

REVISED: 11/12/08
Alamo Aircraft Corp (pres: Boyd Hammond), San Antonio TX.
1929 = 2pOB trainer and a sport monoplane reported in Western Flying as planned, but no data found on planes or company; likely existed only on paper.
Albatross SEE Zenith Albatross
Lavigne Albar, Mount Pleasant MI.
Albar Albarian [N3141] (clip)

Albarian c.1968 = 2pChwM; 90hp Continental C-90-8; span: 35'0"; length: 22'0" load: 320#; v: 140/105/35. [N3141].
Amphibian 1967 = 3pChwMAm; 135hp Lycoming O-290; span: 34'0" load: 750# v: x/100/44. Also flown with ski gear. POP: 1 [N30058].
Albert (1930 photo caption)

French designer Edouard Albert built a series of parasol cantilever monoplanes, followed by low-wing models, from 1925 to 1934. The only model built in small numbers (5) was the TE-1 with a 40hp Salmson 9-Ad. Bellanca acquired the license and planned to build it in the USA as "Baby Columbia," but apparently the project failed. At least one TE-1 demonstrator must have reached the USA, accounting for its reference in the clip above. I have no record of that, but name, description, and timing are credible. Some Albert planes crashed due to wing flutterstill rather unknown at the time and particularly affecting cantilever wings insufficiently rigid in torsion. ( Jean-Yves Gacon 12/23/03)
Bemer E & James E Albrecht, Anderson IN.
Monoplane 1928 = 1pOhwM; Harley-Davidson conversion. POP: 1; possibly kit-built. [X4566] is c/n 2, which suggests another might have been built.
Albree SEE Pigeon
Alco SEE Allison
1929: Allan Loughead resigned from Lockheed Co after its acquisition by Detroit Aircraft Corp to establish Loughead Bros Aircraft Corp Ltd, 737 S San Fernando Rd, Glendale CA. 1934: Legally changed name to Lockheed. 1934: Alhambra Airport & Air Transport Co, Alhambra CA. 1937: Alcor (Allan Lockheed Corp) Aircraft Corp formed, San Francisco CA. Gave up aircraft production for parts manufacturing and, after WW2, retired from aviation to focus on his real estate business.
Alcor C-6-1 [NX15544] (William T Larkins)

C-6-1 Junior 1937 = 8pClwM rg; two side-mounted 150hp Menasco C-6; span: 49'0" length: 31'8" load: 2059# v: 211/190/x. POP: 1, crashed in final testing [NX15544]. Often incorrectly referred to as "Lockheed Alcor."
Alcor Duo-4 with Pancho Barnes (Henri Heller coll)

Olympic Duo-4 1930 = 5pChwM; two 160hp Menasco B-6 (reportedly first with 125hp C-5s). Allan Loughead. Engines mounted side-by-side in nose nacelle; originally planned for one Wright J-6-7c in the nose. Unbraced cantilever wing with two full-length box spars. POP: 1 [X962Y], nosed over in a wind gust during a landing on Mar 18, 1931; although damage was slight, nervous financial backers withdrew their support.
Alcor Duo-6 [X962Y] (Northrop archive)

Olympic Duo-6 1934 = Duo-4 with two 230hp Menasco B-6S; span: 42'0" length: 28'6" load: 2045# v: 183/157/57 range: 700. A demonstration flight was made in May 1934 at Mines Field (now LAX) with one propeller removedit took off in 1200', attained 130mph, and reportedly handled much like a single-engine plane.
Alder & Derryberry
W C Alder & L E Derryberry, Abilene TX.
A 1935 = 3pOM; 37hp Ford A. [X13959].
F T Alderson, El Centro CA.
A-1 c.1930 = Unknown type; 100hp Ryan-Siemens A-7. [X837N].
Alexander Industries
Alexander Industries Inc as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
Alexander Aircraft Co
Alexander Film Co
Pyramid Film Co
Alexander-Todd SEE Todd
Location unknown.
10 c.1917 = Contracted Curtiss F-boats for USN. POP: 13 [A2651/2653, A5024, A5247/5256].
Briggs F-19 (Leslie Burgess coll)

F-19 c.1918 = OBFb. No data found. POP: 1 for military evaluation. Company also produced 4 flying boats as Briggs F-19 [A2651/2652, A3327, A5024]; no data.
Heraclio Alfaro (Vitoriano Heraclio Alfaro-Fournier), Cleveland OH.
Autogyro 1930 = 2pOAg with 110hp Warner, built by Alfaro under contract from Pitcairn, and was also known as the Pitcairn-Cierva PCA-2-30, and possibly as Pitcairn PA-11; ff: 8/18/30. POP: 1 [X759W].
Alfaro X-13 [X7647] (EAA coll)

X-13 1928 = 2pChwM; 110hp Warner Scarab. Entry in the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition [X7647]. Variable-lift wing featured spoilers, and a trailing-edge flap that contained a shutter to seal the gap between the wing and flap. Did not qualify because of its lack of slow-speed control, and failure to meet the required maximum speed of 110mph. Alfaro was better known for his many training gliders. Also seen as Ingalls Safety Airplane, with no reference to the name change. Alfaro also designed, built, and flew the first airplane in Spain (1914).
Algate Aircraft Corp (pres: William M McDaniel), 223 E 9th St, Kansas City MO.
1 1930 = 1p monoplane with Algate engine, no other specs found [NC434V] c/n A-1. Reg cancelled 2/2/33.
Flint MI.
Alker Sport [12872] (Eugene Palmer coll)

Sport c.1938 = 2pOlwM; 40hp Continental. [12872] c/n 100. Unconfirmed, but most likely evolved (or converted) into Dale Air-Dale (qv).
All-American SEE Taubman
All-American Aircraft Inc (fdrs: Ernest & Gerald Adler), Long Beach CA.
All American 10-A (company ad)
All American 10-A [NX14281]

10-A Ensign 1945 (ATC 792) = 2pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 33'0" length: 21'0" (?>22'0") load: 550# v: 120/105/48 (?>125/110/x) range: 380-400. Ernest Adler. $3,495; POP: at least 4; [NX14281, NX8003H, NC8004H, NX90648]. Attractive all-metal design with side-by-side cockpit under a bubble canopy, and knee-action tricycle gear, was a victim of the post-war slump. Planned retractable-gear 125hp Model 10-D was canceled in the design stage.
Edmund T Allen, Salt Lake City UT.
Allen [5651] (EAA coll)

c.1928 = 2pOB; 29hp Wright-Morehouse. A home-built, undocumented other than mention that it was built in Utah, and its photo taken in Cheyenne. The generous wingspan was probably meant to cope with the high altitudes of the Rocky Mountains. Owner Allen is shown as with Boeing Air Transport, Cheyenne, in 1932 register, and went on to become Boeing's legendary test pilot, Eddie Allen.
Allen A-4 3-view (Aviation via Joe Martin)

A-4 1924 = 1pOmwM; Harley-Davidson motorcyle engine; span: 27'0" length: 18'9". Intended to compete in the 1924 Dayton races, but the list of contestants did not show it as an entry.
A J Allen, Savannah GA.
A-2, A-3 1931 = 2pOM; 60hp Ford A. POP: 1 [890Y], modified for the second designation.
Frank Allen, 6040 Dorchester Ave, Chicago IL.
DLX Special aka Newhall Racer 1936 = 1pClwM; 85hp DLX-Pobjoy. POP: 1 racer [R14868], crashed during flight testing.
Edward Allenbaugh, North Hollywood CA.
1947 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85 pusher; span: 18'0" length: 19'0". Paul Schaupp. Midget racer with radical tail-mounted prop design with centrally-mounted motor, inverted tail, and a 28" deep fuselage. POP: 1, [N23C] Gray Ghost; destroyed on a test flight take-off in 1948, killing pilot Dwight Dempster.
Allenbaugh A [NR256Y] (clip: Air Trails)
Allenbaugh B [NX41V]

A, B 1935 = 1pClwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: 18'0" length: 15'6". Racer [NR/N256Y], modified in 1936 as model B with Argus motor [NR/N41Y].
Allenbaugh Special [NX67893] (WASM coll)

Special 1947 = 1pOlwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 18'0" length: 14'11". Fiberglass fuselage shell. Midget racer Californian (p: Dwight Dempster) [NX67893].
SEE Hess
1928: Alliance Aircraft Corp, North Webb St, Alliance OH, reorganized from Hess Aircraft Co with group of Alliance businessmen. 1930: Bankruptcy. After five months, reorganized and refinanced briefly as Warrior Aeronautical Corp (qv).
Alliance A-1 [NC2M]

A-1 Argo 1929 (ATC 178) = 2pOB; 125hp Hess Warrior; span: 28'8" length: 20'0" load: 650# v: 120/102/44 range: 350-400. $4,500; POP: 19 or 20; prototype [3601]. The seven-cylinder Warrior motor, aka Argo, was also designed and built at the same location. Became Warrior line in 1930.
Allied Aircraft Corp, North Tonawanda NY.
Allied Sport-Trainer (ad: Mar 1939 Aero Digest)

Sport-Trainer c.1939 = 2pO-ClwM; 95hp Menasco Pirate B4; span: 32'8" length: 22'10" load: 615# v: 125/107/47 range: 400. (Data shown in Aero Digest ad: span: 32'0" length: 23'3" load: 600# v: 125/107/47 range: 400 ceiling: 12,000'; also offered 125hp C4 model with v: 148/125/47 ceiling: 14,000.) Optional "Weathure Closure" canopy and turtleback fairing. Handsome design was suggestive of Ryan S-T, with unbraced cantilever wing. Very likely was the same, perhaps parent, operation as Wendt Aircraft Co.
1946: Allied Aircraft Corp (pres: J A Phillips), Wichita KS.
Allied A-2 [N312TJ] (Brent Tylor)

A-2 1948 = 4pClwM rg (manual); 185hp Continental O-470; span: 35'0" length: 24'0" load: 1075# v: 155/150/48 range: 600; ff: 4/9/48 (p: Harry Ragland) [NX3153K]. J A Phillips. V-tail, tri-gear with castering nose wheel. POP: 2 known; reportedly 5 built. A fire destroyed the second, and a third aircraft in contruction, along with production jigs, creating severe financial problems. The prototype later (c.1970?) became [N312TJ] (photo above), and was registered in 1987 to T J Balentine of Copan OK as TJ-2 with 210hp Continental.
Allied Aviation Industries
Allied Aviation Industries Inc as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930):
Aviation Accessories Corp
Lambert Aircraft Engine Corp
Mono-Aircraft Inc
Royal Airways Inc
Allied Motor Industries
Allied Motor Industries Inc as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930):
American Aeronautical Corp
American Cirrus Engines Co
Great Lakes Aircraft Corp
Henney Motor Corp
Van Sicklen Corp
Weatherproof Body Corp
Allied H-28 SEE Westbrook W-5
Peter Allinio, 409 Kearney St, El Cerrito CA.
c.1916 = 2pOB; 40hp Hall-Scott. Flown at Christofferson Field, Redwood City. Allinio, a FAI-licensed pilot and instructor at Sunset School of Aviation in Alameda, built his first plane, a Curtiss pusher, in 1912 with skills acquired during his (as well as some of the Jacuzzi brothers') employment by the Caproni company in Italy.
Bristol Cabin c.1928 = 3pCB; Siddely Puma. Rebuilt and modified surplus Bristol Fighter [826Y].
1920: (Lawrence M) Allison Airplane Co, 4th & Perry Sts, Lawrence KS. c.1922: Aviation Engineering Co.
Alco 1928 = 2pChwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 30'0" length: 20'0" load: 500# v: 100/85/42 range: 320. $2,385.
Alco Sport aka Junior Coupe) 1928-33 = 1-2pOB or OhwM; various motors; span: 26'0" length: 18'3" v: 75/x/30 range: 400. Sold 1920-29 in plans or component form to the home-builders by Allison under the Alco label. POP: unknown how many built by Allison. In DoC registers, samples of monoplanes constructed by individuals are [321] with Anzani, [149N] with Harley-Davidson, [239K, 12577] with OX-5, [982N] with Ford A, [13618] with 60hp LeBlondthe OX-5 and LeBlond are a bit out of place, powerwise, and might be other models, such as MT-3. [897H] was a biplane with 70hp Siemens-Halske, the registration of which was reportedly shared with Blatnik BD-1 for unexplained reasons.
Coupster c.1929 = 1pOB; 28hp Lawrance. [8886] c/n 928.
MT-3 Utility 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: 1 [403] c/n 201. The use of "Utility" for two different models is curious.
Sport aka Utility, Junior 1929 = 1pOB or OhwM; various 40-80hp motors; span: 26'0". Utility model had Hall-Scott and LeRhône [931, 982N], the latter also appearing in registers with a Ford motor as Junior. Both were apparently modifications of the previous basic design.
Allison Sportford (1924 Aviation)

Sportford 1924 = 1pOB; Ford A; span: 24'0" v: 60/45/25. [4429].
Trainer 1929 = 2pOB; 60hp LeBlond or Velie; span: 26'0" length: 20'0" load: 525# v: 100/85/39 range: 320. $2,385. Allison, primarily an aircraft parts and supply house specializing in rebuilt "Hi-Lift" JN-4 wings, also offered these 1929 types in kit and component forms.
1916: (Lawrence M) Allison-(Karl H) White, Lawrence KS.
1916 = 1pOB; 50hp Gnôme rotary; span: 36'0". Karl White (designer of Curtiss-Wright Junior). Open-framework fuselage. After Allison dropped out of the project, White went on to build and fly the plane, which crashed on its first take-off, and was so badly damaged as to be abandoned where it fell.
1963: Alon Inc (fdrs: John Allen Jr & Lee O Higdon), McPherson KS. 1967: Ended operations.

"A new company formed by former Beechcraft executives Allen and Higdon, who have purchased all assets, jigs, tools, and engineering of the program from the city of Carlsbad NM. They expect to deliver the first of 30-50 Aircoupes to be built next year for about $8,000." ( Aviation Week 3/30/64)
Alon A2 [N6373V] (Roger D Cain)

A2 Aircoupe 1964 = Modernized continuance of Forney Aircoupe (aka Ercoupe) with conventional three-control system. 2pClwM; 90hp Continental C-90; load: 520# v: 129/114/45 range: 455 ceiling: 17,300'. POP: 245.
Alon A-4 [N6399X] (Ron Dupas coll)

X-A4 Aircoupe 1966 = Prototypical 4pClwM development of A2; 150hp Lycoming O-320A; span: 30'0" length: 20'9" load: 1107# v: 150/140/52 range: 755; ff: 2/25/66. $11,000; POP: 1 [N6399X]. No further production.
Alpha Aviation Co, Greenville TX.
Alpha 11D 1971 = 4pChwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360; span: 38'0" length: 25'0" load: 990# v: 150/135/x. Based on Luscombe 11A with all-metal, fixed tricycle
landing gear. [N6544M].
Joseph Alvarez, Chino CA.
Polliwagen 1977 = 2pClwM rg; 90hp Revmaster VW 2100cc; span: 26'0" length: 15'0" load: 600# v: x/230/45 range: 1000; ff: 7/x/77. Joseph Alvarez, Henry Arnace. Side-by-side, fibreglass composite construction; tricycle landing gear. [N176PW]
Aircraft Mechanics Association, San Diego CA.
AMA Minx Capon [NX18983] (1938 Aero Digest)

Minx Capon 1938 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 25'9" length: 16'6" load: 276# v: 95/85/38 range: 400. Claude Flagg. Ultralight project was stored during WW2, and damaged in a warehouse fire [NX18983]. Located in 1956 and restored.
Multiplane c.1919 = No info found on this oddity that shows up on Army records as [AS64119].
Aircraft Mfg & Development Co (pres: Mathieu Heintz), Eastman GA.
Alarus CH2000 [N470AM] (AMD)

Alarus CH2000 1938 = 2pClwM; 115hp Lycoming 0-235-N2C; span: 28'10" length: 23'0" load: 556# v: 160/115/50 range: 500. Chris Heintz. $84,900, ($99,000 IFR); POP: 60. Evolved from Zenair.
American Aeroplane Supply House, 266-68 Franklin St, Hempstead NY.
American Blériot XI Two-place with 50hp Roberts (Library of Congress)

1910 = 1pOmwM; 50-70hp Gnôme rotary, 23-36hp Anzani, and 50hp Roberts; span: 28'6" v (50hp Gnôme): 48. French Blériot XI copies built under license. POP: 5 to 10, of which some were 2p.
American Aero Corp SEE Savoia-Marchetti
American Aircraft
No location, possibly Long Beach CA.
S-1B 1939 = Revived manufacture of Security S-1B. No data.
American Aircraft International
1990: American Aircraft Intl Inc, San Diego; factory: Long Beach CA. 1993: Ended operations.
AAI Penetrator [N3080W] (AAI Inc)

Penetrator 1991 = 2pCH; 1300hp Avco Lycoming T52-L-13 tuboshaft; rotor: 48'0" length: 48'0" load: 4631# v: 195/140/0; ff: 10/x/91. William F Moody. Gunship conversion of Bell UH-1B, which was stripped down to engine and transmission mounts, controls modified to tandem arrangement, re-covered with flat, composite structure armor panels; a troop-carrier compartment added; two aft-facing and two forward-facing gun stations on either side of the engine added. Stub wings to increase airspeed. POP: 1 prototype for Army evaluation [63-8508=N3080W], then by South Korean AF. End of Cold War rendered it unnecessary.
American Airmotive
1968: American Airmotive Corp (pres: John D MacArthur), Miami FL.
NA-75 c.1960 = Conversions of surplus Stearman-Boeing PT-17s with high-lift wings as 1p crop sprayers; 220hp Continental R-670 or 225hp Lycoming R-680-B4 (also others as available); span: (upper) 33'1" (lower) 29'5" length: 24'9"; payloads: up to 2000#. POP: more than 200 conversions.
American Air Racing
American Air Racing Inc (pres: John Parker), Rancho Palos Verdes CA.
Parker JP-350 1988 = 1pClwM rg; 450hp Lycoming TIO-540; span: 18'6"
length: 23'9". Unlimited racer [N350JP].
Parker JP001 1976 = 1pCmwM; 100hp Continental O-200; ff: 8/8/76; span:
20'4" length: 20'1" load:240# v: 270/x/70. Formula I racers Wild Turkey (1979) and American Special (1980).
American Albatross SEE Zenith
American Aviation
1942: American Aviation Corp, (Delaware incorporation), NYC NY. 1964: Cleveland OH. 1972: Acquired by Grumman Corp as Grumman-American Div.
AA-1 Yankee 1968 (TC A11EA) = 2pClwM; 108hp Lycoming O-235-C2C; span: 24'6" length: 19'3" load: 560# v: 144/135/65 range: 500 ceiling: 11,250'. James Bede; original roots in Bede BD-1. $7,295, $7895 in 1971; POP: 459. Became Grumman-American AA-1.
AA-1A Trainer 1970 (TC A11EA) = Trainer version; load: 493# v: 138/125/61 range 438; ff: 3/25/70. $8,340; POP: 470.
AA-2 Patriot 1971 = 4pClwM; 180hp Lycoming; span: 30'0" length: 24'4" load: 1100# v: 155/145/x range: 710. Prototype [N488AA].
American Champion, A C A
c.1990: American Champion Aircraft Corp (pres: Jerry Mehlhaff), Rochester WI, on acquisition of Champion (TX) inventory.
Disparities in production totals are notable. In his book, A History In the Making, Donald Pattillo claims a total production by American Champion of 53 units by 1996. Figures shown below might include some production by earlier Champion manufacturers, as well.
ACA 7ECA [N278GT] (American Champion)

7ECA Citabria Aurora 1995 (ATC 759) = Recent continuation of the Champion and Bellanca series with redesigned wing. 2pChwM; 118hp Lycoming O-235-K2C; span: 33'6" length: 22'9" load: 224# v: 121/116/50 range: 556 ceiling: 13,000'. Side-by-side seats, electrical system. $59,900 base (1998), $66,950 base (2000); POP: 11 by end of 1997.
7GCAA Citabria Adventure 1997 = Continuation of Champion 7GCAA with 160hp Lycoming O-320-B2B; length: 22'2" load: 450# v: 140/135/50 ceiling: 17,000'. $66,900 base (1998), $75,900 base (2000); POP: 3 by end of 1997.
7GCBC Citabria Explorer 1994 = Continuation of Champion Citabria 7GCBC with 160hp O320-B2B; length: 22'2" load: 550# v: 132/128/46 range: 385 ceiling: 15,500'. $69,900 base (1998), $78,900 base (2000); POP: 38 by end of 1997.
ACA 8GCBC Scout [N147BC]
ACA Scout CS [N186AC] (American Champion)

8GCBC Scout, Scout CS 1991 = Utility and cargo. 2pChwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360-C1G with fixed-pitch prop; span: 36'3" length: 22'9" load: 750# v: 140/130/50 range: 384 ceiling: 17,000'. CS had three-blade constant-speed prop. $84,900 base (1998), $96,900 base (2000); POP: 28 by end of 1997.
8KCAB Citabria Super Decathlon 1991 = Aerobatic with limited inverted system. 2pChwM; 180hp Lycoming AEIO-360-H1B with constant-speed prop; span: 32'0" length: 22'11" load: 460# v: 155/147/53 range: 509 ceiling: 15,800'. $88,900 base (1996), $103,900 base (2000); POP: 160 by end of 1997.
American Eagle Aircraft Corp
American Eagle Aircraft Corp as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
Crescent Propeller Co
Lincoln Aircraft Co Inc
Porterfield Aviation Interests Inc
Porterfield Flying School Corp
Wallace Aircraft Inc
American Eaglecraft
American Eaglecraft Co, Fort Worth & Grapevine TX, on acquisition of production rights to American Eagle Eaglet.
Eaglet A-31-B 1946 (ATC 2-583) = 2pO/ChwM; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 34'4" length: 22'9" load: 463# v: 102/85/28 range: 450 ceiling: 14,500'. A modernized American Eagle Eaglet B-31 and ATC transferred from American Eaglet A-31. 1948 version had a basic enclosed cabin and 65hp Continental. POP: 2 [NC17686, N80567].
American Flea
American Mignet Aircraft Corp. 1934: Universal Aircraft Co, Ft Worth TX. 1942: Ended operations.
American Mignet HM-20 [X18218] (Frank Rezich coll)

HM-20, -21, -23 193? = License production of French Mignet HM-11 ultralight design, 1pCB "Flying Flea." POP: 1 HM-20 [X18218] c/n 1. Subsequent units were sequentially numbered as HM-21 [X18226] c/n 2, HM-23 [X18240] c/n 3. Subsequent units were known as Universal American Fleaship [11599, 17619/17620, 17650/17653, et al] and Flea Triplane.
TC-1 (Universal ) 1935 = 1pOT; 40hp Universal (Ford B) or 65hp Continental A-65; span: 21'9" length: 16'1" (?>13'0") v: x/80/30-40. Cassell De Hibbs, modified from the French design. POP: unk; [18254] c/n 1109-F, [18291] c/n 7126-F, [18376] c/n 24, [18750] c/n 33, and others. Originally offered as a free airplane included as an incentive with the purchase of a Universal motor; later sold for $695. As a kit aircraft, design was claimed by Lillian Holden. Plans were marketed in 1953 by George Frisbie, DePere WI
American Gyro
1935: American Gyro Co, Denver CO. 1936: Crusader Aircraft Co, Glendale CA. 1938: Bankruptcy.
American Gyro Crusader [X14429] (K O Eckland coll)

AG-4 Crusader 1935 = 4pClwM; two 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 36'0" length: 21'8" load: 1000# v: 233/210/55 v (single-engine): 150 range: 600. Thomas Shelton. Originally called Shelton Flying-Wing and Gyroplane. All-metal construction. Twin-boom, twin-tail empennage with a nacelle fuselage; panted wheels modified to retractable in 1936. Plans sold to Timm Aircraft Co to build proposed 7p retractable-gear AG-7, but financing problems prevented further development. Dismantled c.1941 and stored at Van Nuys CA, and was destroyed in a hangar fire [X14429].
American Helicopter
1947: American Helicopter Co. 1954: American Helicopter, div of Fairchild Corp.
American Helicopter XA-5 (magazine clip via Jos Heyman)

A-5 Top Sergeant 1949 - Conceptual prototype of 2pOH with pulse-jet rotor was not produced. Initial project was based on the lower fuselage and undercarriage of a Sikorsky R-6 with an open rear boom and small rudder. It was driven by two tip-mounted 43kg AJ 8.75 pulse-jets driven by a fuselage-mounted compressor, and made its first flight in Jan 1949. POP: 1 prototype as XA-5.
American Helicopter XA-6 (magazine clip via Jos Heyman)

A-6 Buck Private c.1950 = 1pOH version of XA-5 with the same pulse-jet propulsion and a simple open-frame structure. POP: 1 as XA-6, but no data or confirming military s/ns found.
American Helicopter XH-26 [50-1840] (US Army Museum)

H-26 Jet Jeep 1952 = 1pCH; two American Helicopter XPJ49-AH-3 pulse jets; rotor: 27'0" length: 12'3" load: 410# v: 80/70/0 range: 100; ff: 6/x/52. POP: 6 as XH-26 [50-1840/1841, 52-7476/7478]. Final model was a collapsible helicopter constructed under an Army contract. Info from R Simpson's Airlife's Helicopter & Rotorcraft (1998).
American Jet Industries SEE AJI
American Legend
American Legend Aircraft Co (fdrs: Tim Elliott, Darin Hart). Sulphur Springs TX.
American Legend Cub (American Legend Co)
American Legend Cub [N383LC] (Dan Shumaker)

AL3C-100 Cub 2004 = Globally familiar Piper J-3 faithfully replicated, but "high-tech" and a far cry from the spartan original; on wheels or twin floats. Open-cowl 100hp Continental O-200, optional 120hp Jibaru; span: 35'6" length: 22'5" v: 95/90/34 range: 315 ceiling: 15,000' (specs for 100hp). Metal wing spars and ribs, open or closed cowling, an array of options and electronicscustom-built to buyers' preferences. $84,000-123,000; POP: unknown.
AL11C-100 2004 = Closed-cowl 100hp Continental O-200 (ala PA-11).
AL11J-120 2004 = Closed-cowl 120hp Jabiru 3300A ß(ala PA-11).
American Marchetti SEE Savoia-Marchetti
American Moth (aka Vulcan)
Vulcan Aircraft Co, Portsmouth OH (fdrs: William Burke, Harvey & Wilson Doyle, Dwight Hungtinton, Jan Pavleka). 1929: Assets sold to Davis Aircraft Corp.
V-3 aka Vulcan V-1 1927 = 2pOhwM; 60hp Detroit Air Cat; span: 30'9" length: 18'0" load: 540# v: 115/96/43 range: 400. Harvey Doyle, Dwight Huntington, Jan Pavlecka (who left in 1928 to form Doyle Aero Corp after the death of Burke). $2,500; POP: 1 [X4243]. Parasol, elliptical-winged progenitor of Davis V-3. Repowered with 90hp LeBlond.
American Multiplane SEE Johns 1911
American Pilgrim SEE Pilgrim
American Sunbeam
SEE Commercial Sunbeam, National Bluebird
American Sunbeam Aircraft Ltd, Santa Monica CA.
Pup (LP-1) 1931 (ATC 2-334) = 2pOhwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: 36'4" length: 20'0" load: 500# v: 95/72/27 range: 420. POP: 1 [NC956Y].
Ames (aka Butler Ames)
Butler Ames, Wasington DC.
1908 = Drum-wing experimental. Ames, a congressman at the time, used his office to acquire USS Bagley as for 11 days as a testing platform for his aircraft in an experiment with the Magnus Theory (qv Glossary), trying to create lift from rotating barrel-forms; powered by a 40hp Curtiss V-8. It failed to produce any exciting results. SEE ALSO Flettner and Union.
William P Ames, Albany NY.
Parasol 1929 = Very likely a Heath Parasol. [22W].
Ames, Ames-Dryden
Ames Industrial Co, Bohemia, NY.
Ames-Dryden AD-1 (NASA Dryden)

AD-1 1979 = Pivoting-wing experiments. 1pChwM; two 220# turbojets; span: 32'0" length: 40'0"; ff: 12/21/79 (p: Thomas C. McMurtry). Robert T Jones (NASA Ames Research Center). At subsonic and supersonic high speeds, the wing could be pivoted fore-and-aft up to 60° to the aircraft's fuselage for better high speed performance. At lower speeds, during take-offs and landings, the wing would be perpendicular like a conventional wing to provide maximum lift and control qualities. As the aircraft gained speed, the wing would be pivoted to increase the oblique angle to reduce the drag and fuel consumption. Flown 79 times until retirement on 8/7/82.
Amphibions SEE Ireland
AMV Aircraft (fdr: Attila Melkuti), Aliso Viejo CA.
AMV 211 Prototype (AMV Aircraft)

211 2003 (in development) = VTOL experiment with ducted-fan propulsion. 450hp turbocharged Mazda rotary driving a belly-mounted, 94" five-blade prop; span: 20'0" length: 20'0" load: 900#. Wings were set at an angle to the fan, and the fuselage itself provided lift. Take-off was with the fan horizontal, blowing downward. As the ship tilted forward, wings would provide lift and the fan would then start blowing rearward through a system of louvers. For landing, the process was reversed.
Andercraft SEE Fletcher Sport
15 Dec 1915: Andermat Aeroplane Co (pres: Robert P Matches), Sunnyvale CA. 3 Mar 1917: Ended operation in forfeiture.
Andermat (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

1916 = 3pOB; two 120hp Andermat (modified Hall-Scott V-8); span: 72'0" length: c.38'0"; ff: 4/16/16 (p: Roy Francis). Gross wt: 5000#. Project funding by Gray Taxicab Co of San Francisco. Double interplane ailerons, twin tails. POP: 1 prototype constructed for Army bomber evaluation was shipped to San Diego after this test flight, then reportedly ended up at Kelly Field TX, at which point its track vanished, and the military contract for 21 planes went unfilled. The company name was a blend of principals' names, the only obvious part being the "mat," for Matches.

Principals at original incorporation (12/15/15) were S W Piercy, A G Smith, J J Sullivan; after reinstatement of franchise (3/4/16) were J R Kelly, W G Loomis, Robert P Matches. The company apparently had financial problems. ( Roy Mize 1/18/08)
1916 = OB, about which almost nothing is known, but it does appear, designated as an Andermat Biplane, flying in a photo that also shows part of the company's large bomber.
1926: Anderson Aircraft Mfg Co (fdr: Fred Parker), Anderson IN. 1927: (Orin) Welch School of Aviation.
1927 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 36'8" length: 22'10". Fred Parker, Orin Welch. Swallow type with elephant-ear ailerons; christened Miss Anderson, and registered as Welch Biplane. Sold in 1928, and was badly damaged in a cornfield forced landing. Its remains were stored in a Gaston IN auto garage and eventually disappeared [1405].
Louis "Andy" Anderson, Dow City IA. 1950: Mansfield MO.
#1 c.1930 = 1pOB; Henderson engine.
#2 c.1930 = 1pOB; Model T engine.
#3 c.1930 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Model T. Parasol-wing Pietenpol type.
Scampy aka Baby A 1960 = 1pOB; 85hp Continental; span: 17'10" v: 150/130/60 range: 260. [N15H].
Andrew Anderson, Hawley and Rollag MN.
Anderson Z as found in 1977 (AAA)

Z 1932 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'0" length: 22'6". Designed and built by a self-taught "flying farmer," acquired by AAA in 1977 and restored for display [12041].
R-1 Rotorplane 19?? = Listing in registrations for [12842] c/n 1.
(Alvin E) Anderson Propeller Co, Elmhurst IL.
Anderson Special [N5541N] (WASM coll)

Special 1948 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Midget racer Ace of Diamonds, Beetle Bomb (p: Bruce Raymond) [N5541N]. Diamond-shaped fuselage cross-section; modified as mid-wing in 1949. Crashed in racing in 1950; wings were salvaged for use on 1953 Pitt Yellow Jacket.
Earl Anderson, Delray Beach FL.
Anderson Kingfisher [N21W] (William T Larkins)

EA-1 Kingfisher 1969 = 2pChwMAm; 100hp Continental O-200, also 115hp Lycoming O-235; span: 36'1" length: 23'6" load: 468# v: x/85/x ceiling: 10,000'; ff: 4/24/69. Engine pylon-mounted above cabin. Marketed plans and kits for home-buildersmore than 200 plans reportedly sold by early 1974.
Charles Lee Anderson & E R Gewert, Reno NV.
Racing Model 1928 = 1pOB; 260hp Menasco B-2; span: 30'0" length: 25'6". Built to test a high-speed wing designed by Anderson. [X7792] c/n AG-1. Wrecked when it nosed over on takeoff 10/27/28. Reg cancelled 11/14/28.
Anderson Greenwood
(Ben M) Anderson, (Marvin H) Greenwood & Co, Bellaire TX.
Anderson Greenwood AG-14 [NX80828] (Eaton Chronicles and company brochure)
Anderson Greenwood AG-14 [N3903K] (Dan Shumaker)

AG-14 1947 (TC 4A1) = 2pCmwM; 90hp Continental C-90 pusher; span: 34'7" (?>37'7") length: 22'0" load: 550# v: 120/110/57 range: 440 ceiling: 16,000'; ff: 10/1/47. Twin-tail, twin-boom with a nacelle fuselage; tail-mounted propeller. ATC issued in 1950. $4,500; POP: 6 [N3900K, N3903K, NX80828, et al]. One plane modified in 1962 as Mississippi State Univ XAZ-1. Advertised c.1964 by Space Enterprises as Space Coupe AG-14 with 100hp Continental O-220, but no record of production.
51, 51A 19?? (A11SW) = No data.
Andiz Aircraft Corp, Los Angeles CA.
Andiz 2-60 [X4244] (Roy Russell via John W Underwood coll)

2-60 aka C-2 1928 = 2pOhwM; 60hp Anzani; span: 30'0" length: 20'0" load: 400# v: 100/85/35. W H Anderson. Parasol wing, tandem cockpits. POP: 1 [X4244]. There are claims that one or two others might have been built, but no proof was found.
Andover-Kent SEE Langley
F O Andreae, Central Valley NY.
1909 = 1pO multiplane; two 6'6" chain-driven propellers; span: 30'0" length: 30'0". 19 "planes," consisting of rounded winglets, were set at various angles around a tubular steel framework fuselage, in addition to vertical "steadying fins." No flight data mentioned in Jane's, and an accompanying sketch makes no sense at all.
Bjorn Andreasson, San Diego CA.
BA-6 c.1955 = 1pClwM; no specs. Designed for the home-huilder market.
BA-7 aka MFI c.1955 = 2pCmwM; no specs. Trainer and sportplane intended for home-builders. Design was acquired by SAAB for production in Sweden as MFI-9.
Edward F Andrews, Daytona Beach FL.
1910 = 1pOB; two 36hp Adams-Farwell rotary pushers. Andrews designed and constructed the first twin-engined airplane, which flew at Daytona Beach for about 100 yards at an altitude of six feet before the rear elevators vibrated loose and the machine came apart.
Andrews & Nicholson
Henry G Andrews & Ray E Nicholson, Sacramento CA.
T-1 1926 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 32'2" length: 22'6". Rebuilt and modified Curtiss JN-4 for flight training [2162] c/n 1. Considered unairworthy after changing hands several times, the airframe was finally scrapped, engine sold, and the reg cancelled 3/9/29. Also wearing this registration was a JN-4 rebuilt as Mayberry T-1 in Oakland CA, most likely one of those "hands" mentioned above.
Angel SEE King's
Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor Air Service, Ann Arbor MI.
Brundage R-3 1933 = 1 or 2pOM; 80hp Armstrong-Genet, later 65hp Velie; ff (possibly): 10/18/33. [NR13531] c/n 1 (NR assigned 11/28/33). Sold in 1936, reg cancelled 12/15/37.
Anser SEE ACME (Air Craft Marine)
Antique Aero
1962: Jim Appleby. 1964: Antique Aero, Asbury Park NJ. 1972: Fla-Bob Airport, Riverside CA. 1988: Yucca Valley CA.
(A prolific constructor of accurate flying replicas, AA provided planes for more than 150 television and movie appearances. Performance specs and data are not shown since they varied with individual aircraft, but ones with rotary engines were similar to the originals.)
Albatros D.V 1980 = 180hp Mercedes, POP: 1 partial completion to Champlin Fighter Museum.
Albatros D.Va 1979 = 200hp Hall Scott L-6. POP: 1 to San Diego Aerospace Museum.
Fokker D.VII 1982 = 160hp Mercedes. POP: 1 to Champlin Fighter Museum.
Fokker Dr.I 1975 = 90hp Warner. POP: 2; the first retained by Appleby, the second, with 120hp LeRhône, to San Diego Aerospace Museum in 1987.
Fokker E.III replica (K O Eckland)

Fokker E.III 1963 = 80hp LeRhône. POP: 2; the first to San Diego Aerospace Museum, where it was destroyed in the 1978 fire, the second to Champlin Fighter Museum in 1980.
Nieuport 28 replica (K O Eckland)

Nieuport 28 1975 = Warner. POP: 2; the first to Stolp Starduster Co, the second to Ed Doyle in 1978.
Sopwith 1-1/2 Strutter 1980 = 100hp Warner. POP: 1 to Javier Arango.
Sopwith Camel 1977 = Warner. POP: 1 to Champlin Fighter Museum.
Sopwith Pup 1977 = Warner. POP: 1 to Ed Doyle.
Additionally provided flying restorationsAvro 504K (19??), Curtiss JN-4D (1985), Nieuport 28 (1995), Pfalz D.XII (1986), Sopwith Pup (1993), SPAD VII (1990), Thomas Morse Scout (1980)for film studios, museums and private parties, plus 6 Fokker Dr.I and 6 Nieuport 28 static replicas for Specialty Restaurants, as well as many restorations of classic "ragwing" civil aircraft.
A P I SEE Aero Products
(Ray) Applegate Amphibians, Lock Haven PA.
Applegate Amphibian [NX17866] (Dan Shumaker coll)

Amphibian 1937 = 2pCmwMAm; various 55-145hp pusher motors; span: 34'5" length: 22'0" load: 650# v: x/85/x. Ray Applegate. Used a Piper J-3 wing. $2,500±; POP: 1 [NX17866]. Name changed to Applegate 3 Clipper in 1947. Project was acquired by Piper Aircraft Corp, but never produced.
Ray Applegate & (?) Weyant, Tecumseh MI, Elkhart IN.
Dart GC with Lycoming O-320 [N31696] (Dan Shumaker)

Dart GC 1946 (ATC 674) = 2pClwM; 100hp Continental A-100. Acquisition of rights to Culver G Dart with similar data. POP: about 10 before lack of sales halted production.
1946: Aquaflight Inc (fdr: Meredith C Wardle), 1601 Harrison Ave, Wilmington DE.
Aqua I, W-6 1946 = 6pChwMFb; two 125hp Lycoming O-290; span: 36'6" length: 29'6" load: 1400# v: x/125/50. Meredith Wardle. Cargo or passenger versions. Production data unknown.
Aqua II 1948 = 6pChwMFb; two 225hp Lycoming; v: 170/155/55. Modified version of Aqua I [N74141]. Hull was reportedly used in constructing the 1982 Collins W-7 Dipper (qv photo).
Arco Aircraft Co (fdrs: J T & Richard Arwine), Palo Alto CA.
1930: 1p sportplane. No data.
Arctic Aviation / Arctic Aircraft Co (fdr: Bill Diehl), Anchorage AK. 1985: Interstate Aircraft Co, Lebanon NH.
Arctic Tern (Interstate)

Tern aka Interstate S-1-B2 1975 = Continued production of Interstate L-6 (S-1-B1) revised for bush operations. Tooling and jigs reacquired by Interstate Co in 1985. (No connection, nor similarity, between this and Rocheville-EMSCO Arctic Tern.)
A R D C SEE Brantly
Argander SEE Nimmo
Argo SEE Alliance Argo
SEE ALSO White Amphibian
Argonaut Aircraft Inc (pres: J Leroy Sutton), North Tonowanda NY. c.1938: Acquired by White Aircraft Co, Leroy NY.
H-20 Pirate 1934 = 3pCmwMAm; 120hp Curtiss Crusader, later 125hp Menasco
C-4; span: 35'4" length: 26'0" load: 870# v: 110/100/42 range: 490 ceiling: 12,000'. $4,975; POP: 1 prototype [X14760] c/n H20-100.
Argonaut H-24 [X15682] (EAA coll)

H-24 Pirate 1935 (ATC 650) = 3pCmwMAm; 125hp Menasco C-4 pusher; span: 42'0" length: 27'1" load: 650# v: 104/89/45 range: 350 ceiling: 10,500'. Howard J Heindell. 1935 factory ad shows span: 35'4" length: 26'0" load: 680# v: 120/104/40 range: 500. $4,995; POP: 1 [X/NC15682] c/n H24-500.
1940: Stearman-Jensen Aircraft Co/Ariel Aircraft Inc (Glenn A Stearman, pres), Coffeyville KS. 1942: Stearman Aviation Inc, Enid OK (no production). 1942: Ended operations.
Ariel A [NX25471]
Ariel Skeletal view (Dwight Holtzen)

A 1940 = 2pClwM; 65hp Lycoming O-145; span: 30'0" length: 20'3" load: 528# v: 115/105/40 range: 450. Glenn Stearman. POP: 1 [NX25471]; initially had Ford V-8.
Ariel B [N32459] (Aircraft of the World)

B, C 1941 (ATC 2-580) = Same as model A with 75hp Continental and 80hp Franklin, respectively. POP: 2 were finished of 6 begun [N32459, Nx], then the firm opted for the bicycle business instead. It is unclear if the 80hp was that reported C modelreferences found only mention "two B models flying"or if it might have been one of those unfinished planes.
Arizona Airways
Arizona Airways Inc (gen mgr: John Merrill), 113 South First St, Phoenix AZ.
Whitewing 1928 = 2pOB; 43hp Ford conversion; span: 25'0' length: 17'6". [7975] c/n B-1. Reg cancelled by CAA 7/18/30.
1926: Arkansas Aircraft Co (pres: J Carroll Cone), Little Rock AR. 1928: Command-Aire Inc.
CX-3 1927 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'6" length: 24'6" load: 790# v: 100/85/36. Albert Voellmecke. POP: 1 [C2828] c/n 1; one other [X3790] c/n 500 registered as Arkansas Command-Aire. Design became production Command-Aire 3C3
(Bert) Acosta Aviation, Trenton NJ.
A 1929 = 4pCMAm; 300hp Wright J-6; span: 46'0" length: 35'9" load: 1134# v: 127/110/55 range: 600. All-metal fuselage with wood-frame wings.
M C Armel, 243 E Daugherty St, Athens GA.
White Dove Commercial 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'0" length: 22'0" load: 650# v: 95/x/35. A H Comer. [7634] c/n 654; reg expired 1/9/32. Armel, with Ben T Epps, operated a flight school at Athens, and was also involved in the construction of Hodgson Red Star.
George Armitage, Providence RI. SEE ALSO New England.
1909 = 1pOmwM; 16hp motor. Based on the popular Blériot design of the time, reportedly made 57 flights. Prior to this, he had built and experimented with gliders since 1905.
Armitage 1910 (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

1910 = 2pOmwM likely expanded from the previous machine. No specs or data found.
1915 = Armitage, design engr at Sturtevant Co, designed the Stevens flying boat and likely had a hand in its contruction, but to what extent is unknown.
S-8 1938 = 1pOmwM rg; 300hp Sturtevant V-8; span: 16'0" length: 14'0" load: 400# v: 335/x/93. All-metal racer for George Nelson [NX2585] wore race number 50, but it is unknown if it ever flew. Choice of model designation is interestingperpetuating or memorializing the old Sturtevant S-line?
Armton SEE RoamAIR
Arntzen SEE Jacobsen
Mike Arnold, Pinole CA.
AR-5 c.1992 = 1pClwM; 65hp Rotax 582; span: 21'0" length: 15'6".
Empty wt: 488#. All-composite. [N105AR].
Arnoldi Sport SEE Blasovsky
Arocet Inc, Arlington WA.
AT-T Tactical Trainer 1988 = 2pClwM rg; 420hp Allison 250-B17D; span:
23'3" length: 21'9" load: 1200# v: 403/366/70; ff: 7/24/88. POP: 1 [N253LC], based on Stoddart-Hamilton Glasair III.
F R Anderson, no location.
1924 = OB designed by Anderson. There is strong suspicion that this is really the Aero-Craft Aero-Coupe, suffering from a case of misspelling and a slight date disparity.
T F Aronson, Nogales AZ.
c.1930 = Modified surplus USN Curtiss N-9H; 90hp Hisso. [565M].
Arrow, State Securities Arrow
1926: Arrow Aircraft & Motors Corp, Havelock NB. 1936: Arrow Airplane & Motor Corp, 4133 North 56 St, Lincoln NB (pres: Mark W Woods). 1940: Bankruptcy, taken over by State Securities financial group.
Five 1926 = 5pOB; 150hp Hisso A; span: 40'0" length: 27'0"; load: 950# v: 94/x/45. Front cockpit accommodated two passengers facing forward and two rearward.
Sedan 19?? = 2pCM; Anzani. [4496].
Arrow Sport [N220K] (Dan Shumaker)
Arrow Sports [560, 3073, 3074, 3075, 3078, 4306] (Paul Matt)

Sport 1926 = 2pOB; 35hp Anzani; span: 25'6" length: 19'3". Swen Swanson. Side-by-side cockpit. No interplane struts; the wing was attached directly to the top of the fuselage, but cosmetic struts were later added to allay the concern of pilots. 1928 model offered 60hp Detroit Air Cat and Anzani.
Arrow Sport Pursuit [NC218K] (Ralph Nortell)
Arrow Sport A2 [NC9328]

Sport A2 aka Sport 60, Sport 66, Sport 90 Tangerine 1929 (ATC 115 2-342) = 2pOB; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 25'10" length: 19'3" load: 446# v: 98/85/30. $2,945. Swen Swanson, John B Moore. Side-by-side cockpit. Also available with 90hp LeBlond 5F as Sport 90; load: 459# v: 105/90/32 range: 280. $3,945. POP: about 100, including Sport Pursuit. (2-342) in 1931 for 85hp LeBlond 5DF as Sport 66 Tangerine (aka Sport 85) [516Y].
Sport B7 1929 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: 1 [813], possibly was a rebuilt Curtiss JN-4.
Arrow Sport F [NS72] (K O Eckland coll)
Arrow Sport F Cockpit and motor (Dan Shumaker)

Sport F 1934 (ATC 601, 613, 2-531) = 2pOlwM; 82hp Arrow (dextrorotatory Ford V-8 conversion); span: 36'7" length: 21'4" load: 503# v: 100/90/45 range: 300. $1,500; POP: 1 prototype in 1934 with rated 90hp Ford V-8 [NC12581], 17 production models in 1936 under (601), and 87 under (613) with a redesigned wing root and optional cockpit canopy in 1938, including one Sport M. Other motors used were Detroit Air Cat, Anzani, Genet, Kinner, and Velie.
Arrow Sport M [N18764] (K O Eckland coll)

Sport M 1938 = 2pClwM Sport F; 125hp Menasco C-4; load: 603# v: 120/105/48 range: 300. $2,330, raised to $3,750; POP: 1 prototype [NX/N18764]. Series was discontinued.
Sport Pursuit, Sport K 1929 (ATC 2-110) = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 25'10" length: 19'6" load: 596# v: 110/95/35. $3,485; POP: 1 [853H], renamed Sport K in 1935.
Safety Aircraft Corp (B L Smith), Miami FL.
Arrowhead B-2 [10405] (EAA coll)

Safety Airplane B-2 1930 = 1pOB; Szekely pusher; v: x/x/22. J W Davis (ex-Burgess Co). Tailless experimental based on early Burgess-Dunne concept, said to have first been backed by Glenn Curtiss, had a 30° swept wing with all its movable controls at the wingtips. POP: 2 [X899Y, 10405]. The latter made 34 flights before both disappeared into history.
1910: Arrowplane Mfg Co, aka Arrowplane Co (fdrs: C F Dutch, William H Hilliard, Joseph Shoemaker, W E Timson), Boston MA.
1910 = Hilliard and Shoemaker bought the Herring-Burgess #3 in May 1910 as foundation for this company and modified it to an unknown extent as an exhibition craftthis plane was most recently stored at NASM's Silver Hill facility. The company, as such, also flight-tested other Burgess airplanes, but no information was found about any specific production under the Arrowplane name.
Arrowing SEE Taylor
1932: Arup Inc (fdr: Cloyd L Snyder), 231 Lincoln Way, South Bend IN.
Arup S-2 [12894] (Bob O'Hara coll)
Arup S-2 [12894] (A B Bradley)

S-2 aka Snyder A-2 1933 = 1pC flying wing; 36hp Continental A-40; span: 19'0" length: 17'2" v: 97/x/23; ff: 5/28/33 (p: Glenn Doolittle). Raoul Hoffman, C L Snyder. Developed from Snyder's flying-wing glider, Arup 1 Dirigiplane, which was ultimately fitted with a Heath-Henderson motor. Wing-tip "ear" ailerons, STOL flight characteristics. POP: 1 [X/R12894]. SEE Hoffman Flying Wing.
S-3 1934 = 2pC flying wing; 70hp LeBlond 5DE; span: 22'0" length: 17'6" load: 490 v: 97/90/20; ff: 7/15/34. Larger version of S-2 with ailerons moved flush with the wing-tips, tricycle gear. POP: 1 [14147], destroyed by an unsolved arson fire after its test flight.
Arup S-4 [14529] with S-2 (magazine clip)

S-4 1935 = Remake of S-3, with 70hp LeBlond; span: 22'0" length: 18'6" load (included two parachutes, just in case): 550 v: 110/x/28 ceiling: 9,000'; aspect ratio 1:1.78; ff: 3/19/35. Small elevators added atop fin. Some reports tell of a return to conventional gear, but photos in Aug 1935 Popular Aviation show a nose gear. POP: 1 [14529]. Disposition unknown. US patent #2,062,148 assigned to Cloyd Snyder in 1937 for a variable wingform aircraft. A smaller 1p replica was built and flown c.1985 in Bristol IN.
Location unknown.
1908 = No data.
David Dexter Ashley, Garden City NY.
Ashley SP-5 restoration [N899W] (EAA)

SP-5 Bob-O-Link 1928 = 1pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5, and 100hp OXX-6. David Ashley (engineer with Curtiss Co). Looked like a smaller version of Curtiss P-1 Hawk [899W]. Also had 115hp Milwaukee Tank, and was active into the 1970s in northern New York state. Reported rebuilt to flying status by Robert Falcone, Buffalo NY. SEE ALSO Cirigliano SC-1.
Charles E Askew, Sierra Madre CA.
M-3 1929 = 2pOhwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [X526K] c/n 2-X; ff: c.6/15/29. Modified surplus Thomas-Morse Scout. Reg cancelled 7/10/30 when CAA inspectors judged its workmanship as "very poor and dangerous." There is similarity in location, model, and c/n with Belohlavek M-2, but unknown to what extent.
1929: Associated Aircraft Co (or Corp), Wichita KS.
1929 = 4pCM. All-metal construction.
Carl & Vincent Ast, Van Nuys CA.
Special aka Mercury Air 1949 = 1pCmwM; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 19'0" length: 17'8" v: 210/180/65. Rodney Kreimendahl. Midget racer Shoestring, (p: Bob Downey); 1951 Continental Trophy (p: John Paul Jones) [N26C]. Restored in 1965 by Ray Cote with wing replacement in 1973 [N16V]. Plans were marketed, and several copies are known to have been built.
Atlanta (aka Prudden-Whitehead)
Atlanta Aircraft Corp, (fdrs: George H Prudden, Edward Whitehead) Atlanta GA.
PW-1, PW-2 1930 (ATC 2-218) = 8pClwM; three 220hp Wright J-6 span: 66'6" length: 44'10" load: 2535# v: 145/124/55 range: 620. George Prudden. All-metal; cantilever wing. Odd, hump-backed passenger cabin. POP: 2 [280V, 366W].
Aviation Technology Group Inc, the Englewood CO.
Javelin (projected 2005) = 2p fighter style, all-metal executive jet. No data.
Atlantic Aircraft Co.
Atlantic Battleplane (1916 Flying)

Battleplane 1916 = 2pOB; two 92hp Aeromarine 6; span; 45'0" length: 28'6". A S Heinrich. POP: 1 prototype as military attack-bomber, was never in service.
Atlantic SEE Fokker
Atlantic Coast
Location unknown.
F-5L 1929 (ATC 2-108) = 14pCBFb; two 400hp Liberty 12. POP: unknown number of post-war transport conversions of Curtiss F-5L.
Atlas Aircraft Corp, Hemet CA.
Atlas H-10 [N37463] (Eddie Coates)

H-10 1948 = 4pClwM rg; two 145hp Continental O-300 mounted in tandem driving two counter-rotating props; span: 35'9" length: 28'4" v: 170/150/55 range: 800. Max Harlow, design based on his Harlow PJC-2. All-metal construction. $2,995 in 1939; POP: 1 [N37463]. Flight record unknown, but plane was soon converted to a single 215hp Harlow-modified Franklin 6AB, and was active into the 1990s with a 400hp Lycoming IO-720.
Aircraft Technical Services Inc (fdr: Floyd E Snow), Van Nuys CA.
1959 = Development was reportedly 50 percent complete of a 4pCmwM personal plane with laminar-flow wing, which was taken over by Thalman Aircraft (qv). A twin-engine development then ensued, but there were no subsequent data.
Atwood, Carolina
Harry Atwood in unidentified type, likely Wright E (postcard)

1912: Harry N Atwood, Saugus MA (possibly). 1913: Sandusky OH. 1918: Carolina Aircraft Corp, Raleigh and Smithfield NC. c.1935: Greenfield and Nashua NH. 19??: 710 S Main, Burlington NC. c.1948: Ended operations.
1911 Atwood-Wright at Nyack (Library of Congress)

1911 = 1pOB. Wright pusher, possbly same as the following entry, wheel version but with flotation tubes under the wing. Used for exhibitions.
1913 Atwood (Charles E Frohman coll, Rutherford B Hayes Presidential Center)

1913 (Sandusky) = 1pOBF; Roberts pusher. Appears to be a twin-float blending of Wright and Curtiss design elements. Atwood planned to establish a flight school, aviation factory, and an island airline with financial backing by townsfolks, but nothing was developed and, by the end of the year, he was gone.
Duply Airmobile 1935 = 1pOlwM; 30-35hp Aeronca E-113; span: 25'0" v: 120. Constructed of steam-cooked birchwood veneers shaped on forms, perhaps the earliest of experiments with laminated thermoplastics for aircraft components. POP: 1 [X15318]; test flying by Clarence Chamberlin.
F Boat (Carolina Corp) 1918 = 2pOBF; 100hp Curtiss OXX-6. Wood-veneer version of Curtiss F with major design changes, for USN evaluation. Although it was overweight to the extreme and incapable of flight, several design changes changes produced one attractive version that finally did fly, although only a distance of about 25'. Unfortunately, the Navy demanded longer and higher. POP: 1 [A4343]; 3 more had USN s/ns assigned [A4344/4346], but were cancelled.
Model 1 (Carolina Corp) 1943 = 3pCM; two Franklin 4AC-199. Experimental for possible military use . [NX15566]; reg cancelled in 1951.
R H Aurebach, Alameda CA.
Wasp Special [NX7571] (Lesley Forden coll)

1927 = 1p "18-foot Wasp" (as described) has a provocative, albeit grim, story in a found newspaper clipping. Student pilot Henry Axton died in the crash after its wing collapsed while landing at Alameda airport. Before the coroner could investigate the accident, builder Aurebach set fire to the ship's remains "in order to clear the field of the wreckage, because it was harmful to his business, to aviation, and to the airport." He denied doing it to destroy any evidence of criminal negligence. We have no follow-up on this story; however ... an old knot on our pages unravels right here.

Recalling a Wasp listed in Aerofiles, we found a small ship resembling this brief description, built in nearby Oakland in 1927, that also suffered a crash before its entry in the Dole Race. That was enough to goad us to search Les Forden's The Glory Gamblers, where on page 56 is (digested): "On Aug 5th, spectators watched in horror as the little plane spun in and crashed, killing Henry Axton. Alameda County DA Earl Warren [later CA governor] warned the aviation community to expect legal action regarding unlicensed [the Wasp was X-licensed] and unsafe airplanes. The resulting publicity became part of the furor that followed when so many of the press, and the public, insisted the Dole flyers were irresponsible adventurers who flew home-made crates." ( K O Eckland 6/23/05)
Reinhardt Ausmus, Sandusky OH.
1912 = 1pOmwM; 2-cyl rotary. POP: 1 Blériot-influenced copy with an uncovered fuselage; ff: 6/10/12which was Ausmus' solo flight, as well. Lacking money for plans or materials, Ausmus resorted to the lofting method of laying out the shape on the floor of a vacant building, then sawed pieces out of discarded barn doors and used broken glass as a plane to shape the wood. Covering was starched muslin bedsheets, seal-coated and varnished. Working nights by the light of an oil lamp. he was a true dedicated home-builder!
F C Austin, Lake Worth FL.
1935 = 1pOM; 35hp Ford. [11582].
Autogiro Company of America (patent-licensing division of Pitcairn Co), Willow Grove PA.
Autogiro AC-35 Original configuration [X70] (Ray Watkins coll)
Autogiro AC-35 [NX70] 1936 (Smithsonian coll)
Autogiro AC-35 [NX70] (Frank Rezich coll)

AC-35 1935 = 2pCAg; 90hp Pobjoy Niagara; rotor: 34'3" (?>36'3") length: 16'3". Evolution of Pitcairn PA-22 (the name "Autogiro," spelled thusly and capitalized, was copyrighted by Pitcairn in 1923). Triple-tail, roadable autogyro with two counter-rotating propellers, which were replaced by a single prop after the noise level proved to be excessive. Motor, driving the propeller by a long shaft, was buried in the fuselage behind the cabin; power was transferred to a large, steerable tail wheel for driving on the ground. Folding rotor blades. POP: 1 prototype [X=NX70], which made headlines on 10/26/36 by flying from Willow Grove to Washington DC, landing on Pennsylvania Ave, folding its rotors, and driving to the DoC building.

Changes to the rear control surfaces are noted in Peter W Brooks' Cierva Autogiros: The Development of Rotary-Wing Flight (Smithsonian Press 1988) as necessary to improve longitudinal stability when the coaxial props were replaced by a single prop. The engine is also confirmed as a 90hp Pobjoy Cascade, which is corroborated by the NASM webpage article on their AC-35 exhibit. Confusion about the dates occurred because the AC-35 was flown to Washington on 2 Oct 1936, but not actually delivered there until 26 Oct 1936 for a staged handover to DoC.
As for the steering, the NASM webpage says, "For road use the rotor blades could be folded back over the fuselage, the propeller disengaged, and the tailwheel put in gear. The front wheels were used for steering." In a picture on the Roadable Times website one can see the steering knuckles and the track rods in front of the landing gear cross-bracing. ( Ray Watkins 10/28/08)
1929: The Aviation Corp of Delaware (AVCO) founded as a funding and holding group to acquire Stinson Corp (principals: Sherman Fairchild, Averill Harriman, Lehman Brothers, Juan Trippe. 1930: Formed American Airlines. 1932: Airplane Development Corp established, became subsidiary in 1939. 1940: Stinson and Barkley-Grow sold to Vultee Corp. 1941: Acquired Consolidated Corp. 1943: Merged with Vultee as Consolidated-Vultee.

(Data: March 1930)
Alaskan Airways Inc
Wien-Alaska Airways
Bennet-Rodebaugh Airplane Co
American Airways Inc (holding company)
Aviation Patent & Research Corp
Aviation Shares Corp
Colonial Airways Corp
Colonial Air Transport Inc
Colonial Western Airways Inc
Canadian-Colonial Airways Inc
Colonial Flying Service Inc
Cuban Aviation Corp
Servicio Cubano de Aviacion
Embry-Riddle Aviation Corp
Columbus Flying Service
Embry-Riddie Co
Norton Field (Columbus OH)
Fairchild Aviation Corp
Fairchild Aerial Camera Corp
Fairchild Aerial Surveys Inc
Fairchild Aircraft Ltd
Fairchild Airplane Mfg Co Inc
Fairchild Engine Corp
Fairchild Flying Corp
Fairchild Flying School
Kreider-Reisner Aircraft Co Inc
Interstate Airlines Inc
New York Aviation Corp
Roosevelt Field Inc
Southern Air Transport Co Inc
Dixie Motor Coach Corp
Gulf Air Lines Inc
SAT Flying Service Inc
Southern Aeromotive Service Inc
TAT Flying Schools Inc
Texas Air Transport Inc
Universal Aviation Corp
Air Transportation Inc
Braniff Airlines Inc
The Central Airlines Co
Continental Airlines Inc
Egyptian Airways Co
Midplane Sales & Transit Co
Northern Aeronautics Inc
Northern Airlines Inc
Nortwest Airways Inc (minority)
Robertson Aircraft Corp
Robertson Flying Service Inc
Universal Air Line System Terminal Co
Advanced Vehicle Engineers (fdrs: Henry Smolinski & Harold Blake), Van Nuys CA.
AVE Mizar [N68X] (AVE)
AVE Mizar Enhanced magazine cover

Mizar aka Flying Pinto 1973 = 4pChwM roadable with a Ford Pinto automobile attached to parts of a Cessna Skymaster 337; 210hp Teledyne Continental; v (est): 156/137/54. The engine failed on its maiden flight from Camarillo CA airport and the plane had to be driven on back roads to its hangar. Then the ambitious project ended abruptly in a crash shortly after take-off that killed the two designers when struts, reportedly fastened to the Pinto with sheet-metal screws, broke loose and the wings collapsed. POP: 1 [N68X].
Avia-Boosters SEE Salvay-Stark
Avian SEE Whittlesey
Aviat Aircraft Inc, Afton WY. 1991: Acquired Christen Industries, as well as rights to the Pitts family of aircraft. c.1994: Aviat Inc of Delaware, subsidiary of White Intl Ltd of Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK. Dec 1995: Stuart Horn (pres: Aviat) bought the company to continue its operation.
110 Special 1999 = Rebirth of the popular '30s Monocoupe sportplane with larger empennage. No data. POP: 7.
Aviat A-1B on pontoons (William T Larkins)

A-1A, -1B Husky 1986 = Improved and modernized version of Piper PA-18 Super Cub, certified in 1987. 2pChwM; 180hp Lycoming O-360-A1P; span: 35'6" length: 22'6" load: 700# v: 152/140/44 range: 633 ceiling: 20,000'. STOL Clark-Y wing. First production in 1987. $105,000 (1998); POP: 395 by the end of 1997 (including Christen production); prototype [N6070H].
Husky Pup 2002 = A 160hp Piper J-3 Cub lookalike for a mere $110,000.
Eagle II c.1992 = Product continuation of Christen.
S-1T Special, S-1-11B Super Stinker, S-2B, S-2S c.1992 = Product continuation of 1p and 2p Pitts.
Aviation Corp of the Americas
Aviation Corp of the Americas as a holding group.
(Data: March 1930)
New York Airways Inc
Pan American Airways Inc
Mexican Aviation Corp
Pan American-Grace Airways
Peruvian Airways Inc
Kenneth Bailey, Dearborn MI.
BF-8 1949 = Odd-looking 2pCB "plane-car" with 85hp pusher motor had no registration, but painted on its side was a large "PAT PEND" to indicate that Mr Bailey had some ambitious plans for his creation. Positive-staggered 8'0" wings, and twin tails on a short-coupled fuselage. No performance data found.
1985: Light Aero Inc, Caldwell ID. 1996: Avid Aircraft; also a MT production facility (closed in Nov 2003).
Avid Flyer [N220B] (William T Larkins)

Flyer 1983 = Home-builder project. 2pChwM; 65hp Rotax 532; span: (STOL-wing) 29'10" (speed-wing) 23'11" length: 17'0" load: 470# v: (STOL-wing) x/85/32
(speed-wing) x/110/40 range: 300. Prototype [N99AF] had 43hp Cuyuna 430. Tri-gear or taildragger options, as well as twin floats. Kit prices from $19,995 less engine.
Amphibian aka Catalina 1985 = 3pChwMAm; 65hp Rotax 532; span: 36'0" length: 19'5" load: 640# v: x/75/33; ff: 7/12/85 [N47AA].
Explorer 1991 = 5pChwMAm; two 235hp Lycoming; span: 65'0" length: 40'0"
load: 3200# v: X/99/49; ff: 4/x/91. POP: 1 [N3760T], built for French polar aviator Hubert de Chevigny.
Magnum 199? = 2pChwM; 115-180hp Lycoming; span: 33'0" length: 21'0"
load: 626# v: 150/130/36. Some publicity mentioned 160hp Subaru (v: 130/x/39); possibly for this model.
Avion 1 SEE Northrop Flying Wing
19??: A V Roe Aircraft Ltd, Canada. 1962: Merged and restructured as subsidiary of Hawker Siddelley Canada.
Avro CF-100

CF-100 Canuck Mk V 1955 = All-weather long-range fighter; two Orenda 11; span: 58'0' length: 54'0" ceiling: 54,000'. POP: 599, included 53 to Belgium.
CF-105 Arrow Mk I 1958 = Delta-wing interceptor. 1pClwM rg; two P&W J75-P-3; span: 50'0" length: 83'0"(?) load: 19,564# v: 1300 ceiling: 60,000'. Originally planned for Orenda Iroquois instead of less powerful J75. Production cancelled for political reasons, together with its Iroquois engine and Sparrow 2 missiles. POP: 6.
1982: Avtek Corp, Camarillo CA.
400A 1984 = 6-10pClwM rg canard; two 680hp P&W Canada PT6A-3L/R; span:
35'0" length: 39'4" load: 2781# v: 294/x/96 range: 2600 ceiling: 41,000'; ff: 9/17/84. Leo J Windecker.
Donald E Aydlett, no location.
A-1 1965 = 1pClwM; Lycoming O-290-G; span: 22'3" length: 17'0" load: 510# v: x/115/50 range: 200. POP: 1 [N4672S].
1977: Fred Ayers, on acquisition of Rockwell Atlanta Division. 19??: Acquisition of Czechoslovakian LET firm.
Ayers LM200 [N200LM]

LM200 Loadmaster 1996 = ChwM; two 1350hp LHTEC TP800; span: 64'0" length: 64'4" load: 8700# v: 236/207/x range: 1875 ceiling: 25,000'; Designed for Federal Express, this freighter had two turboshafts driving one five-bladed propeller through a combining gearbox. Not the handsomest ship to trundle down a taxiway, it was design-driven for need to carry four "demi" containers.
S2R Thrush 1958 = ClwM; 600hp P&W R-1340; span: 42'6" length: 27'6"
load 2400# v: 140/120/72; continuation of production of Snow S-2 agplane design. Rights bought from Rockwell in 1977.
S2R Turbo-Thrush 195? = Turboprop version with ClwM; 680-1376hp P&WC PT6A or 665-940hp Garrett TPE-331.
Vigilante - Armed surveillance version of Thrush only in planning stage, no production or prototype.
Aztec Nomad Inc, Gravenhurst, Ontario Canada.
Aztec Nomad [C-GWHI] (Aztec Nomad Inc)

Nomad 19?? = Conversion of 6p Piper Aztec to twin EDO floats; two 250hp Lycoming IO-540 and seaplane props; span: 40'2" length: 31'2" load: 2200# v: 193/153/54 range: 785. Optional as amphibian (load: 1800#).
"The aeroplane is tragically unsuited for ocean service." Dr Hugo Eckener, dirigible advocate, 1926.
