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RoamAIRWO-29 Sport 1929 = 2pOB; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 30'1" length: 21'6" load: 590# v: 113/90/30 range: 475. Design based on Waterhouse Roamair (and often mistaken for it), but partly credited to Earl Ovington, hence the "WO" designation. POP: 3 (one magazine article mentions 5 being completed); [595], aka Armton WO-29 c/n 1, [NX796K] with 125hp Warner, and [X12242] in 1931, also seen as Armtron WO-29. RobbinsSilver Wing c.1925 = 2pOM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'0" length: 28'0". Most likely a monoplane rebuild of a Curtiss JN-4 or Standard J-1. [894H] c/n 1sub. Robbins
RobertsSparrowhawk 1929 = 3pOB; 100hp Cameron; span: 29'0" length: 18'9" load: 730# v: 125/100/35. $2,950. AZ Corporation Commission replied 11/14/00 to query from Jarratt: "Could find no records for a corporation by this name." RobertsChinese Bandit 1971 = 1pOlwM; Continental A-65. All-wood, it took three years to build at a cost of $1500. RobertsSceptre I 1983 = 1pClwM; 52hp Rotax 503 pusher; span: 26'5" length: 19'5" load: 375# v: 115/x/45; ff: 11/x/83. Twin booms; [N92RA]. Sceptre II 1985 = Generally identical to Sceptre I but 2p with 85hp Limbach. RobertsonAquaplane 1930 = 1pOhwMF; 32hp (Evinrude?); span: 32'0". While technically not an aircraft, this was an interesting concept of an outboard motor attached to a sled-like hull, which in turn was attached by pivoting booms to a very basic seaplane-like structure. The motor pushed the arrangement along and, at about 30mph, the forward part would rise and fly at an altitude of about 10', laterally controlled by its rudder, vertically by its elevator. POP: 2. Robertson
1973 - STOL conversions of various Cessna and Piper aircraft. Typical examples: RobeySpeed Aire 1930 = Unknown type; 29hp Wright-Morehouse. Might have been a kit or modification of home-builder plans. [X496H] c/n X-131. Robin Hood![]() ![]() c.1916 = Nothing found but a photo of its stall at a 1917 Aero Exposition, which featured what appears to be a mid-wing display model. Robinson
Robinson1909 = 1pOM; 20hp Curtiss; span: 32'9" length: 39'3". Robinson1913 = 1pOhwM; 60hp Robinson. Exhibition aircraft; set an endurance and distance record in 1914 of 4h:44m for 390mi, and was contracted as the government's second air mail carrier. 1915 = 1pOB; 100hp Robertson. Crashed on 3/11/16, ending a brief but notable career. RobinsonSpecial A-1 (or 1-A) 1929 = 2pOB with "special curve-wing design;" 150hp Hisso; span: 28'0" length: 28'0". S D Robinson. [X3442]. According to CAA correspondence, Robinson became ill and never finished the plane. In May 1930, he was reported as deceased, and it went to executor Pearl Robinson, who applied for the ID number, stating that the plane was "still in process of manufacture." With no further reports and the aircraft assumably unbuilt, CAA cancelled the license 2/10/33. RobinsonSailair c.1930 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [468E]. RobinsonBanger Bill 1948 = 1pOlwM; 85hp Continental C-85. Midget racer Suzy Jayne (p: W F Robinson, Lou Russo) [NX83Y], rebuilt from 1933 Brown B-1. Co-sponsored by Ralph Bushey and C F McGrew. Robinson
RobinsonMere Merit 1964 = 2pOB; 145hp Warner; span: 28'0" length: 20'0" load: 500# v: x/120/43 range: 400. A four-fifths replica of Rearwin's Ken-Royce biplane of 1929. [N68270]. The plane was restored in the 1990s and fitted with a 125hp Warner, possibly re-registered [NX400KR]. Robinson
R44 1990 = 4pCH; 260hp Lycoming O-540-F1B5; rotor: 33'0" length: 38'4" load: 980# v: 138/132/0 ceiling: 14,000'; ff: 3/31/90. $265,000 (1997); POP: 390. Robinson-Christensen-WrightFirefly c.1930 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. [504] c/n CRW-1. Home-built reportedly not completed to flying status. Roché-Dohse
Rocheville1923 = 1pOhwM. Attractive variable-camber design with a Fokker D.7 top wing by then-Machinist Mate 1c Rocheville while stationed at San Diego. 193? = Type unknown. Appears in registers as "Rochivell" [5922] with a Hisso engine. Consensus is that it's Charlie Rocheville and his Rocheville Special. A 1931 = 2pOM; Axelson. One source states that this was the aircraft specially built for tests with the Deeble Double-Action motor. [12270]. Claimed to be a rebuilt Emsco B-4, previously registered as [X846N].
Flying Wing SEE Emsco B-8. R-2 1930 = 1pOM with 90hp Cirrus, very likely another variable-camber project. [X173W] c/n 2. VC-2 aka VCM-1 1930 = 5pOmwM; 220hp Wright J-5; span: 46'0" length: 30'6". Experimental, variable-camber, Clark-Y wing design with 144sqft expanding wing area and 120sqft of variable trailing edge. POP: 1 [7922] c/n VCM-1, also appears with 150hp Hisso E-2, was possibly modified from Emsco B-4 [X137N]. Rocket SEE Johnson, RegentRock IslandMonarch 26 1961 = ChwM rg; load: 13,000# v: x/305/x range: 2000. Extensively modified executive conversion of Douglas A-26. POP: 4 to 6. Rockvillec.1927 = 4pChwM; 150hp Hisso A. [3299]. RockwellRoehrig1910 = 1pOB; 60-90hp Elbridge pusher; span: 45'0" length: 47'0". Awarded the Knabenshue Cup at the 1910 Aero Club Meet for flying "many times the required distance." Roepkin1928 = 2pChwM; 80hp LeRhône rotary. Constructed at Rinehart-Whelan field, Howard Rinehart cautioned the builder that it was a crudely-built and potentially dangerous plane. Two weeks after it was finished, it ran into the smokestack of the Frigidaire factory at Moraine OH on 10/14/28, killing Roepkin and a friend. [4493]. Rogersc.1910 = OM with circular tube fuselage. No other data found. RogersA-1 1921 = 2pOhwM; 65hp Velie M-5. One of several custom-built planes or modifications, most of them based on surplus Standard J-1s, by Rogers at his Western Ave airports in Los Angeles 1921-23 [15513] (1938 registry). SEE ALSO Airline Arrow. C-1 SEE Pacific-Standard (Venice CA).
Sea Hawk 1929 = 4pOBFb; 150hp Curtiss C-6 pusher; span: 40'0" length: 31'6" load: 1045# v: 90/72/42 range: 500; ff: 1/x/29 (p: George Rommell). Rogers-Day
RohnerAurora 1929 = OM; Lawrance A-3, Szekely in construction late 1930 [97N] c/n 11. Reported to CAA as "building stopped 2/13/30," likely never finished. Reg cancelled 2/23/34 as dismantled. RohrFred H Rohr was the person who designed and built the fuel tanks for Lindbergh's NYP Ryan. SEE ALSO "If He Had Only Known" in The Lighter Side. In 1974, Rohr Chairman Burt Raynes resolved to move Rohr into the light airplane market offering an undeniably superior product by summoning Walt Mooney as designer and project manager to come up with a quantum leap in light aircraft technology. It would have better performance, greater safety, accessibility and comfort, greater economy, and lower production cost than any competitor. Mooney selected the best people Rohr had, including key players Bill Chana, Bob Fronius, Mike Voydisch, and Don Westergren, and built three airframestwo flying prototypes and a static testerplus 1/10- and 1/2-scale models for feasibility tests. By the time the project ended (for reasons having nothing to do with the merits of the airplane), one prototype had accumulated 23 hours in the air. ( F Marc de Piolenc)
MR-1 (?>MO-1) 1946 = 2pCmwM rg?; 85hp Continental C-85; v: x/135/x. B F Haynes (?>Raines), Frank McGreery. Bulbous-bodied canard layout with V-tail, tricycle gear, wing with slots. Originally tried with 36hp Aeronca E-113, then 65hp C-65. PB2Y-3R 1945 = 44p conversion for Naval Air Transport Service of Consolidated PB2Y-3 with turrets removed, side hatch added. POP: 10. Rolland1914 = 1pOmM; Curtiss OXX and twin tractor props. Tubelike fuselage, with lateral balancing by automtic stabilizers in the wingtips, compensating shutters that were open and closed by a pendulum mounted at the plane's c/g. An engine-driven pump supplied compressed air through tubes to the shutters when activated by the pendulum. Its test flight in Apr 1914 ended in disaster when the pendulum took its job too seriously at 50' and overcontrolled the plane into the ground, damaging it beyond economical repair. Romair SEE RoamAIR, WaterhouseRomano
Roos SEE American Eagle, LincolnRootSport 1928 = 2pOB; 80hp LeRhône rotary. POP: 1 [X182E]. Rose, Hannaford
A-2P 1938 = 50hp Poyer.A-3F 1938 = As A-1, but with 60hp Franklin.
A-4, -4C 1949 = 65hp Continental A-65; load: 270# v: 115/100/40. $2,775; later Continental C-85 (v: 120/120/40) for $2,885, POP: 4. Design revived as aerobatic Rhinehart-Rose A-4C Parakeet in 1973 with Continental O-200; $10,500, POP: 5. RosenhanModel A 1937 = 2pOM; 50hp Tank. [13395] c/n 1. Sold to Granite School District, Salt Lake City, 9/29/43 as [N13395]; reg cancelled 9/19/49. Roshonc.1906 = Undescribed entrant in 'Flying Machine' events at Intl Aeronautic Tournament, St Louis MO, 21-24 Oct 1907.
RoteronRoteron Inc, CA. X-100 c.1946 = 1pCH; 25hp 5-cyl Noble; rotor: 15'3" v: 110. Gross wt: 240#. An attractive, minuscule, all-metal "Hoppi-copter" coaxial design was presented in a publicity photo as available for "$2,800 in limited production." Apparently very limited. Roth
RothA 1936 = 2pCM; 60hp Roth. POP: 1 [14890]. Rotorcraft
Dragonfly 1953 = 2-4pCH; Lycoming O-235; rotor: 18'0" length: 15'0" . Bubble-nosed design with fore and aft rotors. This was a development of USAF X-2A design for military evaluation, and there is no extant production data. Company also had plans in development for 4p, 12p, and 24p commercial helicopters. Heli-Jeep c.1950 = 2pCH; 275hp; v(est): x/100/0 range: 250. Twin rotors. No confirmation found that this was actually built.
XR-11, XH-11 Dragonfly 1947 = 2pCH; 100hp Continental A-100; rotor: 18'3" length: 15'3" load: 560# v: 109/91/0 range: 100. Redesignated XH-11 in 1948. POP: 1. Rotor MasterDarby D-5G Boomerang 1964 = 2pOAg; 125hp Lycoming O-290-G (more recently 65hp Continental); rotor: 25'0" (?>26'0") length: 9'0" load: 400# v: 120/75/x range: 290-320; ff: 7/x/64. [N1325] c/n 5. FAA data conflicts, showing it built in 1968. One of us is right. Rotor SportCoupe RSH-1A 1978 = 2pCH; 155hp modified GM V-6 auto engine; rotor: 24´0" length: 29'0" (fuselage: 20'0") load: 455# v: 110/80/0 range: 384; ff: 12/18/78. RotorWayNote: Seven models were built from 1965 as Javelin before the first aircraft was sold to the public in 1967. The company, through two ownerships, stands as the oldest manufacturer of kit helicopters. Elite 1990 = No data. POP: 3. Exec 1980 = First to enclose the body and tail boom. POP: 1.
Scorpion One 1967 = 1pOH; 85hp OMC V-4 boat motor. POP: 2, the second of which had 115hp OMC, longer tail boom, and aluminum rotor blades.
Scorpion 133 1974 = 1pCH; four-cycle RotorWay RW-133. POP: 3, with engine modifications as RW-145 (1978) and -152 (1979), and a longer blade on the second. Rotorwing
RouffaerR-6 1937 = 2pClwM; 80hp experimental; span: 31'0" length: 21'1" load: 534# v: 130/116/47 (?>133/112/44) range: 450. Kenneth Blackwell. Full-cantilever wing, teardrop-shaped fuselage; all-metal frame, fabric covered. POP: 1; dismantled to satisfy creditors, ended up being burned by the Oakland Port Commission [NX13393]. Rousch1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 29'3" length: 24'0". One of two reworked JN-4Ds, this one modifed with single-bay wings [6530] c/n 2; judged unsatisfactory and dismantled 10/x/28. Two others registered as "Rousch Biplane" were a 1927 copy of a Waco 9 [3297] c/n 1 (later s/n 1168), and [3298] c/n 786, which was either a stock Waco 10 or possibly one modified by the brothers. Rouse1928 = 5pOM; 150hp Hisso A (one source says Wright J-5); span: 41'0" length: 27'6". Built up by Rouse ("The Flying Artist") from a JN-4 fuselage with widened cockpits and a constructed wing. [5761]; dismantled 1930 and reported sold. Rover![]() ![]() 1961 = 2pCmwM; pusher. Fiberglass canard delta design spotted by a young Mike O'Leary at Hemet-Ryan (CA) airport in the late '60s. Said to be a design of C G Taylor of Taylorcraft fame (nothing supportive was found in our Taylor reference file) and built at Ventura CA. Painted dark blue with white trim. Also reportedly flew briefly a few times, but not very well, and appears to have been abandoned. O'Leary mentioned reg of [N9959C], but his photo shows otherwise. RowinskiRacer 1932 = 1pOmwM; 115hp Milwaukee Tank V-8; span: 24'6" length: 19'6"; ff: 2/6/32 (p: Karl Martin). Built for Oscar Schmidt as Miss Milwaukee, [12094 (never had an NR registration)] c/n M-200, was eventually refitted with Wright J-6. Often identified as TM-1, its basic frame was used in a rebuild of the that plane. TM-1 Sport 1934 = 1pOlwM; 165hp Continental A-70; v: 200. Built as a Gee Bee-style racer, it never competed [NX/NR12992] c/n LWM-1. Repowered with 140hp Jacobs; damaged beyond economical repair in a 1937 landing accident at Tulsa OK and reportedly sold for scrap. RoyalBird 1926 = 2pOswB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Michael Gregor. Start of the Bird line, it went to Minnesota and disappeared from the records. POP: 1 [N4997]. Was assigned c/n 100; however, the same c/n was also used on the first Brunner-Winkle model in 1928 [X7878]. RoyalTrainer 1929 = 2pO/ChwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 34'0" length: 25'0" load: 535# v: 105/85/30 range: 400. Continuation of Capital Trainer. Optional 90hp LeBlond 7D as a floatplane. POP: 1 known [X795K]. Royal
Duster A-1 1930 = 1pM ag plane with Wright J-5, no specs found. Reportedly built from an unspecified 6pChwM. POP: 1 [NR175W]; accident at Tucson AZ on 8/9/30, reg cancelled. Roza
Rubel1911 = Various copies of Curtiss, Farman and Blériot planes were built or supplied in component form by this supply house with prices advertised from about $175 to $550, less powerplant. This type of activity was marginally permissible, as long as the word "type" was used with the designers' names to avoid any confusion with the originals. Rummell1929 = 2pOhwM; LeRhône rotary. Broad Bellanca-like wing struts. [6890]. RunnelsRuby RR-1 1967 = 2pClwM; 150hp Lycoming O-320-A2B; span: 26'4" length: 22'0" v: x/115/60, ff: 7/4/67. POP: 1 [N447RR]. RupeR-6 Mate 1934 = 2pOM; 60hp Lawrance L-4. Home-built [13544]. RupertRussel (1929) SEE Matthieu-RusselRussell
RusselAggie 1965 = 1pOAg; pusher engine with shrouded prop. Developed from BR-1. [N4775T]. BR-1 1963 = 1pOAg; pusher engine; v: 90/70/8 range: 125. Built and flown by Cletus Hargis, Girardeau MO. [N4654T]. RussellSport 1931 = 1pOhwM; 25hp Henderson, later replaced with 50hp Salmson 9AD. Parasol-wing. [259V] c/n 23570. Also seen as Russell Light Monoplane and, for reasons unknown (to us), Enos Parasol, which was the most recent registration. RussellAcro c.1975 = 2pClwM; 230hp Lycoming O-360. Built for Wayne Parrish. Rust1934 = 1pOM; 65hp Velie. [11996]. RutanRyan, Ryan-Douglas, Ryan-Flamingo, Ryan-StandardRyan MechanicsLone Eagle CM-1 1928 = 5pChwM; 200hp Wright J-4B; span: 37'6" length: 29'3" (?>28'0") load: 1050# v: 125/105/40 range: 735. Looked somewhat like an oversized Spirit of St Louis,with elements from Ryan B and Waterhouse Cruizaire. Otto Timm, William Waterhouse. Built at Vail Field in East Los Angeles. Full-cantilever wing. Claimed to be the first plane in the world having a structure composed entirely of welded steel tubing [NX4041]. Repowered with 220hp J-5 and 260hp Salmson. SEE Federal. RysonST-100 Cloudster 1977 = Powered sailplane. 2pClwM; 100hp Continental O-200; span: 57'8" length: 25'7" v: 150/135/43. All-metal construction. POP: 1 [N2RY] STP-1 Swallow 1972 = Powered cruising sailplane. 2pCmwM rg; 76hp CE-2200 Barker-converted VW pusher; span: 57'1" length: 24'4" load: 476# v: 124/57/50 range: 400. [N6F].