REVISED: 11/13/08
Illinois Aero Construction Co, Coal City IL.
Somerville Biplanel? ()
Earl Daughertyand Somerville Biplane

1912 = 2pOB. Various models built primarily for use in IAC's flying school. One notable ship was acquired by Earl Daugherty in 1912, at the time allied with IAC, and brought to Long Beach CA for sightseeing flights. SEE ALSO Somerville.
IBBS Special SEE Vantuil Flying Dutchman
Imperial Aircraft Corp (fdrs: J E McCusker, Alfred B Obenland), 1136 Linden St, Camden NJ. Reported as part of New Jersey Air Transport.
1000 1930 = John M Jarratt has wired this one down as actually being a Driggs Dart II with 35hp Anzani. Publicity claimed impending manufacture of sportplanes and gliders, but no info was found about any actual production. POP: 1 [NC845N]
Texas Aeroplane Co (fdrs: Jay Ingram, Charles A Foster), Decatur TX.
1914 = 1pOB; 100hp Roberts 6. Toured the Midwest as the Pioneer Aeroplane Exhibition Co 1914-16 (p: C A Foster). POP: 5 built along the lines of Curtiss Pusher; the first two with 50hp Roberts, which lacked power needed to take off and resulted in crashes.
1928: Inland Aviation Co (pres: Arthur Hardgrave), 14 St and Minnesota Ave, Kansas City KS; 1930: Fairfax Field, Kansas City. 1932: Bankruptcy.
Inland R-400 [NC267N] (Frank Rezich coll)

R-400 Sportster 1930 (ATC 343) = 2pOhwM; 90hp Warner; span: 30'0" length: 19'8" load: 564# v: 115/98/40 range: 400. $3,985; POP: 9 [NC257N, NC259N, NC264N, NC266N/267N, NC453V, NC509Y/510Y et al].
S-100 1928 = 2pOhwM; 55hp Velie M-5. Dewey Bonbrake. POP: 1 prototype [X7255]. Evolution of Bahl Lark and Bonbrake Parasol.
S-200 1928 = S-100 with 70hp Velie M-5. POP: 1 conversion.
S-300 Sport 1929 (ATC 259) = 2pOhwM; 65hp LeBlond 5D; span: 30'0" length: 19'10" load: 524# v: 100/85/35 range: 425. Milton Bauman, Dewey Bonbrake. $3,485; POP: 17, of which 2 were converted into W-500, and five into 300-E.
Inland S-300-E Sport [NC9416] (Aerofiles coll)

S-300-E Sport 1929 (ATC 342) = 70hp LeBlond 5DE; load: 504# v: 105/90/35 range: 450. POP: 5 conversions [NC252K, NC254N/256N, NC9416], of which 1 was converted into 300-DF.
S-300-DF Sport 1930 (ATC 2-270) = 80hp LeBlond 5DF. POP: 1 conversion [NC256N].
Inland S-400 [NC509Y]

S-400 1930 = 2pOhwM; 110hp Warner Scarab. POP: 1 prototype of W-500 [NC509Y] c/n R-408.
T 1930 = 2pOB; 145hp Warner Scarab. All-metal construction. POP: 1, planned for AAF trainer evaluation, crashed on test flight [503Y]. Appears in registers as having a Continental motor in 1931.
Inland W-500 Sport [NC8088] (Aerofiles coll)

W-500 Super Sport 1930 (ATC 315) = 2pOhwM; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 30'0" length: 19'4" load: 574# v: 130/112/45 range: 470. $4,580-4,985; POP: 5 [NC252N, NC258N, NC262N/263N, NC265N], plus 2 modified from S-300 [NR448V, NC8088].
W-600 Super Sport 1930 = W-500 with 145hp Warner Scarab. POP: 1 prototype, crashed on a test flight.
1968: Interceptor Corp, Norman OK. c.1973: Interceptor Co, Boulder CO. 1983: Acquired by Prop-jets, San Antonio TX.
Interceptor 400 [N400TP] (Avn Weekvia Ron Dupas)

400 1969 = 4pClwM rg; 400hp Garrett-AiResearch TPE331-I-101; span: 30'6" length: 20'0" load: 1600# v: 300/240/x range: 1000 ceiling: 17,500'; ff: 6/27/69. c.$90,000; POP: ?? [N400TP, N74166]. Developed from Meyers/Aero Commander 200.
International Aero Construction Co, Woodhaven NY.
Mono 1911 = 1pOhwM; 100hp Gnôme. Demoiselle copy.
International Aircraft Co, Washington DC.
1916 = Vincent Burnelli, chief designer. No data found.
1927: International Aircraft Corp organized from Catron & Fisk, Santa Monica CA; 1927: Spring and Pacific Sts, Long Beach CA. 1928: Reorganized as Ancor, 507 Pearl St, Cincinnati, OH. 1929: Acquired by Crosley Motor Car Co.
International CF-10 Dole racer (Oakland Tribune)

CF-10, F-10 Triplane 1926 = 3pCT; two OX-5 and others; span: 45'0" (?>48'0") v: 95/80/x. POP: perhaps 5 or 6, judging from scattered informationa photo in a 1927 Burdette Air Lines ad was described as "One of our triplane air liners." Other photos show different fuselage shapes, one of them a boatlike design, and one with three Ford T motors. These could well have been the absent F-11 through -15 models, seemingly named after their c/ns. One was refitted with 220hp Wright J-5s and extra fuel tanks for the 1927 Dole Race as Pride of Los Angeles (p: James Giffin), sponsored by Western film star, Hoot Gibson (designation "F-10" appears on rudder). Extremely tail-heavy, it crashed in San Francisco Bay after missing its first landing attempt at Oakland and sank into the mud as its crew of three struggled ashore.
F-16 Violet 1927 = 4pOB; Wright-Hisso E-2 (later Wright J-5). Fabric-covered wood construction; octoganal fuselage. POP: 1, possible prototype for F-17. Data are scarce.
International F-17 [5925] (Ralph Nortell)

F-17 Sportsman 1927 (ATC 35, 2-100) = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 or Dayton Bear; span: 35'0" length: 25'0" load: 660# v: 98/82/35 range: 325. Edwin Fisk. All Internationals had unique octagonal cross- section fuselages.
F-17H Sportsman, Mailman 1929 (ATC 155, 2-57) = 180hp Hisso E; span: 35'0" length: 24'6" load: 951# v: 120/102/44 range: 720. $3,500 less motor; POP: about 15, including 3 powered by Siemens-Halske [NC1675], Dayton Bear [X5654], and Curtiss K-6 [C1890]. Mailman was 1p cargo version.
International F-17W (ad: Aero Digest)

F-17W Sportsman 1929 (ATC 154) = 220hp Wright J-5; span: 35'0" length: 24'6" load: 920# v: 130/110/42 range: 500. $9,350; $4,250 less motor; POP: about 6, of which 3 were registered [NC518K, C5655, C7528].
F-18 Air Coach 1928 (ATC 2-15) = 6pO/CB; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 37'0" length: 26'6" v: 120/95/40 range: 525. $12,250; POP: 6. Prototype had 180hp Hisso. One was Dole Race entry Miss Hollydale (p: Frank Clarke, Jeff Warren) [NX912]; did not compete.
Fisk-International SEE Fisk.
International Aviation Corp, Cleveland OH.
International Duckling (David Hatfield coll)

Duckling 1946 = 2pClwMAm pusher; v: 135/120/x range: 500. No other data.
International Aeromarine Corp (IAC) SEE Thurston
International Helicopters SEE Helicom
1937: Interstate Aircraft & Engineering Corp (pres: Donald White), El Segundo CA. 1945: Production rights to Harlow Aircraft Co (stock and materials bought by Call Aircraft Co). 1975: Arctic Aircraft Co, Fairbanks AK. 1985: Interstate Aircraft Co, Lebanon NH.
Interstate TDR-1 showing comparative size with Grumman TBM controller (models by Tom Conte)

BQ-4, -5, -6, TD2R, TD3R, TDR 1943 = 0-1pClwM; two Lycoming XA-435-4 (originally scheduled for the rare 450hp Franklin O-805); span: c.50'0" length: c.36'0". Design modified (with a low-wing) from Naval Aircraft Factory's TDN (qv). Experiments with radio-controlled aircraft as practice targets for fleet gunners evolved into a "flying bomb" drone that could be used to attack ships and other targets. POP: unrecorded, to USAAF as XBQ-4 evaluator, -5 2000# bomb carrier, tv-guided -6, and YBQ-6A production model; to USN as XTD2R-1 evaluator and tv-guided XTD3R-1 with Wright R-975 radials. Several of these were manned for flight tests, as well, with a canopied cockpit added.
L-6 Cadet, O-63 - Army liaison from civil S-1B Cadet with similar specs and data.
Interstate XL-6 [42-15895] (Clark Scott coll)

XO-63, XL-6 1942 = POP: 1 prototype [42-15895], redesignated as XL-6.
Interstate L-6 (Roger D Cain)

L-6 1943 = 100hp Franklin XO-200. POP: 250 [43-2559/2808].
L-8 Cadet 194? = 2pChwM. POP: 9 exported to Bolivia.
O-63 SEE L-6.
S-1 Cadet 1940 (ATC 2-558) = 2pChwM; 50hp Continental A-50 or 50hp Franklin; span: 35'6" length: 24'0" load: 543# v: 105/95/34 range: 425 ceiling: 13,000'; ff: 4/20/40 (p: E G Kidwell). Ted Woolsey. Construction was a project at Wiggins Trades School. Test flights showed the prototype to be underpowered. POP: 1
Interstate S-1A [NC37381] Owned by AAA's Bob Taylor, it's the same plane he soloed in 1946 (Les Gaskill via AAA)

S-1-A Cadet 1940 (ATC 737) = 2pChwM; 65hp Continental A-65 or 85hp Franklin 4AC; span: 35'6" length: 24'0" load: 480# v: 107/98/36 range: 350. $2,095, optional 90hp Franklin in 1942 for $2,650; POP: more than 300. Operations were at the former Moreland plant.
Interstate S-1B Surplus L-6 [NC48968] (William T Larkins)

S-1-B Cadet (Harlow S-1) 1942-1947 (ATC 754) = 2pChwM; 113hp Franklin O-200; span: 35'6" length: 23'5" load: 547# v: 114/105/48 range: 290. $6,065. Primarily built for AAF as L-6; POP: 250. Production rights and jigs sold to Max Harlow in 1945, who in turn sold them to Ruell Call, who built a few highly-modified planes, then sold everything an Alaskan businessman in 1969. As post-war Harlow S-1 under (2-558).
Arctic Tern (Interstate)

S-1-B2 Arctic Tern 1975 (Arctic Co & Interstate) = 2pChwM; 150hp Lycoming O-360, later 160hp O-320-D1A; load: 700# span: 35'8" length: 24'0" load: 375# v: 158/125/39 range: 550. Take-off and landing in 450-500'. $137,900 in 2002, equipped for bush operations including nav/comm, electrical, winter gear, etc. Produced as Arctic Tern in Alaska 1975-85 (qv).
1928: Invincible Metal Furniture Co, Aircraft Div (pres: John A Schuette), Manitowoc WI. 1929: Ended aircraft production because of the Depression.
1929 = 2pOmwM; 110hp Kinner. Irl Beach. Full cantilever wing. POP: 1, destroyed in a crash in Kentucky after being sold.
200 1929 = 2pOM; 100hp Kinner B-5. POP: unknown, but [55N] was c/n 103.
Invincible Center-Wing (Jeff Hegle coll)

Center-Wing 1929 = 3-4pCmwM; 110hp LeBlond 7DF; span: 38'8" length: 25'0" load: 1164# v: 109/90/37 range: 700. Irl Beach. Semi-cantilever wing. $5,500 included lights; POP: 2; 1 prototype [X337E] c/n 101, and 1 later converted to 170hp Curtiss Challenger for $7,800 (span: 40'0" length: 25'7" v: 142/120/42) [370V] c/n 104. One was still active in the early 1940s with a Wright J-6.
Invincible D-D [X631]

D-D 1929 = 4pCM; 185hp Curtiss Challenger. [X631] c/n 102.
Ireland, Amphibions
1925: (G Sumner) Ireland Aircraft Inc, Curtiss Field, Garden City NY. 1931: Reorganized as Amphibions Inc, Garden City NY.
Amphibion 1926 = 2pOBAm; 85hp Anzani. Company's first waterplane.
Amphiplane 1928 = 2pChwMAm; 220hp Wright J-5 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 34'0" load: 1358# v: 94/80/45 range: 375. Alclad hull with steel tube framework.
Ireland Comet (Peter Bowers coll)

Comet (also Curtiss-Ireland Comet) 1925 = Not a Curtiss product, but that of Curtiss engineer G Sumner Ireland, who acquired a number of surplus Oriole fuselages and designed new single-bay wings for them for production at his site near Curtiss' Garden City plant. 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5, also 150/160hp Curtiss C-6/K-6 and 150/160/180hp Wright-Hisso A/I/E. Although Curtiss Co played no part in that venture, many became erroneously recorded by DoC as Curtiss-Ireland.
Meteor 1926 = 3-4pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 31'0" length: 24'0" load: 910# v: 99/x/42 range: 510. Evolution of Comet after the supply of Oriole fuselages ran out. Optional Curtiss C-6 and Wright J-5 motors. POP: ?? [C111] c/n 1 (destroyed in a crash at Curtiss Field, Long Island NY on 5/25/28), possibly others.
Ireland N-1B [NC6813] (Aerofiles coll)

N-1B Neptune 1927 = 4pOBAm; 220hp Wright J-5 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 31'6" v: 95/85/46 range: 500. $14,600. POP: about 6 [C6813, C9788, et al]. Underpowered for the load, most were refitted with J-6 as N-2B.
Ireland N-2B [88K] (Dan Shumaker coll)
Ireland N-2B prototype [X708] (Aerofiles coll)

N-2B Neptune 1928 (ATC 153, 2-16, 2-199, 2-364) = 5pO-CBFb; 300hp Wright J-6 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 31'0" load: 1451# v: 115/90/45 range: 400. $22,500; POP: about 40 [X=NC708 (prototype), NC87K/88K, NC106H/114H, et al]. Earliest models were open cockpit. (2-16) for conversion to an amphibian and with 220hp Wright J-5, (2-199) for modifications on [NC106H].
Ireland N-2C

N-2C Neptune 1929 (ATC 248) = 5pCBAm; 450hp P&W Wasp pusher; span: 40'0" length: 31'0" load: 1566# v: 120/103/48 range: 340. $27,500, $23,000 in 1930; POP: 10 [NC86K, NC89K/90K, NC182M/187M], plus 1 conversion of 2-B [NC107H].
Ireland N-2D [4667] (postcard)

N-2D Neptune 1929 = 300hp Wright J-6 pusher.
ND-5 1929 = 5pCBAm; 450hp P&W Wasp pusher.
ND-6 1929 = ND-5 with 300hp Wright J-6 pusher.
P-1 1931 = Prototype for P-2. POP: 1 [X376N].
Ireland P-2 [NC92K] (Frank Rezich coll)

P-2 Privateer 1931 (ATC 370) = 2pOmwMAm; 110hp Warner Scarab pusher; span: 38'0" length: 28'0" load: 650# v: 95/75/42 range: 300. T P Leaman. Single-boom empennage; motor was pylon-mounted above cockpit. $5,800; POP: about 12 [NS15, NC92K/96K, NC793Y/795Y, NC797Y], of which 5 were converted to P-3.
P-3 Privateer (Amphibions) 1932 (ATC 2-415) = 2p P-2 with 165hp Continental A-70 pusher; span: 42'5" length: 30'0" v: 108. POP: 1 [X773N], plus 5 conversions of P-2.
Ireland P-3B [NC13252] (Frank Rezich coll)

P-3B (Amphibions) 1933 (ATC 2-449) = 3p P-2 with 210hp Continental R-670 pusher. POP: 4.
Irving SEE Breese
1912: John Fulton Irwin Co. 1918: Corning CA. 1919: Irwin Aircraft Co, 126 O St, Sacramento CA; 1925: Irwin Airport, 21 St (opposite the present site of Executive Airport). 1928: Corning CA; 1930: Watsonville CA.
44 1927 = 2-3pOB; two 20hp Irwin X; span: 27'0" length: 18'0" load: 600# v: 90/75/30 range: 500. Marginal single-engine performance. Not developed any further. POP: 1.
Irwin C-C-1

C-C-1, C-C-2 Meteorplane 1928 = 1pOB; 20hp Irwin X; span: (upper) 20'0" (lower) 21'6" length: 15'0" v: 85. $1,350; POP: reportedly about 10 [357H, 4485, 5693, et al]. High cost of certification by FAA led to abandonment of series.
Irwin F-A-1 [X10226]

F-A-1 Meteorplane 1930 = 1pOB; 25hp Irwin Meteormotor; span: 20'0" length: 14'0" load: 200# v: 86/75/26 range: 250. $950, $1,075 with cowling and lights. [X10226], c/n 126.
Gray Eagle 1912 = 1pOB; 40hp Mitchell or Kemp. John Irwin. Home-built Curtiss-type pusher, for exhibition flying at California-Nevada fairs and carnivals from 1912-14, was one of several early craft built by Irwin, one a biplane with a 40hp Mitchell auto engine.
LW-3 c.1928 = Unknown type with Hisso motor, possibly a rebuilt Standard. [9308] c/n 116.
Irwin M-T

M-T Meteorplane 1919 = 1pOB; 15hp Excelsior V-twin and 20hp Merkel; span: 19'1" length: 13'9" load: 156# v: 56/x/32 c.100. John Irwin. POP: 1.
Irwin M-T-1

M-T-1 1922 = 1pOB; 20hp Irwin Meteormotor; span: 20'0" length: 13'6" load: 210# v: 90/75/28 range: 300. POP: 1 [possibly 211], plus an unrecorded number sold as kits. Possibly the first kit-form airplane for public sale.
Irwin M-T-2
Irwin M-T-2 Variant tail; pilot Ted Jenks [2616]

M-T-2 aka SP-1 1926 = 1pOB; 25hp Irwin Meteormotor; span: 14'0" length: 12'0" load: 175# v: 85/75/24 range: 200. Plywood construction. $1,165; POP (Irwin's estimate): about 40 [2616, et al], plus an unrecorded number sold as kits for $350 [579M, 3685, 7788, et al], less motor (the Meteormotor went for $625). One of the world's first successful small, personal airplanes.
Gus Irwin (or Irvin?), 507 S Russell, Pampa TX.
1931 = 1pOlwM; 55hp Velie M-5; span: 32'9"; ff: c.8/1/31. Frankensteinian creation wrought from the upper wing and tail of a wrecked American Eagle, motor from a Monocoupe [11912].
Integrated Systems Aero Engineering (pres: Brent Brown), UT.
Omega 2 1993 = 2pClwM rg; 200hp Textron Lycoming IO-360; span: 28'4" length: 24'6". Rebuild or re-christening of Palomino F-150 [N40J].
Island Aircraft Corp (pres: LeRoy LoPresti), no location.
Island X-199 [N9168] (Avn Weekvia Ron Dupas)

X-199 Spectra 1969 = Research test vehicle. 2pCmwMFb; 125hp Lycoming O-290 (reported scheduled for 300hp); span: 33'0" length: 27'0" stabilizer: 12'0". Canted wingtips served as floats; reversible-pitch prop for water navigating [N9168]. Production of 4p amphibian version with 310hp engine was planned.
Gordon Israel, Los Angeles CA.
Israel Redhead [NX111V] (David Hatfield coll)

Redhead 1932 = 1pOlwM; 260hp supercharged Menasco C-6S; span: 23'10" length: 22'0". Racer [NR111V] was named for Red Jackson, an air-show performer who was an idol of Israel's. Active in the racing circuit through 1934 with only minor successes, then suffered structural damage in a landing, and was disassembled and parted out.
1930: Issoudun Aircraft Corp, Northville MI.
H-23 1930 = ChwMAm; two 90hp Warner Scarab; span: 44'0". [487M] c/n 1.
Italia Airplane Co of Manhattan, NY.
1912 = No data. Possibly same as, or allied with, New York Italian Aircraft Co, also a no-data entry.
"Aviation is not so much a profession as it is a disease." anonymous