REVISED: 5/2/09
Paul MacCready Jr, Pasadena CA.
Gossamer Albatross I, II 1979 = 1pCHwM, best known for completing the first completely human-powered flight across the English Channel on 6/12/79. POP: 2. Albatross II was backup craft for the Channel flight, in 1980 fitted with a small battery-powered motor and flight instruments for a NASA research program in low-speed flight. The lightweight craft, carrying a miniaturized instrumentation system, was flown in three configurationsby human power, with a small electric motor, and towed with the propeller removed. Results from the program contributed to data on the unusual aerodynamic, performance, stability, and control characteristics of large, lightweight, slow-speed aircraft.
Gossamer Condor 1977 = 1pCHwM. The world's first man-powered flight to complete the Kremer Circuit, a figure-eight flight around two pylons one-half mile apart, was completed in 06m:22s on 8/23/77, at Shafter (CA) airport. Designed by Dr MacCready and flown by cyclist Bryan Allen. A cash prize of £50,000 was awarded by the Royal Aeronautical Society of London for the historic feat.
Possibly Detroit MI.
Sportflight A 1930 = 2pChwM; 90hp LeBlond; no specs or data found for [14105] c/n 1.
1969: (Robert A) MacDonald Aircraft Co, Sonoma CA.
S-20, S-21 1972 = 1pOlwM; 53hp VW 1500cc; span: 25'0" length: 18'6" v: 162/90/38; ff: 3/9/72 [N106AB]. S-21 was the designation for plan-built aircraft by home-builders.
Mace, Mace-Trefethen
c.1959: Harvey Mace & Alfred Trefethen, Sacramento CA.
M-101 Macerschmitt aka Could-Bee 1959 = 1pClwM; 125hp Lycoming O-290; span: 16'6" length: 17'9" v: 200/170/75; ff: 7/15/59 [N352L]. Harvey Mace
M-102 "Scorchy" 1980 = 1pClwM rg; 52hp Revmaster 2100-D (VW); span: 21'6" length: 14'2" load: 177# v: 161/149/58. [N5588N]. Made use of many parts from a Bede BD-5B.
R-1 "Mr B" 1969 = 1pClwM; span: 16'6" length: 16'7" v: 225. Empty wt: 502#. [N73658], reregistered [N98BP] in 1974.
R-2 "Shark" 1970 = 1pClwM; 100hp Continental O-200A; [N711HM]; span:16' length: 18'6" load: 240# v: 245/x/70. Empty wt: 540#.
Seamaster 1968 = 1pOmwMF; 100hp Continental O-200; span: 20'0" length: 25'0". Empty wt: 728#. [N90522]
Mack-Craft Amphibian Corp Inc (fdr: R U McIntosh), Plymouth MI.
Dolphin 1929 = 8-10pChwMAm; 525hp P&W Hornet or Wright Cyclone pusher (reported, but one photo shows an inline engine, possibly Curtiss D-12); span: 57'0" length: 46'8" load: 2200# (?>2800#) v: 150/125/55 range: 1300 ceiling: 20,000' (data for 525hp Cyclone). Two 160-gallon fuel tanks. Plush interior with the amenities of a surface yacht. Also equipped with an outboard motor for travel on water $35,000; POP: 1.
SEE ALSO Springfield
James E MacManaman, Springfield, OR.
1930 = 1pOhwM; 65hp Continental A-65; span: 26'0" length: 17'8" v: 115. Parasol wing. Rebuilt post-war by Darrell De Long as Little Mixer. Registration [N631] might not be original.
Baby Fleet 1931 = 1pOB; 40hp Continental A-40; span: 20'0" length: 21'0" v: 90. Rebuilt in 1952 [N10670].
Madison Airport Company Inc, Madison WI.
Super Ace 1934 = 1pOhwM; 45hp Ford A. No data; likely a modified or stock Corben Super Ace renamed. [X13697].
(?) Maer, Stinson Field, San Antonio TX.
"The Egg" c.1924 = OmwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. A grotesque sort of machine, consisting of an egg-shaped fuselage with an underslung gondola and extra-long landing gear. One of several odd airplanes that could be found at Stinson Field at the time, the contrast between an elegant fuselage and the rest of the machinery makes one believe that the gondola and the landing gear were meant to be left on the grounda flying bomb? Engine was mounted in a cowl that looked much like a NACA cowl, not then invented, and its radiator was mounted on the outside of the cowl. The ship was said to be the brainchild of a German inventor, and one named Maer was known to be working at Stinson Field, but other sources credit it to a Prof Warner, who also designed an ornithopter. Things get more complicated than that. An Air Service Newsletter lists the plane as "The Fly," designed and constructed by a Lt D B Phillips (SEE Phillips Alouette), assisted by members of the 3rd Attack Group. Reportedly was Charles Lindbergh who labeled it "The Egg" when he saw it.
Magnuson, Magnusson
Emil Magnuson, ND
Early constructor of propellers for aircraft and farm wind machines, reported to have built an airplane of some sort, as well. but no info has been found.
Maher SEE Velocity
Lee Mahoney, no location.
Sorceress 1970 = 1pO/CB; 125hp Lycoming O-290-3; span: 16'0" length: 17'0" load: 400# v: 202; ff: 8/1/70. Empty wt: 700#. [N89TT].
1927: Purchased Ryan Aircraft Co as B F (Ben Franklin) Mahoney Aircraft Co, later B F Mahoney-Ryan Aircraft Co, San Diego. 1929: Ryan Aircraft Corp. 1929: Acquired by Detroit Aircraft Corp.
B-1, B-2, B-3 Brougham SEE Ryan.
Mahoney X-1 [X7621] (Northrop archives via David Hatfield)

X-1 Special aka Sportster 1928 = Experimental lightplane. 2pOlwM; 80hp Siemens-Halske; span: 27'0" length: 22'0" v: 135. Don Hall; ff: 9/x/28 (p: Red Harrigan). Repowered with 90hp Warner Scarab as 1929 Safety Plane entry with a variable-airfoil wing ("no two ribs are alike") controlled by a lever in the cockpit. No fin or stabilizer, which were replaced by a large, moveable "stabilator" and a longitudinally adjustable 50# weight on a track to shift the c/g. All that resulted in enough stablility problems to cancel the project. POP: 1 [X7621]. Reportedly was flown several times by Charles Lindbergh.
J E Mair, 3106 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago IL.
Mair (Chicago Daily News via Library of Congress)

1910 = 1pOB. A copy of Wright Flier built in Mair's back yard, but no record of it flying or if it even left the back yard.
Malasomma Aeroplane Co.
1910 = No data.
Management & Research Co SEE Tuscar
Manhattan Aeroplane Co, consortium of former Brooklyn Aero Club members, New Nork NY.
1913 = OB; 75hp Kirkham B-6 pusher. Charles Wald. POP: 2, one land and one seaplane version. Both planes flight tested, but production was discontinued because of financial conditions.
B B Stewart & F E Manley, Salem OR.
Manley-Stewart [10697] (G S Williams via V J Berinati coll)

H-200 1930 = 2pOhwM; 40hp Ford A. Based on Heath design. POP: 1 [10697].
Manncraft SEE Southern Crane
Florian F Manor, Fon du Lac WI.
T-1 1932 = 1pOM; Jacobs. [12942] c/n 7.

Florian Manor was a manager at Pheasant Aircraft when it moved to Fond du LacTom Meiklejohn and Andre Bechaud had bought the company, Steve Wittman was test pilot, and Nick Rowinski engineer. After the demise of Pheasant, Manor became Fond du Lac airport's manager 1931-35. There is no record of Manorplane, but a 9/30/44 obituary for Manor reports that he "carried on experimental and development work on a plane of his own design." ( John M Jarratt 10/6/01)
Man Planes
Man Planes Inc, Manitowoc WI.
MP-1 1940 = 1pOM; Johnson 16. [29100].
Manta Aircraft Corp (John P & David R Davis), 540 N LaBrea Ave, Los Angeles CA.
1940 = 1pCmwM rg flying-wing design project for a military fighter with 1200hp unspecified motor. David R Davis. Thick-root, manta ray-shaped wing with a slim conventional fuselage and tail group, apparently never made it into production.

1941 Air International reports: 1150hp Allison V-1710-E; span 50'0". W [William?] Waterhouse. A full-size mock-up constructed, but the design was abandoned [reasons unstated]. ( Tore Eriksson 2/23/00)

Feb 1942 Aviation adds: Allison mounted amidships [as in P-39], four-blade contrarotating prop, high-taper Davis wing with modified tips to prevent tip stall. Scheduled armament: 4 cannon and 4 mgs; estimated v: 425 and range: 3,500. ( Larry McClellan 12/5/03)
United Air Services (Paul Mantz), Burbank CA. SEE ALSO Tallmantz.
Pusher 1938 = 1pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5 pusher. Steel-tubing booms and undercarriage; wings and struts modified from Curtiss JN-4D. Built for the motion picture, "Men With Wings." Disposition unknown, possibly parts went into the post-war version.
Pusher c.1950 = 1pOB; 80hp Curtiss OX-5 pusher. Curtiss JN-4D wings. Built up for motion picture work, and used extensively in exhibitions by Frank Tallman in conjunction with Tallmantz Aviation activities at Santa Ana CA 1960-70 [N8234].
The enigmatic Marchetti 8-cyl engine (factory brochure via Jon Anderson)

1928: (Paul) Marchetti Motor Patents Inc, Mills Field, San Bruno CA. 1930: Acquired by Keith Rider. 1930: Assets and property sold to United States Aircraft Corp Ltd, San Francisco (qv).
M-1 1928 = 2pOhwM; 165hp Warner Super Scarab. POP: 1 [X98M] rebuilt and highly-modified Cessna AW (most likely [X6445]) with monocoque fuselage, lengthened wing and a Cessna DC canopy, designed to accept the Marchetti-designed radial motor, which never was produced when Marchetti was killed during flight training in 1940. Rider, employed by Marchetti, took over the defunct company to focus on his own aircraft designs, but soon sold off the major portion.
Marchetti M-2 [X98M] (Frank Rezich coll)

M-2 Arrow 1930 = 2pOlwM; possibly 90hp Cirrus modified by Marchetti. All-wood; cantilever wing. Very little is known about this plane or its disposition. POP: 1 [X98M]. Reportedly repowered with 90hp LeBlond 5F.
Emerino Marchetti, Tuckahoe NY.
Sport 1930 = Unknown type ultralight with Heath-Henderson. Family relation, if any, to the previous entry is unknown. [11038] c/n 500-EM.
Kenneth Marcotte, Bedford Park IL.
Rich Mixture II c.1965 = 1pOB; 85hp Continental C-85-12; span: 19'0" length: 17'0" load: 375# v: x/115/50. Empty wt: 625#. [N9111].
Hal W Marcoux-Jack Bromberg, Venice CA.
Marcoux-Bromberg [NX264Y] (Ian MacFarlane coll)

1938 = 1pClwM; 200hp Menasco B-6S. Greve racer Jackrabbit (p: Earl Ortman) modified from Rider R-5 [NX264Y]; aka Elmendorf Special.
Marcoux-Bromberg Special [NX14215] (Arthur Martin coll)

Special 1936 = 1pClwM; 825hp P&W R-1340 Twin Wasp; span: 22'3" length: 22'3". Rebuilt from Rider R-3 (p: Earl Ortman), refitted with a new wing and 825hp P&W R-1535 Twin Wasp for the 1936 Bendix, 1937 and 1938 Thompsons (all second place), then retired. [NX14215].
George Whysall & Assoc aka Marion Aircraft Co, 280 N Main, Marion OH.
1929 = 3pChwM; 100hp Kinner; span: 36'0" length: 25'0" load: 678# v: 115/100/47. Full cantilever wing with box spar, aluminum ribs, fabric-covered mahogany skin. [X527K] s/n 2. Reg cancelled 3/28/30, fate unknown.
Whysall 1929 = 3pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5. [X500E] c/n 1.
J G Marinac, no location.
Flying Mercury 1930 = 1pOlwM; 4-cyl Heath; span: 26'0" length: 17'0" v: 75/x/30. Empty wt: 275#. Plans appeared in Mar 1931 National Glider & Airplane News. Now at EAA Museum.
Marine Aircraft Co, Sausalito CA.
Water Sprite 1929 = 4pOBAm; 165hp Comet; span (upper): 34'0" span (lower): 22'0" length: 22'3" load: 888# v: 114/x/55. Twin-tail. Alclad-covered wood hull. [X24E].
Marlin-(A F) Rockwell Aero Corp, New Haven CT.
1918 = aka Rockwell-Marlin. Described as "a small light plane with a plastic fuselage" powered by a 72hp Cato air-cooled, two-cylinder, horizontally-opposed engine. Joseph Cato. The plane and engine were completed in 150 days and had several hundred hours of flight testing without any modification from the original design of the plane or engine. POP: 1 prototype.
William Marland, CO.
Flying Box c.1955 = 1pClwM; 260hp Lycoming. Designed specially for agricultural spraying. About 14" thick wings with fluid tanks for c.50 gallon.
Marquardt Aircraft Co, Venice and Van Nuys CA.
Marquardt M-14 [N4107K]

M-14 aka Whirlajet 1948 = 1pOH with wingtip pulse-jets, first of its kind. Experimental, open-framework design; 29' two-bladed rotor. [N4107K].
1955: Edward Marquart, Riverside CA.
MA-3 Maverick 1977 = 1pOB; 125hp Continental C-125-2; span: 20'6", length: 16'6" load: 400# v: x/120/39; ff: 10/1/77. Empty wt: 898#. [N84F] c/n MA-3-001.
MA-4 Lancer, -5 Charger 19?? = 1pOB; 100-180hp various; span: 24'0" length: 19'6" load: 550# v: x/115/42. MA-5 was 2p version. Plans and partial kits marketed to home-builders.
Vincent Marrone, Roosevelt NY.
VM-1 1957 = 1pClwM; 65hp Continental A-65-8; span: 20'0" length: 17'0" load: 250# v: 140/125/50 ceiling: 15,000'; ff: 8/x/57. Parts of the fuselage from a Piper J-3. [N4047A].
James C "Bud" Mars, no location.
Mars Skylark (Topeka Capital-Journal via Ralph Cooper)
Mars Skylark V-8 motor (Library of Congress Archives)

Skylark 1910 = Modified, rebuilt Curtiss pusher for exhibition flights by Mars, one of the first eight licensed pilots in the USA. In the top photo, the motor is an upright Hall-Scott type but the image is too small and blurred to identify it, and in the lower photo is a V-8. Likely it is Mars' Skylark upgraded, but there is that possibility he had two airplanes.
Mars Mfg Co, LeMars IA, on acquisition of rights from Tennessee Aircraft Inc, Nashville TN.
M-1-80 Skycoupe 1946 (ATC 771) = 2pChwM; 75hp Lycoming GO-145; span: 31'5" length: 22'0" load: 460# v: 100/92/45 range: 350. From acquired production rights to the Otto Koppen-designed, two-control system General G-1-80 Skyfarer. $3,000; POP: estimated 4 to 6; some in 1947 with 85hp Continental C-85. Reportedly suffered from chronic nose gear problems resulting in several landing accidents with many planes ending up being scrapped; production ended c.1949.
Marsh Aviation Co, Mesa AZ.
G-164 C-T Turbo Cat c.1979 = 1pCB; 600hp Garrett AiResearch TPE 331-1-101; length: 31'6". Conversion of Grumman (Gulfstream American/Schweizer) G-164 Super Ag-Cat C.
S2R-T Turbo Thrush 1975 = 1pClwM; 600hp Garrett AiResearch TPE 331-1-101; span: 44'5" length: 30'5". Empty wt: 3600#. Conversion of Rockwell Thrush Commander [N331U].
TS-2E Turbo-Tracker 1986 = 5pCmwM rg; two 1250hp Garrett TPE331-14GR; ff: 11/21/86. Conversion of Grumman S-2A [N426DF].
Turbo Mentor 1979 = 2pClwM rg; 450hp Garett TPE331-1. Conversion of Beechcraft T-34A/B Mentor.
Marsh Aircraft Co, Oak Park, IL.
c.1930 = 1pOlwM; 28hp Heath-Henderson. POP: 1 [10477] c/n P-228. SEE allied O'Bannon.
Marshall Aircraft Co (pres: "Mr Montague"); no location, possibly IN.
E-1 1929 = 3pCM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; no specs found. [15799] c/n 1, sold twice in Albion and Churubusco IN, reregistered on 9/31/35; reg cancelled by CAA 11/9/35 after a reported accident.
Marshall Aircraft Laboratories (Nicholas-Beazley employees' group), Marshall MO.
Phantom 1930 = 1pOlwM; 80hp Pobjoy; span: 21'9". Empty wt: 355#. Claude C Flagg, R T Jones. POP: 1 racer [R1W], built at the Nicholas-Beazley factory. Despite instability, it managed to place third in the 1930 Nationals free-for-all (p: D A Fowlie).
Marston & Ordway
C J Marston & P W Ordway, Concord NH.
1930 = 2pOB; 120hp Anzani. POP: 1 [889W] c/n 1, and 1 with Menasco in 1931 [973M] c/n 2.
Martin, Martin-WillardSEE ALSO Wright-Martin
SEE ALSO Queen-Martin
1917: (James Vernon) Martin Aeroplane Co, Elyra OH.
Bomber 1919 = 3pOB; two 350hp Sunbeam 12 (later 400hp Liberty 12); span: 96'3" length: 49'0" v: 110. Gross wt: 12,000#. POP: 1. Ground tested but never flown, and rejected by USAAS as structurally unsound.
Harvard I 1908 = 1pOB. An unsourced report tells of Martin's first involvement in aviation while an astronomy student at Harvard, where he formed the Harvard Aeronautical Society, as well as helping to organize the 1910 Harvard-Boston Aero Meet. He and fellow students designed and built a glider, then this tailless pusher; however, the report does not mention anything about its flying except for a comment "... which he flew". Most likely it did not, at least on Martin's part, since it wasn't until 1911, while in England, that he learned to fly at the Grahame-White school at Hendon. The report also tells of his flights in the Queen-Martin, as well as a Gage biplane in exhibitions in the Northwest 1912-14, so there could be some relativity and fact in it.
Martin Blue Bird (clip: 1918 Flying)
Martin Kitten art (ad: Sep 1919 Flying)

K-III Kitten aka Blue Bird 1918 = 1pOB rg*; 32hp (?>45hp) ABC Gnat; span: 17'11" (20'3" with ailerons) length: 13'4" load: 220# v: 112/x/37 range: 206. Gross wt: 582#. James V Martin. K-struts, wing-end ailerons; * wheels partially retracted into fuselage belly. Gross wt: 350#. Less than $2,000; POP: 1. Original concept was a high-altitude Zeppelin interceptor for the RAF, and this Kitten was closely based on the British Eastchurch PV.8 Kitten, even to its name. Army consideration in Dec 1918 was lost when Wright Field refused to test-fly it until it was strengthened, and Martin would not permit any design changes. The Kitten hangs from the rafters of NASM's Silver Hill facility (2003). Martin's patent for a manually-retracting landing gear, applied for in June 1916, was issued in 1919 as #1,306,768an additional patent #1,418,008 in 1918 was issued on 5/30/22. The ill-tempered Mr Martin filed suit in 1923 against every member of the Manufacturers Aircraft Association, claiming infringement of patents and unlawful competition, even managed to rally a congressional probe, but the case was thrown out of court.
K-IV, KF-1 1921 = Beefed-up K-III with a single float and 60hp Lawrance L-4; span: 24'2" length: 17'0" load: 294# v: 98/82/x ceiling: 11,400'. K-struts, conventional ailerons. Redesignated KF-1USN "F" designation at the time was for "Fighter," but this ship was unarmedfor a special-class "Kitten Floatplane." POP: 3, construction subcontracted to Gallaudet Co [A5840/5842].
Arthur Martin, Santa Ana CA.
Martin Dart [10506] (Frank Rezich coll)

Dart 1927 = 1pOB; 80hp LeRhône rotary. [10506]. Unknown but quite possible affiliation wih Eddie Martin School of Aviation where, according to historian John M Jarratt, a monoplane was built (no date) with a 90hp OX-5. That proved to be insufficient power, so a larger (180hp?) Hisso was installed, but it was then overpowered and ended up being scrapped.
Martin Paraplane (Popular Mechanics)

Paraplane 1949 = 1pCM; 40hp Continental A-40. Stubby flying-wing as Burnelli concept.
Roadster 19?? = A variation of the preceding, with 65hp Continental, and small, narrow-chord, strut-braced extended wings added. Crashed in testing, reportedly killing its designer.
Ray Martin, Smithville OH.
1957 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: 25'6" length: 16'0" load: 254# v: 90/80/50; ff: 7/4/57. POP: 1 [N9647H].
Edward Martin & Millard Boyd, Santa Ana CA.
1927 = 2pOhwM; 180hp Hisso E. Millard Boyd. No-camber, semi-cantilever, parasol wing tapered from 22" at the center section to about 3" at the tips.
Monty G Mason, Long Beach CA.
Mason Greater Meteor [NR5278] (David Mason coll)

Greater Meteor 1932 = 1pOlwM planned endurance ship rebuilt from Belmont (née Glenmont) with fuselage tanks and 420hp P&W Wasp; [NR5278] c/n M-200. Unsuccessful in 1932 NAR as a racer. Reg cancelled 7/18/34 and plane sold to Bill Buchanan and renamed in 1936 as Buchanan Zipper (qv). Reportedly involved in an accident at Long Beach on 4/29/34, in which Mason was cited for violating a CAA rule for carrying a passenger [in a one-place airplane?] in an NR-registered ship. His transport pilot license was suspended for 60 days. SEE Sidebar
Mason Meteor M [R12239] (Clark Scott coll)

Meteor M SEE Gotch & Brundage Special.
Joe J Mason, Woodland Hills CA.
DH-2 c.1973 = 1pOB; 90hp LeBlond 5F; ff: 3/1/75. 4/5-scale replica of de Havilland DH.2. POP: 1 [N32DH].
Dave Mason, Houston TX.
DM-1 Skyblazer c.1966 = 1pOB; 125hp Lycoming. POP: 1 [N154DM], completely rebuilt in 1969 after a forced landing.
Bissell Co, no location.
1910 = OB; 50hp Bissell. Looked to be a close copy of the Wright. Mason described as the company's Master Mechanic.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambrisge MA.
MIT Light Eagle and Dædalus ()

Light Eagle, Dædalus 1987 = NASA-Dryden test-beds for flight research conducted at Rogers Dry Lake (CA) between Jan 1987 and Mar 1988. 1pOhwM; pusher with human (bicycle) power. POP: 1 prototype as Light Eagle, and 2 as Dædalus 87 and 88. To honor the mythic Greek who made wings of wax and feathers to escape King Minos, a project was instigated by a group of MIT students, professors, and alumni with a goal of designing and building a human-powered aircraft that could fly the mythical distance of 115 km. The prototypical Light Eagle, weighing 92 pounds, set a closed-course distance record of 59 km on 1/22/87, which still stands. Dædalus 88 flew 199 km from Crete in the Mediterranean to the island of Santorini in 3h:54m to set distance and endurance records for a human-powered aircraft.
Master Aircraft, 315 Passaic St, Rochelle Park NJ.
Greyhound 1929 = Unknown type with Velie M-5; span: 32'0" length: 21'0". Owner reported to CAA that plane was "very unsatisfactory and never used again." POP: 1 [819H] c/n B-1; reg expired 9/1/35.
No data.
Mathews Midget (1955 EAA Experimenter via Weylon Lyons)

Midget 19?? = 1pClwM; 75hp Continental; span: 18'0". No other data.
Mathewson Automobile Co, Denver CO.
Mathewson #6 (clip: Aero 3/16/12)

1911 = Several 1-2pOB exhibition machines were produced closely following the Curtiss design at first, then diverging as knowledge was gained. Elbridge motor reported in a maiden flight on 1/4/11, by George Van Arsdale, who flew 04m:12s around a local speedway track.
Clark B Matthews, 317 Second St Marietta OH.
2-B aka CBM Special 1927 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 30'11" length: 24'6". Curtiss JN-4C empennage and fuselage with widened front cockpit, Aeromarine wings. POP: 1 [C2020] c/n 2; reg expired 7/1/35.
(---) Mathieu-Charles Russel, Chicago IL.
Matthieu-Russel Restoration [996N] (Roger D Cain)

1929 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Szekely SR-3. Designed by Russel, built by Matthieu. POP: 1 [996N] c/n A-1, sold to Howard P Minnich in the early '30s. Restored to flying condition in CA c.2000.
Mathis-Mestach SEE Somerville
(Henry) Mattley Airplane & Motor Co, San Bruno CA.
FP-1, -2 aka Fliver #1 1932 = 1-2pC*hwM; 60hp Velie (also 40hp Continental A-40); span: 35'0" length: 20'8" load: 325# v: 70. Lynn Harp. Looked like a squat parody of the Curtiss Robin with its wide outrigger landing gear and fat wing; * described "semi-cabin." $1,290; POP: at least 1 of each [10615, 12707], but DoC record for 2p FP-2 shows c/n 7. Advertised as suitable for 25-60hp motors, its main appeal was to home-builders.
1940: Mechanical Products Co (fdr: Belford David Maule), Jackson MI (mfr of Hummer aircraft self-starters). 1941: B D Maule Co, Napoleon, MI (aircraft tailwheels and subcontract parts). 1962: Maule Aircraft Corp. 1968: moved to Moultrie GA. Total production of more than 1,800 aircraft by the end of the decade.
1931 = First effort, unknown type as a home-built creation by B D Maule.
Maule Bee Dee M-4 [N40001] (Dan Shumaker coll)
Maule Bee Dee M-4 [N162C] (Eddie Coates coll)

Bee Dee M-4 1957 = Prototype M-4. 4pChwM; 145hp Continental O-300A; span: 28'10" length: 22'0" load: 1000# v: 158/150/40 range: 700; ff: 2/x/57 [N40001]. Conceptual design, based loosely on Piper Cub, began in 1952; won first place in EAA design and craftsmanship 1957. POP: 11.
Maule M-1 (Maule)

M-1 Mid-wing 1931 = 1pOmwMF; 36hp henderson. [12634].
M-2, M-3 Ornithopter - Flapping-wing glider experiments during the war years.
Maule M-4 B D Maule and prototype (newspaper clip via Maule)

M-4 Jetasen (TC 3A23) = 4pChwM production version of Bee Dee M-4. STOL, fabric covered steel-tube construction; ff (prototype): 9/8/60. POP total M-4s: 474, plus 3 built in Mexico as M-1 Cuauhtemoc.
M-4C 1961 = Larger cargo door, modified fuselage truss. 145hp Continental O-300A; span: 29'9" length: 22'0" v: load: 1000# v: 150/x/40 range: 700 ceiling: 11,500'.
M-4S 1965 = Minor changes.
M-4T 1966 = 2p with no rear seat or rear door.
M-4-100 2003 = Light Sport Aircraft with Rotax 912S. No other data at this time.
M-4-180 Astro-Rocket (TC 3A23) - Cambered wingtips and 180hp Franklin 6A-335B.
M-4-180C, -180S 1970 = No data.
M-4-180T 1970 = 2p; no data.
Maule M-4-210 [N9813M] (Dan Shumaker)

M-4-210 Rocket TC (3A23) - 210hp Continental IO-360A.
M-4-210C, -210S 1962 = No data.
M-4-210T 1966 = 2p.
M-4-220 Strata-Rocket (TC 3A23) - As M-4-210, but with 220hp Franklin 6A-350; load: 1050# v: 180/145/40 range: 680 ceiling: 15,498'.
Maule M-4-220C [N40628] (Dan Shumaker coll)

M-4-220C, -220S 1966 = No data.
M-4-220T 1966 = 2p; no data.
Maule M-5 CHP [N55270] (Dan Shumaker coll)

M-5 Lunar Rocket (TC 3A23) - Restyled M-4 with larger tail and flaps, smaller ailerons, modified c/g range; span: 30'10" length: 22'0" load: 940# v: x/180/40 range: 600 ceiling: 19,000'. $18,995-23,300. Take-off and landing roll 400'. POP total M-5s: more than 640. Type certified in 1973.
M-5-180C 1979 = 180hp Lycoming O-360C.
M-5-200 1982 = As M-5-235C, but 200hp Lycoming IO-360J.
M-5-210C 1973 = 210hp Continental IO-360D. POP: 1 prototype.
M-5-210TC 1980 = As M-5-180C, with change of motor, prop, nacelle; 210hp Lycoming TO-360-F1A6D.
M-5-220C 1972 = 220hp Franklin 6A-350-C1. POP: 1 prototype.
Maule M-5-235C [N71DE] (Dan Shumaker)

M-5-235C 1976 = Modified electrical system, nacelle; 235hp O-540J and IO-540W.
M-6 Super Rocket (TC 3A23) - Engine, prop, and nacelle changes.
M-6-180 1982 = As M-6-235, but 180hp Lycoming O-360C.
Maule M-6-235 Floatplane [N61188] (Dan Shumaker coll)

M-6-235 1981 = As M-5-235C, but new wings, flaps, ailerons.
M-7, MT-7 Star Rocket (TC 3A23) - Longer ailerons; optional floats.
M-7-235 1983 = 235hp Lycoming O-540J and IO-540-W1A5; span: 32'11" length: 23'6". Spring tricycle gear, fuselage mods, change in wings, tails, flaps, ailerons.
M-7-235A 1994 = As M-7-235, but change in flaps and ailerons;.
Maule M-7-235B [C-GFVX] (Maule)

M-7-235B Super Rocket 1993 = M-7-235 with conventional oleo landing gear; 235hp Lycoming O-540J, -W1A5, or -B4B5.
Maule M-7-235C [N969AW] (Dan Shumaker coll)

M-7-235C Orion 1995 = As M-7-235B, but spring landing gear.
Maule M-7-260 [N6459L] (Maule)

M-7-260 Super Rocket 19?? = 260hp Lycoming IO-540-V4A5; load: 890# v: x/164/40 ceiling: 20,000'. Oleo gear.
M-7-260C Orion 19?? = IO-540-V4A5 and spring gear.
Maule M-7-420AC [N987CC] (Maule)

M-7-420, -420AC 19?? = 5p with Allison 250-B17-C turbine; load: 930 span: 33'8" length: 24'0" v: x/190/50 ceiling: 20,000. -420 with tricycle sping gear, -420C with conventional spring gear.
MT-7-235 1992 = As MXT-7-180, but M-7 fuselage; 235hp Lycoming O-540W.
Maule MX-7-160 [N142BE] (Maule)

MX-7-160 Comet 1992 = 160hp Lycoming O-320-B2D; load: 744# v: x/120/45 ceiling: 13,000'. Tricycle spring landing gear.
MX-7-180 Star Rocket 1984 = As MX-7-235, but prop, nacelle, and 180hp Lycoming O-360-C4F.
MX-7-180B 1984 = 180hp Lycoming O-360-C1F, conventional oleo gear.
Maule MX-7-180C [N4261E] (Maule)

MX-7-180C Comet 1996 = Lycoming O-320-B2D, spring landing gear; span: 32'11" length: 23'6" v: x/120/40 ceiling: 13,000'. $110,400 (2003).
MX-7-235 1984 = As M-6-235 with fuselage mods, change in wings, wingtips, tails, flaps, ailerons.
MX-7-420 1989 = As MX-7-235 with rudder change and 420hp Allison 250-B17C gas turbine; v: 151/121/44.
MXT-7-160 1990 = As MX-7-180, but 160hp Lycoming O-320-B2D.
Maule MXT-7-180 [N959DB] (Dan Shumaker)

MXT-7-180 1990 = As M-6-235, but new flaps, ailerons, landing gear mod, 180hp Lycoming O-360-C1F.
MXT-7-180A 1993 = 180hp Lycoming O-360-C4F.
MXT-7-420 1993 = As MXT-7-180, but 420hp Allison-RR 250-B17C gas turbine.
M-8-235 1992 (TC 3A23) = 5p M-6-235 with modified flaps, ailerons, and landing gear. 235hp Lycoming O-540W and IO-540W.
M-9 2003 = SMA SR 305-230 diesel; no other data.
Maupin SEE Black Diamond
Maverick Air Inc, Penrose CO.
TwinJet 1200 1999 = Kit-built, pressurized, personal jet. 4-5pClwM rg; two 885-650# GE CT-58 turbojets (converted ex-military turboshafts); span: 34'0" length: 28'6" load: 2500# v: 440/400/x range: 1100; ff: 8/4/99. Fiberglass construction. Basic kit: $169,500, less engines; POP: 1 prototype.
Maximum Safety
Maximum Safety Airplane Co (fdr: Fred L Bronson), 5111 Santa Fe Ave, Los Angeles CA.
Maximum Safety M-1 [X10046] (Museum of Flight coll)

M-1 1929 = 4pChwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 37'6" length: 36'7". Fred Bronson. Designed as a trainer. take-off run: 186'. Also available with Curtiss Challenger. Prototype [7539, X10046]. POP: see next.
M-2 1929 = 2pChwM; 80hp Aircraft Radial (Szekely) or 130hp Comet; span: 37'6" length: 34'7" load: 675# v: 127/100/24 range: 500 (data for Comet). Pronounced 14° dihedral and 0° angle of incidence. [423, 424]. POP: see next.
Maximum Safety M-3 [X332E] (K O Eckland coll)

M-3, M-4L 1929 = Similar to M-2 but 4pChwM; 150hp Comet; span: 47'8" length: 36'2" load: 910# v: 110. [X332E]. M-4L was an undesignated motor or custom option. POP total M: about 10.
Maxson, Maxson-Brewster
W L Maxson Corp. Maxson-Brewster.
NR 1941 = USN. Unknown type; two Kinner R-440-3; span: 30'1" length: 22'5" v: 115 ceiling: 10,100'. POP: 2 as XNR-1 [1756/1757].
Oakland CA.
T-1 c.1926 = 1pClwM; Curtiss OX-5. Rebuilt JN-4D [X2162] c/n 1. SEE Andrews & Nicholson.
Robert Mayer, no location.
1951 = 1pClwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Midget racer Mr D (p: Hank Orlowski) [N426A]; qualified, but did not race.
1913: (William Benson) Mayo Radiator Co, New Haven CT. 1914: Merged with Simplex Automobile Co, New Brunswick NJ.
1914 = 3pOBF; 110hp. Chance Vought.
1916 = 2pOB; 90hp Gyro rotary; span: 38'0" length: 29'6". Designed for commercial training and military observation roles.
Mayo A 1915
Mayo A (clip: 1915 Flying)

Type A 1915 = 2pOB; Mayo 6-cylinder inline.
Simplex Automobile Co, New Brunswick NJ.
1914 = 2pOB. Chance Vought. Built for export to Great Britain.
Kenneth O McBride, 408 W Sea Ave, Independence MO.
M.1 Monoplane 1932 = 2pCM; 90hp LeBlond. [12528] c/n 1. Sold on 10/3/32 to an Arthur J Bean, Kansas City MO, but reg canceled on 7/30/34 on failure to reply to a CAA questionnaire.
Ira Emmett "Dewey" McCabe, Lexington NB.
McCabe (AAHS)

1917 = 1pOB; Thor V-Twin. Wing tips were tied together to give a curious bowed effect; wing-tip ailerons, flying stabilizer hinged at its leading edge. A powered culmination of several gliders tested with this wing arrangement. No report of its flight capabilities, if any. Large wing numbers "841" had no official meaning.
Bernard C McCabe, Chagrin Falls OH.
Swastika A 1927 = 4pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 40'2" length: 24'7". Vearne C Babcock as Series 1 in early 1927 and sold to McCabe, who registered under his own name. [7140]. In a letter to CAA 2/30/30, McCabe wrote, "Dismantled for the Winter... I tore off the two left wings on a tree, but ship will be ready again by Spring." Apparently it never was, and license was cancelled 2/16/33. Nothing even remotely Nazi about this onethe swastika (or fylfot) as a symbol of good luck goes back to long before Adolf Hitler ruined its kindly significance.
Charles E McCarley, Hueytown AL.
Mini-Mac 1970 = 1pOlwM; VW 1834cc; span:20'6" length: 14'8" v: 160/125/50. POP: 1 prototype [N152CM]. A modified version was built by George Harrison with VW 1600cc; span: 19'0" length: 14'5" [N75GH].
1927: Cadillac Aircraft Corp (consortium of Detroit businessmen; pres: Inglis M Uppercu, vp: H G McCarroll), Detroit MI.
McCarroll Duoplane [X59E] (Aviation)

Duoplane, Voyaguer 1929 = 4pChwMAm; two 100hp Kinner; span: 46'0" length: 32'0" load: 1025#. POP: 1, reportedly repowered with 165hp Wright R-540 and modified with 48'0" wing [X595E].
MAC-1 1930 = Unknown type; Cirrus. [815Y].
Edgar H McCarter, Union City IN.
S-A 1937 = 1pOM; 50hp Salmson. [18389] c/n 2.
1926: (George L) McCarthy Aeronautical Engr Co, Lowell MI. 1928: McCarthy Aircraft Co, Portland MI.
1929 = ChwM, likely similar to Air Scout, with Heath-Henderson. [691W] c/n 2 was registered to Edward Stalker, designer of Acme Sportsman and Gillis, both ChwM, which leads one to suspect there was his involvement in this design.
Air Scout 1925 = 2pChwM; 45hp Anzani; span: 26'0" length: 19'10" load: 460# v: 120/x/40 range: 300; ff: 1/15/25 (p: C D Swinson). Semi-cantilever wing. In Jan 1926, Swinson flew it from the factory to Grand Rapids, some 18 miles, and even gained 3,000' altitude, in spite of one cylinder that blew off shortly after take-off!
Earl E McClary (also seen spelled McCleary), South Gate CA.
1932 = 4pChwM; 100hp Cirrus pusher [X951Y].
McClary A [2486]
McClary A [2486] (Dan Shumaker coll)
McClary A 1/72 model (Claudio Luchina)

A Motor Glider c.1929 = ChwM "flying pancake" with Hisso-type motor. Huge, longitudinal wingpossibly reverse-delta, judging by its shadowwith wingtip ailerons and a cut-out for the propeller. Underslung, aft-mounted, airfoil-shaped gondola looked to be capable of fitting two people. Reports failed to mention if or how well it flew. POP: 1 [2486].
B 1929 = 2pChwM; 150hp Axelson B. Possibly was a flying pancake design with a radial motor. [X256V].
D 1931 = 3pChwM; 115hp Axelson B. [X12244] c/n D-1. Description changed to 2pChwM "with a complete new wing" in an application to CAA 12/6/32, then reported to CAA 6/21/33 as "recently dismantled"six days after CAA had notified cancellation of license. Although there was little recorded about McClary's experimentals, he was quite productive during this period.
D-1 1933 = 4pChwM; 125hp Kinner K-5. [X227Y] c/n 1. Curious interweaving of model number and s/n with Model D, but these appear to be two distinctly different airplanes, with D-1 likely developed from parts of D, whose license was cancelled 6/15/33, and D-1's issued 6/28/33.
McCook Aircraft Corp, McCook NE.
Commercial 1928 = 2pB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: 2 [4489, 5762]. SEE Morton.
(Harold F} McCormick-(Sidney) James, Cicero IL.
c.1910 = 1pOhwM; 50hp Gnôme rotary. Nicknamed "Mustard Plaster" for its yellow-pigmented fabric covering. Had a rounded, reverse-camber parasol wing. No other data.
(Harold F) McCormick-(William S) Romme, Cicero IL.
McCormick-Romme Cycloplane (Drina Welch Abel coll)
McCormick-Romme Umbrellaplane (Drina Welch Abel coll)

Cycloplane, Umbrellaplane 1911 = 1pO; 50hp Gnôme rotary. At least seven variations make it difficult to describe a specific plane, but essentially there was a lateral circular, non-airfoil wing about 35' in diameter supported by a central brace set on a spindly frame fuselage. Photos show single propeller in both tractor and tail-post pusher configurations, as well as different undercarriages, tail shapes, and ailerons (Chance Vought's design) in different locations under the wing; ff: 6/x/11 (p: Andrew Drew). Reportedly made many flights at Cicero IL until 1913, but its fate is unknown.
Helicopter Div, McCulloch Motors Inc, Los Angeles CA, Lake Havasu City AZ. McCulloch Aircraft Corp, 119 Standard St, El Segundo CA.
J-2 Gyroplane 1962 = 2pCAg; 180hp Lycoming pusher; rotor: 26'0" length: 16'0" load: 550# v: x/105/28 range: 300; ff: 6/x/62. $19,950. Twin booms and tails. Landings and take-offs in 75'. Prototype {N217M].
McCulloch MC-4 [N4070K, N4071K]

MC-4, MC-4C, H-30 1951 = 2pCH; 165hp McCulloch; rotor: 22'0" length: 32'0" load 600# v: 105/85/0 range 250 ceiling: 8000'. D K Jovanovich, developed from his JOV-3. All-metal "flying banana." POP: 1 prototype [N4070K] and 1 for USN evaluation [N4071K]. Repowered with 200hp Franklin 6A4 as 2p MC-4C (rotor: 23'0" load: 1100# length: 32'5" v: 105/x/0). POP: ?, plus 3 to Army as YH-30 [52-5837/5839] with added small endplate rudders, the first of which went to Ft Rucker Museum after testing.
MC-4A, HUM 1951 = 2pCH; ff: 3/20/51. POP: 2 for USN, redesignated as HUM-1 [133817/133818].
Elliott R McCune, Wallingford CT.
Sport 1931 = 2pOB; 90hp Cirrus Mk III. [995M].
McCurdy, McCurdy-Willard
(John A D) McCurdy & (Charles F) Willard Aeroplane Co, Nassau Blvd Aerodrome, Long Island NY; aircraft built by Queen Aeroplane Co, Bronx Park NY.
1911 McCurdy 3-view (1911 Aeronautics)

Headless 1911 = 1pOB; 50hp Gnôme pusher; span: 25'6" length: 26'9" v: 51. John McCurdy, patterned after the Farman. Dual-wheel skids. POP: 7.
1915 = 2pOB. Chance Vought. Likely a duplicate of Mayo.
D E McDaneld & Lloyd Royer, Arcadia CA.
McDaneld Romair [NC300] (Frank Rezich coll)
McDaneld Romair [NC300] "Packard" on the cowl refers to the car, not the motor (Clark Scott)

Roamair 1927 = 2pOB; 180hp Hisso E. Lloyd Royer. POP: 1 [C/NC300] (temporary [2586] appears on tail in early photos), custom-built for Packard dealer McDaneld, who was also president of the National Aeronautic Assn, first with 220hp Wright J-5. Although often credited as a Waterhouse & Royer creationRoyer had severed connections with Waterhouse by 1927this is obviously based on plans of the original Waterhouse Romair. Royer also rebuilt and licensed McDaneld's Curtiss JN-4 [C298] and de Havilland DH-4 [C299] at the same time.
Alden W McDaniel, Chevy Chase MD.
1930 = 1pOM; Salmson engine, no specs. Crashed 9/9/32; reg cancelled. [2057] c/n McD-1.
Arthur McDaniels, Toledo OH.
Model 2 1929 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Possible Curtiss JN-4 modification. [7115] c/n 2.
McDonnell, McDonnell Douglas
(Neill F) McGaffey Airplane Development Co, Inglewood CA.
McGaffey Aviate [14951] (Frank Rezich coll)

Aviate 1935 = 2pClwM; 85hp Ford V-8; span: 34'0" length: 23'9" load: 558# (?>583#) v: 115/100/38 range: 400. Fred M Smith, Neill McGaffey. Twin-boom, single tail; panted wheels. $1,625; POP: 1 [X14951]. It not only had an auto engine, but instruments, tires, brakes and many small components were automotive, as well, giving meaning to its name as a play on "a V-8."
Robert G McGill Aircraft Co, 661 Turk St, San Francisco CA.
S 1931 = 1pOM; 26hp Henderson. [10640].
Pete McGuiness.
Windsong 1959 = 1pOB; 85hp Continental C-85; span: 18'0" length: 13'6" load: 250# v: x/125/85 range: 150. [N92R].
John D McKellar, California Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo CA.
M-1 1940 = 2pClwM; two 50hp Continental A-50 pusher/tractor; span: 18'9" length: 12'9" v (est): 180/x/50. All-plywood, tailless flying delta-wing concept aircraft was built by students at Cal Poly under the guidance of instructor McKellar. Engines located fore and aft were buried in the fuselage [NX19988]. Unknown if it ever flew.
McKinnie Aircraft Co Ltd, div of Transocean Air Lines.
McKinnie 165 [N9Y]

165 1952 = 2pClwM rg; 165hp Franklin 6A4; span: 23'6" length: 18'3" load: 440# v: 175/150/x range: 720; ff: 8/10/52. Dual-controls, fully aerobatic. Sportplane looked very Luscombe-ish in concept. POP: 1 [N9Y].
1953: (Angus G) McKinnon-(?)Hickman, Sandy OR. c.1956: McKinnon Enterprises Inc. 1978: McKinnon-Viking Enterprises. c.1980: Moved to Canada.
McKinnon G-21C (Aero Digest)

G-21C 1958 = 8pChwMAm; four 340hp Lycoming GSO-480-B2D6; span: 50'10" length: 39'7" load: 3500# v: 264/210/84; ff; 1/25/58 [N150M]. Empty wt: 9000#. POP: 2 Grumman Goose [N1504, N3459C] converted to G-21C with new s/ns 1201/1202.
G-21C/D Turbo Goose 195? = 8/12pChwMAm; two 680hp P&W PT6A-27; load: 5865# v: 220. Empty wt: 6635#.
G-21D 1960 = 15pChwMAm; POP: 1 modified G-21C [N150M] with new c/n 1251.
G-21G Turbo Goose 19?? = 8/12pChwMAm; two 680hp P&W PT6A-27: load: 5800# v: 243. Empty wt: 6700#.
McKinnon Super Widgeon [N68395] (Flying)

Super Widgeon 1953 = 5-6pChwMAm; two 260hp Lycoming GO-435-C2B (later 270hp GO-480-B1D); span: 40'0" length: 31'1" v: 190/180/62. Gross wt: 5500#. Well over 70 Grumman Widgeons had been converted by 1978. Business evolved from earlier McKinnon-Hickman conversions of 290hp Ranger-powered Widgeons.
Turbo-Goose c.1970 = 13p Grumman Goose with two 1430hp United-Canada PT6-27 turboprops; load: 5865# v: x/234/79. $450,000; POP: ??.
No information found.
McKissick Viceroy [N62571]

Viceroy 1976 = 6pClwM conversion of surplus Vultee BT-13 trainer into an executive transport; 450hp P&W R-985. POP: 1 [N62571], reported active into the late 1990s operating in an experimental/exhibition category.
M L McLaughlin, Iowa City IA.
Skybuggy 19?? = ChwM; [N28367].
John F McMahon, New York NY.
Model T 1919 = 1pOB; 32hp Ford T; span: 22'0" length: 18'6". Plans were published for this aircraft in Aerial Age as a home-builder project designed by feature columnist McMahon, as well as for his smaller 1pOmwM/B version with a two-cylinder motorcycle engine (span: c.20'0" length: c.17'0"), adaptable to either one- or two-wing configuration. It is unclear if McMahon actually built a prototype and, other than the notable Nixon Special (qv), no records were found for how many of either designs were built or flown by his readers.
Maurice H McMechan, 110 N 5 Ave, Yakima WA.
1936 = 2pChwFb; 150hp Hisso A. POP: 1 [13373] c/n 2; reg expired 9/1/38. A news article stated it was christened "Who'd Of Thunk It?" ( John M Jarratt 11/30/07)
AC-2 1932 = 2pCB; 90hp Lambert. Claude Hahn, Maurice McMechan. McMechan was a Western Airlines pilot, as well as chief instructor at Yakima Flying Club. POP: 1 [12723] c/n 1; reg expired 2/15/35.
(A B) McMullen Aircraft Corp/Aviation School, Tampa FL.
Mac Airliner 1928 = 7pCM; 400hp Liberty 12; span: 54'6" length: 38'3" load: 2500# v: 145/120/55 range: 750.
MC-1 19?? = 1pOB; 100hp Curtiss OXX-6. [820].
MC-2 19?? = No data. [495] c/n 4.
Francis B McNeal, Hartington NB.
21 1932 = 2pOM; 60hp Ford. [12552].
John Bayard McPherson IV, Old Welsh Rd, Abington PA.
Model 1 1933 = 2p monoplane; 170hp Jacobs; ff: 7/8/33. [NC2733] c/n MP-1. Reg cancelled 7/31/34.
Walter C McRae, Grove City MN.
1927 = 1pOhwM; 80hp LeRhône rotary. Although underpowered for its large size, the plane, constructed around the empennage and landing gear of a Curtiss JN-4D, performed well enough, but was stripped by souvenir hunters when left unattended at an air show. Rebuilt in 1928, it was destroyed in a windstorm.
Robert W and Earl V McWethy, Dixon IL.
A-2 1932 = 2pChwM; 37hp Continental. [12907].

The plane seems to be a glider fuselage with sliding canopy, engine mounted on struts over the nose. Folding wings, carried on struts over the canopy, could be "adjusted" for landings, had experimental spoilers. First flight was unintentional during pasture taxi trials when Earl McWethy became airborne. He flew around for an hour, but nosed over on landing. With no funds to pay for repairs, plane was dismantled and stored, reportedly "still exists." ( John M Jarratt 4/1/03)
Mead Engineering Co, Colwich KS.
Adventure 100 1978 = 1pClwM; 80hp Continental A-80 (100hp O-200 in 1981); span: 20'0" length: 13'0". POP: 1 [N36ME].
C R Meade, Blackwell OK.
Swallow 1930 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Reconstructed by Meade from a wrecked 1925 Swallow [2442] and granted home-built status with new c/n 1001. Sold and eventually crashed after its engine failed 2/10/37; reg cancelled 5/22/37.
Meadowbrook (or Meadowcroft)
William Meadowbrook or Meadowcroft, no location.
MC-1 Chinook 1960 = 2pCmwM; 90hp Continental; span: 24'0" length: 20'0" v: x/120/x. [N2879D].
Sidney S Means, San Antonio TX.
1933 = 2pOB; 180hp Hisso B. Likely an evolution of the Taper Wing. [11995] c/n 154; reg cancelled 11/15/37 when Means enlisted in USCG. Disposition of ship unknown.
Taper Wing 1932 = OB(?); 180hp Hisso B. [11947] c/n 54; built 9/13/32, dismantled after experimental use and reg cancelled 1/10/33.
C A Allen & John J Meckler, 862 Hewitt Pl, Bronx NY.
Meckler-Allen (Library of Congress archives)
Mr Meckler and Mr Allen (ibid.)
You want wires? You got wires. (ibid.)

The American 1912 = Electrical engineers Allen and Meckler would have beaten everyone across the Atlantic with their $5,000 monster "Hydro-Biplane" if everything worked as planned; however, their trail faded soon after completion of a 104' flying ship with a 76' wingspan and we don't know its ultimate fate. A small article in the New York Times of 9/12/12, the only documentation we could find, told of its "soft steel" (aluminum?) tubing framework and enamel-coated duck covering, and of having four 125hp motors (flight) and one 65hp (surface travel)it had both skids and wheels. Propellers on both sides would work independently so that if one side became "crippled," the other would furnish sufficient thrust. Laden with 5000 lbs of gas, food, and supplies, the pair estimated the trip would take three days at an average of 65 mph. The aft-half of the ship appears to have been dedicated to their complex "wireless array" (well, almost wireless), with a claimed 1000-mile range, that imparted an eerie sci-fi look, like it should be orbiting Earth instead of treading water. Perhaps some day the rest of the story will surface ...
Mike Meger, Marinette WI.
Heli-Star 1971 = 2pCH; 200hp Lycoming HIO-360-CIA; rotor: 29'5" v: 125/110/. [N1135], based on Enstrom F-28.
(Raymond) Melberg, (Conrad) Greenemeier & (Rowan) Ward, 2949 Columbia St, Denver CO; aka Melberg Greenemeier Ward.
Melberg-Greenemeier MG-1 [R15496] (Frank Rezich coll)

MG-1 1936 = 1pOB; 90hp Lambert R-266; span: 16'6" load: 480# v: 144/135/59; ff: 3/4/36. Originally had 50hp Greenemeier-modified Aeromarine. POP: 1 aerobatic sport plane [R15496], sold to a NY exhibition pilot and renamed Snuffy.
Melberg-Greenemeier MG-2 [NX20728] (Ralph Nortell)
Humphreys MG-2 Alameda 1939 (William T Larkins)

MG-2 aka DGA Wilson, Humphreys MG-2 1938 = 1pOB; 145hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 18'6" (?>19'3") load: 613# v: 161/150/60. Ray Melberg, Conrad Greenemeier. POP: 1 I-strutted aerobatic ship for exhibition pilot Tex Rankin; later as DGA Wilson Special (p: Bob Wilson) [NX20728]. Also used in exhibitions by Putnam "Putt" Humphreys (Humphreys Aircraft Corp, La Crescenta CA).
MG-3 1941 = 2pOB; 125hp Menasco C-4; span: 20'0" load: 580# v: 165/155/57. POP: 1 [NX37797] as Turbulent Turkey used in Sammy Mason's post-war "Hollywood Hawks" aerobatics group, flown by Tex Rankin. Resold to Melberg 1950, and rebuilt with Cessna gear and 125hp Menasco.
Mike Melfa, Miami FL.
WCA-1 1976 = 1pClwM; 100hp Continental O-200. Empty wt: 701#. [N70MM].
Clarence C Melton, Kansas City MO.
#1 (Katydid) 1916 = 1p OmwM; 20hp Heath-Curtiss; span: 20'0". Melton's first design, which never became airborne to any recognizable extent.
#3 (Sport) 1934 = 2pOB; 75hp Lambert (also 65hp Velie); span: 22'0" v: 90. POP: 1 [279Y] c/n 2.
Houpisine aka K C Special 1923 = 1pOB; Ford T. Named in a blending of "Houpie," a local nickname for the Model T automobile, and "limousine." Successfully flown around Kansas and Missouri by Melton and others for seven years. [190].
Menasco SEE Smith (Art)
Eugene Mendenhall, Los Angeles CA.
M-1 aka Special 1936 = 1pOhwM; 22.5hp Cyclomotor pusher. Pilot in a pod, twin booms. POP: 1 [16097]. Test-flown by Tony LeVier, its motor quit twice and required forced landings. On its third flight, the motor quit and it crashed to destruction, only slightly injuring LeVier.
Menefee Airways Inc, 2111 Burgundy St, New Orleans LA.
Crescent 1928 = 3pCB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'6". [7642] c/n 100. Sold to Wedell-Williams 3/13/29, then went through many new owners and recoverings in LA and TX until its license expiration on 6/1/38.
SEE ALSO Schroeder-Wentworth
1920: Aerial Service Corp (pres: Henry Kleckler), Hammondsport NY. 1922: Aerial Engr Corp, 1929: Mercury Aviation Co (Harvey Mummert, R W Schroeder & John R Wentworth). 1931: Reorganization (Joseph Meade, Harvey Mummert), ended aircraft production to produce components for LTA craft and, in 1946, switched to manufacturing school buses.
Arrow 1926 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [2396].
Booth Bee Line (Aerial Service Co) 1921 = Company's first production. POP: 2 racers as USN entries in 1922 Pulitzer competition.
Mercury Chic T-2 [NC15N] (Frank Rezich coll)

Chic T-2 1930 (ATC 235, 2-126) = 2pOhwM; 90hp LeBlond; span: 35'8" (?>38'0") length: 23'0" load: 578# v: 115/95/40 range: 380. Harvey Mummert. $4,250; POP: about 15, plus another 12 still unassembled by the end of WW2, all of which were scrapped. Prototype [NC485E] had cowled 55hp Velie. (2-126) superseded by (235).
Mercury CW-1 Junior

CW-1 Junior 1925 = 2-3pOB; 160hp Curtiss C-6A; span: 32'10" length: 22'9" v: 124/x/53. 500# payload for air mail service. Also available with 200hp Wright J-4 as 3p transport. POP: at least 2 [X1917, 2396]. Flown by Mummert in various competitions with great success, even managing to take third place in the 1925 Ford Reliability Tour despite a fuel tank leak.
DW-4 Trainer 1926 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [6527].
Kitten 1928 = 3pChwM; 60hp Mummert. POP: 1 [X5743], repowered with 90hp Warner Scarab, scrapped in 1946.
Mercury S [10360]

S aka Red Racer 1930 = 1pOlwM rg; 90hp Cirrus Mk III; span: 28'0". Harvey Mummert, Otto Kohl. Racer for Cirrus Derby [NR10360] (p: H Mummert). Shows up in 1940 as Mummert Racer.
Mercury S-1 [13223] (Frank Rezich coll)

S-1 aka White Racer 1932 = 1pClwM rg; 110hp supercharged Cirrus Mk III. Racer for the 1933 Chicago Nationals [X13223/N16S].
Senior aka Aerial Mercury Senior 1925 = 1pOB; 400hp Liberty 12; span: 42'11" (lower) 47'1" length: 28'6" load: 1875# v: 125/110/51 range: 500-560. Harvey Mummert. First effort by the company (but given a c/n 15), a mail plane with 1000# cargo capacity. POP: 1 [C40], used by the Post Office until 1928.
Special 1929 = 1pOmwMF; 1250hp Packard experimental. POP: 1 based on Chic T-2.
Standard 1925 = 3-5pOB; 160hp Curtiss C-6A. Modified Standard J-1. POP: probably less than 10.
Thurston Monoplane (Aerial Service Co) 1922 = 3pOhwM; 150hp Hisso A. Arthur L Thurston. POP: 1 for barnstormer Joe Bennett.
Mercury Aircraft Corp (pres: P E Crosby), Fairfax KS. 1932: Bankruptcy.
Mars 1930 (ATC 2-304) = 8pChwM; 420hp P&W Wasp B; ff(?): 5/15/30 (the date reported to CAA as "built.") POP: 1 [NC406V]. Sold to John & Bertha Friel at bankruptcy, then to United States Airways, passed through many owners, including Braniff (1934) and Mid-Continent (1935), until registration cancelled by Reggie Robbins after an accident on 1/23/37 at Ft Worth TX.
1938: Jack B Baumann, Knoxville TN. 1940: Mercury Aircraft Corp (pres: F L Bette, vpres/chief engr: J B Baumann, vpres/gen mgr: Dick Smith), Menominee MI.
B-100 1940 = 4pCB rg; 100hp Allied Monsoon; span: 31'2" length: 24'7" load: 890# v: 125/104/45 range: 520. POP: 1 [NC18160] c/n 1.
Mercury BT-120 [NC33390] (1941 Aero Digest)
Mercury BT-120 [NX20471] (Joe Juptner coll)

BT-120 Aerobat 1939 (ATC 744) = 2pOB; 120hp Ken-Royce 7G; span: (upper) 27'5" (lower) 31'5" (?>31'2") length: 23'8" load: 567# (?>525#) v: 110/95/47 (?>115/100/47) range: 300 ceiling: 10,000'. Jack Baumann (who left the company in 1942, resurrected the design as the post-war Baumann Brigadier). Negative-stagger wings (12" stagger) with front cockpit forward of leading edge. POP: 3; [prototype NX20471, NC33900, NC34230] c/ns 1/3. The prototype had full-panted wheels, the second was the first one built on production tooling and it performed all the flight testing requirements for CAA's issuance of ATC 744 in July 1941. At that time the company had begun fabricating parts for 10 airplanes but only one more BT-120 completed, c/n 3, which was converted to an iceboat at Menominee in the early 1950s and later scrapped. Jack Baumann left the company shortly after the ATC was issued and, after a short stint at Franklin Sailplane Co in Chicago, went to work for Lockheed Aircraft in Burbank CA. Meanwhile, funding was drying up for Mercury Aircraft and it closed the doors about 1942, but with all debts paid. Documented info supplied by Gene Horsman, who is at this date restoring [NC33900] to flying status (5/16/06)
Mercury Air SEE Ast
Merganser SEE Van Dine
1963: (Edwin W) Merkel Airplane Co, Wichita and Valley Center KS. 1973: Ended operations.
Mark II, IIA 1963 or 1973 = 2pOB; 220hp Franklin 6A-350-C1; span: (upper) 25'6" (lower) 24'6" length: 22'9" v: 206/125/55; ff: 4/11/73. [N38225]. Empty wt: 1200#. Mark IIA had 180hp Lycoming O-360. POP unknown, possibly just 1.
A J Merle, Alameda CA, and Hans P Nielson, Santa Clara CA.
1910 = 2pOB; 60hp Cameron pusher; span: 30'0". Built by Nielson for Merle, this appears to be an oversized Curtiss (wing area of 740 sqft, compared to Curtiss' 268 sqft), test-hopped it at Stockton, where it did just thathopped a few feet off the ground before Merle decided not to push his luck any further. The craft was disassembled and stored in his basement until it faded away.
1926: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA. 1931: (Albert A) Merrill Aircraft Co, Pasadena and Long Island NY.
Merrill CIT-9 [NX34358] (Drina Welch Abel coll) and [X5665]
Merrill Safety Plane 1931 version in a hands-off landing [X10295] (Museum of Flight coll)

CIT-9 Safety Plane 1926 = 1pOB; 45hp Kinner; span: 24'0" v: 75. Prof Albert Merrill; the first one built by Lloyd Royer. A short-coupled experiment in variable decalage and stagger, adjustable in flight. POP: 9 in all up to 1931, of which one was a monoplane; all flew to some extent or other [X5665, X10295, NX34358, et al]. A notable version, painted green and nicknamed "The Pickle," was demonstrated at the 1928 National Air Races.
Herbert J Merrill, San Diego CA.
1931 = 1pOmwM; 40hp Continental A-40. [X12200] c/n A-100. Experimental license for "testing new type of landing gear." Reg cancelled 2/1/32.
(Glenn) Messer Aeronautical Industries Inc. 1928: Southern Aircraft Corp, Birmingham AL.
1927 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. POP: 1 prototype for Air Boss [5669] c/n 1-A.
Raoul Messier, Andover CT.
Snipe PT101 Serial 2 1970 = 2pClwM; 135hp Lycoming O-290-D; span: 38'0" load: 600#. Empty wt: 900#. Based on Philippine Aircraft Snipe, built 1938 by Messier in the Philippines, powered by 85hp LeBlond and designed by Col Jimmie Lambert, who was killed in the crash of a Cessna, putting the Philippine Aircraft Co out of business.
Metal SEE Flamingo
No name, Malden MA.
c.1909 = 1pOH; span: 48'0" length: 22'0". Two tiltable, 20' propellers (rotors?) were set 8' apart on the same shaft, rotating in opposite directions. It was claimed able to "fly in any direction."
Meteoric Aeroplane Co, no location.
1911 = No data.
Wilbur C Methvin, Lawrenceburg TN & Kermit Parker, Atlanta GA.
Methvin XP-101 [X15552] (Frank Rezich coll)

XP-101 1935 = 2pChwM; 90hp Brownback. Rebuilt as a monoplane from a Fleet; originally had 125hp Kinner B-5 [X15552].
George W Meyer, Corpus Christi TX.
Meyer Little Toot Prototype [N61G] (Robert A Brown)

Little Toot 1957 = 1pOB; 90hp Continental C-90; span: 19'0" length: 16'6" load: 346# v 127/110/55 range: 350 ceiling: 16,500'; ff: 2/5/57 [N61G] c/n 1. Optional sliding bubble canopy. Also with 125hp Lycoming (v: 135/120/55) and 150hp Lycoming (v: 150/135/x). Marketed plans for home-builders.
Les K Meyer, Enumclaw WA.
Aero Model A 1979 = 2pChwM; 100hp Continental O-200;; span: 25'0" length: 20'0" load: 443# v: 140/125/48. Empty wt: 857#. POP: ??; 3 known flying early 1982 [N29LM, et al].
Clair O Meyer, Bay Minette AL.
P-51B 1980 = 2/3-scale P-51 Mustang. 2pClwM rg; 200hp Ranger 440-6; span: 24'10" length: 21'4" load: 529# v: 253/202/80; ff: 9/19/80. Empty wt: 1296#. POP: 1 [N51BM].
Otto Meyerhoffer, Oroville CA.
1910 = 1pOB. No data, but described as looking like a Montgomery glider with two wings, Meyerhoffer's design was built by California Aero Mfg Co (qv) and proved to have remarkable stability and strength. It successfully toured the Central Valleys for many years, giving Californians there their first sight of a flying machine.
George F Meyes, Columbus OH.
Orthopter c.1906 = no data.
Charles W Meyers, Greensboro NC.
Meyers Midget in reconstruction (Drina Welch Abel coll)

Midget 1926 = 1pOB; 32hp Bristol Cherub; span: (upper) 16'8" (lower) 12'0" length: 13'2" load: 176# v: 100. Tapered wings, underslung lower wing; stilt-like landing gear; unusual construction technique in using a girder and bulkhead arrangement for the all-wood, rigid-truss fuselage. Built in the Kreider-Reisner shops. Demonstrated at the 1926 Nationals, but was forced down with carburetor problems. Later destroyed in a crash following a motor failure.
1939: (Allen H) Meyers Aircraft Co, Romulus and Tecumseh MI. 1966: Sold rights and tooling to Aero Commander, Albany GA; design and rights in turn to North American Rockwell (Aero Commander Div).
200 1953 = 4pClwM rg; 225hp Continental O-470M; Evolved from MAC-145. ATC awarded in 1958. POP: 1 prototype.
Meyers 200A [N484C] (Eddie Coates)

200A 1959 = 260hp IO-470D; span: 30'6" length: 24'5" load: 1045# v: 208/200/62 range: 1270 ceiling: 18,000'. POP: 11.
200B 1960 = Minor changes, new instrument panel. POP: 17.
200C 1963 = Larger cabin and windshield, deluxe interior. POP: 9.
Meyers 200D [N216M] (Dan Shumaker)

200D 1965 = 285hp IO-520A; flush-riveted wings. POP: 8, plus 77 built as Aero Commander 200D.
MAC-124 1947 = 2pClwM rg; 145hp Continental C-145; span: 30'0" length: 20'10". POP: 1.
Meyers MAC-126 [NX34358] (James Easton)

MAC-125, -126 1947 (TC 3A1) = 125hp Continental C-125; load: 585# v: 142/120/45 range: 500. Side-by-side seating. POP: 1 [NX34358], also seen as MAC-126C.
Meyers MAC-145 [N34360] (Dan Shumaker)

MAC-145, -200 1953 (TC 3A1) = 145hp Continental C-145; span: 30'0" length: 21'10" load: 713# v: 162/x/60 range: 600 (1000 with auxiliary tanks). POP: 20. Later supplied with 225hp O-470 as MAC-200.
Meyers ME-165 [NX34346] (1943 Aircraft Year Book)

ME-165 1942 = 2pOlwM; 165hp Warner Super Scarab; span: 30'0" length: 21'8" load: 630# v: 135/115/45 range: 350. Military trainer with tandem seats; wire-braced, fabric-covered wood, inverted gull-wing; fixed landing gear with individual legs. POP: 1 [NX34346].
O-2 SEE Jackson O-2.
Meyers OTW-125 Prototype [X15784]
OTW-125 1936 (ATC 2-550) = 2pOB; 125hp Warner Scarab; span: 30'0" length: 22'8" load: 580# v: 115/100/40 range: 350. Allen Meyers (OTW = "Out To Win"). $3,500; POP: 2; prototype [X15784] with cowling and wheel pants, and [NC23799]. ATC issued in 1938.
OTW-145 1940 (ATC 736) = 145hp Warner Super Scarab; length: 22'7" load: 633# v: 120/105/42 range: 310. $6,700; POP: see next. One repowered with 120hp Ken-Royce 7-G [NC26490]. ATC issued in 1941.
Meyers OTW-160 [NC34340] (William T Larkins)

OTW-160 1940 (ATC 736) = 160hp Kinner R-56; length: 22'6" load: 585# v: 120/108/45 range: 275. POP total OTW-145/-160: 102.
M F P Steel Constructed Aeroplanes, New York City; construction by Polson Iron Works Ltd, Toronto Canada.
M-F-P (ad: 1916 Flying)

1916 = 2pOB; 125hp Hall-Scott. Walter H Phipps. Steel-tube frame, no other data or specs. Initials for founders J B Miller, Walter L Fairchild, and Phipps.
MGH (William Monahan, Henry W Gastman, Behrend H Hallen), Newcastle CA.
LM-1 1928 = 1pOM; 45hp Anzani; span: 23'3" length: 17'6". [7166] c/n 3. Changed hands several times around the Sacramento area before finally being "placed in storage" and reg cancelled 4/17/33.
"By way of the air remains, by the sky we will essay to go." Ovid