Lake City NAS, FL.

Lakehurst NAS, NJ (19??->). Principally LTA operations.

Lakeview CA.

Lakeview NV.

Leathers Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Lee Field NAS, FL (9/?/40), became Green Cove Springs NAS (19??-??) - Ens Benjamin Lee, USN

Lemoore NAS, CA.

Lewiston NAAF, ID.

Lichtfield Park NAF, AZ. To NAAF (19??).

Lindeman NOLF, Tracy CA (1943-45) [37-08-, 121-57-]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3900' sod runway.

Little River OLF, CA [39-15-43, 123-45-12] (1943-19??). Satellite for Alameda NAS and Santa Rosa NAAS.

Livermore NAS, CA (1943) [37-68-, 121-71-]. Primary training relocated from Oakland Airport to 629 acres of rancher Gatzmer Wagoner's property purchased for $75,265. Included 12 OLFs: Abel, Cope, Brown, Fabian, Gelderman, Heath, Lindeman, Livermore, May, Rita-Butterworth, Spring Valley, Wagoner. 10/15/44: Training phase ended and base became operational as a utility field.

Livermore NOLF, Tracy CA (1943-45) [37-41-37, 121-49-13]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 4000' sod runway; was Livermore CAA Intermediate Field. (Site for civil Livermore Muni is [37.41, 121.47].)

Lompoc NAAF, CA (1943-45) [34-65-, 120-46-]. Served as a support base for Santa Ana NAS in anti-sub blimp operations. Consisted of a 1000' x 500' asphalt landing mat, two blimp mooring masts, and barracks for 97 personnel. Was Lompoc Airport (1928-43). After the last USN blimp left in late 1945, the facility was placed into caretaker status, then reverted to civil control in 1946 to become Lompoc muni airport.

Long Beach CA (19??-??).

Los Alamitos NAS, CA [33-47-, 118-03-].

Los Angeles CGAS, San Pedro CA (11/15/62->) [33-45-, 118-16-].

Mansfield OLF, MA. Satellite for Squantum NAS.

Manteo NAS, NC (19??), to NAAS (19??).

Marshall Airport, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Martha's Vineyard NAAF, MA.

Masserant Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Maxfield Field, Lakehurst NAS, NJ (1/6/44-??) - Cdr Louis H Maxfield, USN

May NOLF, Tracy CA (1943-45) [37-73-, 121-76-]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 4000' sod runway.

Maybee Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Mayport NAAF, FL.

McCain Field, Meridian NAS, MI (4/14/61) - Adm John S McCain, USN

McCutcheon Field MCAS, New River NC (1968), aka New River MCAS - BrigGen Keith B McCutcheon, USMC

Memphis NRAB, Millington TN (9/15/42), to NAS (1/1/43), to NSA (9/30/95), renamed Mid-South NSA (10/1/98->). Original grounds from Army Air Service's Park Field (qv).

Mendocino NAF Aux, CA [39-16, 123-45].

Melbourne NAS, FL.

Meridian NAS, MS. Satellites: Alpha Field, Bravo OLF (renamed Joe Williams NOLF 19??).

Merritt Field, Adak NAF, AK (9/19/75) - MajGen Lewis G Merritt, USMC

Miami CGAS, FL (6/?/32->).


Mid-South NSA SEE Memphis NRAB/NAS.

Mile Square MCOLF, Santa Ana CA [33-43, 117-57].

Millington NAS, TN. Was another name for Memphis NRAB/NAS?.

Miramar MCAS, San Diego CA (10/1/97) [32-52, 117-08]; was Miramar NAS.

Miramar NAS, San Diego CA (19??) [32-52, 117-08]. Became Miramar MCAS (1997).

Miramar OLF, CA

Mitchell Field, Adak NAF, AK (2/2/44) - Ens Albert E Mitchell, USN

Mitscher Field, Miramar NAS, CA (6/14/55) - Adm Marc A Mitscher, USN

Mobile CGAS, AL (12/17/66->), includes Aviation Training Center.

Moffett Field NAS, Sunnyvale CA (4/14/61-??), was Sunnyvale NAS - RAdm William A Moffett, USN

Mojave MCAAS, CA. 9500' rwy.

Monmouth IL.

Monogram NAAF.

Monroe Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Monterey NAF, CA [36-35, 121-51].

Montgomery AL.

Moon Island NAS, WA (19??).

Morehead City CGAS, NC (3/?/20-7/1/21). First CGAS used borrowed aircraft, closed for lack of funding.

Mt Vernon NAS, WA (19??).

Munn Field, Camp Pendleton MCAF, Oceanside CA (1/12/87) - LtGen John C Munn, USMC

Mustin Field NAS, Philadelphia PA (9/17/26-??) - Capt Henry C Mustin, USN

Nan Bar Airport, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Nantucket NAAF.

Navarre Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

New Jerusalem NALF, Vernal CA [37-41, 121-17].

New Orleans CGAS, LA (7/?/55->).

New Orleans Lakefront Airport, LA (19??-??), civil, but used to train both USN and AAF pilots in WW2.

New Orleans NAS, LA.

Newport MCAF.

Newport OLF, MI. Satellite for Grosse Ile NAF; solo flight facility. c.1950: Taken over by US Army as a Nike site.

New River MCAS, Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville NC (4/?/44), deactivated (1947), reactivated as Peterfield Point MC Air Facility (1951), renamed New River MCAF (1952), became MCAS aka McCutcheon Field (1968)

New York NAS see Bennett Field.

Niagara Falls NAS, NY.

Nimitz Field NAS, Alameda CA (1/26/67-98), was Alameda NAS. - FAdm Chester W Nimitz, USN

Norfolk CGAS, VA (1/22/87). 7/31/89: Decommissioned and moved to St AugustinL.

Norfolk NAS, VA.

Norman NAS, OK.

North Bend CGAS, OR (1974->).

North Island NAS, San Diego CA.

Norwood OLF, MA. Satellite for Squantum NAS.

Oak Grove MCOLF, NC

Oak Harbor Naval Seaplane Base, WA [48-29, 122-63] (1942). Ault Field, a landplane airfield a few miles northwest, was commissioned a year later. Together the two installations comprised Whidbey Island NAS.

Oakland NRAB, Oakland Airport CA [37-43, 122-13].

Oceana NAS, Virginia Beach VA.

Olathe NAS see Flatley Field.

Orange Grove NALF, TX.

Otay Mesa NAAS see Brown Field.

Otis NAAF, ??.

Ottumwa NAS, IA. Satellite training field at Iowa City muni airport.

Pace Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Page Field, Parris Island NAS/MCAS, SC (9/19/38-??) - Capt Arthur H Page, USMC

Parris Island see Page Field.

Pasco NAS, WA. Satellites: Fox #1, Kennewick #2, Columbia #3, Sage #4, Glade #5, Franklin #6, Baxter #7, Wheatland #8, Jackass #9, Esquatzel #10.

Patuxent River NAS, MD (familiarly: Pax River).

Pensacola NAS, FL (1/15/14->). The first permanent Naval Air Station.

Peterfield Point MC Air Facility see New River MCAS.

Plymouth OLF, MA. Satellite for Squantum NAS.

Point Mugu NAS, CA [34.07, 119.07].

Port Angeles CGAS, WA (9/?/35->) [48-14, 123-41]. First CG air base on the West Coast. Helo ops only beginning in 1965.

Port Isabel NAAS, TX.

Priests Point NAS, ??.

Pungo NAAF, ??.

Quantico MCAS, VA.

Quonset Point NAS, RI (19??-??). Became Quonset State Airport.

Ramey Field, Sanford NAS, FL (2/2/59-19??) - LtCdr Robert W Ramey, USN

Ream Field, North Island, San Ysidro CA (1943) [32-34, 117-07]. Became Imperial Beach NAS (1/1/68) - Maj William R Ream, USA Medical Corps

Reeves Field NAB, San Pedro CA (1936-47) [33.45, 118.16]. Was civil Allen Field (7/?/28-36). Became Terminal Island NAS (19??); name transferred to Lemoore NAS (11/20/61). - RAdm Joseph Mason Reeves, USN

Richmond NAS, FL

Rita-Butterworth NOLF, Pleasanton CA (1943-45) [37-07, 121-85]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3000' sod runway.

Rockaway Beach NAS, Long Island NY (c1917-19??). C-1 type LTA operations c.1919.

Rockland NAAF, ME

Rockport NAAF, TX

Rodgers Field, Barber's Point NAS, HI (9/10/74) - Cdr John Rodgers, USN

Roosevelt Base, Long Beach CA.

Russell NAS, ??.

Sacramento CGAS, McClelland AFB CA (9/5/78->).

St Augustine CGAS, FL (9/1/89->). Moved from Norfolk VA.

St Augustine NAS, FL.

St Petersburg CGAS, Albert Whitted Muni Airport, FL (1934). Moved to Clearwater FL (1976).

St Simon Island NAS, ??.

Salem CGAS, MA (2/?/35). Moved from Gloucester, replaced by Cape COD NAS (1970).

San Clemente Island NAS, CA (1912) [32-57, 118-32]. To relocated NALF (1961->).

Sanders Field, satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Sand Hill OLF, CA.

San Diego CGAS, CA (4/?/37->) [32-43, 117-10].

San Diego NAS aka San Diego Aviation Field, CA (1942-??).

Sand Point NRAB, Seattle WA [47-68, 122-25] (1925). Was civil airport (1920), where history's first global flight, by USAAC fliers, began and ended in 1924. Became Seattle NAS (1928).

Sanford NAS, FL (19??-c.1968). Became Sanford-Orlando municipal when squadrons moved to Albany NAS, GA.

San Francisco CGAS, CA (2/15/41->) [37-38, 122-23]. Located next to Mills Field (now SFO).

San Nicolas Island OLF, CA [33-14, 119-28].

San Pedro NAB see Reeves Field.

Santa Ana MCAF/NAS, CA (1942-49) [33-42, 117-49]. Became Tustin MCAS (1951). LTA operations, two huge hangars, one of which declared a Historical Landmark. Satellite: Lompoc NAAF.

Santa Barbara MCAS, CA.

Santa Clara NAR, Moffett Field CA.

Santa Rosa NAAS, CA [38-24-53, 122-45-27] (1943-47, 1951-52). 6/29/43: 498 acres. Commissioned as aux field for Alameda NAS; satellite OLFs at Cotati and Little River. NW 7000' p and NE 7000' p. 1947: Deactivated. 1951: Reactivated during Korean War as assembly area for embarking carrier groups. 1952: Deactivated. c.1963: Surplused to city and opened as Santa Rosa Air Center.

Santa Rosa Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Saufley Field NAAS/NOLF, FL (19??-8/22/40), satellite for Pensacola NAS. - Ltjg Richard C Saufley, USN

Savannah CGAS, GA (1963->). Was Hunter AAFB.

Scofield Field, MI. Satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

Seattle NAS, WA (1928) [47-68, 122-25]. Was Sand Point NRAB. Satellite: Kitsap Co Airport. Became NRAB (1949), lengthened and resurfaced (1966), but redesignated as Navy Support Activity base (1970), at which time flight operations ended. The property was divided and ceded to the city (1974), part becoming a NOAA facility and the rest Magnuson Park (1977).

Shea Field, Squantum NAS, MA (3/15/1946). Transferred to South Weymouth NAS, MA (1954-??) - LtCdr John J Shea, USN

Sheep Ranch Field, MI. Satellite for Grosse Ile NAF.

(Forrest) Sherman Field, Pensacola NAS, FL (12/2/51-??). Was Ft Barrancas Airfield - Adm Forrest P Sherman, USN

(Frederick) Sherman Field NAAS, San Clemente Island CA (12/2/51). Became NALF (19??). - VAdm Frederick C Sherman, USN

Silverhill Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Sitka CGAS see Annette CGAS.

Smartt Field NAAF, St Louis NAS, MO (6/?/43-??) - Ens Joseph G Smartt, USN.

Soucek Field, Oceana NAS, Virginia Beach VA (6/4/57) - VAdm Apollo Soucek, USN.

South Weymouth NAS, MA.

Spencer Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Spring Valley NOLF, Pleasanton CA (1943-45) [37-07, 121-09]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3500' sod runway.

Squantum NAS, MA [42-03, 71-03] (c.1918). Was Sturtevant Aeroplane Co airfield. (1930) To NRAB. (1940) Expansion begun to accommodate larger aircraft and seaplanes. Flight tng, SAR, MIT flight testing. Satellites: Ayer, Beverly, Mansfield, Norwood, Plymouth. (c.1947) Reduced activity, but continued flight tng. (1954) Station closed, most land sold to local government. (1957) 5 acres to USAF as Squantum Electronics Research Annex.

Summerdale Field NOLF, FL. Satellite for Whiting Field NAS.

Sunnyvale NAS, CA (5/27/33-4/14/61). Transferred to US Army (?/?/35) with name retained, returned to USN as Moffett Field NAS (4/16/42). - RAdm William A Moffett, USN

Sutcliffe NOLF, NV [39-94, 119-06] (1941-c.44). Satellite for Fallon NAAS. Carrier air group tng.

Sweetwater MCAF, NV (19??) [38-51, 119-22]. Satellite for Bridgeport (CA) MCH. One c.4000' dirt rwy.

Tallulah LA (19??-??), USMC Air training base; also POW internment camp.

Ten Pound Island CGAS, Gloucester MA (1925-??). Second CGAS facility after Morehead City, and first to "own" their planes three OL-5s and four UO-4s.

Terminal Island NAS see Reeves Field.

Thermal NAF, CA [33-37, 116-10].

Tillamook NAS, OR (1942) [45-25, 123- 49]. LTA base, fixed-wing ops replaced K-class blimps in 1944-45. Decommissioned (1948). Became a civil airfield, and the large hangars were used for lumber storage by nearby mills.

Tongue Point NAS, Astoria OR (1943) [46-02, 123- 76]. Anti-sub patrols. To caretaker status (1946) and became a storage facility for mothballed ships. Surplus property (1962). Reactivated as Astoria CGAS (8/14/64-2/25/66), then the site was sold to the state in 1981.

Towers Field, Jacksonville NAS, FL (10/14/60) - Adm John H Towers, USN

Trapnell Field, Patuxent River NAS, MD (4/1/1976) - VAdm Frederick M Trapnell, USN.

Traverse City CGAS, MI (1946->).

Trenton NAS, NJ.

Truax Field SEE Corpus Christi NAF.

Turner Field, Quantico MCAF, VA (4/1/36) - Col Thomas C Turner, USMC

Tustin MCAS, CA (1951-7/3/99), was Santa Ana NAS.

29 Palms NAAS, CA [34-12, 116-03 (>34-09, 116-15)].

Ventura NAS, CA.

Vernalis NAAS, CA (1943-45) [37-06, 121-32]. Aux for Alameda NAS. Patrol aircraft, later carrier squadrons. German POW housing late in the war.

Vero Beach NAS, FL.

Van Voorhis Field, Fallon NAS, NV (11/1/59) - Cdr Bruce A Van Voorhis, USN

Wagoner NOLF, Livermore CA (1943-45) [37-66, 121-79]. Satellite for Livermore NAS; single 3000' sod runway.

Waldron Field, Corpus Christi NAS, TX (3/5/43) - Cdr John C Waldron, USN

Walnut Ridge MCAF, ??.

Washington CGAS, Andrews AFB, DC.

Watsonville Airport, CA (1942) [36-56, 121-47]. Civil field leased to USN during WW2 for LTA anti-sub ops; subsidiary of Moffett Field. 1945: Decommissioned, was a civil airport until 1947, then a cattle feed lot.

Watsonville NAAS, CA. c.1947: Decommissioned and remanded to city as muni airport.

Webster Field NAAS, Patuxent River NAS, MD (6/1/43) - Capt Walter W Webster, USN

Weeksville NAF, ??.

Westerly NAAF, ??.

Whidbey Island NAS see Oak Harbor.

Whiting Field NAAS, Milton NAS, FL (6/1/43-??) - Capt Kenneth Whiting, USN

Wildwood NAS, NJ.

Willow Grove NAS, PA (1/?/43), became NRA Training Station (c.1947), redesignated as NAS Joint Reserve Base (1994).

Winnemucca NV.

Wolf Field NOLF, Pensacola FL.

Yuma MCAS, AZ.