REVISED: 2/11/09
Stabilaire Inc (Albert J Downs), Wenham MA.
Stabilaire A [C853Y] (Win Jackson)

A 1930 = 2pOlwM; Szekely SR-3, replaced by 55hp Rover. POP: 1 prototype [853Y], c/n A-1-30. Reg cancelled 6/15/31, fate unknown.
Anthony Stadlman & J E Roth, Chicago IL.
Exhibition Biplane c.1913 = 1pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX; v: 80/x/35. Chance Vought. Destroyed in a crash in Lake Michigan 1914.
Location unknown.
Triplane 1910 = Three wings forward, three wings aft, span for all: 25'0" length: 40'0". Twin chain-driven pusher props had "variable pitch." No other data.
T G Stafford, Black Mountain NC.
A-2 1933 = 1pOM; 45hp Ford. [11564].
TG Sport 1932 = 1pOB; 38hp Ford A. [11540].
Walter Stafford/Justacrate Airplane Co, Greenville SC.
Justacrate Black Buzzard 1930 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Ford Model A. Parasol-wing, home-built lightplane [362V], deserves special mention for its candor in the choice of a name.
Wilbur Staib, Carthage MO.
Airy-Plane 1966 = 1pOhwM; two 10hp West Bend; span: 14'0" length: 14ยด0" load: 165# v: 60/60/35. [N11V].
DM 19?? = Home-built aerobatic aircraft. 1pOB; 65hp Continental; v: 140. [N9V].
Kelley Little Dea-Dea SEE Carpenter.
LB-1 Special 194? = 1pOB; 85hp Continental; span: 17'0" length: 14'0" v: x/110/50.
Special aka Little Bit 194? = 1pOlwM; 85hp Continental; span: 7'6" length: 11'0". Empty wt: 390#. POP: 1 [N9V]. Built in competition with Ray Stits JA-1A Junior as "World's Smallest Airplane." Became later biplane with span of 13'0".
Jerry Stallings, Houston TX.
Air Master 1994 = 2pClwM rg; 150hp Textron-Lycoming O-320; span: 26'6" length: 21'0" v: 238/200/x range: 1000.
Standard, Standard-Caproni, Standard-DH Standard-Handley-Page, Gates-Day Standard
1916: Standard Aero Corp, Plainfield NJ. 1917: Standard Aircraft Corp. 1920: Ended operations, inventory sold to Nebraska Aircraft Co. 1928: Reorganized as (Ivan R) Gates-(Charles H) Day Aircraft Co, Paterson NJ. 1929: Reorganized as Standard Aircraft Corp to build New Standard line, aka Gates-Day Standard.
Standard E-1 (USAF Museum)

E-1, M-Defense 1918 = Pursuit Trainer. 1pOB; 80hp LeRhône and 100hp Gnôme-Rhône; span: 24'0" length: 18'5". POP: 128; 33 (?>30) with Gnôme Rhône (load: 385# v: 105/x/53 range: 200 ceiling: 14,500') [AS33769/33770, AS44542/44574, AS47515], 75 (?>98) with LeRhône (load: 329# v: 100/x/53 range: 180 ceiling: 14,500') [AS49133/49207], with 3 of those retitled M-Defense [44575/44577] ([AS49156/49212] are also seen in some records as M-Defense, but those conflict with E-1 s/ns). Underpowered, none saw combat service. Three were converted in 1919 with lengthened fuselages as MAT experimental radio-controlled aerial torpedoes and reregistered [64228/64230].
E-4 1918 = Redesignated JR-1B as a post-war 1p mail plane with 150hp Wright-Hispano A and a longer top wing.
GD-24 (Gates-Day) 1928 (ATC 2-38) = 3-5pOswB; 180hp Hispano E; span: 45'0" length: 26'0" load: 1305# v: 105/90/35. Charles H Day. Three cockpits; ff: 8/24/28 (p: Clyde Pangborn). Optional 220hp Hispano E. POP: 3 [C193E c/n 102, NC442 c/n 103, X7286 c/n 101], the first two becoming New Standard D-24. Possibly also included [C2220].
H-1 1916 = Assumed production of Sloan H-1.
H-2 1916 = Army recon. 2pOB; 125hp Hall-Scott A-5; span: 40'6" length: 28'3" v: 83. Modified from Sloan H-2. POP: 3 [AS82/84].
H-3 1917 = Army trainer. 2pOB; 150hp Hispano A; span: 43'10" (?>40'1") length: 26'7" (?>27'0") load: 513# v: 85. Continuation of Charles H Day's Sloan H-2 design, with swept-back, equal-span wings. POP: 13 [AS85/93, 137/140]. These, like J-1 and Curtiss JN-4, were the basis of countless modifications as surplus civil aircraft after the war.
H-4-H 19?? = POP: 3.
HS-2L 19?? = USN flying boat. Contract-built Curtiss HS-2. POP: 350.
J 1916 = 2pOB; 90hp Hall-Scott A-7. First production model, with pronounced overhang in the top wing. Army contract model, many of which were sold surplus after WW1.
Standard J-1 [N2826D] (K O Eckland)

J-1, SJ-1 1917 = Army trainer developed from H-3. 2pOB; 100hp Hall-Scott A-7A or 180hp Hispano E; span: 43'10" length: 26'2" (26'7" with Hispano) load: 513# v: 72/64/40 range: 350 ceiling: 15,000'. Charles H Day. SJ-1 had an anti-noseover tricycle gear. Many surplused into civil use after WW1. Second production model; government cost: about $8,000. POP total: 1,601 as SJ-1 included those also built by Dayton-Wright (400), Fisher Body Works (400), and Wright-Martin (51) [AS193/208, 957/1056, 1660/2403, 4477/4994, 22403/22803, 41208/41357].
Standard JR-1B US Mail
Standard JR-1B [AS42114] (1919 Air Power)

JR-1, -1B 1917 = 2p Army advanced trainer, but boldly referred to by the company as "Pursuit." Revised J-1/SR-1 with 175hp Hall-Scott A-5; load: 546# v: 85. POP: 6 as JR-1 [AS25804, 34225/34229] and 6 to US Mail Service in 1918 as JR-1B with 150hp Wright-Hisso A (v: 90) [AS42111/42116].
Standard SJ [6703] (Aero Digest)
Standard SJ [NC6703] (Frank Rezich coll)

SJ 1916 = Civil trainer, modified from J-1 as 2pOhwM, with 90hp Curtiss OX-5 and Sikorsky-designed wing. POP: ?? [5469, 6703 c/n UNW-9, et al].
Twin Hydro aka TH-D 1917 = 2pOMF; 125hp Hall-Scott A-5a; span: 69'2" length: 33'4" v: 78. Twin floats. POP: 1 [AS364].
-Caproni Ca.46 1918 = Army bomber of Italian design, built under license. 3pOB; three 350hp Liberty 12 (two tractors and one pusher; span: 76'9" length: 41'2" (?>41'5") load: 4650# v: 103/94/x range: c.400 ceiling: 14,760'. Unusual twin-fuselage design with a central half-fuselage pod for crew and the pusher engine; triple fins. Saw no war service. POP: 2 [AS40070/40071], plus 1 built by Fisher Body Works [AS42119]. Jane's and Fahey claim 5 built (3 by Fisher), but no s/ns were found for another two.
-de Havilland DH-4 1918 = Contract-built DH-4 with similar data. POP: 140 as trainers; 860 more cancelled by Armistice.
Standard-Handley-Page Langley (Aviation & Aeronautical Engr via Joe Martin)

-Handley-Page O/400 1918 = License-built British bomber design with two 350hp Liberty 12-N tractors. Built as components from 1917, 107 were shipped to Great Britain in 1918 mainly for use as spare parts. In 1919, 8 were assembled for the Army [AS62445/62451, x]; span: 100'0" length: 62'10" load: 3704# v: 96.

One dubbed Langley was an early O/100 sample component (airframe B9449) assembled for publicity purposes and, adorned with crossed British and American flags on the nose and its name on the sides,.flew to 3500' in a half-hour demonstration flight for a crowd of 5,000. ( Joe Martin 2/12/03)
Standard J-1 with Sikorsky wing [NC6703] (Leo Opdyke coll)

-Sikorsky SEE Sikorsky Standard
Standard Steel
Standard Steel Works, Kansas City MO.
1928 - Contractors to build 50 cabin biplanes from plans and a pattern aircraft from United Aircraft Co of Wichita, according to an article in The Kansas Citizen, 12/18/28. The company also announced they were in the process of designing and building their own eight-passenger, all-metal, cantilever-wing monoplane. Persistent research by John M Jarratt into Standard Steel's operation uncovered no further activity or information.
E Graydon Stapp, Alanread TX.
B-1 1936 = 1pOB; 40hp Ford. [13989] c/n ND-1.
Star SEE Chicago Aero
1928: Star Aircraft Div, Phillips Petroleum Co, Bartlesville OK.
Cavalier A 1928 = 2pChwM; 90hp Lambert R-266; span: 31'6" length: 19'8" load: 578# v: 120/100/35 (?>105/87/38). E A "Gus" Riggs, William "Billy" Parker. $3,450; POP: 3. Also with 60hp LeBlond or 75hp Velie for $2,985; v: 105/87/38.
Star Cavalier B Prototype [C7239]

Cavalier B 1929 (ATC 138) = 2pChwM; 55hp Velie M-5; span: 31'6" length: 19'11" load: 538# v: 100/85/40 range: 500. $2,895; POP: 15 [NC24B, NC263K, NC331H, NC350M/351M, C451, C453, C450, NC941E, C960H, C990H, C7239/7249, et al]. Some with 80hp Genet and 90hp Lambert R-266.
Star Cavalier C [NC993H] (Joseph Juptner coll)

Cavalier C 1929 (ATC 255) = 2pChwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D with similar data for $2,985; POP: 1 [NC993H].
Cavalier D 1929 (ATC 2-191) = 2pChwM; 80hp Genet. POP: 2.
Star Cavalier E [NC71W] (Aerofiles coll)
Star Cavalier E Wing antennae [NC10359] (Dan Shumaker coll)

Cavalier E 1930 (ATC 321) = 2pChwM; 90hp Lambert R-266; length: 19'8" load: 550# v: 105/87/38 range: 360. $3,450; POP: 13 [NC9E, NC13E, NC71W, NC350V, NC397V, NC636W, NC678W, NC980N, NC10359, NC10535, NC10583, NC10585, NC11007].
Cavalier F 1930 = 2pChwM; Warner Jr. [69W].
Star Aviation, New Braunfels TX.
Lone Star Sport Helicopter 1990 = 1pH; 64.4hp Rotax 582; two-blade rotor: 21'5" length: 13'11" load: 330# v: 90/65/0; ff: 10/18/90.
Starfire Aviation Inc, Tempe AZ.
Firebolt Convertible 1987 = 2pO/CB; 340hp Textron Lycoming IO-540; span: 24'0" length: 21'0" load: 646# v: 214/202/x range: 600; ff: 5/15/87. Aerobatic, highly-modified Steen Skybolt; enclosed cockpit option.
1993: Star-Kraft, Ft Scott KS.
700 1995 = 8pClwM rg; two 350hp Teledyne Continental 550A pusher/tractor; v: 403/345/x range: 1520; ff: 1/x/95. Props in nose and tail. Also tried with 500hp Orenda 600. POP: 1 prototype [N700SK].
700-SE (1997 projected) = Single-engine version of 700.
Star-Lite Aircraft Inc, San Antonio TX (and STOLL Aviation, The Netherlands). 1990: Ended production.
SL-1 1983 = 1pClwM; 40hp Rotax 447; span: 21'6" length: 16'5" load: 250# v: 140/100/42 range: 400; ff: 5/17/83. Kits for home-builders. POP: 35 were flying by Feb 1988.
Starling (aka Waldron)
1928: Waldron Aircraft & Mfg Co, 224 N 1st St, Minneapolis MN. 1929: Starling Aircraft Co. 193?: Benton Harbor MI.
H-11 1928 = 3pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 32'0" length: 23'6" load: 823# v: 104/95/30 range: 400. Orville Hickman, modified from his Pheasant design; ff: 6/4/28 (p: Gene Shank). $3,000. [X5316].
H-12 Imperial 1928 = 3pChwM; 265hp Menasco-Salmson. [371] c/n 2. Also noted as 5pChwM with 220hp Wright J-5; destroyed when it hit a snowbank on take-off.
Robert H Starr, Phoenix AZ. 19??: Bumble Bee Enterprises. Mesa AZ.
Starr Bumble Bee II (magazine clip)

Bumble Bee I, II 19??/1988 = 1pOB; 85hp Continental C-85; span: (I) 6'6" (II) 5'6" length: (I) 9'4" (II) 8'10" v: 180/150/80 range: 30 (3-gal tankage) ceiling: 5,000'. Gross wt (II): 396#. Claimed as the smallest-ever piloted aircraft and earning a place as such in Guiness Book of Records, production cost $6,500. II crashed after an engine failure on 5/8/88, reported as "totally destroyed," but apparently was restored for display at Pima Air Museum. Starr was also involved in the construction and flight of the Stits Sky Baby.
Starwing Co/American Aviation Corp, Massillon OH.
Starwing G-4 [X5529] (ad Nov 1928 Aviation)

G-4 1929 = 2pOlwM; 60hp LeBlond 5D; span: 29'0" length: 23'0" load: 306# v: 105/95/35. Phil Goembel. $2,885; POP: 1 [X5529]; possibly one other.
William H Statler, Northridge CA.
Dos Equis Challenger 1982 = 1pClwM rg; 2100hp P&W R-2800-97; span: 31'7" length: 30'8". Modified North American SNJ-5 as racer in unlimited class.
Firefly 1976 = 2pClwM; 85hp Continental C85-12F; span: 19'2" length: 18'11" load: 465# v: 240/143/63 range: 400; ff: 10/8/76 (p: Al Foss) [N711FF]. Plans and construction manuals for home-builders. Statler also designed 1948 Foss Special Jenny and 1949 Kistler Special La Lolita (qv).
1929: States Aircraft Co, 1633 Wentworth Ave, Chicago Heights IL. 1933: Center TX. 1937: Ended operations.
B-2 1930 (ATC 2-254) = 2pOhwM; 75hp Michigan-Rover. POP: 2 [X541V, NC625W]. The latter, as c/n 1, was registered as States Monoplane in 1930 by Mountain States Aircraft Co, Waynesville WV, which might have been a distributor.
States B-3 [NC12043] (Frank Rezich coll)

B-3 aka S-E-5 1930 (ATC 349, 2-438) = 2pOhwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 32'0" length: 22'0" load: 552# v: 108/90/35 range: 325. Frederick Jolly. $3,645; POP: 6 [NC943N, NC10369, NC10556, NC10719, NC10723, NC12043], possibly a few more.
States B-4 [NC12984] (Paul Matt coll)

B-4 (ATC 477) 1932 = 2pOhwM; 125hp Kinner B-5; span: 32'0" length: 22'0" load: 555# v: 115/97/38 range: 290 ceiling: 15,000'. $4,000; POP: about 5 [NC11984, NC12902, NC12984, et al], most of which were manufactured in Texas.
State Securities SEE Arrow
O L Stauffer, Elkhart IN.
Stauffer Gyroplane (EAA)

Gyroplane 1939 = 1pOBAg. Revolving upper wing locked in place to convert the aircraft into a biplane. Any connection with Herrick?
Stearman, Boeing-Stearman,
Stearman-Hammond, Stearman-Northrop
Stearman-Jensen SEE Ariel
1931: (Lloyd) Stearman-(Walter) Varney Inc, San Francisco Bay Airdrome, Alameda CA.
Sport 1931 = OB; 300hp P&W Wasp Jr. Company planned to produce the Viking Co airplanes in addition to their own designs. Additionally there was publicity in 1928 about a 17p four-engine design being developed by Stearman for Varney's midwest passenger operationswhat ever came of it?
Norwich CT.
Model A 1909 = 1pOB/T; 35-40hp Cameron pusher; span: 24'0". Convertible from biplane to triplane by the attachment of a middle plane.
Model B 1910 = Same as previous, but with a seven-cylinder Holmes-modified Gnôme rotary, and 6sqft rudder instead of 10sqft.
(James S & Ralph C) Stephens Engineering Co, Chicago IL.
Steco (Minnesota Air & Space Museum coll)
Steco Restoration (Minnesota Air & Space Museum)

Aerohydroplane 1911 = 1pOB or OBF; 50hp Gnôme Omega rotary; span: (upper) 41'8" (lower) 36'0" length: 31'0" v: 50. James Stephens.
Interplane stabilizer panels were non-controllablefor a right turn, the right panel stayed in place and the left panel swung free, and vice-versa. This prevented the aircraft (wings) from sideslipping or stalling. Turning was accomplished by the empennage flight control steering system (not wing-warp) which gimbaled 360 degrees. These was no elevator, rudder, or ailerons. Tricycle gear or twin 11' (?>16') Burgess floats. 1915 US aircraft patent #1,127,105. POP: 1.

All known pictures show two 16' Burgess pontoons. Stored in 1914 and recovered in 1990, the Steco is currently crated in the American Wings Air Museum at Blaine MN, where reassembly began in Feb 2002. It will be fitted with the tricycle landing gear, which incorporates pneumatic shock absorbers, independent main gear brakes, and has nosewheel steering. This is the oldest known complete aircraft recovered in US. The Steco collection is owned by Minnesota Air & Space Museum, St Paul MN. ( Dennis Eggert 2/24/02)
Charles T Stedman et al, South Bend IN.
1929 = 2pCB; 75hp Rover. Harold Scholl. [X294V] c/n 1.

The full story gets a bit cluttered. The plane was the concept of Capt Charles R Bowers; design work was done by Harold L Scholl, formerly of McCook Field, and J W Van Cleve; money was put up by insurance broker Stedman plus Howard and Hugh Woolverton. They bought out (Clyde W) Shockley Flying Service and incorporated as Rainbow Flying Service and Rainbow Aircraft Corp. ( John M Jarratt 10/3/01)
1930 = 3pOB; 110hp Warner Scarab.
(Lamar) Steen Aero Lab Inc, Brighton CO.
Skybolt 1970 = 2pOB; 125-260hp various; span: 24'0" length: 19'0" load: 570# v: x/130/50. Marketed plans and kits for home-builders. POP: c.5,000 plans sold by 1982.
Steenship 1 1966 = 2pClwM; 140hp Lycoming O-290G; v: x/145/60; ff: 7/x/66. Built for aerobatics, 9-G±. POP: 1 [N881LS]. Restored 1988 by Bob Leonard in CA.
Frank Steffan, Los Angeles CA.
Re-inforced Biplane 1910 = 1pOB frame with a large, forward-pointing, triangular plane on the top frame and two aft-pointing triangular, kitelike planes set above it; Curtiss motor chain-driving two pusher props. No other data found.
Stemme GmbH, Germany.
TG-11A 1995 = USAF version of German S-10V powered glider. POP: 2 in service [94-1400, -1500], also as civil [N94FT, N94FW].
Rudolph & Anna Stepanich, Rosedale NY.
1930 = unknown type; Lawrance engine. [871Y].
Center-Wing 1934 = 1pOmwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9. [X14378].
c.1966: Clayton L Stephens, San Bernardino CA. c.1972: Stephens Aircraft, Rubidoux CA. 1977-80: Garry M Zimmerman, Arvada CO (plans only).
Stephens Akro Margaret Ritchie's [N3859] (K O Eckland coll)

Akro 1967 = 1pCmwM; 180hp Lycoming; span: 24'6" length: 19'1" load: 350# v: x/160/55. Aerobatic capability. Marketed home-builder plans for $150.
Stephens & Fisher
Roy Fisher & Glen Stephens, 2600 Onieda St, Denver CO.
Scamp 36 1936 = 1pOM; Salmson AD-9. [15893] c/n 1, sold 2/26/40, dismantled 12/11/40 and sold to Fleetcraft Co (Alexandria MN), who gave it to the Natl Guard as a ground-school instructional airframe. Reg cancelled 4/26/48.
Nme and location unknown.
1929 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Lawrance.
Sterling Edwards SEE Edwards (1939)
B Stevens & Sons, Woonsocket RI.
1911 = Monoplane, no data.
Stevens (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)
Stevens variant (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

1915, 1916 = 2pOBFb; 105hp Sturtevant pusher. No other data found. George Armitage, constructed by Fred Chanonhouse, production superintendent at Sturtevant Co.
Gary L Stevenson, Spenard AK.
Windstreak c.1967 = 2pChwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235-C1; v: 180/160/55. An all-metal design based on Wittman Tailwind [N173G].
1946: Steward-Davis Inc (fdrs: Herb Steward, Stanley Davis), Compton Airport CA. 19??: Gardena CA. 1961: Long Beach CA; business partner with New Frontier Airlift Corp, Phoenix AZ, 1971: New Frontier bankruptcy. 19??: Steward-Davis Intl, Van Nuys CA. 197?: Steward-Davis left the aircraft conversion business, but continued as a company marketing APU technologies.
Jet-Packet 1600 1956 = Civil conversion of Fairchild C-82A with jet-pod added to upper fuselage. two 2100hp P&W R-2800-85 and 1600# Westinghouse J30-W jet-pak. Max take-off wt: 54,000#. POP: at least 3 [N6887C, N6985C].
Jet-Packet 3200 1957 = 1600 converted with two 3200# J30-W in single upper fuselage jet-pak. Weight: 54,000#. POP: 1 [N5095V].
Jet-Packet 3400 1962 = 1600 with single 3250# Westinghouse J34-WE-34 or 3400# WE-36 jet-pak. POP: at least 4.
Jet-Packet II 19?? = Airframe weight reduction to increase cargo weights. Two P&W R-2800CB-16. Application applied to Jet-Packet 1600 or 3400. POP: at least 3, included TWA C-82A Ontos [N9701F].
Jet-Pak C-119 1962 = Civil conversion of Fairchild C-119 with 3400# Westinghouse J34-WE-36 fuselage dorsal jet-pod. Take-off wt: 77,000#. POP: 29 jet-pak kits to US civil operators and 27 to Indian AF.
Skytruck I 1964 = C-82A with higher weights, performance, hot-air de-icing system. Take-off wt: 60,000#. POP: 1 [N74127]. Skytruck brand-name was inspiration for Elleston Trevor's C-82A in the 1964 novel, The Flight of the Phoenix.
Skypallet 1965 = C-82A design with fuselage floor separating from the aircraft from nose to tail for large cargoes; internal hoist. POP: 1 [N4828V].
Stolmaster 1967 = C-119 conversion with quick-attach J34 jet-paks. POP: 1 [N383S].
Super Catalina 19?? = Civil conversion of PBY-5A/-6A wth two 1900hp Wright R-2600, larger squared tail, prop spinners, faired-over nose turret. POP: about 13. Many served in USFS fire duty, notably [N6453C] and [N9505C].
"Val" 1968 = Vultee BT-13/-15 converted for 1970 film Tora! Tora! Tora! as Aichi D3A Val dive-bombers. POP: 10; prototype [N56336]. One crashed in Hawaii during filming [N63227].
(Robert W) Stewart Aerial Vehicle Co, no location.
1910 = 1pO parafoil type with tractor twin-props. US Patent #951,154. No other data found.
1911 Stewart (WW1 Aero #132)

1911 = 1pOB; twin-prop pusher motor. Boxkite type with multi-paneled wings. Photo shows one variation of apparently several Stewarts. US Patent #984,311. Flight data unfound.
W F Stewart Co, Grand Blanc and Flint MI.
Stewart M-1 [X1754] (Tom Heitzman coll)

M-1 (X-1) 1928 = 4pOmwM; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 38'6" length: 26'0" load: 953# v: 105/85/43. John Hunt. Full-cantilever wing; two side-by-side cockpits with dual controls. [X1754].
Stewart M-2 [NR493M] (Frank Rezich coll)

M-2 1931 (ATC 2-349) = 5pChwM; two 300hp Wright J-6; span: 52'10" length: 37'0" load: 1536# v: 155/130/60 range: 350. John Hunt, Lionel Kitchen. Shoulder wing. Also powered for a short time by a Packard DR-980 Diesel. POP: 1, eventually sold to Abrams Aircraft for photo-survey work; scrapped in 1940 [X/NR493M].
C M Stewart, Loyal OK.
Model 1 1935 = 2pOB; 90hp Wright-Gypsy; also shows having 60hp Ford. POP: 1 homebuilt [13979].
Charles L Stewart, Tulsa OK.
B 1938 = 1pOM; 36hp Aeronca. [17622].
Walter E Stewart, Stewart Field, Tyler TX.
Texas Bluebird 1946 = 2pChwM; 65hp Lycoming; span: 34'5" (?>33'10") length: 20'6" load: 435# v: 105/85/35 range: 250; ff: 12/16/46 (possibly earlier) (p: L G Welch). Rebuild of Welch OW-6M with changes in dihedral, control cables, and powerplant. Planned production never occurred, but ship was slated to sell for about $2,000.
1961: Donald Stewart, Oconto WI. 1963: Stewart Aircraft Corp, Menominee MI. 1977: Salem OH. 19??: Vulcan MI.
Headwind JD1HW1.7 aka SAC-1VW 1962 = 1pO-ChwM; 36-53hp VW 1192cc; span: 28'3" length: 17'0" load: 260# v: 110/80/38 range: 180; ff: 3/28/62. Zero wind take-off: 300', landing: 400'. Reminiscent of the original Aeronca bathtub; first design to use the VW engine in the US. POP: 1 prototype [N8667E]. Marketed plans for home-builders with more than 100 reportedly constructed by 2003.
Stewart JD2FF [N2123] (Don Dwiggins via Stewart Corp)

Foo Fighter JD2FF 1971 = 1pOB; 125hp Franklin Sport 4; span: 20'8" length: 18'9" load: 375# v: x/115/x. Pleasure airplane with the cast of a British Bristol Fighter; limited aerobatics. Plans and kits marketed to home-builders. Prototype [N2123].
Ed Stewart, Paso Robles CA.
Swifty #2 1983 = 1pChwM; 75hp Lycoming O-145; span: 24'2" length: 17'10". Tricycle gear. No data found on a possible #1 version. [N441ES].
Stiles Aircraft, Sycamore IL. 1928: 538 S Dearborn St, Chicago IL.
Dragon Fly 1927 = 2pOhwM; 80hp Detroit Air Cat or Anzani; span: 36'0" length: 23'11" load: 537# v: 105/85/38 range: 450. Russell C Mossman. Parasol wing; optional folding wings. $1,985. POP: ?, [4193, 5737] with Anzani. One appears in a 1929 register as Velie-powered Dragon Fly NAF-1 [7600], with manufacturing credit to Dragon Fly Aircraft Co, 1807 Foster St, Chicago IL.
(Jack) Stinson SEE J B S
Stipe SEE Yates
1948: Ray Stits, Battle Creek MI; c.1951: FlaBob Airport, Riverside CA. 1957: Discontinued kit production to focus on Type-certified aircraft.
Stits JA-1A [N1293] (1951 MI Aviation Yearbook)

SA-1A Junior 1948 = 1pClwM; 36hp Aeronca, then 65hp Continental C-65; span: 8'10"-9'4" length: 10'10"-11'4" v: x/150/45. Ray Stits, Martin Young. "The World's Smallest Monoplane" was fashioned from the framework of a war-surplus Taylorcraft L-2. POP: 1. The last of 3 modifications had 75hp Continental C-75, 9'4" span, and top speed of 150mph. [N1293].
Stits Sky-Baby [N5K] (Los Angeles Mirror-News)

SA-2A Sky-Baby 1951 = 1pCB; 65hp Continental C-65; span: 7'2" length: 11'4" load: 214# v: 200/x/55. Gross wt: 666#. POP: 1 [N5K]. Touted as the "World's Smallest Airplane," which was finally bettered in the 1980s by Don Stits' 1pOB (span: 6'3" length: 11'0").
Stits Playboy 1957 [N1367N]

SA-3A, -3B Playboy 1953 = 1pClwM; 65-90hp Continental; span: 22'2" length: 17'4" load: 302# v: 135/125/38 range: 400 ceiling: 12,000'. SA-3B was side-by-side 2p version with 115hp Lycoming in 1955, later with optional 100-180hp Continentals; span: 24'2" length: 17'10" load: 655#. Cessna 120 gear. POP: 1 prototype [N38K]; estimated more than 1,000 kits built throughout the world!
SA-4A Executive aka Stits-Besler 1955 = 2-3pClwM; 150hp Lycoming O-320; span: 25'6" length: 18'6" v: 165/150/45 range: 350. Contracted by William Besler as a folding-wing, tri-gear, trailable personal plane planned for a Besler steam engine (SEE Besler). Wings could be folded in one minute for towing. $6,000; POP: 1 [N36K].
SA-5A, -5B Flut-R-Bug 1955 = 1pOmwM; 65hp Lycoming; span: 18'0". Modified to 22'0" span and 65hp Continental. Tri-gear. SA-5B was essentially a cosmetic clean-up. Reportedly could lift off in 100' in zero-wind and climb at a 45° angle.
SA-6A, -6B, -6C Flut-R-Bug 1955 = 2pCmwM; 65hp Continental; span: 26'0" length: 17'6" load: 440# v: 100/90/38 range: 250 ceiling: 12,000'. Tandem cockpits. Prototype SA-6A tandem-seater [N50P] was followed by 1956 SA-6Bpower options to 90hp, side-by-side seating, and larger tailof which at least 20 built by home-builders, and a sole SA-6C.
SA-7 Sky-Coupe - 2pChwM. Stits' initial entry in the "ready-made" aircraft market.
SA-7A c.1956 = 65hp Continental; span: 24'4" length: 17'9" v: 100. POP: 1[N5581V].
SA-7B 1957 = 65hp (later 85hp) Continental; span: 26'8". Redesigned fuselage and tail; elevator trim tab. POP: 1 [N5594V].
SA-7C 195? = 125hp Lycoming. POP: 1 custom-built fuselage only.
Stits Sky-Coupe [N8746H] (Aviation Week via Ron Dupas)

SA-7D c.1961 = Production version supplied in kit and blueprint form. Harold Dale, Ray Stits. 85hp Continental; span: 27'4" length: 19'0" load: 550# v: 140/138/48 range: 410. Power options to 100hp.
SA-8A Skeeto 1957 = Ultralight. 1pOhwM; 18hp derated Evinrude outboard motor; span: 24'0" (later: 30'0") length: 18'0" v: 55/45/18. Gross wt: 400# empty wt: 265#. All-wood construction. [N6048C].
SA-9A Sky-Coupe 1957 (4A31) = Redesigned, ready-to-fly version of SA-7. TC awarded in Dec 1961.
SA-11A Playmate 1963 = 2-3pClwM; 125hp Continental O-290; span: 27'8" length: 18'9" load: 530# v: 122 range: 410. Folding wing. Prototype [N5K] (number transfer from Sky-Baby?).
-Besler Executive SEE S-4A.
1979: Stoddard-(Tom) Hamilton Aircraft Inc, Arlington WA. 1980: Corporation formed. 1989: Subsidiary Stoddard Intl Inc formed to produce composite parts for Boeing Co. 2000: Bankruptcy. 2001: Glasair holdings acquired by Glasair Acquisitions LLC (pres: Thomas Wathen), Riverside CA; GlaStar intellectual property rights and inventory acquired by AADI. June 2001: AADI assets acquired by New Glasair LLC (pres/CEO: Mikael Via), Arlington.
Glasair Specific models unknown

Glasair aka SH-2 1979 = 2pClwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235 [N88TH], 150hp Lycoming O-320 [N88SH] (1980); span: 23'3" length: 18'11" load: 600# v: 225/217/65 range: 1000.
Glasair II, IIS 1979 = Type designations for FT, RG, and TD; IIS had extended fuselage.
Glasair FT aka II FT 1984 = 2pClwM; 160hp Lycoming O-320-H; load: 700# v: 226/177/62.
Glasair RG II aka II RG 1982 = Retractable-gear version of TD. 2pClwM rg; 180hp Lycoming IO-360; span: 23'4" length: 20'4" load: 700# v: 250/235/50; ff [modified N88SH]: 7/13/82; v: 256. Prototype [N540RG].
Glasair Super IIS 1993 = Enlarged version.
Glasair TD II aka II TD 1979 = 2pClwM; 115hp Lycoming O-235, 160hp O-2365 in 1980 for production version. POP: 1 prototype [N89SH]; marketed in kit form to home-builders with 150 units sold in 1980. EAA Raspet Award in 1981 for outstanding contribution to the design of light aircraft.
Glasair III (Stoddard-Hamilton)

Glasair III 1986 = 2pClwM rg; 300hp Lycoming IO-540-K1H5; length: 21'4" load: 850# v: 290/275/74 range: 1281. Turbo version in 1990, propjet version in 1994 built by Composite Turbine Tech (Toledo WA) with 450hp Allison 250 B-17.
GlaStar 1995 = 2pChwM; 125hp Continental IO-240, later 160hp Lycoming O-320; span: 35'0" length: 22'0" load: 800# v: 156/150/48 range: 820; ff: 11/29/94.
Turbine 250/III aka SH/Arocet AT-9 Stalker 1988 = 2pClwM rg; 450hp Allison 250-B17C; ff: 7/24/88 [N253LC]; span: 23'4" length: 22'0" load: 850# v: 330/280/70 range: 1200. Developed in association with Arocet Inc, Arlington WA (pres: Tom Hamilton), as a low-cost military trainer.
Stoelk, Hacker
William E Stoelk, Manning IA & Wendel G Hacker, Templeton IA.
Stoelk [962N] (William E Stoelk II coll)

1930 = 1pOhwM; 40hp Salmson AD-9; span: 20'0" length: 16'3" load: 285# v: 145/130/50 ceiling: 8,000'; ff: 11/9/30 (p: L D "Dutch" Miller). W E Stoelk. Steel-tube framework. Built by Stoelk for W G Hacker as a prototype for planned production at an estimated $1,800. Height was less than six feet, making it one of the smallest planes at the time built following federal guidelines. POP: 1 [962N] c/n 101, registered as Hacker. Placed in storage due to financial difficulties, eventually dismantled and its parts sold.

Reports of this plane being refitted with a 200hp Clerget diesel are very likely in error, the result of an errant press release about that engine being tested at Villacoublay, France, at the time. Four paragraphs of text found its way onto the end of a news article about Stoelk, and an association of the two was implied. ( K O Eckland 12/11/00)
Stolp, Stolp-Adams
Stolp Starduster Corp (Louis A Stolp & George M Adams), Compton CA. 1972: Sold to Jim & Hanako Osborne, Riverside CA.
SA-100 Starduster 1957 = 1pOB; 125hp Lycoming; span: 19'0" length: 17'0" load: 300# v: 148/130/55 range: 400; ff: 11/x/57. Prototype [N70P]. Many kit- and plan-built by home-builders.
SA-300 Starduster Too 196? = 2pOB; 180hp Lycoming O-360 or any flat-four or radial engine 125-260hp; span: (upper) 24'0" (lower) 20'5" length: 21'9" load: 800# v: 200/153/60 (?>200/135/55).
SA-500 Starlet 1969 = 1pOhwM parasol; VW 1500cc to 100hp engines; span: 25'0" length: 17'0" load: 450# v: x/90/55 range: 350. Swept-back wing. Kits and plans marketed for home-builders for $35.00.
SA-700 Acroduster 1 1973 = 1pOB; 180hp Lycoming; span: 19'0" length: 15'9" load: 450# v: 180/165/70 range: 300. Fully aerobatic.
SA-750 Acroduster 2 197? = 2pCB; 200hp Avco-Lycoming IO-360; span: 21'5" length: 18'6" load: 750# v: x/160/70. Tandem seatinmg under a bubble canopy.
SA-900 V-Star c.1980 = Essentially a biplane version of Starlet. 1pOB; 65hp Continental; span: 23'0" length: 17'2" v: x/75/35.
Erie PA(?).
Red Devil 1911 = OB; no data.
Stone & Fry, Park City MT.
S-2 1931 = 1pOM; 120hp Anzani. [10642] c/n 4.
Edward R Stone, Wichita KS.
B-2 1931 = Unknown type. Packard diesel. [568Y].
1928: (N E) Storms Aircraft Co, Asheville NC. 1929: Spartanburg Aviation Co, Spartanburg SC.
Storms Flying Flivver prototype [4895] (Skyways)
Storms Flying Flivver (Aviation)

Flying Flivver 1928 = 1pOhwM; 36hp Ford T; span: 31'0" length: 20'6" load: 350# v: 65/45/20 range: 135. Parasol wing. $985; POP: probably only 1 [4895], which a newspaper report had as crash-landing that year, piloted by A J Storm [sic], perhaps a relative? Optional 60hp Ford A; v: 70/50/20; $1135. Advertised in kit form, less motor, one of which appears in Texas registers as (Wyley J) Wood-Storms [11917]; another shows as Lee-Storms [882Y]; others built from kits: [627W, 882Y, 10212].
W J Stossel, Palm Beach FL.
A-1 1937 = 1pOM; 45hp Szekely. [11598].
Location unknown.
1949 = 4pClwM; 150hp Franklin; span: 35'0" length: 23'6" v(cruise): 135 range: 600. Mischa Kantor. $4,000; POP: 1 [NR74106]. Attractive, short-lived, all-metal entry in a depressed market.
Straughn, Straughn-Holmes
1932: (Frank) Straughn Aircraft Corp, Wichita KS.
Straughn A [NC12582] (Peter Bowers coll)
Straughn B [X439N] (Peter Bowers coll)

A, B 1930 (ATC 2-478) = 2pOB; 40hp Straughn AL-1000 (converted Ford A); span: 28'6" length: 19'9" v: 80. Ross Holmes, Glenn Stearman. Reportedly was first developed as a parasol monoplane at Cessna factory. $990; POP: 4; 1 prototype [X12561] and 2 production As in 1931-32 [11919, NC12582], and 1 60hp experimental B [X493N]. Company moved into the former Yellow Aerocab plant in 1933. ATC issued in 1934. Design evolved into Wiley Post.
1948: (C Kenneth) Strickland Aircraft Corp, High Point NC.
1948 = 5pCmwM; two motors buried in the wings. No data. Doubtful production.
Striker Air
Striker Aircraft Mfg & Services (fdr: Steve Mahrle), Oshkosh WI.
Stroble Aeronautics.
1911 = No data.
Carl Strom & Oscar Olesen, Mineola NY.
Monoplane c.1912 = OM; span: 49'0". All-steel construction.
Robert C Stroop, Rome GA, Jacksonville AL.
Scout (Jacksonville) 1932 = 1pOhwM; 80hp LeRhône rotary. POP: 1 major conversion of a Thomas-Morse Scout into a parasol monoplane to test Stroop's arcuate aileron system.
SP-4 (Rome) c.1927 = OB/T; 90hp Curtiss OX-5. Convertible biplane-to-triplane arrangement. An intriguing conceptual machine about which nothing was found except its registration, and FAA had no details. POP: 1 [4197], very likely not completed or did not exist long enough to be recorded.
SP-7 1940 = CM/B. A remarkable airplane, convertible in flight. In cruising flight the machine worked as a conventional monoplane. On take-off and landing the wings were split in two halves, the upper part moving upwards and the lower part downwards to form a sort of "X." Tested in wind tunnel, but probably not built to fly.
1953: (Michael) Stroukoff Aircraft Corp, Trenton NJ.
YC-123E Provider c.1956 = Fairchild C-123B copy with "Pantobase" tracklike landing gear for operating off snow, ice, and sand, as well as land; two 2300hp P&W R-2800-99W; span: 110'0" length: 75'9" v: 245/205/x range: 1470 ceiling: 29,000'. POP: 1 [55-4031].
YC-134 (YC-123D) 1956 = Troop carrier. Two 3500hp Wright R-3350; experimental development of Fairchild C-123B with similar dimensions Fitted with a boundary layer control system, tailplane endplates, and tandem mainwheels. POP: 1 conversion [53-8068].
Stroukoff YC-134 With quad gear [52-1627] (William T Larkins)
YC-134A 1958 = Sealed and strengthened fuselage; "Pantobase" multi-purpose landing gear fitted (?) with land/water skis and wingtip floats. POP: 1 rebuild [52-1627]. Began as Chase C-123B, then was modified by Fairchild as YC-123B with wingtip J44 jets, and later reputedly converted by Stroukoff as YC-134A "Pantobase" with R-3350-89A engines and boundary layer control.

Can anyone confirm this conversion? ( Joe Baugher)
Student Prince SEE Adcox
1909: Chicago Aero Works (pres: H S Renton), 345 River St, Cicero IL.
Stupar First effort (Drina Welch Abel coll)

Biplane 1914 = 1pOswB; Hall-Scott, also Kirkham 4. Stupar's first construction while employed by the Aero Works, this one for Hillery Beachy. Six-wheel undercarriage.
Stupar (Drina Welch Abel coll)

Biplane 1914 = 1pOB and OswB; 75hp Curtiss OXX-5, also 60hp Kirkham 6. Max F Stupar. POP: 2 exhibition ships for Earl Daugherty, the second one with 50hp Gnôme rotary. Similar planes were also built for Victor Carlstrom, William Couch, Robert Shank, and other local notables, some likely produced as Chicago Aero's Star Tractor (qv).
(Benjamin F) Sturtevant Blower Works. 1914: B F Sturtevant Co, Hyde Park, Boston MA. 1915: Sturtevant Aeroplane Co (pres: Noble Foss, vp/gen mgr: Grover C Loening), div of Sturtevant Mfg Co, Jamaica Plain MA.
Sturtevant A-1

A (A-1) Tractor 1915 = span: 47'0" length: 25'10". POP: 1.
A (A-2) Seaplane - 1915 design only, unbuilt.
A (A-3) Battleplane 1915 = span: 47'0" length: 25'10". POP: 1. Only one recorded flight, at nearby Readville Trotting Park in Dec 1915.
B Naval Speed Scout - 1916 design only, unbuilt.
Sturtevant B-1 (WW1 Aero)

B-1 Speed Scout 1916 = Army pursuit. 1pOswB; Sturtevant A5; span: 30'7" length: 23'3". Grover Loening. POP: 1.

Four aircraft were ordered by the Army on 12/8/16, as [AS277/280]. The first one flew the first time on 3/20/17, but crashed on that flight; the remaining three were then cancelled. (-- Jos Heyman 7/14/00)
Sturtevant B-2 (WW1 Aero)

B-2 Pursuit 1916 - 1pOswB; span: 30'7" length: 23'3". POP: 1. Clipped a tree on landing in Mar 1917 and crashed.
P-L Tractor 1915 = 2pOB; 80hp 6-cyl Sturtevant. Unrecorded designation, could be a renamed A-1 Tractor. No indication of what "P-L" meant"L" for Loening, if its designer?
S-2 Trainer 1916 = Advanced trainer. 2pOB; 130hp Sturtevant 5; span: 49'6" (?>38'0") length: 25'1" v: 50. POP: 2 to USAS [AS110/111] (4 more cancelled but issued s/ns [AS64/67]) and 12 to USN [A76/81, A128/133], most as 2pOBF.
Sturtevant S-3

S-3 1916 = 2pOB. No data.
Sturtevant S-4 Seaplane (1916 Flying)

S-4 Seaplane 1916 = USN scoutplane. 2pOBF; span: 48'7" length: 25'1". POP: 12 to USN, 1 to Rhode Island Naval Militia.
Sturtevant Battleplane (Aerial Age via Joe Martin)

S-4 Tractor 1916 = Army scout-bomber. 2pOB; 150hp Sturtevant 5A; span: 48'7" (?>50'0") length: 25'1" (?>28'0") load: 525# v: x/73/40. George Armitage, Grover Loening. Steel frame, steel sheeting skin; experimental 8'0" x 2'6" twin-gun gondolas were mounted on each lower wing of one of the ships as a "Battleplane." POP: 4 to Air Service [AS126/127, AS214/215]. Contract for 26 was pared after complaints from pilots about crowded cockpit, overheating problems, and general workmanship
School Hydroaeroplane - 1916 2pOBF naval trainer design, unbuilt.
Steel Trainer 1918 = Army advanced trainer. 2pOB, no data. POP: 1 [AS40007], shows on military inventory, but not company records.
Trainer 1916 = Army advanced trainer. 2pOB; 135hp Sturtevant 5; span: 38'0" length: 25'0" v: 80. Monocoque fuselage. POP: 5 [AS211/215]; s/ns [AS216/228] also issued but aircraft were not built.
1929: (William P) Sullivan Aircraft Mfg Co, 630 E Gilbert St, Wichita KS.
Sullivan K-3 [X370M] (wingsoverkansas.com coll)

K-3 Crested Harpy 1929 = 3pClwM; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 36'0" length: 24'0" (?>22'3") load: 766# v: 126/105/44. Laird Co's Jake Moellendick reportedly was involved to some extent. POP: 2 known [NR127V, X370M], perhaps moreSullivan also built about a dozen SG-1 gliders in 1930 for use at Braley School of Aviation. Research by John J Jarratt suggests this is the same Sullivan operating in San Francisco a couple of years later, as follows.
(W P) Sullivan Aircraft Co, 1693 Mission St, San Francisco CA.
Goblin 1931 = 2pOM; 38hp Continental. [10694] c/n SC-1. Sold and resold many times around the Bay Area and Santa Rosa, acquired a 50hp Indian and a 60hp LeBlond in its travels, so was seemingly quite active until its registration expired in 1940 and was cancelled. Likely similar to the Crested Harpy above, judging by their mythic model names. As Jarratt says, after all that time it surely must appear in someone's photo, if only in the background, but nothing has surfaced yet.

Officers in the Sullivan company were J W Robb and J J Schmidt, who also show up later as principals in the Ful-Vue Fixtures Co Ltd, one of the plane's buyers (6/24/32). Universal Engine & Propeller Co, Berkeley (SF Bay Airdrome, Alameda 1937), acquired it on 1/29/34 and installed their Universal Indian with variable-pitch prop. After several more changes of owners, and the LeBlond in 1937, the reg was cancelled on 4/15/1940 ( John M Jarratt 4/20/04).
Summit Aeronautical Corp (pres: M V D Towt), Westfield MA (planes were built by Miller Aviation Corp, Springfield MA). c.1940: Bendix NJ.
Summit HM-5 [NX25332] (1939 Aviation)

HM-5 1939 = 2pClwM rg; 75hp Continental A-75; span: 28'0" length: 22'0" v: 142/x/38. Howell Miller. The first aircraft to be constructed entirely of Vidal bonded plastic-plywood material. POP: 1 [NX25332]. Evolved into 1940 Westfield.
Sun Aerospace Group, Nappanee IN.
Sun Ray 100 [N103SR] (Ian MacFarlane)

Ray 100 1983 = 1pCmwMAm canard; 37hp Kawasaki 440B pusher; ff (all-composite prototype [N3932]): 9/4/83. Production aircraft was mixed wood and steel with 52hp Rotax 503; span: 32'0" length: 13'4" load: 340# v: 90/80/40; ff: 1/13/87 [N222SR]. Another (pictured) showed up at the 1987 Paris Air Show [N103SR] c/n 100-103.
Sunbeam SEE American Sunbeam, Commercial
(Eiler C) Sundorph Aeronautical Corp, Cleveland OH.
1932 = 2pOM; 100hp ACE (Cirrus). [X12886] c/n 1.
Sundorph A-1 [R2599] (Dustin Carter via Peter Bowers)

A-1 Special 1937 = 4pChwM; 225hp Jacobs L-4. Attractive racer with metal fuselage and fabric-covered wood-frame wing developed wing flutter in 1937 Bendix race and was never flown again. [R2599] c/n 2.
Hugo Sundstedt & Christoffer Hannevig; built by Wittemann-Lewis Co.
Sundstedt-Hannevig Side-view (1919 Aeroplane)
Sundstedt-Hannevig Hugo Sundstedt and factory interiors (anonymous)
Sundstedt-Hannevig Cabin entryway

Sunrise 1919 = 4pCBF; two 220hp Hall-Scott L-6 pushers; span: (upper) 100'0" (lower) 71'6" length: 50'6" v: 80. Sundstedt-designed, linen-covered balsawood floats of 32' length, all else was of ash and spruce construction; 750-gallon fuel tanks. One of the largest seaplanes then in existence, the plane was built for an intended transatlantic flight by the two Swedish aeronauts, but it crashed in a test flight in Feb 1919 and was considered beyond economical repair.
Sun Lake
LanShe Aerospace aka Sun Lake Aircraft (pres: Wadi Rahim), Ft Pierce FL.
Buccaneer 2, 2T 2002 = Production of upgraded Lake Buccaner amphibians (qv).
Superior Aircraft Co, Dearborn MI.
1926 = 3pOB; 120hp Super LeRhône static; span: 31'6" length: 23'6"; ff: 8/15/26. POP: 1 [1636] c/n 1, sold in 1927 to Henry J Limbright (Dearborn), but reg cancelled 10/16/28 when he failed to reply to CAA inquiry for information.
Superior Aircraft Co (pres: Leo C Mohme), 2525 Pennway, Kansas City MO.
1929 = 1pOlwM; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 24'6". Leo Mohme. POP: 2 racers [NR251N, x], sounding suspiciously like Air-istocrat SR-4 except for location. Mohme was a designer that year for US Aircraft, builder of the SR-4.

Information from Kansas City as a list of racing aircraft and race pilots from that area shows no Superior. Bill Ong in his Ride the High Wind does mention an "Aristocrat" built in Kansas Citycould he have meant "Air-istrocrat"? (-- John M Jarratt 3/12/02)

An article in the 5/28/29 Kansas Citizen tells of personnel from Kansas City's National Aircraft Welding School setting up National Aircraft Co and acquiring the services of Mohme, their intention being to build two planes. I suggest they changed name to Superior as there was a National Aircraft in NJ at the time. ( John M Jarratt 5/20/03)
1956: Superior Aircraft Corp div of Priestly-Hunt Corp, Culver City CA. 1958: Rights sold to California Aero Corp, Tracy CA.
LCA, LFA 1956 (ATC 730) = Continuation of Culver series.
Satellite 1957 (ATC 2-559, 2-584) = 2pClwM rg; 80hp Franklin 4AC; span: 29'0" length: 21'0" load: 570# v: 130 range: 700; ff: 12/20/57. Rebuild of Culver PQ-8 target drone. $6,720; POP: c.40.
V, V2 195? (ATC 778) = Continuation of Culver series. POP: unknown.
Super-Marine Systems Inc, Graybar Bldg NY (sales office).
1930 = hwFb; two Super-Marine Special motors were buried in the wing; equipped with "sponsons." [11035]. No other data found.
Adolph G Sutro, San Francisco CA.
1913 = Twin tractor "hydro-aeroplane." Waldo Waterman is said to have been involved in the building of this ship used by Sutro, grandson of San Francisco's Mayor Adolph H Sutro, for his own pleasure, as well as sightseeing flights. Reportedly used to set several international records, including a speed record of 51 mph in 1913.
Swallow, New Swallow
William G Swan, Atlantic City NJ.
1931 = 1pOhwM; rocket engine; ff: 6/4/31. Powered glider used in the first rocket-powered, manned flight in the US; a second flight followed the next day. Swan also carried some mail, so it would also qualify as the first rocket-propelled air mail.
Swanson, Swanson-Fahlin, Swanson-Freeman
1917: Swen Swanson, Williamsburg VA. 1922: Univ of South Dakota, Vermillion SD. 1925: Swanson-(Edgar) Freeman, Vermillion SD. 1931: Rockford IL. Swanson Aircraft Co Inc, Hopewell VA. 1934: Swanson-(Olaf "Ole") Fahlin, at Nicholas-Beazley Airplane Co, Marshall MO. 1935: Fahlin Mfg Co (propellers).
1917 = 1pOM; span: 21'0". Swanson's first construction, age 17 at the time. Possibly designated SS-1 retrospectively.
1919 = 1pOB; span: 31'0". Possibly designated SS-2 retrospectively.
Swanson SS-3 (Skyways)

SS-3 1922 = 1pOB; 28hp Lawrance; span: 18'9" length: 15'0" load: 200# v: 90/x/40; ff: 9/24/22 (p: Vern Roggers). All-wood monocoque fuselage. Design evolved into Lincoln Sportplane when Swanson went to Lincoln-Standard Co.
SS-4 c.1922 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 34'0". Side-by-side cockpit, I-struts. Was auctioned from museum estate in 1995.
W-15 Coupe 1931 (ATC 2-312) = 2pChwM; 110hp Warner Scarab; span: 34'4" length: 25'0" v: 125/95/40 range: 625. Swen Swanson. Cantilever wing. $4,450, $4,985 with starter, battery and generator, lights, steel prop, added instrumentation; [NC10546] c/n 1. Design carried into Swanson-Fahlin SF-1.
Swanson-Fahlin SF-1 [X271Y] (Popular Aviation)

-Fahlin SF-1 1934 = 2pChwM; 85hp Pobjoy R; span: 28'0" length: 21'10" load: 500# v: 130/104/42; ff: 4/x/34. Design based on Swanson W-15. POP: 1 [X271Y] c/n 1; repowered c.1937 with 85hp Continental A-85. Disposition after c.1940 is uncertain, reportedly was stored in a hangar on a field taken over by the military, who consigned it to the scrap pile. Despite many references to a trio of Swanson and Fahlin-designed planes built by Nicholas-Beazley Co, only the SF-1 and SF-2 were built at the N-B plant, and those by Swen Swanson in rented space.
Swanson-Fahlin SF-2 Finis [365]

-Fahlin SF-2, Fahlin Plymocoupe 1935 = 2pChwM; 82hp 6-cylinder Plymouth PJ auto engine (not inverted as often thought) with a geared propshaft; span: 32'0" length: 17'9" (?>20'6") load: 536# v: 120/100/40 (>:105/90/40) range: 500 ceiling: 16,000'. Swen Swanson, Ole Fahlin. Became known as Fahlin after Swanson's death from pneumonia in Feb 1935 during construction. POP: 1 [NS65=365] c/n SF-2. Sold in Nov 1935 after it failed to meet DoC contract specifications and, fitted with extra fuel tanks as Sea-Aska, it crash-landed in fog at Juneau AK in Sep 1936 during an attempted non-stop Anchorage-Seattle flightpilot Russell Owens telegraphed his backers: "Sea-Aska on her asska in Alaska." Destroyed in a 1938 hangar fire in Juneau. Although Plymocoupe is often thought to be an Nicholas-Beazley product, none was ever produced by that company. Fahlin went on to fame and fortune with his propeller business.
Swanson-Freeman SS-4 [3522] (Aviation via Joe Martin)

-Freeman SF-4 1923 = 2pOB; 80hp LeRhône; span: 28'0" length: 21'7" load: 570# v: 95/x/35; ff: 11/11/23 (p: Ellred Callender). Edgar Freeman, Swen Swanson. I-struts; dual controls. Was still on the active register in 1936; last known stored in a museum near Univ of South Dakota. POP: 1 [3522] c/n 4. It was seen c.1928 as Span Wings 32 with 90hp Curtiss OX-5 [X3522], but with no explanation for that model designation.
Darwin F Swanson, Murray IA.
B-4-T 1933 = 1pOM; 55hp Swanson, later 50hp Ford. [13619].
Carl Swanson, Zion IL.
Flyabout A-12 1935 = 1pOhwM; 30hp Heath-Henderson. [14833] c/n 2505.
D F Swanson, OR.
C-O-2 1938 = 2pOM; 65hp Swanson. [19954] c/n 29.
Swearingen, Fairchild-Swearingen
1959: (Ed) Swearingen Aircraft, San Antonio TX. 1970: Rights to Queen Air 800 and Excalibur acquired by Excalibur Aviation Co, San Antonio. 1971: Swearingen Aircraft acquired by Fairchild Industries as Swearingen Aviation Corp. 1981: Fairchild Swearingen Corp. 1986: Swearingen Engineering & Technology Inc (formed 1987). 1987: Fairchild Aviation Corp sold to GMF Investments Inc. 1990: Fairchild Aviation Corp bought by Fairchild Acquisition Inc. 1995: Sino Swearingen Aircraft Co (Taiwan investment group). 1996: Fairchild Aircraft acquired Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH (Germany). 1999: Sino Swearingen Aircraft Corp, San Antonio.
There have been two Swearingen companies. The first one, responsible for the Excaliburs, Merlins and Metros, went bankrupt and Fairchild, their prime creditor (they built the Metro's wings for Swearingen) took them over in 1972. Once Fairchild bailed out of aviation, this was sold off, keeping the Fairchild name, later becoming Fairchild Dornier when they bought most of Dornier. Ed started up a new company, which is reponsible for the SX-300, SA-30, SJ-30, and now SJ30-2. This is now Sino-Swearingen, due to an influx of Taiwanese money, thanks to the efforts of Lockheed, which needed offsets for their sale of F-16s to Taiwan. ( David Lednicer 4/6/99)
Swearingen Excalibur [N170V] (Swearingen)

Excalibur 196? = Modification of Beech D50 Twin Bonanza with two 380hp Lycoming IGSO-540-B1A in low-drag nacelles; load: 2800# v: 265/252/83 range: 1450-1700 ceiling: 30,000'.
Merlin I 1965 = Two Lycoming TIGO-540; new pressurized fuselage mated to
Beech Queen Air wing.
Merlin II SA26-T (TC A5SW, A8SW) 1965 = Turboprop version of Merlin I with two 578hp P&WC PT6A-8.
Merlin IIA 1966 = Two 550hp P&WC PT6A-20; fuselage lengthened 2'6".
Merlin IIB SA26-AT 1967 = Major production version. Two 665hp Garrett TPE331-1-151G.
Merlin III, IIIA SA226-T 1969 = Shortened 8-10p version of Metro; new wing replaced Queen Air wing. Two 840hp Garrett TPE331-3-303; span: 46'4" length: 42'3" v: x/283/93 range: 2670 ceiling: 28,900'. $690,625 in 1974, less avionics. From 1975 as Merlin IIIA.
Merlin IV, IVA 1969 = 12-22p exec version of Metro; two TPE331-3-303. From 1975 as Merlin IVA.
Merlin 300 1984 = Refined Merlin III with two 900hp Garrett TPE331-10U-513G.
Swearingen Metro (Swearingen)

Metro 1969 = First production version. 21-22pChwM with two 840hp Garrett AiResearch TPE-331-3UW-303G; span: 46'4" length: 59'5" load: 5125# v: 292/278/99 range: 995-2400 ceiling: 27,490'; ff: 8/26/69. $743,750 in 1974, less avionics; POP: 20.
Metro II SA226-TC 1975 = Minor improvements, larger cabin windows. Two Garrett TPE331-3UW-3003G plus optional 350# static-thrust Aerojet General JATO; v: 294/279/99.
Metro III SA227-AC, C-26A 1981 = Increased wingspan, increased take-off weight, engines upgraded to Garrett AiResearch TPE331-11U-612G or P&W-Canada PT6A-45R; v: 356/317/x range: 795 ceiling: 26,700'..
Metro IIIA 1981 = Two P&WC PT6A-45R.
Metro IV SA227-AT 1988 = No data.
SA227-B= No data.
Swearingen Metro 23

Metro 23 198? = Two Garrett TPE331-12UA-701G.
Queen Air 80 196? = Modified Beech Queen Air with two 380hp IGSO-540-A1A or 400hp Lycoming IO-720.
SA-30, SJ30 1991 = 8pClwM; two 1900# Williams Intl FJ44 turbofans; span: 36'4" length: 42'4" load: 4150# v: 541/512/x range: 2390 ceiling: 41,000'; ff: 2/13/91. Originally SA-30, renamed SJ30.
SJ30-2 1996 = 8pClwM; two 2300# Williams-RR FJ44-2A turbofans; span: 42'4" length: 47'0" load: 5300# v: 548/514/x range: 2877 ceiling: 49,000'.
SA-32T Turbo Trainer 1989 = Turboprop version of SX300. 2pClwM; 420hp Allison 250-B17D; v: 332/315/x. POP: 1.
SX300 1984 = Home-built sport plane. 2pClwM; 300hp Lycoming IO-540-L1C5; span: 24'5" length: 21'2" load: 800# v: 285/275/x range: 1151; ff: 7/11/84.
Taurus c.1986 = Modified Beech King Air 90 with two 700hp P&W PT6A-135.
1928: Swift Aircraft Corp (pres: W R Ritchey), 3301 S Oliver, Wichita KS.
Swift 18 [7653]

18 1928 = Sport with 120hp Quick. C B Bennett, Thomas Finney. POP: 3 [7653] c/n 1002, [8196] s/n 1003 (later reregistered as Swift 15 c/n 1005), and [X8863] c/n 5.
19 1929 = Sport with Wright J-6-5. POP: 1 [X8864] c/n 6.
Special 1928 = 1pOB; Siemens and Warner. Other details unknown.
Sport 1928 = 2pOB; 100hp Kinner K-5; span: 29'0" length: 21'3" (?>20'0") load: 618# v: 115/100/38 range: 620. Optional Wright J-5; load: 620# v: 132/115/41 range: 600. POP: 1 [X4647] c/n 1000.
Trainer 1929 = 2pOB; 90hp Curtiss OX-5; span: 33'0" length: 24'8" load: 340# v: 89/75/38. POP: in all, 8 aircraft are reported to have been produced by Swift Corp, but how many of which is unknown.
Swift SEE ALSO Globe Swift
Swivel Buggy & Wagon Co.
1910 = No data.
Sig Syvrud, Mandan ND.
1936 = Home-built. 1pOB; Szekely; span: 18'0" v: 90/80/35. Al Schauss.
Arpad "Art" Szaraz, Cleveland OH.
SDS-1A Daphne 1963 = 2pChwM; 90hp Continental; span: 26'0" length: 19'0" load: 520# v: x/125/40 range: 400. Evolved from Vidervol-Szaraz VS-1. POP: 3 known[N960Z] (c/n 1) built by Arpad Szaraz, ff: 1963; [N962Z] built by Nick Stanich, ff: 2/28/65; [N961Z] built by B D Darmstadt, ff: 6/18/65. At least 26 were under construction by Jan 1970, according to Jane's.
1928: (Otto E) Szekely Aircraft & Engine Co, on acquisition of Burke Engr Co, Holland MI. 1932: Filed bankruptcy.
Szekely Flying Dutchman [9455]

Flying Dutchman 1928 = 1pOlwM; 40hp Szekely SR-3; span: 26'0" length: 18'6" load: 215# v: 80/70/25 range: c.300. $2,200; POP: 2 [X4448, 9455], possibly one other.
"Within all of us is a varying amount of space lint and star dust, the residue from our creation. Most are too busy to notice it, and it is stronger in some
than others. It is strongest in those of us who fly and is responsible for an unconscious, subtle desire to slip into some wings and try for the elusive boundaries of our origin." K O Eckland, Footprints On Clouds